Kodak AFi-II, Aptus-II 10 Technical Bulletin

Technical Bulletin
Internal: 731-01750A-EN Release date: 21 April 2009
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Lens Calibration Guide for Leaf AFi-II 10 and Aptus-II 10 Camera Backs
Leaf AFi-II 10 and Leaf Aptus-II 10 camera backs are accurate and finely tune d instruments with high resolution and very large lens coverage. Each camera back contains the widest digital sensor available for medium and large format cameras. The sensor reveals every nuance of whatever lens is placed on the camera, and itself has properties that may vary across the full sensor width.
To obtain the best quality that is available from the camera back, pe rform lens calib ration for eac h lens that you use. This is achieved by creating a lens calibration file wh ich you apply to your ima ges. Lens calibration files are reference files that characteri ze certain properties of the lens and enable the software to improve the quality of the image. For ex ample, th e lens cali bration fi le will re duce any non-u niformity of color or vignetting to an absolute minimum.
With each camera back, Leaf provides a unique lens calibrat ion file for each commonly use d lens, and a generic lens calibration file for manual lenses of medium focal length. These files, as well as any you may create yourself, are stored by default in the Leaf Tables/Lens Calibrations folder.
Even though the provided files will give adequate images, for best results, it is highly recommended that you take the time to calibrate all your manual lenses to the specific, finely tuned imaging module you have acquired.
This guide takes you through the proces s of cali brating y our len ses, and de scribes h ow you can use the calibration files with Leaf Capture 11 software to achieve images of optimal quality.
Technical Bulletin
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Creating a Lens Calibration File
Setting up to Take the Calibration Sho t
What you will need: a Leaf diffuser or any white diffusing sheet that will fully cover the lenses to be used.
1. Connect the camera back to the Leaf Capture software.
2. Place the camera in front of a u niform li ght source.
Tip: A studio flash with a soft box is recommended.
With this setup, you can now create the lens calibration file using L eaf Capture’s cali bration wiza rd.
Technical Bulletin
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Creating the Lens Calibration File
1. In the Camera menu, select Lens Calibration > Create Wizard.
2. Follow the steps in the lens calibration wizard.
3. At the end of the wizard, select the Load lens calibration check box to load the lens calibration file to your camera back after it is created. This enable s you to take shots wit h the lens calibrati on file.
4. Click Save.
5. In the Save Lens File dialog box, name and save the l ens ca libration f ile. It is recommended to give a logical name to the file, for instance ‘AFi 110mm’. It is highly
recommended that you save all of your lens calibrations in the default location.
Tip: If you are not in the default location, click Lens Calibration Folder to access the default folder directly.
The Load Lens Calibration dialog box appears. The lens calibration file you created is selected.
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