Keithley 228aref schematic

Model 228A Voltage/Current Source
All references to the Model 228 apply also to the Model 228A
01985, Keithley Instruments, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Document Number: 228A.904.01
Safety Precautions
The following safety precautions should be observed before using [his product and any associated instrumeniarion. Although some in­stmmen~s and accessories would normally be used with non-haz­ardous voltages. rhere are situations where hazardous conditions may be present.
This product is intended for use by qualified personnel who recog-
nize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precaurions re­quired to avoid possible injury Read the operating information carefully before using the product.
The types of product users are: Responsible body is Ihe individual or group responsible for the use
and maintenance of equipment, for ensuring rhat the equipment IS operared within its specifications and operating limits. and for en-
surin~ rhat operators are adequately trained. Operators use the product for its intended function. They must be
trained in electrical safety procedures and proper use of the instill­n,ent. They must be protected from electric shock and contact with hazardous live circuits.
Maintenance personnel perform routine procedures on the product to keep it operating, for example, setting the line voltage or replac-
ing consumable materials. Maintenance procedures are described in the manual. The procedures explicitly state if the operator may Peru form them. Otherwise, they should be performed only by service personnel.
Service personnel are trained to work on live circuits, and perform
safe installations and repairs of products. Only properly trained ser­vice personnel may perform installation and service procedures.
Users of this product must be pnxecred from e,cc,ric shock at all times. The responsible body must ensure lhar users are prevenred access and/or insulated from every connection point. In some cases. connections musk be exposed 10 polenrial human contacI. Producl users in these circumsmnces must be rained IO protect themselves
irom the risk of electric shock. If the circuit is capable of operatins BI or above 1000 VOIIS. no conductive part of the circuit may be exposed.
As described in rhe International Eleclrotechnical Commission
(IEC) Standard IEC 664. digital multimeter measuting circuits
(e.g.. Keithley Models I75A, 199. 2000,200l. 2002, and 2010) are
Inslallation Category II. A,, orher i”strume”,s’ s;gnaI lerminals are
Installation Category I and must nor be connected to mains.
Do not connect switching cards direcdy 10 unlimited power circuits~
They are intended to be used with impedance limited sources.
NEVER connect swiiching cards directly 10 AC mains. When con­necting sources to switching cards. install protective devices 10 lim­it fault currem and voltage to rhe card.
Before operating an ins,rumen,. make sure rhe line cord is conncct­ed to a properly grounded power receptacle. lnrpcct the connccim~ cables, test leads. and jumpers for possible wear. cracks. or breaks
before each use.
For maximum safety, do not touch the product, test cables. or an) orher instruments while power is applied IO the circuil under :es,. ALWAYS remove power from ihe entire lest system and discharge any capacitors before: connccring or disconnecting cables or jump­ers, installing or removing switching cards. or making imemal
changes, such as installing or removmg]umpers.
Exercise extreme caution when a shock hazard is present. Lethal voltage may be present on cable connector jacks or test fixtures. The Am&an Xational Standards Institute (ANSI) states that a shock hazard exists when vo,,age levels grearer than 30V RMS. 42.4V
peak, or 60VDC are present. A good safety practice is to expect that hazardous voltage is present in any unknown circuit before measuring.
Do not louch any objea rhat could provide a currcm path to the common side of the circuit under rest or power line (earth) sround. Always make measurements wirh dry hands while rrandinp on a dry. insulated surface capable of wirhstanding [he voltage being
The instrument and accessories must be used in accordance with its specifications and operating instructions or the safety of the equip­ment may be impaired.
The WARNING heading in a manual explains dangers that might result in personal injury or death. Always read the associated infor­mation very carefully before performing the indicated procedure.
Do not exceed the maximum signal levels of the instruments and ac­cessorics, as defined in the specifications and operating informa­tion, and as shown on the instrument or test fixture panels, or switching card.
When fuses are used in a product, replace with same rype and rating for continued protection against fire hazaid.
Chassis connections must only be used as shield connections for measuring circuits, NOT as safety earth ground connections.
If you are using a rest fixture. keep the lid closed while power is ap­plied to the device under test. Safe operation requires the use of a lid interlock.
lfa 0,
mew is present, connect it to safety earth ground using the
wire recommended in the user documentation.
The h
symbol on an instrument indicates that the user should re-
fer to the operaring instructions located in the manual.
Then symbol on an instrument shows that it can source or mea­sure 1000 volts or more. including the combined effect of normal and common mode voltages. Use standard safety precautions IO avoid personal contact with these voltages.
The CAUTION heading in a manual explains hazards that could damage the instrument. Such damage may invalidate the warranty.
Insrmmentation and accessories shall not be connected to humans.
Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the line cord and all test cables.
To maintain protection from electric shock and fire, replacement components in mains circuils, including the power transformer, test leads, and input jacks, must be purchased from Keithley lnstru­merits. Standard fuses, with applicable national safely approvals, may be used if the rating and type are the same. Other componenrs that are not safety related may be purchased from other suppliers as long as they are equivalent to the original component. (Note that se­lected pans should be purchased only through Keithley Instruments to maintain accuracy and functionality of the product.) If you are unsure about the applicability of a replacement component, call a
Keithley instruments office for information.
To clean an instrument, use a damp cloth or mild, water based cleaner. Clean the exterior of the instrument only. Do not apply cleaner directly to [he instrument or allow liquids to enter or spill
on the instrument. Products that consist of a circuit board with no case or chassis (e.g., data acquisition board for installation inm a computer) should never require cleaning if handled according to in­structions. If the board becomes contaminated and operation is af­fected, the board should be returned to the factory for proper cleaning/servicing.
Rev. 10199
This booklet has been written to help the user understand the operation and specifications of the Model 228 Voltage/Current Source. The chapters in this booklet have been written to aid the user in some applications. Terms relating to the V/I source such as: stability, line regulation, load regulation and sensing are defined in the glossary. For a complete explana­tion of the instrument including front panel controls and IEEE-468 bus operation refer to the Model 228 Instruction Manual (Document Number 228-901-01).
The Model 228 is a power supply that can source OT sink electrical power. These unique
features set it apart from ordinary power supplies. Actually, because of the Model 228’s precision and wide dynamic range, the term SOURCE is used to differentiate it from or­dinary power supplies. Most power supplies do what the name implies they supply power­usually voltage or current. The Model 228 is capable of precise control of voltage or current while sourcing or sinking power.
In general, instruments that are defined as power sources supply electrical power to a con­nected load. Some power sources can also act as a load for a” external source. This is generally known as sinking power. There are numerous applications for a” instrument that can sink power as well as supply power. For example, the Model 228 can charge then discharge a battery at a controlled rate.
There are three features that differentiate the Model 228 from power supplies:
1. Multiple Ranges
2. Four Quadrant Operation
3. Constant Voltage/Co”sta”t Current
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