More applications
than dedicated sprayers.

Filled with more options.
(Including the one to do more than a dedicated sprayer.)
The SelectSpray Series offers you more choices than any other
line of sprayers. You can choose a high-quality centrifugal or
diaphragm pump. A 200- or 300-gallon tank. An advanced
automatic or reliable manual rate controller. Most importantly,
the SelectSpray Series gives you the choice to use your utility
vehicle for more than spraying. In minutes, and without tools,
you can detach the sprayer, and use your ProGatorâ„¢ Heavy-Duty
Utility Vehicle for countless other tasks around your course.

With the SelectSpray Series you can choose from two highly reliable
Select the pump of your choice.
pump types. Depending on your preference, you can have a high-pressure
diaphragm pump or high-fl ow centrifugal pump.