67 Series Spectrophotometers
Models 6700, 6705 & 6715
Operating Manual
670 005/REV D/11-11

Safety 7
Guarantee 8
SECTION 1 - Introduction
1.1 Instrument Description 9
1.2 Instrument Specifications 10-11
1.3 Good Practice Guidelines 11-12
SECTION 2 - Getting Started
2.1 Unpacking 13-14
2.2 Installation 14-15
2.2.1 Location 14
2.2.2 Supply voltage 14
2.2.3 Mains connections 14
2.2.4 Touch screen functions 15
2.2.5 Toolbar icons 16-20
2.2.6 Rear panel layout 21
2.2.7 Power on and self tests 22
SECTION 3 - Systems of Operation
3.1 Multi-User and Free Operation 23
3.2 Memory Structure 23
3.2.1 Memory selection 23
3.2.2 Memory Hierarchy 24
3.3 Creating Methods 24-25
3.4 File and Data Management 25-26
SECTION 4 - Instrument Settings
4.1 Menu Options 27
4.2 Set Time & Date 27
4.3 User Preferences 27
4.3.1 Adjust User PIN 28
4.3.2 Language 28
4.3.3 Method View Settings 28
4.3.4 Touch Screen Click 29
4.3.5 Brightness 29
4.3.6 Adjust Date & Time 29
4.4 About 30
4.5 Form Feed 30
4.6 Administration Functions 30
4.6.1 Instrument ID 31
4.6.2 Screen Dump 31
4.6.3 Modify Users 31 Create New User 32 Delete User 32 Delete All Users 32 Reset User PIN 33
4.7 Memory Manager 33

SECTION 5 - Photometrics Mode
5.1 Principles of Measurement 34
5.2 Free Operation 34-37
Setting Method ID 35
Setting Wavelength 36
Setting Method Security 36
Setting Batch ID 36
Auto Log Settings… 37
5.3 Logged In Measurement 38-41
Creating a New Method 39
Setting Method ID 39
Setting Wavelength 39
Setting Method Security 40
Setting Batch ID 40
Auto Log Settings… 41
File & Data Management 42-43
5.4 Performing Measurements – all users 44
Zeroing the Instrument 44
Measuring the Sample 44
SECTION 6 - Spectrum Mode
6.1 Principles of Measurement 45
6.2 Free Operation 45-52
Setting Method ID 46
Selecting Measurement Mode 46
Setting Wavelengths (Start & End) 47
Selecting Plot Interval 48
Setting Method Security 49
Setting Additional Set-up Parameters using the Toolbar Icons 49-52
Setting Analysis Points 49
Setting Auto-Scale 50
Selecting Plot Colour 50
Selecting Axis Colour 51
Setting Batch ID 51
Setting Graph Data Points 51
Selecting Printer Media 52
Auto Log Settings… 52
6.3 Logged In Measurement 53-56
Creating a New Method 54
Setting Method ID 54
Selecting Measurement Mode 54
Setting Wavelengths (Start & End) 55
Selecting Plot Interval 56
Setting Method Security 56
Setting Additional Set-up Parameters using the Toolbar Icons 57-60
Setting Analysis Points 57
Setting Auto-Scale 58
Selecting Plot Colour 58
Selecting Axis Colour 59
Setting Batch ID 59

Setting Graph Data Points 59
Selecting Printer Media 60
Auto Log Settings… 60
File & Data Management 61-62
6.4 Performing Measurements – all users 63-69
Performing a Scan 63
Peforming a Baseline 63
Scanning the Sample 63-64
Analysing the Scan 64-65
Area Under Curve 65
Co-ordinate Tagging 66
Auto Peak & Valley Tagging 66-67
Obtaining Derivative Spectra 67
Overlaying Scans 68
Adding or Subtracting Spectra 69
SECTION 7 - Multi-Wavelength Mode
7.1 Principles of Measurement 70
7.2 Free Operation 70-75
Setting Method ID 71
Selecting Measurement Mode 72
Selecting Sample Style 72
Setting Method Security 72
Setting Wavelengths 73
Calculations 73
Sum 73-74
Setting Batch ID 74
Selecting Printer Media 74
Auto Log Settings... 75
7.3 Logged In Measurement 76-83
Creating a New Method 77
Setting Method ID 77
Selecting Measurement Mode 77
Selecting Sample Style 78
Setting Method Security 78
Setting Wavelengths 79
Calculations 79
Sum 79-80
Setting Batch ID 80
Selecting Printer Media 80
Auto Log Settings… 81
File & Data Management 82-83
7.4 Performing Measurements – all users 84
SECTION 8 - Kinetics Mode
8.1 Principles of Measurement 85
8.2 Free Operation 85-93
Setting Method ID 86
Setting Wavelength 87
Selecting Measurement Mode 87
Run Settings… 87-89

Setting Run Time 88
Setting Lag Time 88
Setting Start On Level 88
Setting Start Level 89
Setting Method Security 89
Standard 89
Factor 90
Selecting Resolution 90
Selecting Units 90
Setting Auto-Scale 91
Selecting Axis Colour 91
Setting Batch ID 92
Setting Graph Data Points 92
Selecting Printer Media 92
Auto Log Settings… 93
8.3 Logged In Measurement 94-104
Creating a New Method 95
Setting Method ID 95
Setting Wavelength 95
Selecting Measurement Mode 96
Run Settings… 96-97
Setting Run Time 96
Setting Lag Time 97
Setting Start On Level 97
Setting Start Level 97
Setting Method Security 98
Setting Concentration Parameters 98-99
Standard 98
Factor 99
Selecting Resolution 99
Selecting Units 99
Setting Auto-Scale 100
Selecting Axis Colour 100
Setting Batch ID 101
Setting Graph Data Points 101
Selecting Printer Media 101
Auto Log Settings… 102
File & Data Management 103-104
8.4 Performing Measurements – all users 105
SECTION 9 - Quantitation Mode
9.1 Principles of Measurement 106
9.2 Free Operation 106-113
Setting method ID 107
Selecting Measurement Mode 108
Setting Wavelength 108
Selecting Resolution 108
Selecting Units 109
Replicates Setup… 109
Setting Method Security 109
Selecting Calibration Standards 110

Setting Curve Fit 110
Setting Auto Scale 111
Selecting Plot Colour 111
Selecting Axis Colour 112
Setting Batch ID 112
Setting Graph Data Points 112
Selecting Printer Media 113
Auto Log Settings… 113
9.3 Logged In Measurement 114-123
Creating a New Method 115
Setting Method ID 115
Selecting Measurement Mode 115
Setting Wavelength 116
Selecting Resolution 116
Selecting Units 116
Replicates Setup… 117
Setting Method Security 117
Selecting Calibration Standards 118
Setting Curve Fit 118
Setting Auto Scale 119
Selecting Plot Colour 119
Selecting Axis Colour 120
Setting Batch ID 120
Setting Graph Data Points 120
Selecting Printer Media 121
Auto Log Settings… 121
File & Data Management 122-123
9.4 Performing Measurements – all users 124
Post Quantitation Tools 125
SECTION 10 - Fitting & Using Alternative Modules/Accessories
10.1 Integral Printer Unit 126
10.2 Cell Holder Modules 127
10.3 Automatic 8 & 6 Cell Changer Modules 128-132
10.4 Sipper Pump Module 133-139
10.5 Peltier Module 140-142
10.6 Sipper/Peltier Module 143-151
SECTION 11 - Maintenance & Troubleshooting
11.1 General 152
11.2 Light Source Replacement 152-155
Tungsten lamp – Model 6700 153
Flash lamp module – Models 6705/6715 154-155
SECTION 12 - Declaration of Conformity 156-158
Glossary of
Icons 159-161

This is important information; please read carefully before installing or using this instrument.
1. The 67 Series Spectrophotometers are designed for operation by trained personnel who are
aware of the principles and applications involved. For further help and advice please contact your local
distributor, e-mail sales@jenway.com or visit www.jenway.com
2. The spectrophotometer is a sensitive electronic and optical instrument designed for use in a
laboratory environment. Careful adherence to the installation instructions must be observed. If in doubt
contact a relevant and competent authority for advice before proceeding.
3. In addition to observing the instructions detailed in the Operating Manual and Service Manual for
this instrument all installation, operating and service personnel must be aware of, and employ, a safe
system of work.
4. Voltage levels hazardous to life are present in this instrument, for personal safety only trained
engineers aware of the risk and avoidance of electric shock should remove protective covers from the
5. This instrument is designed for minimal maintenance, which must be carried out carefully following
the procedures detailed in this manual. All safety instructions in these procedures, as well as those
defined locally for the area or environment where the work is being carried out must be observed.
6. Other than for those items defined in the maintenance procedures herein there are no user
serviceable items in this instrument. Removal of covers and attempted adjustment or service by
unqualified personnel will invalidate any warranty and incur additional charges for repair.
7. Reference should always be made to the Health and Safety Data for any chemicals or reagents
used. All available information, advice and warnings on the handling, storage, use and disposal of
such must be carefully observed. When not available this data must be requested from the supplier
before proceeding in any way.
8. It is important that good laboratory practice is observed when handling samples, chemicals,
reagents and ancillary equipment in order to carry out measurement and analysis with this instrument.
Suitable safety and personal protective equipment must be used at all times.
9. If it is suspected that safety protection has been impaired in any way, the spectrophotometer must
be made inoperative and secured against any intended operation. The fault condition must be
reported to the appropriate servicing authority. In all such reports the model number and serial
number of the spectrophotometer must be quoted.

Please read this important guarantee information:
Notwithstanding the description and specification(s) of the instruments contained in the Operating
Manual, Jenway hereby reserves the right to make changes as it sees fit to the instruments or to any
components of the instruments.
This Manual has been prepared solely for the convenience of Jenway customers and nothing in
this Manual shall be taken as a warranty, condition or representation concerning the description,
merchantability, fitness for purpose, or otherwise of the instruments or components.
The 67 Series spectrophotometers are guaranteed for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase.
Within this period we undertake to supply replacements free of charge for parts that may on
examination prove to be defective, provided that the defect is not the result of misuse, accident or
On all correspondence, please quote the model and serial number in full and/or the sales order
Any instrument requiring service under this guarantee should be taken to the supplier through whom
it was purchased, or, in the case of difficulty, it should be carefully packed in its original packaging and
consigned, carriage paid, to us. Jenway takes no responsibility for returned goods damaged in transit.
Returned goods will not be processed without a Returns Authorisation Number.
Call the Service Administrator +44 (0) 1785 810475 for the relevant documentation.
Please write the Returns Number on the outside of any packaging and ensure that a copy of a
Decontamination Certificate is visible.
Please register online www.jenway.com or complete and return the Registration Document by fax or
The Guarantee will be rendered invalid if any specified non-serviceable parts within the instrument are
tampered with (i.e. the monochromator).

SECTION 1 - Introduction
The 67 Series offer a range of unique features and functions to help in the management of methods
and data at both individual and multi-user levels.
These units have a specially designed user interface based on a high quality, colour TFT LCD with touch
screen technology and QWheel™ support to provide ease-of-use for all operations from set-up to
measurement and data handling.
Five main measuring modes are available: Photometrics, Spectrum, Kinetics, Quantitation and
The 67 Series have dual memory options that enable you to store settings and data to either internal
memory or on a removable SD/Multi-Media memory card. By saving to the removable SD card all
settings, methods and results specific to the user can be retained by the individual, offering additional
security and allowing easy transfer of data to a PC for storage, manipulation or off-line review. The SD
card can also be used in any similar model, giving complete flexibility to use any available instrument.
A simple back-up procedure enables easy transfer of all information from the internal memory to the
removable media while quickly enabling a group of instruments to be cloned with identical settings.
It is possible for any user to perform simple measurements (Free Operation) at any time, however,
logging-in with your own PIN code will allow you to create methods, change settings or store results.
Each method can be designated as Public (for open user access), Read-Only (available for all users as
read-only information) or Personal (only accessed through your PIN code).
A number of sampling accessories are available as complete, easily interchangeable modules. These
include a Sipper Pump, Sipper/Peltier, Automatic Cell Changer, plus a comprehensive range of passive
cuvette and test tube holders, which can be fitted in the single cell holder accessory.
The PC Software supplied enables the transfer of data from the instrument or SD card to the PC with
rapid copy and paste into spreadsheets or other computer programmes.
QWheel is a registered trademark of Quantum Research

Technical Specification
6700 6705 6715
Light Source Tungsten Halogen Xenon Xenon
Spectral Bandwidth 4nm 4nm 1.5nm
Stray Light <0.1% at 340nm <0.05% at 220nm <0.05% at 220nm
Wavelength Range 320-1100nm 190-1100nm 190-1100nm
Common Specifications
Optics Sealed, MgF Coated, Split Beam
Wavelength Resolution 0.1nm
Wavelength Accuracy ±1.0nm
Wavelength Repeatability ±0.2nm
Photometric Ranges -0.300 to 3.000A & 0 to 199.9%T
Photometric Resolution 0.001A & 0.1%T
Photometric Accuracy ±0.005 at 1A
Photometric Stability <0.001A per hour
Quantitation Range -99999 to +99999
Number of Standards 20 with up to 5 replicates of each
Curve Fit Algorithms Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Functions
Multi-wavelength Data Points Up to 4 wavelengths
Calculations Difference and ratio
Kinetics Time Limits 30 to 9999 seconds
Kinetics Calibration Standard or factor
Scan Speed 1500nm/minute at 0.1nm data steps
Post Scan Analysis Peak/Valley pick, Peak Ratios, Area, Zoom, Wavelength Table,
Removable Media MM/SD Memory Card or SD/USB memory card
Interface USB, Centronics, Analogue
PC Software Supplied on CD-ROM with USB interface cable
Mains Supply 100 to 230V ac 50 or 60Hz
Sample Compartment 150mm (max. height) x 130mm (w) x 210mm (d)
Size 490x390x220mm
Weight 7.5Kg
Derivatives, Smoothing
Configuration Secure Multi-User and Free Access
Number of Users 10 + Supervisor
Number of Methods >500 (on internal flash memory or removable media)
Results Storage >500 (on internal flash memory or removable media)

Environmental Operating Conditions:
The 67 Series is designed to work safely under the following conditions:
Temperature 15 to 40ºC
Humidity 0 to 90%RH
Accessory Specifications
Temperature Range: 20 to 50° C or 68 to 122° F
Temperature Resolution: 0.1° C or 1° F
Accuracy: ±0.5° C
Stability: ±0.3° C
Red/Green Window: ±0.5° C
Sipper Pump
Continuous Aspiration Flow rate dependent on tube ID.
(12ml/min with supplied tube)
Timed aspiration sample/air-gap/wash
sample volumes 75µl min / 9.5ml max.
segment run time 48 secs max.
Memory Non-volatile
1. For optimum performance all spectrophotometers should be sited in a clean, dry, dust free
atmosphere. When in use ambient temperature and light levels should remain as constant as possible.
2. Adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) should be
monitored with regular calibration checks and a suitable Quality Control (QC) programme.
3. The sample chamber lid must be fully closed during measurement and before any readings are
recorded or printed.
4. The correct selection of sample containers is imperative for accurate and reproducible results:
a) Check that the material of the sample container is compatible with the wavelengths to be used
for measurement. In general glass can only be used down to 360nm or 320nm depending on quality.
Standard plastic cuvettes can be used down to 320nm. Special UV versions can be used down to
260nm. Below this level quartz cuvettes must be used.
b) Plastic disposable cuvettes should be used ONCE only.
c) Glass cuvettes should be thoroughly cleaned after use. Discard when scratches become evident in
optical surfaces.
d) Care should be taken when selecting semi-micro or micro cuvettes. The cuvette window on the
inner chamber (the area filled with sample) must be wider than the aperture in the sample holder or
light will reach the detector without passing through the sample. In this case, semi-micro or micro
cuvettes with self-screening black surrounds must be used or alternative holders for these cuvettes
e) Glass test tubes and other sample tubes should be used with care. Where possible, matched tubes
should be used and any index mark set to the correct position before measurements are made.
f) Ensure any sample containers used are compatible with the constituents of both the samples and
standards they are to hold. Plastic cuvettes are not compatible with organic solvents.

g) All sample containers must be handled with care; by the top and non-optical surfaces only. Any
finger marks evident must be removed using a suitable cleaning process.
h) Flow-through cuvettes must be selected with care and consideration for the sample type, sample
volume, pumping system, rinse, sample and waste handling to be used.
5. Samples and standards should not be stored in open cuvettes or sample containers as evaporation
will change the value and lead to staining of the walls which may be irreversible. If stored in stoppered
and sealed cuvettes, they should be filled with little or no air space and the values regularly checked
against a reference standard or quality control material.
6. Cold samples should be allowed to equilibrate to ambient temperature before measurement (unless
a suitable temperature controlled sample holder is in use). Temperature change during measurement
may cause air bubbles to form on the walls of the sample holder. This is a common cause of drift
during measurement.
7. In the preparation of samples and standards high grade borosilicate glass and AR grade chemicals
and reagents must be used. Good quality deionised water or other suitable solvent must be used for
dissolving or diluting samples, chemicals and reagents.
8. All measurements require calibration to a blank, for maximum accuracy this should be prepared
with care using the same deionised water or solvent used for dissolving or diluting the sample. Where
reagents are added to the sample to produce a colour proportional to its concentration a ‘sample
based’ blank should be used. In this case the blank should consist of the sample plus any reagents or
chemicals to be used, except those that produce the colour to be measured.
9. Deviations from the Beer-Lambert Law may occur at high and low concentrations giving non-linear
response during sample concentration measurements. For all new methods a linear range should be
defined by the preparation of a calibration curve. The quantitation mode may be used to construct
such a curve against which sample results are automatically measured.
10. Cuvettes and sample holders must be filled to a minimum level which covers the light path.

SECTION 2 - Getting Started
Refer to label 1 on carton exterior and
ensure instrument type and options/
accessories supplied are correct. Refer to
Distributor in the event of any discrepancy.
Check each item as it is removed from
the packaging to ensure it is correct and
undamaged. Refer to Distributor if any item is
missing or damaged.
Remove Documentation carton 2. Note
that this contains the Instruction Manual and
other important documents, which MUST
be retained for future reference. Other small
items (CD ROM, SD Card etc) will also be
found inside this carton.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself
with the contents of the Instruction Manual
before using the instrument for the first time.
Remove the cardboard packing piece 3 and
place to one side.
Remove the two foam packing pieces 4 and
place these to one side.
Grasp the instrument 5 (which will be sealed
in a polythene bag) firmly at each end, and lift
out of the carton to place on an adjacent flat,
firm and clean surface.
The instrument weighs approximately 10 Kgs.
Remove the Accessory carton 6. Note that
this contains the Power and USB cables
together with any sample cells or other items
that may have been ordered. Refer to the
Instruction Manual to ensure accessories are
installed correctly before using the instrument
for the first time.
Disposal of Packaging
It is recommended that the Instrument packaging be retained for possible future long-term
storage or transportation. Please note that the Manufacturer or Distributor cannot be held
responsible for any damage incurred as a result of transportation of an inadequately packed

If you wish to dispose of the instrument packaging, please do so in an environmentally
responsible manner. Please refer to the following guidelines: -
Cardboard packing items are made from paper sourced from recycled fibres
or managed forests and can be 100% recycled where appropriate facilities
exist. Ensure cartons are crushed or flattened before disposal.
Foam packing pieces are manufactured with a reprocessed polyethylene content and can be
easily recycled with other low-density polyethylene (LDPE) materials. Polyethylene foam is
manufactured by a CFC and HCFC free process and contains less than 100ppm heavy metal
content. The European Union Packaging Directive confirms that recovery by means of wasteto-energy is a sensible waste management alternative. The Polyethylene foam burns cleanly
and contributes a high calorific value.
In ideal circumstances the installation environment will be clean, dry and dust free with the instrument
protected from extreme variations in ambient lighting and temperature change. Ensure the unit is
positioned so that the mains on/off switch is accessible. If a safety problem should be encountered,
switch off at the mains socket and remove the plug from the supply.
Where conditions are less than ideal, maintenance and cleaning must be carried out regularly and
additional protection offered where possible.
The optional dust cover should be used to protect the instrument when not in use.
The 67 series spectrophotometers are powered by a universal switch-mode power supply that operates
from a 90-264Vac mains supply. The correct lead for your supply should be selected.
The leads supplied have a moulded on plug. However, if this is removed for any reason the wires in the
mains lead are colour coded to conform to the internationally recognised standard such that:
Brown Live Black Live
Blue Neutral White Neutral
Green/Yellow Earth Green Earth
When disposing of any removed plug the connectors must be removed or made incapable of
insertion into a mains socket.

1. Standby – this key can be used to enter the standby mode during operation.
2. Instrument Settings – this key can be used to access instrument set up parameters
including user creation, PIN codes, language options, date and time settings, administrative
functions and instrument identification details.
3. Back key – this is used to return to a previous menu level.
4. Save key – pressing this key saves methods and/or data. If an external card is not fitted
then methods/data will automatically be saved to internal memory. If an SD card is inserted
or removed during operation relevant messages and options are given to select the desired
5. Toolbar key – this key is only functional on the completion of measurements and
gives access to the available data manipulation options. The function of this key is context
sensitive, enabling different sets of tools depending on the mode of operation in use.
6. Printer key – this key will initiate a print out to either the internal or external printer unit
via the selected settings options in each mode of operation.

The spectrophotometer can be used for making measurements at any time without the need for
logging in; but many benefits will be lost and results cannot be saved, only printed.
The Method Screen options will only be displayed if the user logs in. If the user is not logged in the
instrument will automatically display the main measurement screen, with settings at their last used levels.
Method Screens
Methods are stored sequentially by measurement mode. Once the first page is full (8 methods for the
selected mode) cursor arrows are displayed enabling the user to browse to subsequent or previous
pages of 8 methods.
Alternatively, pressing one of the alphanumeric keys along the bottom of the screen will display all
available methods with the initial character that is highlighted.
Note: Repeated pressing of a key sequentially highlights the characters between those displayed.
Create a New Method
For the following functions first touch a method or result to select it.
Open the Selected Method
Erase the Selected Method/Result
Browse Results – linked to the selected method
Open specific results in the selected batch

Photometrics Mode
Mode settings – method name, wavelength, method security (if logged in)
Accessory options – varies with type of accessory module fitted
Allows selection of internal or external printer
Allows set-up of batch ID and the Auto Log options
Press to accept settings entered
Spectrum Mode
Mode settings – method name, measurement mode, wavelength range, plot interval,
method security (if logged in)
Analysis Points – up to 30 wavelengths at which absorbance will be reported
Measurement display – auto scaling, axis setting and colour selection
Accessory options – varies with type of accessory module fitted
Allows selection of internal or external printer, graph details, batch ID and enables or disables
the Auto Log feature
Press to accept settings entered

Multi-Wavelength Mode
Mode settings – method name, measurement type, reading type, sample style, method
security (if logged in)
Setting wavelengths – allows from 2 to 4 wavelengths to be set
Calculations - allows the selection of calculations and constants
Accessory options – varies with type of accessory module fitted
Allows selection of internal or external printer, graph details, batch ID and the Auto Log
Press to accept settings entered

Kinetics Mode
Mode settings - method name, wavelength, measurement mode, run settings, method
security (if logged in)
Calibration – allows setting of Concentration cal standard, factor, resolution and units of
Measurement display – allows auto scaling, axis setting and colour selection
Accessory options – varies with type of accessory module fitted
Allows selection of internal or external printer, graph details, batch ID and the Auto Log
Press to accept settings entered

Quantitation Mode
Mode settings – method name, measurement mode, wavelength, resolution, units of
measurement, replicates set up, method security (if logged in)
Calibration – allows the number and levels of standards to be set
Measurement display – allows selection of type of curve fit, auto scaling, axis setting and
colour selection
Accessory options – varies with type of accessory module fitted
Allows selection of internal or external printer, graph details, batch ID and the Auto Log
Press to accept settings entered
Status Bar
To view the set parameters in any of the measurement modes press the status bar once and a drop
down menu will appear. Pressing this bar again will return it to its original status.

Power Switch On/Off switch for the unit.
Power In Socket IEC type connection socket for the mains supply cable.
Printer Socket 25 way Centronics parallel output socket compatible with Postscript printers.
Analogue Output 2 x 4mm pin sockets for analogue devices.
USB Socket type B connector for communication to PC.
SD Card Socket will accept 128MB to 2GB SD or Multi-media memory cards.
Printer socket
USB SocketAnalogue O/P SD Card Socket
Power in socket

Dark test… Checks detector and light seal on sample chamber
Wavelength calibration… Performs a wavelength calibration
followed by the Main Menu Screen:
This screen gives you access to the five operating modes that can be used directly for making
measurements without logging in. It should be noted that if the user is not logged in results can
only be viewed and printed but not stored. In addition, methods cannot be created or retrieved.
Note: For the Model 6700 allow 30 minutes warm up prior to use.
For all models the LCD display may take up to 10 minutes to reach full brightness.
Connect the mains supply cable to the rear panel mains input socket and plug the other end into a
suitable mains supply socket.
Lift the sample chamber lid on the instrument and ensure that there is no sample or other item present
in the sample holder, close the lid.
Switch on the supply socket, then the instrument, using the Power switch located on the rear panel.
The instrument will then perform the power on self-test protocol. The power on and self-test screens
will be shown:
System test… Checks internal connections / Checks internal and external memory status
Accessory test… Checks for fitted ‘active’ accessories / Verifies communication and

SECTION 3 - Systems of Operation
The 67 Series spectrophotometers focus on secure, multi-user operation. But to ensure that anyone
can acquire quality results in an emergency or when otherwise required (stat or free operation), they
may also be used without the operator having to log in. Such free operation is restricted to making
measurements with no access to methods while results will only be displayed or printed.
Secure, multi-user operation requires each designated user to enter a PIN code to access methods
and results. When creating methods a user can opt to share them with other users, as Public (can
be modified) or Read-Only (can be used but not modified), or to keep them Personal. Up to 10
users and a Supervisor with administrative rights can be set up on each instrument but by using the
removable media (see below) an almost infinite number of users can be securely accommodated.
The 67 Series spectrophotometers have a dual memory structure based on removable media and
fixed internal memory. The removable media is based on SD memory cards with a wide range of
capacities available.
The following table gives details of the removable media available (subject to change by manufacturers
range consolidation):
Card Capacity
2 GB
When the power is turned on the internal memory is selected as the default memory location, even
if a removable memory card is fitted in the instrument. If the user inserts a removable media memory
card during use a message will be displayed giving the user the option to switch the default memory
location to the removable media memory card so that any methods and results that are saved are sent
to this card. Should the card be removed during use a warning message will be displayed and the
internal memory will then be set as the default location.
SD Card Part Number
019 133

The top level of the memory hierarchy is the user, defined by a user name and recognised by their
unique PIN code. In general it is considered that this will be an individual but in practice this can
be made more flexible by considering the user as a group sharing the same PIN code. For instance
different departments or shifts could be identified by their own PIN codes.
Different types of tests could also be separated by PIN codes with only users trained in carrying out
specific tests given the relevant PIN codes to access the tests for which they have been trained. In
education a PIN code for each semester or part of the curriculum would restrict students or year
groups access to only the current work, protecting that to be used in the future. The implementation
and benefits of this function are only limited by the imagination.
Below the user level are the Methods created by that user or for that group, and those with Public or
Read-Only status that all users can access, below each method are the results stored by the user for
The ability to create and re-call methods is only available to logged in users.
To log in touch the Log In… key on the bottom right-hand side of the Main Menu screen that is
displayed after completion of the start-up tests.
A table of users is then displayed, touching your name (department, user group or other identifier)
then brings up a numeric entry screen for inputting the four digits of the relevant PIN code.
For first time use the only user in the table will be the Supervisor with a default PIN Code of 1234
(once logged in this can subsequently be changed to a number combination of the Supervisor’s
By pressing the Settings key on the display surround and selecting the Administrative Functions
option the Supervisor can create new users. On creation a new user has a default PIN Code of 0000
that, like the Supervisor’s, can be changed by selecting User Preferences, then Adjust PIN Code.
NOTE: Once the Supervisor’s PIN CODE is changed it must be kept safe as there is no other way of
accessing this function – however the Supervisor does have the right to re-set other users’ PIN Codes
back to the default.
For further information on these functions see the Section on Instrument Settings and
Administrative Functions.
User defined
by PIN Code
Created by User
Results appended
to user accessible

When successfully logged in the user is returned to the main menu screen from which the required
mode of measurement can be selected.
The Browse screen is then displayed from which an existing method can be re-called using the
alphanumeric search keys along the bottom menu bar. If insufficient methods have been created to fill
the first page all available methods will be shown.
Save Tools Print Settings Erase Search Open Save
Results Results
Saving Methods
Having entered all your required settings on the tabbed pages the method can be saved by simply
pressing the Save key on the display surround. If you do not save at this point but continue to make
measurements using the method, it will automatically be saved when you save the first result.
If you continue without saving a result you will be prompted to save the method as you exit the
operating mode or return to the settings options. Alternatively, when the Auto Log option is set to
On or Timed and the destination option is Memory all results will be saved automatically.
Sharing Methods
Methods can be shared with other users by setting the security level at either Read-Only where other
users can use but not modify the method or, Public where they can use and modify the method.
Other users must then ensure that under Method View Settings (Settings/User Preferences/Method
View Settings) they have enabled Public and/or Read-Only methods or turned All Methods on.
Recalling Methods
Following selection of the operating mode from the main menu the method browse screen is
displayed. This will show all methods that the current user has access to, based on their selections in
the Method View Settings (refer to Sharing Methods). If the first page is full, cursor arrows will be
displayed to enable navigation to and from additional pages.
Alternatively, selection may be made using the alphanumeric menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
Repeated pressing of each character set will display the full alphanumeric range and the screen will
show all methods starting with the highlighted character.
Touch the required method when it is displayed on the screen to highlight it, touch the Open File icon
to display the main measurement screen for that method.
Editing Methods
Use the Recalling Methods procedure to recall the required method. With the measurement screen
displayed touch the Settings option. Adjust the settings as required and touch the Enter icon
on completion. The modified method can then be saved by pressing the Save key on the display
surround. If you do not save at this point but continue to make measurements using the method, it
will automatically be saved when you save the first result. If you continue without saving a result you
will be prompted to save the method as you exit the operating mode or return to the settings options.
Note: If the Method name was not changed during editing it will be saved with the same name but
with a new date and time to ensure traceability. If the old method is no longer required it should be
deleted as detailed in Deleting Methods.

Deleting Methods
To delete methods highlight the required method in the Browse screen as described in Recalling Methods and
then touch the Erase icon.
A warning message will be displayed to ensure this action is required. On confirmation the selected file will be
If the current user does not have the required privileges to delete the selected method then an information
message will be displayed advising that the method cannot be deleted.
Privileges required for deleting designated methods:
Public Methods – only the Supervisor and Originator can delete these.
Read-Only Methods – only the Supervisor and Originator can delete these.
Personal Methods – Only the Originator can delete these methods. (The Supervisor can delete these by re-
setting the Originator’s PIN code and then logging in as the Originator).
Saving Results
After completion of a measurement the result can be saved by simply pressing the Save key on the display
surround. The result is saved under the method that created it, with the entered Batch ID and an incremental
number along with the time and date of the measurement. Results can also be saved as part of the Auto Log
function by selecting Memory under the Auto Log option, which will vary depending on the type of sampling
accessory fitted.
Printing Results
After completion of a measurement the result can be printed, by simply pressing the Print key on the display
surround. The result will be printed to either the internal or external printer, as selected by the user in the Printer
Settings option.
The first result of any new batch is preceded by a print header, which gives details of the method settings and
Batch ID. Results can also be printed as part of the Auto Log function, which will vary depending on the type of
sampling accessory fitted.
Recalling Results
Stored results are always directly linked to the method that created them. To access results first recall the method
as described in Recalling Methods. With the method highlighted touch the Search Results icon. This will open
a screen detailing all results available to the current user. Touch the required result or batch (depending on the
mode) and then the Open Specific Result icon. This will display the results on the screen. The Tools option
can then be used to work on these results (depending on mode). It is also possible to print the result by simply
pressing the Print key on the display surround. Options to print to the Internal or External printer or to the CSV
file will be displayed. Printing to the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file will save the data in CSV format on the
external data card. (If a card is not fitted the instrument will display a prompt). This is in text format and can be
viewed and printed in Excel
In Kinetics mode an additional option is available (Analogue Mode). This allows results to be output via the rear
panel analogue sockets to a chart recorder or similar device.
Sharing Results
Results attached to Personal Methods cannot be accessed by any other user.
Results attached to Read-Only and Public Methods can be accessed by all users, based on their current
Method View Settings.

SECTION 4 - Instrument Settings
A number of settings can be stored for each signed in user including language, method view settings,
display brightness and time/date display choices so that these do not have to be reset each time a new
user logs in. These can be found under User Preferences.
Note: Administration Functions and Memory Manager options will be greyed out and unavailable
unless the Supervisor has logged in.
– When switching on the product for the first time, or if the previously entered settings
need to be checked, this key should be selected to give access to the following display:
To set the correct date and time select the Set Time & Date key. The time and date can be reset using
the up and down arrows. To accept the new settings select the Enter key. Touching the Cancel key
will return you to the main menu without accepting any alterations to the current settings.
Selecting User Preferences gives access to the following options:
These settings are saved for each user and the individual’s selections are retained when that user logs
in. Adjust User PIN and Method View Settings options are only available to the Supervisor.
Note: Adjust User PIN and Method View Settings will only be available to the Supervisor.

4.3.1 ADJUST USER PIN – available to logged in users only
To alter your User PIN select the Adjust User PIN key. A warning message will be shown prior to the
numeric keypad. Enter your new 4 digit code using the numeric keypad as shown below. The Del key
allows individual digits to be changed. The Cancel key will return you to the previous menu without
altering the original PIN code. The Clear key will clear all digits entered from the screen. The Enter key
accepts the new code and returns you to the previous menu.
The preferred language can be selected using the Language key. Select the preferred language from
the options available and press the OK key and the will update to show all screens in English, French,
German, Italian or Spanish.
4.3.3 METHOD VIEW SETTINGS – available to logged in users only
To simplify operation it is possible to restrict the methods displayed by their allocated category.
Selecting Method View Settings enables My Methods (Personal) to be hidden (Off) or displayed
(On). Similarly, Read Only Methods and Public Methods can be hidden or displayed. To simply
display all method categories toggle All Methods to the On status.
Please ensure you remember
your PIN code or store it in a
secure location, or access to
your personal data will
be lost.