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1.1 Software Requirements
Development machine with Windows XP Professional Operating System
Target machine with at least 5 GB hard disk
Microsoft Windows XP Embedded tools Service Pack 2 (needs Service Pack 1 to
be installed first). An evaluation version is available online at­48c5-91c1-af6062340efc&displaylang=en
Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Feature Pack 2007. Eval version is available at­4d25-83df-aabbaa78914f&displaylang=en
Componentized version (sld files with repository) of audio, LAN and storage drivers.
1.2 Detailed setup procedure to build XP Embedded image with Audio, LAN and Storage drivers
1. Install the Windows XP Embedded SP2 and Feature Pack 2007 tools on the development machine
2. The target should have a bootable drive – preferably XP, this is re quired to run the command tap.exe in the next step. Or Refer to the following Microsoft link to run the command –
Target Hardware profile
3. To know the target hardware profile, user needs to run a utility called tap.exe (available in C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded\utilities assuming C drive as the XP Embedded tools installation drive)
4. Run tap.exe, this creates a file called Devices.pmq in the same folder
5. Run Component Designer. From the File menu, choose Import. The Choose File for Import dialog box appears Browse and choose Devices.pmq file and then click Open
6. Enter a log file name if you want and click Start to import the Devices.pmq file into Component designer. It usually takes several minutes for the entries in the Devices.pmq file to be matched with the device drivers available in the database
7. When finished, click Close. The Devices.sld file appears in the left pane of Component Designer. From the File menu, Click Save to save the sld file.
8. Close Component Designer. Import this sld file into the Component Database
Manager (explained next)
Import sld files into Component Database Manager
9. Run Component Database Manag er from Start->Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio.
10. Click on the Import button (from default active Database tab). Browse through the audio, chipset, LAN and storage components, and select the sld file. For e.g., select 945GM.sld file from Chipset/sld/. Note that ‘Copy repository files to repository root’ message should be checked.
11. Click Import and the copying of repository files to the database proceeds. After completion, ‘Import Succeeded’ and ‘Changes to the database have been committed’ messages appear. Click Close
12. Repeat the steps (8-9) for all the available sld files including the Devices.sld obtained from import of Devices.pmq file
13. A successful import of all the repository files and the components indicates that the components are available for Target designer through Component
Database Manager.
Build the target image using Target designer
14. Run Target Designer from Start->Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio.
15. From File menu, click New. Enter a name for Configuration Name and click OK
16. In the left-most pane, all components available in the database is listed. Note that it should also have devices component listed. Right-click on the devices component and click Add which adds the target hardware profile to the image
17. Now to add the components in the sld file to image, search for all sld-specific components in the database using the Search box in left-most pane in Target Designer. For example, to add component from the 945GM.sld file, enter the string ‘Mobile Intel(R) 945GM/GU/PM/GMS/940GML/943GML and Intel(R) 945GT Express Processor to DRAM Controller - 27A0’ in Search box, hit Search. The
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