Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25,
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35,
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI,
Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Tested Hardware and Operating System List
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Revision 2.5
January, 2010
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Revision History
November, 2007 1.0 Initial Release
January, 2008 1.1 Added support for Windows 2003 Server, clarified Virtualization Software
January 22 , 2008 1.2 Added Fujitsu 146GB 2.5” HDD
January 25 , 2008 1.3 Corrected 146BG FJ HDD – 10K instead of 15K drive
February 1, 008 1.4 Added SLES 10 64-bit Stress Testing and Novell Certification Status for
August, 2008 1.5
December, 2008 1.6
January 9, 2009 1.7
January 16, 2009 1.8
March, 2009 1.9
June, 2009 2.0
July, 2009 2.1
September, 2009 2.2
October 21 2009 2.3
October 28, 2009 2.4
January 14, 2010 2.5
Number Modifications
testing/certification details
both 32 & 64-bit versions
Added VMware ESX Server 3.0.2 U1 GA Certification and Windows 2008
Server support. Updated USB Device list.
Updated OS support. Added initial MFSYS35 HDD information.
Corrected Hard Drive FW revisions in Table 5.2 Tested Hard Drives
Corrected Xyratec external array information, added note for 3.5” drives-
mixing of SAS and SATA not supported.
Updated Table 4.6 External Tape Drives and Table 5.2 Tested HDDs
Added Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI to this document. Updated
tables with new HDD and OS information.
Added back external storage information that was inadvertently removed.
Remove EOL external storage SSR212PP, correct ST9500430SS product
family information.
Added 2.5” SSD, SATA drives, updated supported OS, and system
configuration information.
Added new 2.5” SAS drives, updated supported OS information.
Updated tables with new HDD and OS information. Added new tape drive
and USD DVD drive.
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel
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right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
Intel retains the right to make changes to its test specifications at any time, without notice.
The hardware vendor remains solely responsible for the design, sale and functionality of its product, including any
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Intel, the Intel logo, and EtherExpress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries
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*Other names or brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Table 4.2 Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25 / MFSYS35 Supported Peripherals .......... 21
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
1. Introduction
This document is intended to provide users of the Intel® Modular Server System
MFSYS25/MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI and Intel® Compute Module
MFS5520VI with a guide to the differen t operating systems, expansion cards, and peripherals
Intel plans to test on this platform.
This document will continue to be updated as new expansion cards, peripherals, and operating
systems are tested or until the Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25/MFSYS35, Intel®
Compute Module MFS5000SI and Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI are no longer in
production. Each new release of the document will present updated information as well as
continue to provide the information from previous releases.
Intel will only provide support for those expansion cards and peripherals under the specified
system configuration (System BIOS and Firmware revisions) and operating systems versions
with which they were tested.
1.1 Test Overview
Testing performed on the Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25/MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI and Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI is classified under two separate
categories: Basic Installation Testing, and Expansion Ca rd/ Peripheral Compatibility and Stress
1.1.1 Basic Installation Testing
Basic installation testing is performed with each supported operating system. Basic installation
testing validates that the server board can install the operating system and that the base
hardware feature set is functional. A small set of peripherals is used for installation purposes
only. No expansion cards are tested. Testing includes network connectivity and running of
proprietary and industry standard test suites.
The latest version of an operating s ystem signifies the latest supported version Support Commitment for Basic Installation Tes ting
at the time of the actual test run. Each new release of this documen t ma y hav e
a newly supported release of a given operating s ystem. Previous releases of a
supported operating system may not be tested beyond the basic installation
test process.
Intel commits to provide the following level of customer support for operating systems that
receive only basic installation testing:
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
•Intel will provide and test operating system drivers for each of the server board’s
integrated controllers, provided that the controller vendor has a driver available upon
request. Vendors will not be required by Intel to develop drivers for operating systems
that they do not already support. This may limit the functionality of certain serv er board
integrated cont rollers.
•Intel will support customer issues that involve installation and/or functionality of operating
system with the server board’s integrated controllers only if a driver has been made
•Intel will NOT provide support for issues related to us e of any 3
party expansion cards
or peripherals installed in the server system when an operating system that received
basic installation testing only is in use.
•Support is defined as assistance in root causing issues, and determining a customer
acceptable resolution to the issue associated with the operating system. The resolution
may include, but is not limited to on-board controller driver changes, engaging the
vendor for resolution, BIOS changes, firmware changes, or determining a customer
acceptable workaround for the issue.
1.1.2 I/O Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress Testing
I/O Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress testing is per formed only on the most
current release of a supported operating system at the time of a given validation run. The I/O
Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress testing process cons ists of three areas:
Base Platform, I/O Expansion Card Compatibility, and Stress.
Base Platform: Each base platform will successfully install a given operating system,
successfully run a disk stress test, and successfully run a network stress test.
I/O Expansion Card Compatibility: I/O Expansion Card compatibility validation (CV) testing
uses test suites to gain an accurate view of how the server performs with the available
expansion card under the primary supported o perating systems. These tests are designed to
show hardware compatibility between the cards and the server platform and include functional
testing only. No heavy stressing of the systems or the cards is performed for CV testing.
Stress Testing: This test sequence uses configurations that include expansion cards in all
available slots, for a minimum 72-hour test run without injecting errors. Each configuration
passes an installation test, a Network/Disk Stress test, and tape backu p test. Any fatal errors
that occur will require a complete test restart. Support Commitment for I/O Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and
Stress Testing
Intel commits to provide the following level of customer support for operating systems that
receive I/O Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress testing:
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Intel commits to provide the following level of customer support for operating systems that
receive I/O Expansion Card / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress testing:
•Intel will provide support for customer issues with these operating systems involving
installation and/or functionality of the server board with or without the I/O Expansion
Card and peripherals listed in this document as having been tested u nder the particular
operating system.
•Support is defined as assistance in root causing issues, and determining a customer
acceptable resolution to the issue associated with the operating system. The resolution
may include, but is not limited to on-board controller driver changes, engaging the
vendor for resolution, BIOS changes, firmware changes, or determining a customer
acceptable workaround for the issue.
•Intel will provide and test operating system drivers for each onboa rd video, network, and
storage controller.
•Intel will enable vendors to provide driver supp ort for I/O Expansion Cards using these
operating systems.
•Intel will go through some of the steps to achieve certi fication to ensure its customers do
not run across any problems, but the actual certification is the responsibility of the
individual customer.
For operating systems, adapter cards, and peripherals not listed in this
document, there is no support commitment. Intel will consider support requests
on a case-by-case basis.
1.2 Pass/Fail Test Criteria
For each operating system, I/O Expansion card, and periphe ral configuration, a test passes if
specific criteria are met. Specific configurations may have had particular characteristics that
were addressed on a case-by-case basis. In general, a configuration passes testing if the
following conditions are met:
The operating system installed without error.
Manufacturer’s installation instructions or Intel’s b est-known methods (BKMs) were used
for the operating system installation.
In some cases rKVM BKMs used involve workarounds and were required during the
operating system installation.
The server system behaved as expected during and after the operating system
Application soft wa r e inst a lled a nd exe cuted normally.
Hardware compatibility tests ran to completion without error.
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Test software suites executed successfully
Test and data files were created in the correct directories without error.
Files copied from client to server and back compare to the original with zero errors
Clients remain connected to the server system.
Industry standard test suites run to completion with zero errors reported.
All Intel® Compute Module testing was performed using the Intel® Server Modular System
MFSYS25 and/or the Intel® Server Modular System MFSYS35.
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
2. MFS5000SI / MFS5520VI / MFSYS25 / MFSYS35
Base System Configurations
The following table lists the base system configurations tested. Base system configurations will
change as new revisions of the Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, the Intel® Compute
Module MFS5520VI or the Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25/MFSYS35 are released
and/or new system software stacks are cut on to the boards in the factory. Each base system
configuration is assigned an identifier number that is referenced in the tables throughout this
document. New base system configurations are added with each new release of this document.
Intel will only provide support for I/O expansion cards and peripherals under the
The following table lists the base system configuration tested.
specified base system configuration and operating systems versions with which
they were tested.
Notes: All base system configurations tested used the Intel® Compute Module MFS500SI and/or MFS5520VI
(1) Naming convention change from P.x.x to V.x.x, no change to FW package structure
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
3. Supported Operating Systems & Software
The following table provides a list of the operating systems and software applications that Intel
plans to test with the Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI and MFS5520VI. Each of the listed
operating systems was tested for compatibility with the base system configuration listed in
Section 2 of this document. Operating systems are supported only with the specified base
system configuration(s) with which they were tested.
The following table also indicates whether each operating system received Basic Installation
Testing, or Adapter / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress Testing. For information on the
support commitments for Basic Installation Testing vs. Adapter / Peripheral Compatibility and
Stress Testing, please reference Section 1 of this document.
Any variations to the standard operating system installation process es are documented in the
Installation Guidelines section of this document. If no installation guidelines are noted in the
following table, then the operating system installed as expected using manufacturer’s
installation instructions or Intel’s best-known methods.
Operating systems supported by Intel® System Management Software may be
different than the operating systems supported by the Intel® Compute Module
MFS5000SI or MFS5520VI. Please reference the Readme and User Guide
documents that are included as part of the Intel System Management Software
distribution for operating systems that are supported by that release.
Table 3.1 Operating Systems Tested
Operating System Type of Testing Notes
Intel’s testing was completed with
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows* 2003 Enterprise
(32-bit), R2 SP2
Microsoft Windows* 2003 Enterprise
(64-bit), R2 SP2
Microsoft Windows* 2008 Enterprise
Microsoft Windows* 2008 Enterprise
R2 (64-bit)
Configuration 9 - Compatibility &
Configuration 9 -Compatibility &
Configuration 9 -Compatibility &
Configuration 9 -Compatibility &
Enterprise R2 SP2, 32-bit. Although not
specifically tested on this product, the
MFS5000SI compute module also
supports Microsoft Windows Server
2003 R2, 32-bit.
Intel’s testing was completed with
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Enterprise R2 SP2, 64-bit. Although not
specifically tested on this product, the
MFS5000SI compute module also
supports Microsoft Windows Server
2003 R2, 64-bit.
Revision 2.5
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute
Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI
Operating System Type of Testing Notes
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 (64bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5.0 U4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5.0 U4
Basic kernel (64-bit)
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Basic kernel (32-bit),
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Basic kernel (64-bit),
VMware ESX Server 3.5 U4 Configuration 9 -Compatibility
VMware ESXi Server 3.5 U4 Configuration 9 -Compatibility
Vmware ESX 3.5 for
MFSYS25/MFSYS35 Storage
Vmware ESX 3.5i for
MFSYS25/MFSYS35 Storage
VMware ESX Server 4.0 Configuration 9 -Compatibility
VMware ESXi Server 4.0 Configuration 9 -Compatibility
Client Web Browsers (for CMM
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Configuration 9 -Compatibility
Configuration 9 -Compatibility &
Configuration 9 Basic Installation
Configuration 9 -Compatibility &
Configuration 9 - Basic
Installation, Compatibiltiy Only
Configuration 9 - Compatibility &
Configuration 9 -Compatibility
Configuration 9 -Compatibility
Type of Testing Notes
This OS is currently only supported in a
single SCM environment. Shared LUN
is not supported under this OS.
This OS is currently only supported in a
single SCM environment. Shared LUN
is not supported under this OS. A user
can develop a STONITH
implementation for SLES 10 cluster
utilizing the SNMP Power Control BKM
posted at the following link: