Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25V2,
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25,
Modular Server System MFSYS35,
Compute Module MFS5000SI,
Compute Module MFS5520VI
June, 2012
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division Specification Update
Revision History
Date Modifications
November 2007 Initial release.
December 2007 Addition of erratum #14
January 2008 Addition of documentation change #2 & Erratum #15, Erratum 8 & 10 Moved to Fixed
May 2008 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
August 2008 Updated existing erratum
October 2008 Updated existing erratum and product scope
November 2008 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
December 2008 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
January 2009 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
February 2009 Added MFSYS35 to Spec Update. Updated existing erratum and added ne w erratum
March 2009 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
April 2009 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
May 2009 Added MFS5520VI to Spec Update. Updated existing erratum and added new erratum.
June 2009 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum
July 2009 Addition of erratum #35,36 and 37 and update documentation change
August 2009 Updated product scope.
September 2009 Addition of erratum #38 and 39
October 2009 Updated existing erratum.
November 2009 Updated existing erratum.
December 2009 Updated existing erratum and added new erratum #40 and 41.
January 2010 Updated product scope, existing erratum and added new erratum #42.
February 2010 Updated existing erratum.
March 2010 Added new erratum #43 and #44.
April 2010 No Update
May 2010 Added new documentation change #5 and new erratum#45.
June 2010
Jul 2010 Add new erratum #47, #48 and #49.
August 2010 Add new erratum #50
September 2010 Updated Product Scope, add new erratum #51
October 2010 Add new erratum #52
November 2010 Add new erratum #53, #54 and #55
December 2010 Add new erratum #56
January 2011 Updated product scope, updated erratum #52.
March 2011 Updated erratum #50
April 2011 No Update
May 2011 Add new erratum #57
June 2011 Updated erratum #55, #57 and added new erratum #58
July 2011 Add new erratum #59
August 2011 Add new erratum #60
September 2011 Add new erratum #61
Updated erratum #40, added new erratum#46.
Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Date Modifications
October 2011 Add new erratum #62-81
December, 2011 Add new erratum #82
February, 2012 Add new erratum #83,#84
March, 2012 Add new erratum #85,#86, update erratum # 82
April, 2012 Add new erratum #87, updated errata #31, 45, and 54.
May, 2012 Add new erratum #88, #89.
June, 2012 Add new erratum #90
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division Specification Update
The Server System Specification Update may contain design defects or errors known as errata
that may cause the product to deviate from the published specifications. Current characterized
errata are documented in this Specification Update.
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express
or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this
document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel
assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to
sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular
purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property
right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining
applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
without notice.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before
placing your product order.
17.CONFIRM dialog box action not required to complete requested action ............... 21
18.Pressing F1 during a KVM session will bring up the local KVM console help not the
remote system application help ............................................................................................... 21
19.Ethernet Switch Module will fail to automatically update in an operational chassis22
20.Microsoft Windows Server 2003* cluster support not available ............................. 22
21.SuSE Enterprise Linux 10* U1 cluster node shown as running after being
physically removed from chassis after failure .......................................................................... 23
22.Fujitsu 146GB, 2.5” SAS hard drive takes longer than expected to come on line
after a hot insertion .................................................................................................................. 23
23.BIOS R0048 Does Not Support Mixed Stepping E-0 and C-0 Processors ............ 24
24.In Windows Enterprise Server 2008* Cluster failover testing, it has been observed
that cluster nodes may lose access to the clustered shared LUN drives ................................ 24
25.The CMM is not able to provide management information for the power supply
when an AXXPSU at revision D73299-006 is installed in a system chassis ........................... 25
26.The Network Time Server setting on the date/time web page of the Intel® Modular
Server Control GUI does not allow selection of time zones ..................................................... 25
27.SuSE* Linux Enterprise Server 10 U1 will mark the OS LUN as read only if a SCM
affinity change is made while the SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server 10 operating system is
running or booted..................................................................................................................... 26
28.Chassis fault LED does not illuminate after removing a Main Fan module or the I/O
Fan module .............................................................................................................................. 26
29.Local video disappears with Console Redirection and Quiet Boot Enabled in the
1.System Fault LED not depicted in front system views in Intel® Modular Server
System MFSYS25 documentation ........................................................................................... 49
Power Budget Information Incorrect in Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25
TPS 50
3.Release Notes, Section G, Red Hat* Enterprise Linux 5 Server U1 (32bit and
64bit) is incorrectly listed as supporting shared LUN ............................................................... 50
4.Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25/MFSYS35 Quick Start User’s Guide has
an incorrect Package Contents list .......................................................................................... 51
5.Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Technical Product Specification has an
incorrect statement about Turbo Mode setting ........................................................................ 51
Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Intel® Modular Server System
MFSYS25/MFSYS35 Technical Product Specification and the Intel® Compute Module
MFS5000SI Technical Product Specification. It is intended for hardware system manufacturers
and software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools. It will contain specification
changes, specification clarifications, errata, and document changes.
Refer to the Intel® Xeon® Processor 5100 Series and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5200 Series and
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5300 Series and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5400 Series Specification
Update for specification updates on processors. Items contained in the Intel® Xeon® Processor
5100 Series and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5200 Series and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5300 Series
and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5400 Series Specification Update and Intel® Xeon® Processor
5500 Series Specification Update and Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Specification
Update that either do not apply to the product or have been worked around are noted in this
document. Otherwise, it should be assumed that any processor errata for a given stepping are
applicable to the Printed Board Assembly (PBA) revisions(s) associated with that stepping.
This documentation communicates the following types of changes:
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications for
server boards. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the
specifications. Specification changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current
published specifications. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further highlight
a specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will be
incorporated in the next release of the documents.
Errata are design defects or errors. Errata may cause the server board behavior to
deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software designed to be used with
any given processor stepping must assume that all errata documented for that processor
stepping are present on all devices.
Intel Confidential 1
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division Specification Update
Product Scope
Below are the specific boards, BIOS and components covered by this update.
Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
18. Product Code: AXXGBIOMEZ – Intel
Compute Module MFS5000SI – Dual
Gigabit Ethernet Expansion Card
MM # Board
TA #
19.Product Code: AXXGBIOMEZV – Intel
Compute Module MFS5520VI –
Dual Gigabit Ethernet Expansion Card
MM # Board
TA #
901362 E42655-005 E41517-301 Product Launch
Change Description
(PCN #)
Product Launch
Change Description
(PCN #)
Intel Confidential 7
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
The following tables indicate the errata and the document changes that apply to the
Specification Update. Intel intends to fix some of the errata in a future stepping of components,
and to account for the other outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes
as noted. The tables use the following notations:
No Fix:
Intel intends to update the appropriate documentation in a future revision.
Intel intends to fix this erratum in the future.
This erratum has been previously fixed.
There are no plans to fix this erratum.
This erratum is either new or has been modified from the previous specification
Table 1. Errata Summary
No. Plans Description of Errata
1. No Fix Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI NIC/Activity LEDs do not display a link status
2. No Fix Remote floppy is not supported
3. Fixed 1024x768 Resolution with color depth set to thousands of colors not supported under Red
Hat* Enterprise Linux 5.0 64-bit
4. No Fix
5. Fixed Event Log may report SMI Timeout Assertion after server power button is pressed
6. No Fix User is not able to configure different responses to pressing the Server Power button in
7. Fixed Dual Intel® Storage Controller configuration not yet supported in the Intel® Modular Server
8. Fixed System Fault LED does not come on if smart devices (SCMs, ESMs, etc.) are completely
9. FixedDeleting an existing assigned virtual drive may result in GUI action failure
10. FixedCertain Non-critical Events logged as Critical in GUI
11. FixedSystem Fault LED does not turn on for all critical events
12. FixedEmail Alerting not enabled by default for three Critical Events
13. No FixRemoving/Inserting USB devices during BIOS POST or in EFI may cause unexpected
14. Fixed Simultaneous Remote KVM installs of OS or applications will not successfully complete
15. No Fix Relative and Absolute KVM Mouse Mode not Supported on all Operating System’s
16. Fix
17. Fixed
18. Fixed
NIC Utility dcreate.exe on MFS500SI -003 Resource CD incomplete
Microsoft Windows 2008* Enterprise Server Edition.
System MFSYS25 (see details below for specific operating system support)
system behavior
Compute modules with RAID 6 Virtual Drives Experiencing Slow / No Response
CONFIRM dialog box action not required to complete requested action
Pressing F1 during a KVM session will bring up the local KVM console help not
the remote system application help.
Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
19. Fixed
Ethernet Switch Module will fail to automatically update in an operational
20. Fixed
21. No Fix
Microsoft Windows Server 2003* cluster support not available
SuSE Enterprise Linux 10* U1 cluster node shown as running after being
physically removed from chassis after failure
22. Fixed
Fujitsu 146GB, 2.5” SAS hard drive takes longer than expected to come on line
after a hot insertion
23. Fix
BIOS R0048 Does Not Support Mixed Stepping E-0 and C-0 Processors
24. Fixed In Windows Enterprise Server 2008* Cluster failover testing, it has been observed that
cluster nodes may lose access to the clustered shared LUN drives
25. Fixed The CMM is not able to provide management information for the power su pply when an
AXXPSU at revision D73299-006 is installed in a system chassis.
26. Fixed The Network Time Server setting on the date/time web page of the Intel® Modular Server
Control GUI does not allow selection of different time zones.
27. No Fix SuSE* Linux Enterprise Server 10 U1 will mark the OS LUN a s re ad only if a SCM affinity
change is made while the SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server 10 operating system is running or
28. Fixed Chassis fault LED does not illuminate after removing a Main Fan module or the I/O fan
29. Fixed Local Video disappears with Console Redirection and Quiet Boot Enabled in the
MFS5520VI compute module.
30. Fixed Speed Step disable in BIOS setup disables LSI SAS controller in the MFS5520VI compute
31. No Fix Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5.0 U3, 32 bit Xen kernel only, shows 13GB of memory when
more than 14GB of memory is installed.
32. No Fix MPIO takes a long time to install under Microsoft Windows* 2003 Clu ster.
33. No Fix Virtual Drives from external ports are not recognized on reboot with Microsoft Win dows*
2003 Enterprise.
34. No Fix Extraction and quick reinsertion of the Intel® Server Compute Module MFS5520VI may
cause various issues.
35. Fixed DIMM temperature warning in VMWare ESX 3.5 and ESX 4.0.