Intel MFS5000SI - Multi-Flex Server Compute Module User Manual

Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
A Guide for Technically Qualified Assemblers of Intel® Identified Subassemblies/ Products
Intel Order Number D90834-005
Intel® server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow for cooling. Intel's own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation can not be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
Intel, Intel Pentium, and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © 2007-2008, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved

Safety Information

Important Safety Instructions

Read all caution and safety statements in this document before performing any of the instructions. See also Intel® Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information at

Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise

Lesen Sie zunächst sämtliche Warnund Sicherheitshinweise in diesem Dokument, bevor Sie eine der Anweisungen ausführen. Beachten Sie hierzu auch die Intel® Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information unter motherboards/server/sb/cs-010770.htm.

Consignes de sécurité

Lisez attention toutes les consignes de sécurité et les mises en garde indiquées dans ce document avant de suivre toute instruction. Consultez Intel® Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information sur le site server/sb/cs-010770.htm.

Instrucciones de seguridad importantes

Lea todas las declaraciones de seguridad y precaución de este documento antes de realizar cualquiera de las instrucciones. Vea Intel® Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information en
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide iii


These warnings and cautions apply whenever you remove the compute module enclosure cover to access components inside the system. Only a technically qualified person should maintain or configure the system.
Heed safety instructions: Before working with your server product, whether you are using this guide or any other resource as a reference, pay close attention to the safety instructions. You must adhere to the assembly instructions in this guide to ensure and maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals. Use only the described, regulated components specified in this guide. Use of other products / components will void the UL listing and other regulatory approvals of the product and will most likely result in noncompliance with product regulations in the region(s) in which the product is sold.
System power on/off: The power button DOES NOT turn off the system AC power. To remove power from the system, you must unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet or the chassis. Make sure the AC power cord is unplugged before you open the chassis, add, or remove any components.
Hazardous conditions, devices and cables: Hazardous electrical conditions may be present on power, telephone, and communication cables. Turn off the system and disconnect the power cord, telecommunications systems, networks, and modems attached to the system before opening it. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage can result.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) and ESD protection: ESD can damage disk drives, boards, and other parts. We recommend that you perform all procedures in this document only at an ESD workstation. If one is not available, provide some ESD protection by wearing an anti-static wrist strap attached to chassis ground (any unpainted metal surface) on your system when handling parts.
ESD and handling electronic devices: Always handle electronic devices carefully. They can be extremely sensitive to ESD. Do not touch the connector contacts.
Installing or removing jumpers: A jumper is a small plastic encased conductor that slips over two jumper pins. Some jumpers have a small tab on top that you can grip with your fingertips or with a pair of fine needle nosed pliers. If your jumpers do not have such a tab, take care when using needle nosed pliers to remove or install a jumper; grip the narrow sides of the jumper with the pliers, never the wide sides. Gripping the wide sides can damage the contacts inside the jumper, causing intermittent problems with the function controlled by that jumper. Take care to grip with, but not squeeze, the pliers or other tool you use to remove a jumper, or you may bend or break the pins on the board.
Reinstalling enclosure cover: To protect internal components and for proper cooling and airflow, the compute module should not be inserted into the chassis with the cover removed; operating it without the enclosure cover in place can damage system parts.
iv Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide


Safety Information ..................................................................................................... iii
Important Safety Instructions ................................................................................................ iii
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise ............................................................................................... iii
Consignes de sécurité .......................................................................................................... iii
Instrucciones de seguridad importantes ............................................................................... iii
Warnings............................................................................................................................... iv
Compute Module Features ........................................................................................ 1
Connector and Component Locations ................................................................................... 3
Configuration Jumpers........................................................................................................... 4
Front Panel Connectors and Indicators .................................................................................5
Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................5
Processor .................................................................................................................................... 5
Memory ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Power Supply .............................................................................................................................. 6
Hardware Installations and Upgrades ......................................................................7
Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................7
Tools and Supplies Needed ........................................................................................................ 7
Installation Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 7
Removing and Installing an Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI .........................................7
Removing a Compute Module from the Server System ............................................................. 7
Installing a Compute Module into the Server System ................................................................. 8
Opening and Closing the Top Cover .....................................................................................8
Opening and Removing the Top Cover ...................................................................................... 8
Replacing and Closing the Top Cover ...................................................................................... 10
Installing or Replacing a Processor ..................................................................................... 11
Installing a Processor ............................................................................................................... 11
Replacing a Processor .............................................................................................................. 18
Installing and Removing Memory Modules.......................................................................... 24
Supported Memory ................................................................................................................... 24
Memory Sparing and Mirroring ................................................................................................ 24
Installing DIMMs ....................................................................................................................... 25
Removing DIMMs ..................................................................................................................... 29
Installing and Removing Mezzanine Card ........................................................................... 32
Installing the Mezzanine Card ..................................................................................................32
Removing a Mezzanine Card ................................................................................................... 35
Replacing the CMOS Battery............................................................................................... 39
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................41
First Steps Checklist ............................................................................................................41
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide v
Hardware Diagnostic Testing .............................................................................................. 42
Specific Problems and Corrective Actions .......................................................................... 42
Power LED Does Not Light .......................................................................................................43
No Video Display ...................................................................................................................... 43
Characters are Distorted or Incorrect ....................................................................................... 43
No Available Storage ................................................................................................................ 44
Cannot Connect to a Compute Module .................................................................................... 44
Problems with Newly Installed Application Software ................................................................ 45
Problems with Application Software that Previously Functioned Properly ............................... 45
Devices are Not Recognized within the Operating System ...................................................... 45
Diagnostic LED Information ...................................................................................................... 46
BIOS POST Beep Codes ......................................................................................................... 46
A Getting Help ..........................................................................................................49
World Wide Web .................................................................................................................49
Telephone ........................................................................................................................... 49
U.S. and Canada ...................................................................................................................... 49
Europe ...................................................................................................................................... 49
In Asia-Pacific region ................................................................................................................ 50
Japan ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Latin America ............................................................................................................................ 50
B Warranty ................................................................................................................53
Limited Warranty for Intel® Chassis Subassembly Products .............................................. 53
Extent of Limited Warranty .................................................................................................. 53
Warranty Limitations and Exclusions .................................................................................. 54
Limitations of Liability ............................................................................................................... 54
How to Obtain Warranty Service .............................................................................................. 54
Telephone Support ................................................................................................................... 55
Returning a Defective Product ..................................................................................................55
C Product Regulatory Requirements .....................................................................57
Product Safety Requirements ............................................................................................. 57
Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) / Harmonic Requirements ....................................... 57
Product Ecology Requirements ........................................................................................... 57
Component Regulatory Requirements Needed to Support System Level Certifications .... 58
Product Regulatory Compliance and Safety Markings ........................................................ 59
D Safety Information ................................................................................................61
English ................................................................................................................................. 61
Server Safety Information ......................................................................................................... 61
Safety Warnings and Cautions ................................................................................................. 61
Intended Application Uses ........................................................................................................ 62
Site Selection ............................................................................................................................ 62
Equipment Handling Practices ................................................................................................. 62
Power and Electrical Warnings ................................................................................................. 62
System Access Warnings .........................................................................................................63
Rack Mount Warnings .............................................................................................................. 64
vi Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) ..................................................................................................64
Other Hazards .......................................................................................................................... 65
Deutsch................................................................................................................................ 66
Sicherheitshinweise für den Server .......................................................................................... 66
Sicherheitshinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ....................................................................... 66
Zielbenutzer der Anwendung .................................................................................................... 67
Standortauswahl ....................................................................................................................... 67
Handhabung von Geräten ........................................................................................................ 67
Warnhinweise für den Systemzugang ...................................................................................... 69
Elektrostatische Entladungen (ESD) ........................................................................................ 70
Andere Gefahren ...................................................................................................................... 71
Français ...............................................................................................................................72
Consignes de sécurité sur le serveur ....................................................................................... 72
Sécurité: avertissements et mises en garde ............................................................................. 72
Domaines d’utilisation prévus ................................................................................................... 73
Sélection d’un emplacement .....................................................................................................73
Pratiques de manipulation de l’équipement .............................................................................. 73
Décharges électrostatiques (ESD) ........................................................................................... 76
Autres risques ........................................................................................................................... 77
Español................................................................................................................................ 78
Información de seguridad del servidor ...................................................................................... 78
Advertencias y precauciones sobre seguridad ......................................................................... 78
Aplicaciones y usos previstos ................................................................................................... 79
Selección de la ubicación ......................................................................................................... 79
Manipulación del equipo ........................................................................................................... 79
Advertencias el acceso al sistema ............................................................................................ 81
Descarga electrostática (ESD) ................................................................................................. 82
E Installation/Assembly Safety Instructions .........................................................89
English .................................................................................................................................89
Deutsch ................................................................................................................................91
Français ...............................................................................................................................94
Español ................................................................................................................................96
Italiano .................................................................................................................................98
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide vii
viii Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide

List of Tables

Table 1. Compute Module Features........................................................................................... 2
Table 2. Diagnostic LED Information........................................................................................46
Table 3. POST Error Beep Codes............................................................................................ 47
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide ix
x Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide

List of Figures

Figure 1. Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI ......................................................................... 1
Figure 2. Server Board............................................................................................................... 1
Figure 3. Component and Connector Locations.........................................................................3
Figure 4. Configuration Jumper Locations ................................................................................. 4
Figure 5. Front Panel Connectors and Indicators.......................................................................5
Figure 6. Removing Top Cover .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7. Installing Top Cover ..................................................................................................10
Figure 8. Removing Processor Air Duct................................................................................... 11
Figure 9. Lifting Processor Socket Handle............................................................................... 12
Figure 10. Opening Load Plate ................................................................................................ 12
Figure 11. Removing Protective Shipping Cover ..................................................................... 13
Figure 12. Orienting and Installing Processor .......................................................................... 13
Figure 13. Removing Socket Protective Cover ........................................................................ 14
Figure 14. Lowering Load Plate and Socket Lever ..................................................................14
Figure 15. Installing Heatsink................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16. Removing Second Processor Air Baffle.................................................................. 16
Figure 17. Reinstalling Processor Air Duct...............................................................................17
Figure 18. Removing Processor Air Duct................................................................................. 18
Figure 19. Removing the Heatsink........................................................................................... 19
Figure 20. Lifting Processor Socket Handle............................................................................. 19
Figure 21. Opening Load Plate ................................................................................................ 20
Figure 22. Removing Processor............................................................................................... 20
Figure 23. Removing Protective Shipping Cover ..................................................................... 21
Figure 24. Orienting and Installing Processor .......................................................................... 21
Figure 25. Lowering Load Plate and Socket Lever ..................................................................21
Figure 26. Re-installing Heatsink ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 27. Reinstalling Processor Air Duct...............................................................................23
Figure 28. DIMM Slot Order ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 29. Removing Processor Air Duct................................................................................. 26
Figure 30. Installing DIMMs......................................................................................................27
Figure 31. Reinstalling Processor Air Duct...............................................................................28
Figure 32. Removing Processor Air Duct................................................................................. 29
Figure 33. Removing DIMMs....................................................................................................30
Figure 34. Reinstalling Processor Air Duct...............................................................................31
Figure 35. Removing Screws from Server Board.....................................................................32
Figure 36. Installing Standoffs for Mezzanine Card ................................................................. 33
Figure 37. Installing Mezzanine Card.......................................................................................34
Figure 38. Securing Mezzanine Card to Standoffs...................................................................35
Figure 39. Removing Screws from Mezzanine Card................................................................36
Figure 40. Removing Mezzanine Card..................................................................................... 37
Figure 41. Removing Standoffs................................................................................................ 38
Figure 42. CMOS Battery Location .......................................................................................... 40
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide xi
xii Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide

1 Compute Module Features

This chapter briefly describes the main features of the Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, as well as provides illustrations showing the location of important components and connections on the compute module.
The Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI is shown in the following pictures.
Figure 1. Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI
Figure 2.
Server Board
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 1
The following table summarizes the major features of the server board.
Table 1. Compute Module Features
Feature Description
Processors Support for up to two Dual-Core Intel
Memory Support for up to 32 GB of fully-buffered DDR2 667-MHz DIMMs (FB-DIMM)
Eight DIMM slots Support for DIMM sparing and memory mirroring
Chipset Intel® 5000P chipset, consisting of:
Xeon® processors 5000 sequence
Intel® 5000P Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
Intel® 6321ESB I/O Controller Hub
Peripheral Interfaces External connections:
Two USB 2.0 ports
Video connector
Internal connections:
One connector to the chassis I/O mezzanine card
Video ATI* ES1000 controller with 16MB onboard memory
Hard Drive LSI* 1064e SAS controller
LAN Intel® 8256EB dual port controller
Trusted Computing Trusted Platform Module, version 1.2
2 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide

Connector and Component Locations

A Mezzanine Card Connector K USB2 Port
B Midplane Power Connector L USB1 Port
C Midplane Signal Connector M CMOS Battery
D SAS Connector N Test Connector (manufacturing only)
E FBDIMM Slots O CPU #2 Heatsink
F CPU1 Socket P Intel® 6321ESB I/O Controller Hub
G Power/Fault LEDs Q Intel® 5000P Memory Controller Hub
H Power Switch R Test Connector (manufacturing only)
I Activity and ID LEDs S Serial Debug Connector
(manufacturing only)
J Video Connector
Figure 3. Component and Connector Locations
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 3

Configuration Jumpers

BIOS Bank Select
BMC Force Update
Figure 4. Configuration Jumper Locations
Jumper Name Pins What happens at system reset…
J7A1: BMC Force Update
J4A1: Password Clear
J1F2: CMOS Clear
1-2 BMC Firmware Force Update Mode - Enabled
2-3 BMC Firmware Force Update Mode - Disabled (Default)
1-2 These pins should have a jumper in place for normal system operation
2-3 If these pins are jumpered, administrator and user passwords will be
cleared immediately. These pins should not be jumpered for normal operation.
1-2 These pins should have a jumper in place for normal system
operation. (Default)
2-3 If these pins are jumpered, the CMOS settings will be cleared
immediately. These pins should not be jumpered for normal operation.
4 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
J3A3: BIOS Bank
1-2 If these pins are jumpered, the BIOS will be forced to boot from the
lower bank. These pins should not be jumpered for normal operation.
2-3 These pins should have a jumper in place for normal system
operation. (Default)

Front Panel Connectors and Indicators

A USB1 Port B USB2 Port
C Video Connector D I/O 1 and I/O 2 Activity LEDs
E NIC1 and NIC2 Activity LEDs F Drive Activity LED
GID LED HPower Button
I Fault LED J Power LED
Figure 5. Front Panel Connectors and Indicators

Hardware Requirements

To avoid integration difficulties and possible board damage, your system must meet the requirements outlined below.


The Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI supports up to two Multi-Core Intel® Xeon® Processors 5xxx Series.


A minimum of two fully-buffered DDR2 667 MHz DIMM(s) (FB-DIMM) should be installed. Additional DIMMs must be installed in pairs, up to eight total.
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 5

Power Supply

A minimum of one 1000-Watt power supply is required to turn on a compute module.
One power supply will support 1 compute module plus all other modules in the system.
Two power supplies will support 2 to 3 compute modules (in any slot) plus all other modules in the system.
Three power supplies will support 4 to 6 compute modules (in any slot) plus all other modules in the system.
Any additional power supplies above minimum required (based on configuration) provides redundancy.
6 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
2 Hardware Installations and

Before You Begin

Before working with your server product, review the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices.

Tools and Supplies Needed

1/4-inch nut driver
Needle-nosed pliers
Ant-static wrist strap and conductive foam pad (recommended)
(cross head) screwdriver (#1 bit and #2 bit

Installation Guidelines

Before installing options:
1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices.
2. Remove the compute module from the chassis; before doing so, you must first shut down the operating system and turn off the compute module. You do not have to shut down the chassis.
3. Blue on a component indicates a touch point, where you can grip the component to install or remove it from the server.
4. Green on a component indicates that the component may be hot-swapped. See the instructions included with the hot-swap component for a complete list of installation or removal steps.
Removing and Installing an Intel® Compute Module

Removing a Compute Module from the Server System

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices.
2. If the compute module is operating, shut down the operating system and power it down.
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 7
3. Release the two retention levers by pressing on the release button located between the two lever handles.
4. Rotate the two lever handles outward and pull the compute module from the chassis slot.
5. Place either a filler or another compute module into the bay within one minute; this step is required to maintain proper airflow patterns throughout the server system and to ensure proper system cooling.

Installing a Compute Module into the Server System

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices
2. If you have not done so already, install any necessary options, such as processors, memory, hard drives and expansion cards in the compute module.
Note: The top cover is a required component of the compute module; do not attempt
to insert a compute module into a server system without a top cover installed.
3. Make sure the retention levers on the compute module are in the open position.
4. Insert the compute module into an open slot in the system and slide it in until it stops.
5. Close the retention lever handles on the front of the compute module.

Opening and Closing the Top Cover

Opening and Removing the Top Cover

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices
2. If the compute module is installed in a server system, see “Removing a Compute
Module from the Server System” on page 7 for removal instructions.
3. Carefully lay the compute module down on a flat, non-conductive surface, with the cover side up.
8 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
4. Press the top cover release button (see letter “A” in the following figure) and slide the top cover back, away from the compute module bezel (see letter “B”). Lift the top cover up and off the compute module.
Caution: Always replace the top cover before installing the compute module into a
server system.
Figure 6. Removing Top Cover
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 9

Replacing and Closing the Top Cover

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices
2. Place the top cover on the compute module so that it engages the cover guide notches.
Note: Before closing the top cover, check that all components are installed and
seated correctly and that no loose tools or parts are inside the compute module.
Slide the top cover forward to the closed position until the retention latch fully engages.
Figure 7. Installing Top Cover
10 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide

Installing or Replacing a Processor

Caution: Only processors validated for use in the Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI should be
installed. You may damage the compute module if an inappropriate processor is installed.

Installing a Processor

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices.
2. If the compute modulecompute module is installed in a server system, see “Removing
a Compute Module from the Server System” on page 7 for removal instructions.
3. Remove the top cover. For instructions, see “Opening and Removing the Top Cover”
on page 8.
4. Remove the processor air duct.
Figure 8. Removing Processor Air Duct
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 11
5. Locate the processor socket. Push the lever handle down and away from the socket to release it. Fully raise the socket handle.
Figure 9. Lifting Processor Socket Handle
6. Push the rear tab of the load plate with your finger tip (see letter “A” in the following figure) to bring the front end of the load plate up slightly. Open the load plate (see letter “B”).
Note: Do not touch the socket pins; they are very sensitive and easily damaged.
Figure 10. Opening Load Plate
12 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
7. If present, remove the protective shipping cover from the processor.
Figure 11. Removing Protective Shipping Cover
8. Orient the processor with the processor socket so that the processor cut-outs match the socket notches (see letter “A” in the following figure). Install the processor (see letter “B”).
Caution: The underside of the processor has components that may damage the
socket pins if installed improperly. Processor must align correctly with socket opening before installation. DO NOT DROP processor into socket.
Figure 12. Orienting and Installing Processor
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 13
9. Remove the socket protective cover. Grasp the socket protective cover tab and pull away from the load plate (see letter “A” in the following figure). Remove the socket protective cover (see letter “B”) and store for future use.
Note: Retain the socket protective cover for later use when removing a processor
that will not be replaced.
Figure 13. Removing Socket Protective Cover
10. Lower the processor load plate (see letter “A” in the following figure). With your finger, push down on the load plate (see letter “B”). Lower the socket lever until it is fully latched (see letter “C”).
Figure 14. Lowering Load Plate and Socket Lever
11. Ensure that the thermal material is intact on the bottom of the heatsink.
12. Align the heatsink over the processor, thermal material side down, with the captive screws in line with the holes on the heatsink retention module. Press down firmly on the heatsink.
14 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
13. Press firmly on the captive screws and tighten them, alternating between screws in a diagonal manner (see tightening order in the following figure). Do not over-tighten the screws by using excessive force.
Figure 15. Installing Heatsink
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 15
14. If you are installing a second processor then the second processor air baffle must be removed to ensure proper cooling for two processors.
Caution: This step only applies if your system has TWO processors. For a one-
processor configuration, the second processor air baffle must remain in place to ensure proper cooling.
Remove the second processor air baffle by rocking the air baffle back and forth until it breaks off (see letter “A” in the following figure).
Figure 16. Removing Second Processor Air Baffle
16 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
15. Reinstall the processor air duct.
I/O 2
Figure 17. Reinstalling Processor Air Duct
16. Reinstall the top cover. For instructions, see “Replacing and Closing the Top Cover”
on page 10.
17. Reinstall the server compute blade in the server system. For instructions, see
“Installing a Compute Module into the Server System” on page 8.
Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide 17

Replacing a Processor

1. Observe the safety and ESD information at the beginning of this manual and in the appendices.
2. If the compute module is installed in a server system, see “Removing a Compute
Module from the Server System” on page 7 for removal instructions.
3. Remove the top cover. For instructions, see “Opening and Removing the Top Cover”
on page 8.
4. Remove the processor air duct.
I/O 2
Figure 18. Removing Processor Air Duct
18 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI User Guide
+ 82 hidden pages