Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets
Server Board Family
Intel order number D38960-004
Revision 1.1
June 01, 2006
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Revision History Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet
Revision History
Date Revision
31 May 06 1.1 Initial Document Release.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express
or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this
document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel
assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to
sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular
purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property
right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining
applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked
"reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no
responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
The Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet may contain design defects or
errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications.
Current characterized errata are available on request.
The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change
without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel
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in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document.
Table 48. POST Progress Code LED Example.........................................................................145
Table 49. POST Code Checkpoints..........................................................................................146
Table 50. POST Error Messages and Handling........................................................................149
Table 51. POST Error Beep Codes...........................................................................................151
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Intel order number D38960-004
List of Tables Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet
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Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Introduction
1. Introduction
This datasheet provides information about features and regulatory information that is common
to Intel
This is a companion document to the technical product specifications that are available for
each server or workstation board that uses the Intel
server boards and Intel® workstation boards that use the Intel® 5000 Series Chipset.
5000 MCH. To fully understand all
features of a particular server or workstation board that uses this chipset, you need to use
both this datasheet and the technical product specification that is available for your server
board or workstation board.
The target audience for this document is anyone wishing to obtain more in depth detail of the
server board or workstation board than that which is available in the User’s Guide or the
board-specific technical product specification. This is a technical document that is meant to
assist people with understanding and learning more about the specific features of the board.
1.1 Server Product References
This document applies to both specific Intel® server boards and to specific Intel® workstation
boards. Unless otherwise noted, all references to “Intel boards” or “board” apply to both server
boards and workstation boards that use this chipset.
1.2 Chapter Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters
The following sub-sections provide an overview of the primary functions and supported features
of each chipset component used on the Intel
boards that utilize the Intel® 5000 MCH. Later
sections in this chapter provide more detail on how each sub-system is implemented.
Note: See the Intel
server board or workstation board technical product specification that
applies to your product for feature-specific support information.
2.1.1 Memory Controller Hub (Intel® 5000 MCH)
The Intel® 5000 MCH is a 1432-ball FC-BGA package configured to support the following
CPU dual, independent system bus at 667-, 1066-, or 1333-MHz operation.
Four fully-buffered DIMM (FBD) channels supporting fully-buffered DDR2 DIMMs
(FBDIMMs), 24-lane serial bus at 6.4 GB/s (533 MT/s) and 8 GB/s (667 MT/s) peak
theoretical bandwidth per channel. This allows a total of 25.6 GB/s and 64.6 GB/s peak
theoretical bandwidth for all four Channels combined.
One PCI Express* x8 port with an aggregate bandwidth of 4 GB/s interface to the Intel®
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub.
One PCI Express x8 port with an aggregate bandwidth of 4 GB/s interface to x8 PCI
Express Connector.
One PCI Express x8 port with an aggregate bandwidth of 4 GB/s interface to x8 PCI
Express Connector.
One PCI Express x4 ESI port with an aggregate bandwidth of 2 GB/s interface to the
Intel® 631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub. System Bus
The Intel
system bus frequency of 266 MHz and 333 MHz for Intel
5000 MCH supports either single- or dual-processor configurations using the Intel®
5000 Sequence processor with a 2x 2 MB cache. The Intel® 5000 MCH supports a base
5000 Series Chipsets. The address
and request interface is double-pumped to 533 MHz, and the 64-bit data interface (+ parity) is
quad-pumped to 1066 MHz. This provides a matched system bus address and data bandwidths
of 8.5 GB/s.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture
® Intel
The Intel
5000 MCH provides an integrated memory controller for direct connection to four
5000 MCH Memory Sub-System Overview
channels of registered fully-buffered DIMM (FBD) DDR2 533/667 MHz memory (stacked or
unstacked). Peak theoretical memory data bandwidth using FBD 533/667 MHz technology is 6.4
and 8 GB/s, respectively.
When all four memory channels are populated and operating, they function in lock-step mode.
The maximum supported FBD DDR2 533/667 MHz memory configuration is 64 GB.
The Intel
5000 MCH memory interface provides several reliability, availability, serviceability,
usability, and manageability (RASUM) features, including:
Memory mirroring allows two copies of all data in the memory subsystem (one on each
channel) to be maintained.
Memory sparing allows one DIMM per channel to be held in reserve and brought on-line
if another FBDIMM in the channel becomes defective.
Hardware periodic memory scrubbing, including demand scrub support.
Retry on uncorrectable memory errors.
x4/x8 Single Device Data Correction (SDDC) for memory error detection and
correction of any number of bit failures in a single x4/x8 memory device.
Note: Memory sparing and memory mirroring are mutually exclusive.
Note: Memory sparing and mirroring features are currently disabled and will be made available
after production launch. PCI Express* Interface
The Intel
bandwidth. The scalable PCI Express interface of the Intel
5000 MCH supports the PCI Express* high-speed serial I/O interface for superior I/O
5000 MCH complies with the PCI
Express Interface Specification, Revision 1.0a.
The Intel
5000 MCH provides three x8 PCI Express* interfaces, each with a maximum
theoretical bandwidth of 4.2 GB/s. Each of these x8 PCI Express interfaces may alternatively be
configured as two independent x4 PCI Express interfaces. A PCI Express interface/port is
defined as a collection of lanes. Each lane (x1) consists of two striped differential pairs in each
direction (transmit and receive). The raw bit-rate on the data pins of 2.5 Gb/s, results in a real
bandwidth of 250 MB/s per pair, given the 8/10 bit encoding used to transmit data across this
The Intel
Specification. The PCI Express* interfaces of the Intel
5000 MCH is a root-class component as defined in the PCI Express Interface
5000 MCH support connections to a
variety of bridges and devices that are compliant with the same revision of the specification.
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Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet PCI Express* Training
To establish a connection between PCI Express* endpoints, the endpoints participate in a
sequence of steps called training. This sequence establishes the operational width of the link
and adjusts skews of the various lanes within a link so that the data sample points can correctly
take a data sample from the link.
In the case of a x8 port, the x4 link-pairs first attempt to train independently, and will collapse to
a single link at the x8 width upon detection of a single device returning link ID information
upstream. Once the number of links has been established, they negotiate to train at the highest
common width, and step down in its supported link widths to succeed in training. The result may
be that the link has trained as a x1 link.
Although the bandwidth of this link size is substantially lower than a x8 link or a x4 link, it allows
communication between the two devices. Software can then interrogate the device at the other
end of the link to determine why it failed to train at a higher width. This would not be possible
without support for the x1 link width.
Width negotiation is done only during training or retraining, not during recovery. PCI Express* Retry
The PCI Express* interface incorporates a link-level retry mechanism. The hardware detects a
corrupted transmission packet and performs a retry of that packet and all following packets.
Although this causes a temporary interruption in the delivery of packets, the retry helps to
maintain the link integrity. PCI Express* Link Recovery
If excessive errors occur, the hardware can determine that the quality of the connection is in
question and the end points can enter a quick training sequence, known as recovery. The width
of the connection will not be renegotiated, but the adjustment of skew between lanes of the link
might occur. This occurs without any software intervention, but the software might be notified. PCI Express* Data Protection
The PCI Express* high-speed serial interface uses traditional CRC protection. The data packets
use a 32-bit CRC protection scheme, the same CRC-32 used by Ethernet. The smaller link
packets use a 16-bit CRC scheme. Since packets utilize 8B/10B encoding, and not all
encodings are used; this provides further data protection, as illegal codes can be detected. If
errors are detected on the reception of data packets due to various transients, these data
packets can be retransmitted. Hardware logic supports this link-level retry without software
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture PCI Express* Retrain
If the hardware is unable to perform a successful recovery, then the link automatically reverts to
the polling state and initiates a full retraining sequence. This is a drastic event with an implicit
reset to the downstream device and all subordinate devices, and is logged by the Intel
MCH as a "Link Down" error. If escalation of this event is enabled, software is notified of the link
DL_DOWN condition. If software is involved, then data is probably lost, and processes need to
be restarted. This is preferred over the taking down the system or going offline for an extended
time. Enterprise South Bridge Interface (ESI)
A PCI interface is provided for a connection to the memory controller hub (Intel
5000 MCH).
Maximum realized bandwidth on this interface is 2 GB/s in each direction simultaneously, for an
aggregate of 4 GB/s. This PCI Express* interface is compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a, and supports x4 and x8 bandwidths.
The Intel® 631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub is a multi-function device that provides an
upstream hub interface for access to several embedded I/O functions and features, including:
Compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a, with support for four
PCI Express* root ports (module-based hot-plug support) and two 1x4 downstream ports
(connector-based hot-swap support)
Compliant with the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0b
Compliant with the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3 with support for 33 MHz
PCI operations
Compliant with the PCI Standard Hot-Plug Controller and Subsystem Specification,
Revision 1.0
ACPI 2.0 power management logic support
Enhanced DMA controller, interrupt controller, and timer functions
Integrated IDE controller with support for Ultra ATA100 / 66 / 33
Integrated SATA controller
Baseboard management controller (BMC)
USB host interface with support for eight USB 2.0 ports; via four UHCI host controllers;
and one EHCI high-speed host controller
Compliant with the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, Version 2.0 with
additional support for I
Support for the Audio Codec ‘97, Revision 2.3 Specification
Low pin count (LPC) interface
C devices
Each function within the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub has its own set of
configuration registers. Once configured, each appears to the system as a distinct hardware
controller that shares the same PCI bus interface.
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Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet PCI Interface
The Intel
2.3-compliant implementation. All PCI signals are 5-V tolerant, except for PME#. An integrated
PCI arbiter supports up to six external PCI bus masters in addition to the internal Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub requests. On Intel
boards that use the Intel® 5000
MCH, this PCI interface is used to support one on-board PCI device: the ATI* ES1000 video
controller. PCI Express* Interface
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub provides PCI Express* root ports that are
compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a. The PCI Express root ports
can be statically configured as four x1 ports or ganged together to form one x4 port. Each root
port supports 250 MB/s bandwidth in each direction (500 MB/s concurrent).
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub implements two x4 downstream ports. The
maximum realized bandwidth on this interface is 1 GB/s in each direction simultaneously, for an
aggregate of 2 GB/s. These two ports can be configured as one x8 PCI Express* port. This PCI
Express interface is compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a. PCI-X* Bus Interface
The Intel
conventional PCI and PCI-X Mode 1. The PCI-X interfaces on the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub provides a PCI-X* bus interface that supports
631xESB / 632xESB
I/O Controller Hub are compliant with the following:
“PCI-X Addendum” to the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 1.0b
“Mode 1” sections of the “PCI-X Electrical and Mechanical Addendum” to the PCI Local
Bus Specification Revision 2.0a
“PCI-X Protocol Addendum” to the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.0a
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub supports PCI bus frequencies of 66 MHz,
100 MHz, and 133 MHz. IDE Interface (Bus Master Capability and Synchronous DMA Mode)
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub has an integrated IDE controller with an
independent IDE signal channel that supports up to two IDE devices. This integrated
functionality provides the interface for IDE hard disks and ATAPI devices. Each IDE device can
have independent timings. The IDE interface supports PIO IDE transfers of up to 16 MB/s and
Ultra ATA transfers of up 100 MB/s. The IDE interface integrates 16x32-bit buffers for optimal
transfers and does not consume any ISA DMA resources. The IDE signal channels in the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub can be configured to primary and secondary channels.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture Serial ATA (SATA) Host Controller
The SATA host controller supports a combination of up to six SATA or four serial attached SCSI
(SAS) devices. This provides an interface for SATA hard disks and ATAPI devices. The SATA
interface supports PIO IDE transfers up to 16 MB/s and Serial ATA transfers up to 3.0 Gb/s (300
The SATA system for the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub contains six
independent SATA signal ports that can be independently electrically isolated. Each SATA
device can have independent timings. They can be configured to the standard primary and
secondary channels. In addition, the controller hub offers the Intel
Embedded Server RAID
Technology that enables data striping (RAID Level 0) for higher-performance or data mirroring
(RAID Level 1) for fault-tolerance between the two SATA drives, alleviating disk bottlenecks by
taking advantage of the dual, independent SATA controllers integrated in the Intel
631xESB /
632xESB I/O Controller Hub.
Note: See the Intel
server board or workstation board technical product specification that
applies to your product for more information. Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
The BMC component of the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub is provided by an
embedded ARC* controller and associated peripheral functionality that is used to provide the
baseboard management controller functionality that is required for IPMI-based server
management. The following is a summary of the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub
management hardware features utilized by the BMC:
ARC4 processor with 16 Kb I-cache and D-cache
256 Kb of internal SRAM with dual port (one for code accesses and one for all other
Expansion bus, allowing connection to external Flash PROM (asynchronous or
synchronous), an external SRAM or an external SDRAM.
Serial flash interface
Five SMB ports, two that support FML (either master or slave)
RS-232 serial port (UART)
Cryptographic module, supporting AES and RC4 encryption algorithms and SHA1 and
MD5 authentication algorithms with internal DMA and raw checksum support.
Two keyboard controller style (KCS) interfaces residing on the LPC bus
General-purpose input/output (GPIO) interface
MAC CSR interface
Timer interface
Host DMA interface
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface
The Intel
the Low Pin Count Interface Specification, Revision 1.1. The low pin count (LPC) bridge function
of the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub implements an LPC Interface as described in
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub resides in PCI Device 31: Function 0. In
addition to the LPC bridge interface function, D31:F0 contains other functional units including
DMA, interrupt controllers, timers, power management, system management, GPIO, and RTC.
The DMA controller incorporates the logic of two 82C37 DMA controllers, with seven
independently programmable channels. Channels 0–3 are hardwired to 8-bit, count-by-byte
transfers, and channels 5 through 7 are hardwired to 16-bit, count-by-word transfers. Any two of
the seven DMA channels can be programmed to support fast Type-F transfers.
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub’s DMA controller. LPC DMA is
handled through the use of the LDRQ# lines from peripherals and special encoding on LAD[3:0]
from the host. Single, demand, verify, and increment modes are supported on the LPC
interface. Channels 0–3 are 8 bit channels. Channels 5 through 7 are 16-bit channels. Channel
4 is reserved as a generic bus master request.
The timer / counter block contains three counters that are equivalent in function to those found
in one 82C54 programmable interval timer. These three counters are combined to provide the
system timer function, and speaker tone. The 14.31818-MHz oscillator input provides the clock
source for these three counters.
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub provides an ISA-compatible programmable
interrupt controller (PIC) that incorporates the functionality of two 82C59 interrupt controllers.
The two interrupt controllers are cascaded so that 14 external and two internal interrupts are
possible. In addition, the I/O Controller Hub supports a serial interrupt scheme. All of the
registers in these modules can be read and restored. This is required to save and restore the
system state after power has been removed and restored to the platform.
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub contains an enhanced host controller
interface that supports USB high-speed signaling. High-speed USB 2.0 allows data transfers up
to 480 Mb/s, which is 40 times faster than full-speed USB. The I/O Controller Hub also contains
four universal host controller interface (UHCI) controllers that support USB full-speed and lowspeed signaling.
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub supports eight USB 2.0 ports. All eight ports
capable of high-speed, full-speed, and low-speed.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture Real-time Clock (RTC)
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub contains a Motorola* MC146818A-compatible
real-time clock with 256 bytes of battery-backed RAM. The real-time clock performs two key
functions: keeping track of the time of day and storing system data, even when the system is
powered down. The RTC operates on a 32.768-KHz crystal and a separate 3-V lithium battery.
The RTC supports two lockable memory ranges. By setting bits in the configuration space, two
8-byte ranges can be locked to read and write accesses. This prevents unauthorized reading of
passwords or other system security information. General-purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
General-purpose inputs and outputs are provided for custom system designs. The number of
inputs and outputs depends on the Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub configuration.
All unused GPI pins must be pulled high or low, so they are at a predefined level and do not
cause problems.
Note: See the Intel
server board or workstation board technical product specification that
applies to your product for more information. System Management Bus (SMBus 2.0)
The Intel
the processor to communicate with SMBus slaves. This interface is compatible with most I
devices. Special I
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub contains a SMBus host interface that allows
C commands are implemented. The SMBus host controller for the I/O
Controller Hub provides a mechanism for the processor to initiate communications with SMBus
peripherals (slaves).
The Intel
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub supports slave functionality, including the
Host Notify protocol. The host controller supports eight command protocols of the SMBus
interface: Quick Command, Send Byte, Receive Byte, Write Byte/Word, Read Byte/Word,
Process Call, Block Read/Write, and Host Notify.
See the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, Version 2.0 for more information.
2.2 Processor Sub-system
The support circuitry for the processor sub-system consists of the following:
Dual LGA771 zero insertion force (ZIF) processor sockets
Processor host bus AGTL+ support circuitry
Reset configuration logic
Processor module presence detection logic
BSEL detection capabilities
CPU signal level translation
Common enabling kit (CEK) CPU retention support
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet
2.2.1 Processor Support
Intel® boards that use the Intel® 5000 MCH support one or two Intel® Xeon® 5000 sequence
processors that utilize a 667, 1066, or 1333 MHz system bus with frequencies starting at 3.67
GHz. Previous generations of the Intel
Xeon® processors are not supported on these boards.
2.2.2 Processor Population Rules
When two processors are installed, both must be of identical revision, core voltage, and
bus/core speed. When only one processor is installed, it must be in the socket labeled CPU1.
The other socket must be empty.
Processors must be populated in sequential order. Processor socket 1 (CPU1) must be
populated before processor socket 2 (CPU2). No terminator is required in the second processor
socket when using a single processor configuration.
The board is designed to provide up to 130 A of current per processor. Processors with higher
current requirements are not supported.
2.2.3 Processor EVRD
EVRD11.0, Enterprise Voltage Regulator Down, is a DC-to-DC converter that meets the
processor power requirements server platform. Processors supported by this VR are: Intel
5000 sequence processors and future processor technologies
EVRD11.0 incorporates functional changes from prior EVRD design guidelines.
2.2.4 GTL2007
The GTL2007 is a customized translator between dual Intel® Xeon® 5000 sequence processors,
system health management, Intel
LVTTL and GTL signals. The GTL2007 is a 12-bit translator to interface between the 3.3-V
LVTTL chipset I/O and the Dual-Core Intel
GTL / GTL+ I/O. The device is designed for platform health management in dual-processor
631xESB / 632xESB I/O Controller Hub, and power supply
Xeon® 5000 processor sequence processor GTL- /
2.2.5 Common Enabling Kit (CEK) Design Support
The Intel® board complies with the Intel® Common Enabling Kit (CEK) processor mounting and
thermal solution. The server board ships from Intel’s factory with a CEK spring snapped onto the
underside of the board beneath each processor socket. The CEK spring is removable to allow
the use of non-Intel heat sink retention solutions.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture
Heatsink assembly
Thermal Interface
Material (TIM)
Server Board
CEK Spring
Figure 2. CEK Processor Mounting
2.3 Memory Sub-system
The Intel® boards that use the Intel® 5000 MCH support several fully-buffered (FBD) memory
modes of operation.
Note: Memory sparing and mirroring features are currently disabled and will be made available
after production launch.
The Intel® 5000 MCH provides an integrated memory controller for direct connection to four
channels routed to eight connectors supporting registered DDR2-533 and DDR2-667 FBDIMM
memory (stacked or unstacked). Peak theoretical memory data bandwidth is 6.4 GB/s with
DDR2-533 and 8.0 GB/s with DDR2-667.
A pair of channels is a branch. Branch 0 consists of channel A and channel B, Branch 1
consists of channel C and channel D. A DIMM can have two ranks; a channel supports a
maximum of eight ranks.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet
In non-mirrored operation, the two DDR2 channels within a branch operate in lock-step and the
branches operate independently. When memory mirroring is configured, the channels operate in
lock-step under normal conditions, but independently under failure and recovery conditions.
The Intel
5000 MCH supports a burst length of four in either single-channel mode or dualchannel mode. In dual-channel mode this results in eight 64-bit chunks (64-byte cache line)
from a single read or write. In single-channel mode, two reads or writes are required to access a
cache line of data.
Memory between 32 GB, and 32 GB minus 512 MB, is not accessible for use by the operating
system and may be lost to the user. This area is reserved for the BIOS, APIC configuration
space, PCI adapter interface, and virtual video memory space. This means that if 32 GB of
memory is installed, 31.5 GB of this memory is usable. The chipset should allow the remapping
of unused memory above the 32 GB address, but this memory may not be accessible to an
operating system that has a 32 GB memory limit.
To boot the system, the system BIOS uses a dedicated I
needed to program the Intel
5000 MCH memory registers.
C bus to retrieve DIMM information
2.3.1 Fully-buffered DIMM (FBDIMM)
The fully-buffered DIMM (FBDIMM) memory interface provides a high-bandwidth, large-capacity
channel solution that has a narrow host interface. FBDIMMs use commodity DRAMs isolated
from the channel behind an advanced memory buffer (AMB) on the DIMM that allows a greater
number of devices per channel without loading the interconnect and affecting performance.
Memory capacity remains at a maximum of 36 devices per DIMM and total memory capacity
scales with DRAM bit density.
FBD is a differential pair, point-to-point interface. The interface consists primarily of 10
southbound differential pairs (outputs from the Intel
northbound differential pairs (inputs to the Intel
5000 MCH to the DIMMs) and 14
5000 MCH from the DIMMs). The Intel® 5000
MCH is connected only to the closest FBDIMM in the channel and communicates with the AMB
on that FBDIMM. The AMB on the closest FBDIMM communicates with the AMB on the next
FBDIMM in the channel, and so on. This point-to-point solution eliminates problems associated
with a “stub-bus” architecture and allows memory capacity to increase without loading the
channel. The figure below shows the FBD topology.
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Intel order number D38960-004
Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet Functional Architecture
Figure 3. FBD Topology
2.3.2 Supported Memory
The Intel® 5000 MCH supports single-channel DIMM operation in which only one FBDIMM is
installed in DIMM socket A1. Population in other DIMM banks is not supported for singlechannel operation.
The server and workstation boards provide the maximum memory capacities outlined in
Table 1, based on the number of DIMM slots provided and maximum supported memory loads
by the chipset. The minimum memory supported with the system running in single-channel
memory mode is 512 MB, using a single DIMM in the DIMM A1 socket.
Note: All Intel memory qualification is done by testing with complete memory banks of identical
memory modules in all DIMM sockets. Memory qualification does not include testing of singlechannel memory mode, mixed DIMM type and/or vendors.
Supported DIMM capacities are 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, and 4 GB.
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
Functional Architecture Intel® 5000 Series Chipsets Server Board Family Datasheet
Table 1. DIMM Module Capacities
SDRAM Parts / SDRAM Technology Used 512Mb 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb
DIMMs on channel A are paired with DIMMs on channel B to configure 4-way interleaving. Each
DIMM pair is referred to as a bank. The bank can be further divided into two rows, based on
single-sided or double-sided DIMMs. If both DIMMs in a bank are single-sided, only one row is
said to be present. For double-sided DIMMs, both rows are said to be present.
The server and workstation boards have eight DIMM slots, or four DIMM channels. Both DIMMs
in a channel should be identical (same manufacturer, CAS latency, number of rows, columns
and devices, timing parameters, etc.). Although DIMMs within a channel must be identical, the
BIOS supports various DIMM sizes and configurations, allowing the channels of memory to be
different. Memory sizing and configuration is guaranteed only for qualified DIMMs approved by
Note: Some boards vary in memory capacity. See the server or workstation Technical Product
Specification that applies to your product for more information.
Branch 1Branch 2
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Figure 4. Identifying Banks of Memory
Revision 1.1
Intel order number D38960-004
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