Intel 460GX User Manual

Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developer’s Manual
June 2001
Document Number: 248704 -001
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ii Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developer’s Manual
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 System Overview ...............................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Component Overview............................................................................1-2
1.2 Product Features................................................................................................1-3
1.3 Itanium Processor System Bus Support.........................................................1-3
1.4 DRAM Interface Support .... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................1-4
1.5 I/O Support.........................................................................................................1-4
1.5.1 PXB Features........................................................................................1-4
1.5.2 WXB Features.......................................................................................1-6
1.5.3 GXB Features........................................................................................1-6
1.6 RAS Features........................... .................................................... ...... ....... .........1-6
1.7 Other Platform Components .................................................. ............................. 1- 6
1.7.1 I/O & Firmware Bridge (IFB)..................................................................1-6
1.7.2 Programmable Interrupt Device (PID)...................................................1-7
1.8 Reference Documents . ....... ...... .................................................... ...... ................1-7
1.9 Revision History .................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...1-7
2 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Access Mechanism ............................................................................................2-1
2.2 Access Restrictions............................................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Partitioning ............................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Register Attributes.................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Reserved Bits Defined in Registers.......................................................2-3
2.2.4 Reserved or Undefined Register Locations...........................................2-3
2.2.5 Default Upon Reset...............................................................................2-3
2.2.6 Consistency...........................................................................................2-4
2.2.7 GART Programming Region .................................................................2-4
2.3 I/O Mapped Registers ........................................................................................2-4
2.3.1 CONFIG_ADDRESS: Configuration Address Register.........................2-4
2.3.2 CONFIG_DATA: Configuration Data Register ......................................2-5
2.4 Error Handling Registers....................................................................................2-5
2.4.1 SAC.......................................................................................................2-5
2.4.2 SDC.....................................................................................................2-11
2.4.3 MAC ....................................................................................................2-21
2.4.4 PXB.....................................................................................................2-22
2.4.5 GXB.....................................................................................................2-24
2.4.6 WXB....................................................................................................2-27
2.5 Performance Monitor Registers........................................................................2-30
2.5.1 SAC.....................................................................................................2-30
2.5.2 SDC.....................................................................................................2-34
2.5.3 PXB.....................................................................................................2-36
2.5.4 GXB.....................................................................................................2-38
2.5.5 WXB....................................................................................................2-43
2.6 Interrupt Related Registers ..............................................................................2-44
2.6.1 SAC.....................................................................................................2-44
2.6.2 PID PCI Memory-mapped Registers...................................................2-45
2.6.3 PID Indirect Access Registers.............................................................2-46
Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual iii
3 System Architecture........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Coherency..........................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Processor Coherency..................................... .......................................3-1
3.1.2 PCI Coherency......................................................................................3-2
3.1.3 AGP Coherency .......................................................... ....... ...... ....... ......3-2
3.2 Ordering .............................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Processor to PCI Traffic and PCI to PCI (Peer-to-Peer) Traffic.........................3-3
3.4 WXB Arbitration..................................................................................................3-3
3.5 Big-endian Support ............................................................................................3-4
3.6 Indivisible Operations.........................................................................................3-4
3.6.1 Processor Locks....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......3-4
3.6.2 Inbound PCI Locks................................................................................3-5
3.6.3 Atomic Writes........................................................................................3-5
3.6.4 Atomic Reads........................................................................................3-5
3.6.5 Locks with AGP Non-coherent Traffic...................................................3-5
3.7 Interrupt Delivery................................................................................................3-6
3.8 WXB PCI Hot-Plug Support ...............................................................................3-6
3.8.1 Slot Power-up and Enable ....................................................................3-7
3.8.2 Slot Power-down and Disable..............................................................3-7
4 System Address Map......................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Memory Map ......................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Compatibility Region .............................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Low Extended Memory Region.............................................................4-3
4.1.3 Medium Extended Memory Region.......................................................4-3
4.1.4 High Extended Memory (above 4G)......................................................4-4
4.1.5 Re-mapped Memory Areas...................................................................4-4
4.2 I/O Address Map ................................................................................................4-5
4.3 Devices View of the System Memory Map.........................................................4-7
4.4 Legal and Illegal Address Disposition ................................................................4-8
5 Memory Subsystem ........................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Organization.......................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 DIMM Types..........................................................................................5-3
5.2 Interleaving/Configurations ................................................................................5-4
5.2.1 Summary of Configuration Rules ..........................................................5-5
5.2.2 Non-uniform Memory Configurations ....................................................5-5
5.3 Bandwidth ..........................................................................................................5-5
5.4 Memory Subsystem Clocking.............................................................................5-6
5.5 Supporting Features...........................................................................................5-6
5.5.1 Auto Detection.......................................................................................5-6
5.5.2 Removing a Bad Row ...........................................................................5-6
5.5.3 Hardware Initialization........................................... ................................5-7
5.5.4 Memory Scrubbing................................................................................5-7
6 Data Integrity and Error Handling...................................................................................6-1
6.1 Integrity ..............................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 System Bus...........................................................................................6-1
6.1.2 DRAM....................................................................................................6-2
6.1.3 Expander Buses....................................................................................6-2
6.1.4 PCI Buses .............................................................................................6-2
6.1.5 AGP.......................................................................................................6-2
iv Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual
6.1.6 Private Bus between SAC and SDC .....................................................6-2
6.2 Memory ECC Routing ........................................................................................6-3
6.3 Data Poisoning...................................................................................................6-3
6.4 Usage of First-error and Next-error....................................................................6-3
6.4.1 Masked Bits...........................................................................................6-4
6.4.2 BERR#/BINIT# Generation ...................................................................6-4
6.4.3 INTREQ#...............................................................................................6-4
6.4.4 XBINIT#.................................................................................................6-5
6.4.5 XSERR#................................................................................................6-5
6.5 SAC/SDC Errors.......... ....... ...... ....... ................................................... ....... ...... ...6-5
6.5.1 Data ECC or Parity Errors.....................................................................6-5
6.5.2 System Bus Errors ................................................................................6-6
6.5.3 SAC to SDC Interface Errors.................................................................6-6
6.5.4 SAC to MAC Interface Errors................................................................6-7
6.5.5 SDC/Memory Card Interface Errors......................................................6-7
6.5.6 SDC/System Bus Errors........................................................................6-8
6.5.7 SDC Internal Errors...............................................................................6-8
6.6 Error Determination............................................................................................6-8
6.6.1 SAC Address on an Error......................................................................6-9
6.6.2 SDC Logging Registers.......................................................................6-10
6.7 Clearing Errors .................................................................................................6-11
6.7.1 SAC/SDC Error Clearing............................. ....... ...... ...........................6 -1 1
6.8 Multiple Errors ..................................................................................................6-11
6.8.1 SDC Multiple Errors.............................................................................6-12
6.8.2 SAC Multiple Errors............ ...... ...... ....... ..............................................6-13
6.8.3 Single Errors with Multiple Reporting ..................................................6-13
6.8.4 Error Anomalies...................................................................................6-13
6.9 Data Flow Errors ..............................................................................................6-14
6.10 Error Conditions ...............................................................................................6-15
6.10.1 Table of Errors....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................................. 6 -1 5
6.11 PCI Integrity......................................................................................................6-20
6.11.1 PCI Bus Monitoring .............................................................................6-20
6.11.2 PXB as Master ....................................................................................6-20
6.11.3 PXB as Target.....................................................................................6-21
6.11.4 GXB Error Flow ...................................................................................6-22
6.12 WXB Data Integrity and Error Handling............................................................6-26
6.12.1 Integrity................................................................................................6-26
6.12.2 Data Parity Poisoning..........................................................................6-26
6.12.3 Usage of First Error and Next Error Registers ....................................6-26
6.12.4 Error Mask Bits....................................................................................6-27
6.12.5 Error Steering/Signaling......................................................................6-27
6.12.6 INTRQ# Interrupt.................................................................................6-29
6.12.7 Error Determination and Logging........................................................6-29
6.12.8 Error Conditions ..................................................................................6-30
7 AGP Subsystem..............................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Graphics Address Relocation Table (GART) .....................................................7-1
7.1.1 GART Implementation...........................................................................7-3
7.1.2 Programming GART..............................................................................7-4
7.1.3 GART Implementation...........................................................................7-5
7.1.4 Coherency.............................................................................................7-5
7.1.5 Interrupt Handling..................................................................................7-6
Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual v
7.2 AGP Traffic........ ....... ................................................... ....... ................................7-6
7.2.1 Addresses Used by the Graphics Card.................................................7-6
7.2.2 Traffic Priority........................................................................................7-7
7.2.3 Coherency, Translation and Types of AGP Traffic................................7-7
7.2.4 Ordering Rules............................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......7-8
7.2.5 Processor Locks and AGP Traffic.........................................................7-8
7.2.6 Address Alignment and Transfer Sizes.................................................7-9
7.2.7 PCI Semantics Traffic ...........................................................................7-9
7.3 Bandwidth ........................................................................................................7-13
7.3.1 Inbound Read Prefetching ..................................................................7-14
7.4 Latency.............................................................................................................7-14
7.5 GXB Address Map ................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....7-14
8 WXB Hot-Plug.................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 IHPC Configuration Registers ............ ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......8- 1
8.1.1 Page Number List for the IHPC PCI Register Descriptions...... ....... ......8-3
8.1.2 VID: Vendor Identification Register.......................................................8-3
8.1.3 DID: Device Identification Register........................................................8-3
8.1.4 PCICMD: PCI Command Register........................................................8-4
8.1.5 PCISTS: PCI Status Register................................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ......8-5
8.1.6 RID: Revision Identification Register.....................................................8-5
8.1.7 CLASS: Class Register .........................................................................8-6
8.1.8 CLS: Cache Line Size ...........................................................................8-6
8.1.9 MLT: Master Latency Timer Register....................................................8-6
8.1.10 HDR: Header Register ..........................................................................8-6
8.1.11 Base Address........................................................................................8-7
8.1.12 SVID: Subsystem Vendor Identification ................................................8-7
8.1.13 SID: Subsystem ID................ ...... ...... ....... .............................................8-7
8.1.14 Interrupt Line.........................................................................................8-7
8.1.15 Interrupt Pin...........................................................................................8-8
8.1.16 Hot-Plug Slot Identifier ................................................ ..........................8-8
8.1.17 Miscellaneous Hot-Plug Configuration..................................................8-8
8.1.18 Hot-Plug Features....................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......8- 9
8.1.19 Switch Change SERR Status................................................................8-9
8.1.20 Power Fault SERR Status.....................................................................8-9
8.1.21 Arbiter SERR Status ...........................................................................8-10
8.1.22 Memory Access Index.........................................................................8-10
8.1.23 Memory Mapped Register Access Port...............................................8-10
8.2 IHPC Memory Mapped Registers ......................... ...........................................8-10
8.2.1 Page Number List for IHPC Memory Mapped Register Descriptions..8-12
8.2.2 Slot Enable..........................................................................................8-12
8.2.3 Hot-Plug Miscellaneous ........ ...... .................................................... ....8-13
8.2.4 LED Control . ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................................................... ....8-13
8.2.5 Hot-Plug Interrupt Input and Clear ......................................................8-14
8.2.6 Hot-Plug Interrupt Mask .............................................. ....... ...... ....... ....8-15
8.2.7 Serial Input Byte Data .........................................................................8-16
8.2.8 Serial Input Byte Pointer .....................................................................8-17
8.2.9 General Purpose Output.....................................................................8-17
8.2.10 Hot-Plug Non-interrupt Inputs ........... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................8-17
8.2.11 Hot-Plug Slot Identifier ................................................ ........................8-17
8.2.12 Hot-Plug Switch Interrupt Redirect Enable..........................................8-18
8.2.13 Slot Power Control ..............................................................................8-18
vi Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual
8.2.14 Extended Hot-Plug Miscellaneous ......................................................8-18
9 IFB Register Mapping......................................................................................................9-1
9.1 PCI / LPC / FWH Configuration..........................................................................9-1
9.1.1 PCI Configuration Registers (Function 0)..............................................9-1
9.2 IDE Configuration...............................................................................................9-3
9.2.1 PCI Configuration Registers (Function 1)..............................................9-3
9.3 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Configuration..........................................................9-4
9.3.1 PCI Configuration Registers (Function 2)..............................................9-4
9.4 SMBus Controller Configuration.........................................................................9-5
9.4.1 SMBus Configuration Registers (Function 3)........................................9-5
10 IFB Usage Considerations ............................................................................................10-1
10.1 Usage of 1MIN Timer in Power Management ..................................................10-1
10.2 Usage of the SW SMI# Timer...........................................................................10-1
10.3 CD-ROM AUTO RUN Feature of the OS.........................................................10-1
10.4 ACPI, SMBus, GPIO Base Address Reporting to the OS................................10-1
10.5 Ultra DMA Configuration ..................................................................................10-2
10.5.1 UDMAC–Ultra DMA Control Register (IFB Function 1 PCI
Configuration Offset 48h) ....................................................................10-2
10.5.2 UDMATIM–Ultra DMA Timing Register (IFB Function 1 PCI
Configuration Offsets 4A-4Bh) .............. ...... ....... ...... ...........................10- 2
10.5.3 Determining a Drives Transfer Rate Capabilities ...............................10-3
10.5.4 Determining a Drives Best Ultra DMA Capability ...............................10-5
10.5.5 Determining a Drives Best Multi Word DMA/Single Word DMA
(Non-ultra DMA) Capability ................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .10-5
10.5.6 IFB Timing Settings.............................................................................10-9
10.5.7 Drive Configuration for Selected Timings..........................................10-11
10.5.8 Settings Checklist..............................................................................10-13
10.5.9 Example Configurations....................................................................10-14
10.5.10 Ultra DMA System Software Considerations.....................................10-16
10.5.11 Additional Ultra DMA/PCI Bus Master IDE Device Driver
Considerations ..................................................................................10-17
10.6 USB Resume Enable Bit ................................................................................10-19
11 LPC/FWH Interface Configuration.................................................................................11-1
11.1 PCI to LPC/FWH Interface Configuration Space Registers (PCI Function 0) ..11-1
11.1.1 VID–Vendor Identification Register (Function 0).................................11-1
11.1.2 DID–Device Identification Registe r (Funct ion 0) ................... ....... ...... .11-1
11.1.3 PCICMD–PCI Command Register (Function 0)..................................11-2
11.1.4 PCISTS–PCI Device Status Register (Function 0)..............................11-2
11.1.5 RID–Revision Identification Register (Function 0)...............................11-3
11.1.6 CLASSC–Class Code Register (Function 0).......................................11-3
11.1.7 HEDT–Header Type Register (Function 0) .........................................11-3
11.1.8 ACPI Base Address (Function 0) ........................................................11-4
11.1.9 ACPI Enable (Function 0)....................................................................11-4
11.1.10 SCI IRQ Routing Control.....................................................................11-4
11.1.11 BIOSEN–BIOS Enable Register (Function 0) .....................................11-5
11.1.12 PIRQRC[A:D]–PIRQx Route Control Registers (Function 0) ..............11-5
11.1.13 SerIRQC–Serial IRQ Control Register (Function 0) ............................11-6
11.1.14 TOM–Top of Memory Register (Function 0)........................................11-6
11.1.15 MSTAT–Miscellaneous Status Register (Function 0)..........................11-7
Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual vii
11.1.16 Deterministic Latency Control Register (Function 0)...........................11-7
11.1.17 MGPIOC–Muxed GPIO Control (Function 0)......................................11-8
11.1.18 PDMACFG–PCI DMA Configuration Resister (Function O)................11-8
11.1.19 DDMABP–Distributed DMA Slave Base Pointer
Registers (Function 0).........................................................................11-8
11.1.20 RTCCFG–Real Time Clock Configuration Register (Function 0)........11-9
11.1.21 GPIO Base Address (Function 0)......................................................11-10
11.1.22 GPIO Enable (Function 0).................................................................11-10
11.1.23 LPC COM Decode Ranges (Function 0)...........................................11-10
11.1.24 LPC FDD/LPT Decode Ranges (Function 0) ....................................11-11
11.1.25 LPC Sound Decode Ranges (Function 0).........................................11-12
11.1.26 LPC Generic Decode Range (Function 0).........................................11-12
11.1.27 LPC Enables (Function 0).................................................................11-13
11.2 PCI to LPC I/O Space Registers....................................................................11-15
11.2.1 DMA Registers..................................................................................11-15
11.2.2 Interrupt Controller Registers............................................................11-20
11.2.3 Counter/Timer Registers ...................................................................11-25
11.2.4 NMI Registers ...................................................................................11-28
11.2.5 Real Time Clock Registers................................................................11-29
11.2.6 Advanced Power Management (APM) Registers..............................11-30
11.2.7 ACPI Registers..................................................................................11-31
11.2.8 SMI Registers....................................................................................11-35
11.2.9 General Purpose I/O Registers.........................................................11-37
12 IDE Configuration..........................................................................................................12-1
12.1 PCI Configuration Registers (Function 1) ........................................................12-1
12.2 IDE Controller Register Descriptions (PCI Function 1) ....................................12-1
12.2.1 VID–Vendor Identification Register (Function 1).................................12-2
12.2.2 DID–Device Identification Register (Function 1) .................................12-2
12.2.3 PCICMD–PCI Command Register (Function 1)..................................12-2
12.2.4 PCISTS–PCI Device Status Register (Function 1)..............................12-3
12.2.5 CLASSC–Class Code Register (Function 1).......................................12-3
12.2.6 MLT–Master Latency Timer Register (Function 1)..............................12-4
12.2.7 BMIBA–Bus Master Interfa ce Base Address Regi ster
(Function 1).........................................................................................12-4
12.2.8 SVID–Subsystem Vendor ID (Function 1)...........................................12-5
12.2.9 SID–Subsystem ID (Function 1)..........................................................12-5
12.2.10 IDETIM–IDE Timing Register (Function 1)..........................................12-5
12.2.11 SIDETIM–Slave IDE Timing Register (Function 1) .............................12-6
12.2.12 DMACTL–Synchronous DMA Control Register (Function 1)..............12-7
12.2.13 SDMATIM–Synchronous DMA Timing Register (Function 1).............12-8
12.3 IDE Controller I/O Space Registers .................................................................12-9
12.3.1 BMICx–Bus Master IDE Command Register (I/O)..............................12-9
12.3.2 BMISx–Bus Master IDE Status Register (I/O)...................................12-10
12.3.3 BMIDTPx–Bus Master IDE Descriptor Table Pointer Register (I/O) .12-11
13 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Configuration.....................................................................13-1
13.1 PCI Configuration Registers (Function 2) ........................................................13-1
13.2 USB Host Controller Register Descriptions (PCI Function 2) ..........................13-2
13.2.1 VID–Vendor Identification Register (Function 2).................................13-2
13.2.2 DID–Device Identification Register (Function 2) .................................13-2
13.2.3 PCICMD–PCI Command Register (Function 2)..................................13-2
viii Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual
13.2.4 PCISTS–PCI Device Status Register (Function 2)..............................13-3
13.2.5 RID–Revision Identification Register (Function 2)...............................13-3
13.2.6 CLASSC–Class Code Register (Function 2).......................................13-4
13.2.7 MLT–Master Latency Timer Register (Function 2)..............................13-4
13.2.8 HEDT–Header Type Register (Function 2) .........................................13-4
13.2.9 USBBA–USB I/O Space Base Address (Function 2) ..........................13-5
13.2.10 SVID–Subsystem Vendor ID (Function 2)...........................................13-5
13.2.11 SID–Subsystem ID (Function 2)..........................................................13-5
13.2.12 INTLN–Interrupt Line Register (Function 2) ........................................13-5
13.2.13 INTPN–Interrupt Pin (Function 2)........................................................13-6
13.2.14 Miscellaneous Control (Function 2).....................................................13-6
13.2.15 SBRNUM–Serial Bus Release Number (Function 2) ..........................13-6
13.2.16 LEGSUP–Legacy Support Register (Function 2)................................13-6
13.2.17 USBREN–USB Resume Enable .........................................................13-8
13.3 USB Host Controller I/O Space Registers........................................................13-8
13.3.1 USBCMD–USB Command Register (I/O) ...........................................13-8
13.3.2 USBSTS–USB Status Register (I/O).................................................13-10
13.3.3 USBINTR–USB Interrupt Enable Register (I/O)................................13-10
13.3.4 FRNUM–Frame Number Register (I/O).............................................13-11
13.3.5 FLBASEADD–Frame List Base Address Register (I/O)....................13-11
13.3.6 SOFMOD–Start of Frame (SOF) Modify Register (I/O).....................13-11
13.3.7 PORTSC–Port Status and Control Register (I/O) .............................13-12
14 SM Bus Controller Configuration...................................................................................14-1
14.1 SM Bus Configuration Registers (Function 3)..................................................14-1
14.2 System Management Register Descriptions ....................................................14-2
14.2.1 VID–Vendor Identification Register (Function 3).................................14-2
14.2.2 DID–Device Identification Registe r (Funct ion 3) ................... ....... ...... .14-2
14.2.3 PCICMD–PCI Command Register (Function 3)..................................14-2
14.2.4 PCISTS–PCI Device Status Register (Function 3)..............................14-3
14.2.5 RID–Revision Identification Register (Function 3)...............................14-3
14.2.6 CLASSC–Class Code Register (Function 3).......................................14-4
14.2.7 SMBBA–SMBus Base Address (Function 3).......................................14-4
14.2.8 SVID–Subsystem Vendor ID (Function 3)...........................................14-4
14.2.9 SID–Subsystem ID (Function 3)..........................................................14-5
14.2.10 INTLN–Interrupt Line Register (Function 3) ........................................14-5
14.2.11 INTPN–Interrupt Pin (Function 3)........................................................14-5
14.2.12 Host Configuration....................................... ....... .................................1 4- 5
14.2.13 smbslvc–SMBus Slave Command (Function 3) ..................................14-6
14.2.14 smbshdw1–SMBus Slave Shadow Port 1 (Function 3).......................14-6
14.2.15 smbshdw2–SMBus Slave Shadow Port 2 (Function 3).......................14-6
14.3 SMBus I/O Space Registers.............................................................................14-6
14.3.1 smbhststs–SMBus Host Status Register (I/O) ....................................14-7
14.3.2 smbslvsts–SMBus Slave Status Register (I/O) ...................................14-7
14.3.3 smbhstcnt–SMBus Host Control Regis ter (I/O)...................................14-8
14.3.4 smbhstcmd–SMBus Host Command Register (I/O)............................14-9
14.3.5 smbhstadd–SMBus Host Address Register (I/O)................................14-9
14.3.6 smbhstdat0–SMBus Host Data 0 Register (I/O)..................................14-9
14.3.7 smbhstdat1–SMBus Host Data 1 Register (I/O)................................14-10
14.3.8 smbblkdat–SMBus Block Data Register (I/O) ...................................14-10
14.3.9 smbslvcnt–SMBus Slave Control Register (I/O)................................14-10
14.3.10 smbslvdat–SMBus Slave Data Register (I/O) ...................................14-11
Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual ix
15 PCI/LPC Bridge Descrip tio n........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .....................................15-1
15.1 PCI Interface ....................................................................................................15-1
15.1.1 Transaction Termination .....................................................................15-1
15.1.2 Parity Support ............................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........... 15- 1
15.1.3 PCI Arbitration.....................................................................................15-1
15.2 Interrupt Controller ...........................................................................................15-1
15.2.1 Programming the Interrupt Controller..................................................15-2
15.2.2 End of Interrupt Operation...................................................................15-3
15.2.3 Modes of Operation .. ...... ....... ...... ...... ..................................................15- 4
15.2.4 Cascade Mode....................................................................................15-5
15.2.5 Edge and Level Triggered Mode.........................................................15-6
15.2.6 Interrupt Masks ...................................................................................15-6
15.2.7 Reading the Interrupt Controller Status...............................................15-7
15.2.8 Interrupt Steering ................................................................................15-7
15.3 Serial Interrupts........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .....................................15-8
15.3.1 Protocol...............................................................................................15-8
15.4 Timer/Counters ..............................................................................................15-10
15.4.1 Programming the Interval Timer........................................................15-10
15.5 Real Time Clock.............................................................................................15-13
15.5.1 RTC Registers and RAM...................................................................15-14
15.5.2 RTC Update Cycle ............................................................................15-17
15.5.3 RTC Interrupts...................................................................................15-17
15.5.4 Lockable RAM Ranges .....................................................................15-17
16 IFB Power Management ...............................................................................................16-1
16.1 Overview ..........................................................................................................16-1
16.2 IFB Power Planes ............................................................................................16-2
16.2.1 Power Plane Descriptions ...................................................................16-2
16.2.2 SMI# Generation.................................................................................16-2
16.2.3 SCI Generation ...................................................................................16-3
16.2.4 Sleep States................... .................................................... ...... ........... 16- 3
16.2.5 ACPI Bits Not Implemented by IFB.....................................................16-4
16.2.6 Entry/Exit for the S4 and S5 States.....................................................16-4
16.3 Handling of Power Failures in IFB....................................................................16-5
1-1 Diagram of a Typical Intel® 460GX Chipset-based System with AGP ..............1-1
4-1 System Memory Address Space........................................................................4-2
4-2 Itanium Processor and Chipset-specific Memory Space................................4-5
4-3 System I/O Address Space................................................................................4-6
4-4 System Memory Address Space as Viewed from an Expander
Bridge (PXB/GXB)..............................................................................................4-7
5-1 Maximum Memory Configuration Using Two Cards...........................................5-2
5-2 Address Interleaving ..........................................................................................5-4
6-1 SAC Error Flow on Data...................................................................................6-14
6-2 SDC Error Data Flow .......................................................................................6-15
6-3 GXB Error Flow.............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .....................................6-25
7-1 GART Table Usage for 4k Pages.......................................................................7-2
7-2 GART Table Usage for 4 MB Pages..................................................................7-2
7-3 GART Entry Format for 4kB Pag es.... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..........................7-3
x Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual
7-4 GART Entry Format for 4 MB Pages..................................................................7-3
7-5 GART SRAM Timings ........................................................................................7-5
1-1 Intel® 460GX Chipset Components ...................................................................1-2
2-1 Device Mapping on Bus CBN.............................................................................2-2
2-2 Memory-Mapped Register Summary ...............................................................2-45
2-3 I/O Select Register Format...............................................................................2-45
2-4 I/O Window Register Format............................................................................2-46
2-5 (x)APIC EOI Register Format...........................................................................2-46
2-6 Memory-mapped Register Summary ...............................................................2-47
2-7 I/O APIC ID Register Format............................................................................2-49
2-8 I/O (x)APIC Version Register Format...............................................................2-49
2-9 I/O (x)APIC Arbitration ID Register Format ......................................................2-50
2-10 I/O (x)APIC RTE Format ..................................................................................2-50
4-1 Address Disposition............................................................................................4-8
5-1 General Mem ory Charac ter isti cs..... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .........5-1
5-2 Minimum/Maximum Memory Size per Configuration..........................................5-3
5-3 Required DRAM Parameters..............................................................................5-6
5-4 Scrubbing Time..................................................................................................5-7
6-1 Error Cases ......................................................................................................6-16
6-2 List of WXB Error Sources Selectively Routable to XBINIT#, SERR_OUT#,
and P(A/B)INTRQ#...........................................................................................6-27
6-3 Supported Error Escalation to XBINIT#............................................................6-27
6-4 Supported Error Escalation to SERR_OUT#....................................................6-28
6-5 Supported Error Escalation to P(A/B)INTRQ# .................................................6-28
7-1 Coherency for AGP/PCI Streams.......................................................................7-8
7-2 Delayed Read Matching Criteria ......................................................................7-11
7-3 Burst Write Combining Modes..........................................................................7-13
7-4 Burst Write Combining Examples with 3 Writes in 1X Transfer Mode .............7-13
7-5 Bandwidth Estimates for Various Request Sizes.............................................7-14
8-1 IHPC Configuration Register Space...................................................................8-2
8-2 IHPC Memor Mapped Regis ter Space..................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......8-11
9-1 PCI Configuration Registers–Function 0(PCI to LPC/FWH Interface Bridge)....9-1
9-2 PCI Configuration Registers–Function 1 (IDE Interface)....................................9-3
9-3 PCI Configuration Registers–Function 2 (USB Interface) ..................................9-4
9-4 PCI Configuration Registers–Function 3 (SMBus Controller Interface) .............9-5
10-1 Identify Device Information Used for Determining Drive Capabilities...............10-3
10-2 Identify Device Information Used for Determining Ultra DMA
Drive Capabilities .................................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .10-5
10-3 Identify Device Information Used for Determining Multi/Single Word DMA
Drive Capabilities .................................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .10-6
10-4 Drive Multi Word DMA/Single Word DMA Capability as a Function
of Cycle Time ...................................................................................................10-7
10-5 Identify Device Information Used for Determining PIO Drive Capabilities........10-8
10-6 Drive PIO Capability as a Function of Cycle Time ...........................................10-8
10-7 IFB Drive Mode Based on DMA/PIO Capabilities ............................................10-9
10-8 IDE Mode/Drive Feature Settings for Optimal DMA/PIO Operation...............10-10
10-9 DMA/PIO Timing Values Based on PIIX Cable Mode/System Speed............10-11
Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual xi
10-10 Ultra DMA Timing Value Based on Drive Mode.............................................10-11
10-11 Ultra DMA/Multi Word DMA/Single Word Transfer/Mode Values ..................10-12
10-12 PIO Transfer/Mode Values.............................................................................10-12
10-13 Drive Capabilities Checklist............................................................................10-13
10-14 IFB Settings Checklist....................................................................................10-14
12-1 PCI Configuration Regist ers–Function 1 (IDE Interface) .................................12-1
12-2 Ultra DMA/33 Timing Mode Settings................................................................12-9
12-3 DMA/PIO Timing Values Based on IFB Cable Mode and System Speed........12-9
12-4 Interrupt/Activity Status Combinations...........................................................12-11
13-1 PCI Configuration Regist ers–Function 2............................ ...... ....... ...... ........... 13- 1
13-2 Run/Stop, Debug Bit Interaction.......................................................................13-9
15-1 SERIRQ Frames..............................................................................................15-9
15-2 RTC (Standard) RAM Bank............................................................................15-14
16-1 IFB Power States and Consumption................................................................16-1
16-2 Causes of SMI#................................................................................................16-2
16-3 Causes of SCI#................................................................................................16-3
16-4 ACPI Bits Not Implemented in IFB...................................................................16-4
xii Intel® 460GX Chipset System Software Developers Manual

Introduction 1

This document provides information about the Intel® 460GX chipset compon e nts. The 460GX chipset is a high performance memory and I/O chipset for the Intel Itanium™ processor, targeted for multiprocessor server and high-end workstation designs.
This document describes the software programmer's interface to the 460GX chipset. It provides a brief summary of the system architecture supported by the 460GX chipset, a list of features within the chipset and a detailed description of software or other externally visible segments.

1.1 System Overview

The Intel 460GX chipset is a high performance chipset for Intel Itanium processor-based systems, targeted for multiprocessor servers and high-performance workstations. It provides the memory controller interface and appropriate bridges to PCI, AGP 4X, and other standard I/O buses.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the basic system configuration of a four-processor platform.
Figure 1-1. Diagram of a Typical Intel® 460GX Chipset-based Sy stem with AGP
4X Mode
System Address
Wide PCI
2 PCI Buses
3.3V, 64 -b it, 6 6 MH z
Itan i um™ Processor System Bus
Memory Subsystem
Memory Data and Control Bus
Progr ammable
Inter ru p t Devic e
Com patibility
2 PCI Buses
3.3V/5.0 V , 32-bit, 33 MHz
Private Bus
Memo ry Subsystem
Hub Interf ace
I/O and Firmware
System Data
LPC Interface
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 1-1

1.1.1 Component Overview

Table 1-1 lists th e 460GX chipset components.
T able 1-1. Intel® 460GX Chipset Components
Component Name Function
SAC 82461GX
System Address Controller
SDC 82462GX
System Data path Controller
MAC 82463GX
Memory Address Controller
MDC 82464GX
Memory Data path Controller
GXB 82465GX
Graphics Expander Bridge
WXB 82466GX
Wide and fast PCI Expander Bridge
PXB 82467GX
PCI Expander Bridge
IFB 82468G X
I/O and Firmware Bridge
FWH 82802AC
Firmware Hub 8Mb
PID NEC# UPD66566S1-
016 Programmable
Interrupt Device
Interfaces the address and control portion of the Itanium processor system bus and the memory bus. Acts as a host bridge interface to peripheral I/O devices through four Expander busses.
Interfaces the data portion of the Itanium processor system bus and the memory bus.
Provides the SDRAM RAS/CAS/WE/CS generation as well as redriving the address to the SDRAMs. It is capable of buffering several commands from the SAC.
Multiplexes the data from the SDRAM to the SDC. On reads, it latches data from the SDRAM, then transfers the data to the SDC. On writes, it latches the data from the SDC, then writes the data to the SDRAM.
Provides the control and data interface for an AGP 4X graphics port. This device attaches to the SAC via two Expander busses which utilize a special configuration.
Provides the primary control and data interface for two independent 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI interfaces. This device attaches to the SAC via an Expander bus.
Provides the primary control and data interface for two independent 32-bit, 33-MHz PCI interfaces. These two 32-bit interfaces may operate together to produce a single 64-bit, 33-MHz interface via a configuration option. This device attaches to the SAC via an Expander bus.
The IFB is a multi-function PCI device implementing a PCI-to-LPC bridge function, a PCI IDE function, a Universal Serial Bus Host/Hub function, an SMBus Interface function, Power Management function and the Firmware Hub interface.
The FWH component interfaces to the IFB component and provides firmware storage and security features. Further FWH information can be found at sets/datasheets or by ordering document 290658.
The PID is an interrupt controller that provides interrupt steering functions. The PID contains the logic required to support 8259A mode, APIC mode, and SAPIC mode interrupt controller operations. The PID interfaces include a PCI bus interface, an APIC bus interface, a serial IRQ interface, and an interrupt input interface.
1-2 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual

1.2 Product Features

High performance hardware base d on IA-64 architecture
4.2 GB/s memory bandwidth can
simultaneously support both the full system bus and the full I/O bus bandwidths
Architectural support for 64 MB to 64 GB of
Support for up to four bridge chips that
interface to the 82461GX (SAC) through four Expander channels, each 30 bits wide and providing 533 MB /s peak bandwidth
AGP 4X compatible, via the 82465GX
(GXB) and two Expander channels running at 266 MHz totaling 1 GB/s peak bandwidth
Support for two 64-bit, 66-MHz PCI buses
using one 82466GX (WXB) component per Expander channel
Support for two independent 32-bit, 33-MHz
PCI buses or one 64-bit, 33-MHz PCI bus via the 82467GX (PXB) pe r Expander channel
Data streaming support between Expanders
and DRAM, up to 533 MB/s per Expander channel
Extensi ve RAS features for mission-critical needs
ECC protection on the system bus data
Memory ECC with single-bit error
correction, double and nibble error detect ion
Address and data flows protected by parity
throughout ch ipset
ECC bits in DRAM accessible by diagnostics Fault recording of multiple errors; sticky
through reset
JT AG TAP port for debug and boundary scan
I2C slave interface for viewing and
modifying specific error and configurati on registers
Bus, memory and I/O performance countersSupport of ACPI/DMI functions (support is
provided in the IFB)
High bandwidth system bus for multiprocessor scalability
Support of the Intel® Itanium processor
64-bit dat a bus
Full support for 4-way multiprocessing266 MHz data bus frequencyCache lin e size of 64 bytesEnhanced defer feature for out-of-order data
delivery using IDS#
AGTL+ bus driver technology
Features to support flexible platform
Hardware compatible with IA-32 binariesAGP address space up to 32 GB supportedSupport for Auto Detection of SDRAM
memory type and mixed memory sizes allowed between r ows
Supports 16-, 64- , 128- and 256-Mbit
DRAM devices
Full support for the PCI Configuration Space
Enable (CSE) protocol to devices on all Expander channels
WXB supports 3.3 volt PCI bus operation
(supports universal and 3.3 volt PCI cards) and has an Integrated Hot-Plug Controller**
PCI Rev. 2.2 compliant on the WXB and
GXB supports fast write s a nd 1x, 2x and 4x
data rates
1 MB or greater of firmware storage
provided by the 8280 2 AC ( FWH)
Interrupt controller, bus-mastering IDE and
Universal Serial Bus supported by the 82468GX (IFB)
Support of 8259 A mod e , APIC mo d e an d
SAPIC mode interru pts via the UPD55566S1-016 (PI D ) provided by NEC*
**Based on technology licensed from Compaq Computer Corp.

1.3 Itanium Processor System Bus Support

Full support for the Itanium processor system bus.
64-bit data bus. 266 MHz data bus frequency.Cache line size of 64 bytes.Supports SAPIC interrupt protocol.
Full support for 4-way multiprocessing.
Parity protection on address and control signals, ECC protection on the data signals.
GTL+ bus driver technology.
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 1-3

1.4 DRAM Interface Support

SDRAM 3.3 volt, 168-pin DIMMs are the only memory type supported.
Support for 64 MB to 64 GB of DRAM.
Minimum memory size is 64 MB using 16 MB DIMMs.
Minimum incremental size is 64 MB using 16 MB DIMMs.
Maximum memory size is 16 GB using 128 MB DIMM’s.
Maximum memory size is 64 GB using 1 GB DIMM’s.
Only 3.3 volt memory is supported.
Support for Auto Detection of SDRAM Memory Type.
Supports 16, 64, 128 and 256 Mbit DRAM devices.
Mixed memory sizes allowed between rows.
Staggered CAS-before-RAS refresh (standard SDRAM refresh).
ECC with single-bit error correction, double and nibble error detection.
Extensive processor-to-Memory and PCI-to-Memory write data buffering, thus minimizing
the interference of writes on read latency.

1.5 I/O Support

4 Expander ports, each 30 bits wide and providing 533 MB/s peak bandwidth.
Each Expander bus supports a single PXB or WXB. Two Expander busses can be configured
to support a GXB.
Full support for the PCI Configuration Space Enable (CSE) protocol to devices on all
Expander ports.
Data streaming support between Expanders and DRAM, up to 533 MB/s per Expander port.
All outbound memory and I/O reads (except locked reads) are deferred.
All outbound memory space writes are posted. Outbound I/O space writes are optionally
posted (unless targeting an address with side effects, in which case they are deferred).
All inbound memory reads are delayed.
All inbound memory space writes are posted.
Supports concurrent processor and I/O initiated transactions to main memory.
Maintains coherency with processors by snooping all inbound transactions to the system bus.
Supports non-coherent traffic (for AGP), with a direct path to memory bypassing the system

1.5.1 PXB Features

Can be configured to provide two independent 32 bit, 33 MHz PCI buses or one 64 bit, 33
MHz PCI bus.
PCI Rev. 2.2, 5V tolerant (PXB drives 3.3 volts, but is 5.0 volt tolerant).
1-4 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual
Parity protection on all PCI signals.
Data collection & write assembly.
Combines back-to-back sequential processor-to-PCI memory writes to PCI burst writes.Processor to PCI write assembly of full/partial line writes.
T wo outbo und read requ ests containing a total of two cach e lines of read data fo r each PCI bus.
Supports six outbound write requests containing a total of three cache lines of write data for
each 32 bit PCI bus. Supports 12 outbound write requests containing a total of six cache lines of write data for a 64 bit PCI bus.
Supports two delayed inbound read requests.
Supports the I/O and Firmware Bridge (IFB).
Supports either internal or external arbitration, allowing additional bus masters, on the PCI
1.5.2 WXB Features
Support for two 64 bit, 66 MHz PCI busses.
3.3 Volt PCI bus operation (supports Universal and 3.3 Volt PCI cards).
PCI Specification, Revision 2.2.
Integrated Hot-Plug controller.
1.5.3 GXB Features
The GXB is AGP and AGP 4X mode compatible, nominal 66 MHz, 266 MHz, 1 GB/s peak
The GXB supports pipelined operation or sideband signals on AGP 4X mode bus.
AGP address space of 1 GB or 256 MB supported. Also supports 32 GB of GART window, if
4 MB pages are used.
Supports Fast Writes and 1x, 2x and 4x data rates.

1.6 RAS Features

ECC coverage of system data bus using the Itanium™ processor SEC/DED ECC code.
Memory is protected using a SEC/DED code which also provides nibble detection capabilities of 4 bits. All control and address signals are parity protected. Local control buses are parity protected. The Expander is covered by parity.
Data flows protected by parity throughout chipset.
ECC bits in DRAM accessible by diagnostics.
Fault recording of multiple errors; sticky through reset, but NOT through power-down.
Memory scrubbing implemented in hardware.
Boundary test capability through JTAG.
JTAG TAP port for debug.
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 1-5
I2C Slave Interface will allow viewing and modifying of specific error and configuration

1.7 Other Platform Components

These 460GX devices provide access to flash space, interrupt collection and legacy features.
1.7.1 I/O & Firmware Bridge (IFB)
The 460GX chipset is designed to work with the IFB south bridge. As part of this support, the PXB includes an internal PCI arbiter as well as support for an external PCI arbiter. The IFB consists of an 8259C Interrupt controller, a bus-mastering IDE interface, and a Universal Serial Bus interface. Devices using IFB are limited to a 32 bit addressing space available for DMA, not the full 44 bits supported by the Itanium processor.
1.7.2 Programmable Interrupt Device (PID)
The PID is a PCI device that gathers interrupts and delivers them from the PCI bus to the system bus using the SAPIC inte rr upt p rotocol. The interrupt will be presen te d t o o ne o f the p roces s ors on the bus for servicing. A 460GX chipset based platform requires at least one PID located on the compatibility PCI bus. The compatibility PID will hands hake with the IFB befo re delivering a south bridge/compatibility device interrupt. The same PID may als o be used to deliver some portion of the PCI based interrupts.
The system implementor can choose how many PIDs are used in the platform. If enough interrupt lines are shared, there need be only one PID in the system; all interrupts in the system would then be routed to that PID. Each P ID has en ough i nte rrupt i nputs to handl e dedicated interr upts fr om the cards on two PCI buses. Therefore, using one PID per PXB provides a high performance solution with minimum routing between PCI buses.

1.8 Reference Documents

In addition to this document, the reader should be familiar with the following reference do cuments:
Intel® 460GX Chipset Datasheet
(Document Number: 248703)
Intel® Itanium Processor Hardware Developers Manual
(Document Number: 248701)
Intel® Itanium Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet
(Document Number: 245481)
Intel® 82460GX Chipset OLGA1 Package, Manufacturing, Mechanical, and Thermal Design
PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev 2.2
Accelerated Graphics Port Interface Specification
1-6 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual
JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Specification
Universal Serial Bus Specification
System Management Bus Specification, Rev. 1.0
Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface Specification, Rev 1.0
Note: Contact your Intel representative for the latest revision of the documents without document

1.9 Revision History

Date Description
June 2001 Initial release.
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 1-7
1-8 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er ’s Manual

Register Descriptions 2

The 460GX chipset has both memory mapped and PCI configuration space mapped registers. The 460GX chipset supports access mechanism #1 as defined in the PCI specification. Two 32-bit register locations (CONFIG_ADDRESS and CONFIG_DATA) are defined in the Itanium processors I/O space; I/O accesses to these registers are translated by the 460GX chipset into appropriate PCI configuration cycles.
To access a configuration register in the 460GX chipset (or any other I/O device), software first writes a value to the CONFIG_ADDRESS location consisting of the bus number, Device Number, function number and register number. These writes are claimed and saved by the 460GX chipset. Subsequent reads or writes to the CONFIG_DATA location result in the 460GX chipset using the information stored in CONFIG_ADDRESS to deliver a PCI configuration read or write cycle to the appropriate address on the appropriate PCI bus.
Upon reset, the 460GX chipset sets its internal configuration regist ers to predetermined default states, representing the minimum feature set required to successfully bring up the system. It is expected that the firmware will properly determine and program the optimal configuration settings. The 460GX chipset implements a PCI-compatible configuration space for each PCI bus under the PXBs, for each AGP bus under the GXB, and for each 460GX chipset component. Each configuration space provides hardwired device identification, address range registers, operation control registers, status and error regis ters. This chap ter describe s how the con figuration sp aces are accessed, then provides detailed descriptions of each register.

2.1 Access Mechanism

The PCI specification defines two bus cycles to access PCI configuration space: Configuration Read and Configuration W rite. While memory and I/O spaces are supp orted by the micro processor , configuration space is not directly supported. The PCI specification defines two mechanisms to access configuration space, Mechanism #1 and Mechanism #2. The 460GX chipset supports only Mechanism #1.
Mechanism #1 defines two I/O-space locations: an address register (CONFIG_ADDRESS) at location 0CF8h, and a data register (CONFIG_DATA) at location 0CFCh. Dword I/O W rites to the configuration address are latched and held; they specify the PCI Bus Number, Device Number within the bus, and Register Number within the device. Subsequent I/O reads and writes to the configuration data location cause a configuration space access th e register specified by the add ress stored in the configuration address location.
Note: The AGP bus under the GXB looks like a standard PCI bus for configuration purposes. The term
xXB refers to the PXB, WXB, or GXB. In general, any reference to an access to PCI bus includes accesses to an AGP bus.
Configuration space accesses are processed as follows:
If the SAC detects that the I/O request is a configuration acces s to its own con figuration space,
it will service that request entirely within the SAC or the other chipset comp onents. Reads result in data being returned to the system bus.
If the SAC detects that the I/O request is a configuration access to a xXB configuration space,
it will forward the request to the appropriate xXB for servicing. The request is not f orwar ded
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 2-1
Register Descriptions
to a PCI bus. Reads result in data being returned by the xXB through the SAC to the system bus.
Otherwise, the access is forwarded to the xXB to be placed on the PCI bus (or AGP bus) as a
Configuration Read or Configuration Write cycle. Reads will result in data being returned through the xXB and SAC back to the system bus, just as in normal Outbound Read operations.

2.2 Access Restrictions

The 460GX chipset supports PCI configuration space access using the mechanism denoted as Configuration Mechanism #1 in the PCI specification.
The 460GX chipset internal registers (both I/O Mapped and Configu ration registers) ar e accessible by the Host CPU. The registers can be accessed as Byte, Word (16-bit), or Dword (32-bit) quantities, with the exception of CONFIG_ADDRESS which can only be accessed as a Dword. All multi-byte numeric fields use “little-endian” ordering (i.e. lower addresses contain the least significant parts of the field).

2.2.1 Partitioning

Each SAC, SDC, MAC, PXB, WXB, GXB, each AGP bus below an GXB, and each PCI bus below an PXB or WXB, has an independent configuration space. None of the regis ters are shared between the spaces; that is, the SAC, and each PCI bus in the PXB, have separate control and status registers.
Configuration registers are accessed using an “address” comprised of the PCI Bus Number, the Device Number within the bus, and the Register Number within the Device.
Accesses to devices on Bus #0 and Bus #(CBN) are serviced by the 460GX chipset depending on their device number. Device 10h on Bus #0 is mapped to the SAC; it contains the programmable Chipset Bus Number. All other chipset devices reside on bus CBN.
The DEVNPRES register is used to determine which chipset devices are present; see Table 2-1 for mapping information.
Table 2-1. Device Mapping on Bus CBN
No. Device No. Device
00h SAC 10h Expander 0, Bus a 01h SAC 11h Expander 0, Bus b 02h reserved 12h Expander 1, Bus a 03h reserved 13h Expander 1, Bus b 04h SDC 14h Expander 2, Bus a 05h Memory Card A 15h Expander 2, Bus b 06h Memory Card B 16h Expander 3, Bus a 07h reserved 17h Expander 3, Bus b 08h-0Fh reserved 18h-1Fh reserved
a. This is the compatibility bus (where the boot vector is always directed).
Configuration registers located in the SDC are accessed over the private data bus. The SAC translates CF8/CFC accesses to SDC registers into configuration commands over the PDB. Configuration registers located on the memory boards are accessed over the I2C port. The SAC
2-2 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual
translates CF8/CFC accesses to the MAC registers into read/write commands over the I2C port. The SAC also contains an IIADR pointer register that can be used in conjunction with a CF8/CFC access to generate I2C commands to generic I2C devices on the memory boards.

2.2.2 Register Attributes

Registers have designated access attributes, with the following definitions: Read Only Writes to this register have no effect. Read/Write Data may be read from and written to this register. Selected bits in the register may
be designated as “hardwired” or “read-only; such bits are not affected by data writes to the register.
Read/Clear Data may be read from the register. A data write operates strictly as a clear: a “1”-bit
in the data field clears the corresponding bit in the register , while a “0”-bit in the data field has no effect on the corresponding bit in the register . Selected bits in the register may be designated as “hardwired” or “read-only”; such bits are not af fected by data writes to the register.
Sticky Data in this register remains valid and unchanged, du ring and following a hard reset.
Typically, these registers contain special configuration information or error logs.
Register Descriptions

2.2.3 Reserved Bits Defined in Registers

Most 460GX chipset registers described in this s ection contain r eserved bits. Th e PCI specifica tion requires that software correctly handle reserved fields, as follows. On reads, software must use appropriate masks to extract the defined bits and not rely on reserved bits being any particular value. On writes, software must ensure that the values of reserved bit pos itions are p rese rved. That is, the values of reserved bit positions must first be read, merged with the new values for other bit positions and then written back. Note the software does not need to perform read, merge, write operation for the CONFIG_ADDRESS register.

2.2.4 Reserved or Undefined Register Locations

In addition to reserved bits within a register, the 460GX chipset contains address locations in the PCI configuration space that are marked “Reserved” or are simply undefined. Several of the 460GX chipset devices are multi-function devices; all registers in the unused functions are considered Reserved. Reserved registers can be 8-, 16-, or 32-bit in size. The PCI specification requires that the 460GX chipset respond to accesses to these address locations by completing the host cycle. Reserved register locations must be treated by software the same as reserved fields are treated: software can not rely on reads returning any particular value, and must not attempt to change the value returned when read.

2.2.5 Default Upon Reset

Upon reset, the 460GX chipset sets its internal configuration registers to pr edeterm in e d default states. The default state represents the minimum functionality feature set required to successfully bring up the system. Hence, it does not represent the optimal system configuration. It is the responsibility of the system initialization software (firmware) to properly deter m ine the DRAM configurations, operating parameters and optional system features that are applicable, and to program the 460GX chipset registers accordingly.
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 2-3
Register Descriptions

2.2.6 Consistency

There are a number of registers that are repeated in both the SAC and xXB/PCI spaces. It is software’s responsibility to insure that these regis ters are progr a mmed in a consistent fashion. Failure to insure consistency can produce indeterminate resu lts. See the Initialization Chapter for an overview on initializing all chipset components.
When the address decode ranges of 460GX chipset devices are being updated, no other bus traffic is allowed over the address ranges being affected by the update. This means that the code that updates initial configuration must be executing from a location that will not be affected by the update. Furthermore in a multiprocessor system, precautions should be taken to assure that only one CPU is accessing configuration space at a time.

2.2.7 GART Programming Region

The region starting at FE20_0000h is used for programming the GARTs. This region is accessible either by the processor or PCI. See Section 7.2.1 for GART programming details

2.3 I/O Mapped Registers

The 460GX chipset contains two registers that reside in the CPU I/O address space: the Configuration Address (CONFIG_ADDRESS) Register and the Configuration Data (CONFIG_DATA) Register. The Configuration Address Register enables/disables the configuration space and determines what portion of configuration space is visible through the Configuration Data window. The following sections define the fields within the CONFIG_ADDRESS and CONFIG_DATA registers. The 460GX chipsets device ID mapping into the CONFIG_ADDRESS definition is shown in Table 2-1.

2.3.1 CONFIG_ADDRESS: Configuration Address Register

I/O Address: CF8h [Dword] Size: 32 bits Default Value: 00000000h Attribute: Read/Write Sticky: No Locked: No
CONFIG_ADDRESS is a 32 bit register accessed only when referenced as a Dword. A Byte or Word reference will pass through the Configuration Add ress R egi st er ont o t h e PC I b us as an I/ O cycle. The CONFIG_ADDRESS register contains the Bus Number, Device Number, Function Number, and Register Number for which a subsequent configuration access is intended.
31 Configuration Enable(CFGE).
30:24 reserved (0) 23:16 Bus Number.
When this bit is set to 1 accesses to PCI configuration space are enabled. If this bit is reset to 0 accesses to PCI configuration space are disabled.
When the Bus Number is programmed to match the Chipset Bus Numb er (CBN), the target of the Configuration Cycle is the 460GX chipset. If the Bus Number is not CBN, the destination and type of acce ss is determined by the Bus Numb er and Subordinate Bus Number of each PCI port in each PXB. A type 0 access is generated on the appropriate PCI bus if one of the PXB ports bus number is matched. Otherwise, a type 1 configuration cycle is generated on the appropriate PCI bus below the PXB port whose
2-4 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual
subordinate bus number is in that range. For a type 1 cycle, the Bus Number is mapped to AD[23:16] during the address phase.
15:11 Device Number.
This field selects one agent on the PCI bus selected by the Bus Number. Device 16 (10h) on Bus #0 is always reserved for programming the CBN. On the bus that the chipset is mapped into (determined by the CBN register), Device Numbers 0-31 are reserved for the 460GX chipset components as shown in Table 2-1. All other devices numbers are forwarded to the selected bus.
1 0:8 Function Number.
This field is mapped to AD[10:8] during PCI configuration cycles. This allows the configuration registers of a particular function in a multi-function device to be accessed.
7:2 Register Number.
This field selects one register within a particular Bus, Device, and Function as sp ecified by the other fields in the Confi guration Address Register . This fi eld is mapped to AD[7:2] during PCI configuration cycles.
1:0 reserved (0)

2.3.2 CONFIG_DATA: Configuration Data Register

I/O Address: CFCh Size: 32 bit s Default Value: 00000000h Attribute: Read/Write Sticky: No Locked: No
Register Descriptions
CONFIG_DATA is a 32 bit read/write window into configuration space. The portion of configuration space that is referenced by CONFIG_DATA is determined by the contents of CONFIG_ADDRESS.
Bits 31:0 Configuration Data Window (CDW).
If bit 31 of CONFIG_ADDRESS is 1 any I/O reference that falls in the CONFIG_DATA I/O space will be mapped to configuration space using the contents of CONFIG_ADDRESS.

2.4 Error Handling Registers

Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 0 Address Offset: 80h Size: 8 bits Default Value: 00h Attribute: Read Only/Write
Sticky: Yes Locked: No This register is used to capture the ITID for a single bit memory ECC error. The ITID can then be
used to determine the address of the failure. To force the ITID to be cleared and re-used, write a 1 to bit 6. This register is set anytime that the SEC bit is sent from the SDC to the SAC on a ’Retire ITID command.
Clear, Read/Write
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 2-5
Register Descriptions
Bits Description
7 Disable
This bit can be written by software. When set, the ITID is retired immediately and not captured. Therefore there can be no checking of the address. See Section 6 for the usage of this bit.
6 Valid
If set then the ITID in bits 5:0 is valid and shows the address of a single-bit memory error. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the ITID and reset the valid bit.
5:0 ITID
The ITID of the SEC error. These bits are read-only. DEDTID: DED ITID
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 0 Address Offset: 81h Size: 8 bits Default Value: 00h Attribute: Read Only/Write
Sticky: Yes Locked: No
Clear, Read/Write
This register is used to capture the ITID for a double bit memory ECC error. The ITID can then be used to determine the address of the failure. To force the ITID to be cleared and re-used, write a 1 to bit 6. This register is set anytime that the DED bit is sent from the SDC to the SAC on a ‘Retire ITID command.
7 Disable
6 Valid
5:0 ITID
This bit can be written by software. When set, the ITID is retired immediately and not captured. Therefore there can be no checking of the address. See Section 6 for the usage of this bit.
If set then the ITID in bits 5:0 is valid and shows the address of a double-bit memory error. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the ITID and reset the valid bit.
The ITID of the double-bit error. These bits are read-only. FSETID: FSE ITID
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 0 Address Offset: 82h Size: 8 bits Default Value: 00h Attribute: Read Only/Write
Sticky: Yes Locked: No
Clear, Read/Write
This register is used to capture the ITID for a system bus data error. The ITID can then be used to determine the address of the failure. To force the ITID to be cleared and re-used, write a 1 to bit 6. This register is set anytime that the ADE bit is asserted and both SEC and DED are deasserted on a Retire ITID command from the SDC to the SAC. NOTE: this reg ister is set for both processor­bus errors and errors on the SAC-to-SDC data bus.
2-6 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Develop er s Manual
Bits Description
7 Disable
This bit can be written by software. When set, the ITID is retired immediately and not captured. Therefore there can be no checking of the address. See Section 6 for the usage of this bit.
6 Valid
If set then the ITID in bits 5:0 is valid and shows the address of a system bus data error. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the ITID and reset the valid bit.
5:0 ITID
The ITID of the system bus error. These bits are read-only. FERR_SAC: First Error Status Register
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 1 Address Offset: 40h Size: 32 bits Default Value: 000000h Attribute: Read/Write Clear Sticky: Yes Locked: No
This register records the first error condition detected in the SAC/SDC.
Register Descriptions
31 Memory Card B Error (MBE)
30 Memory Card A Error (MAE)
29 XSERR# Asserted (XSA)
28 Store-Write Command Underflow, card A, Stack L (SCAL) 27 Store-Write Command Underflow, card A, Stack R (SCAR) 26 Store-Write Command Underflow, card B, Stack L (SCBL) 25 Store-Write Command Underflow, card B, Stack R (SCBR)
24 SDC Correctable Memory Error (SCME)
23 SDC Non-Fatal Error (SNE)
22 SDC Fatal Error (SFE)
21 Completion Command Underflow; MAC A, Stack L (CCAL) 20 Completion Command Underflow; MAC A, Stack R (CCAR) 19 Completion Command Underflow; MAC B, Stack L (CCBL)
Set when the memory card B signals a fatal error.
Set when the memory card A signals a fatal error.
Set when the SAC sees the signal XSERR# active.
One of these 4 is asserted when a signal is sent from the SDC to the SAC indicating write data was sent to the MDC, and there is no outstanding write in the SAC.
Reports correctable DRAM errors (single-bit ECC errors). This bit does not mask other bits in the FERR register from being set. It is the one exception to the rule that only one bit in FERR may be set at a time.
Reports non-fatal errors that are uncorrectable such as double-bit ECC error, or parity errors. This also reports a single-bit correctable error on the system bus. This bit will also be set if there is a second cor rectable error from memo ry in the SDC, and the first one has not been cleared by the time the second one occurs. The first correctable memory error would have set the SCME bit, and all later correctable memory errors (until the SDC’s error registers are cleared) are reported as SNE in the FERR or NERR.
Fatal error in SDC.
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 2-7
Register Descriptions
18 Completion Command Underflow; MAC B, Stack R (CCBR)
17 BERR# Observed (BER)
16 IOQ Underflow/Overflow (IUE)
15 reserved(0) 14 External XBINIT# Active. (XBE)
13 False Retirement (FRE)
12 Address above TOM (TE)
11 Illegal HITM# (IHS)
10 Unsupported ASZ[1:0]# (ASE)
9 System Bus Address Parity Error (AE)
8 System Bus Request Parity Error (RQE)
7 PDB ITID Parity Error (IPE)
6 Retirement Bus Parity Erro r (RPE)
5 Lock# Transaction With No Resources Available (LTE)
4:1 reserved(0) 0 Resource Counter Overflow/Underflow (RCE)
One of these 4 bits is set when the SAC receives a completion from the MAC and the SAC has no outstanding transaction.
BERR# seen on the system bus. Set whenever BERR# is observed active.
Set when the IOQ is empty and the SDC sends out a signal saying it popped something from the top of the queu e. Or set when the I OQ is 8 (or 1 when the IOQ d epth is s et to 1) and an ADS# is seen on the bus.
Set when XBINIT# is seen active. This signal is from an Expander port or other external agent.
Retirement from SDC that doesnt match an outstanding ITID in the SAC.
Asserted when an address on the system bus is above TOM and not inside the I/O gap below 4 GB.
HITM# on non-memory access.
Processor access to an address above 64 GB, so that ASZ# = 10b or 11b.
Parity error on A[36:3]#.
Parity error on REQ[4:0]#.
Parity error on the ITID bus from SDC to SAC.
Parity error on the retirement bus from the SDC to the SAC.
Set when a LOCK# transaction occurs and there are no outbound resources available in which to place the lock.
Set if the resource counter has an underflow or overflow. NERR_SAC: All Error Status Register
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 1 Address Offset: 44h Size: 32 bits Default Value: 000000h Attribute: Read/Write Clear Sticky: Yes Locked: No
This register records all error conditions detected in the SAC/SDC.
Bits 31:0 See FERR_SAC for bit definitions.
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Description SA_FERR: System Address on First Error
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 1 Address Offset: 60h Size: 128 bits Default Value: undefined after Attribute: Read Only Sticky: Yes Locked: No
This register records and latches the address for the first system bus error detected.
Register Descriptions
127:107 Reserved (0) 106 LOCK, b phase. 105 ADS, b phase. 104 RP#, b phas e. 103:99 REQ, b phase. 98 AP1; b phase. 97 AP0; b phase. 96:64 A[35:3]#, b phase. 63:43 Reserved (0) 42 LOCK#, a phase. 41 ADS#, a phase. 40 RP# for REQa#.
39:35 REQa#.
34:33 AP[1:0]#, a phase.
32:0 Aa[35:3]#, a phase.
Parity on REQa# signals.
REQa signals on error.
Address parity for failing address.
System Bus - System Address of Error. BIUITID: BIU ITID Register
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 1 Address Offset: 80h Size: 8 bits Default Value: 0 Attribute: Read/Write Sticky: No Locked: No
A write to this register causes the SAC to update the BIUDATA register with the contents of the CAM and RAM associated with the ITID that is written into this register.
7:6 reserved (0) 5:0 ITID
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 2-9
This is the ITID that is used to address the CAM/RAM structure.
Register Descriptions BIUDATA: BI U D ata Register
Bus CBN, Device Number: 00h Function: 1 Address Offset: 90h Size: 128 bits Default Value: undefined Attribute: Read Only Sticky: No Locked: No
This is the contents of the CAM concatenated with the contents of the RAM associated with the ITID in BIUITID.
127:116 reserved(0) 115:82 Address bits [35:2].
81:76 reserved(0) 75:71 Reqa. Request phase a[4:0]. 70:63 DID. The DID for the transaction. 62:55 BE. The byte enables for the transaction. 54 rese rve d (0) 53 OWN. OWN# active. 52 DPS. DPS# active. 51:49 Reqb. Request phase b bits [4:2]. 48 Lock. The transaction.had LOCK# asserted. 47 LockLoad. The transaction is the first occurrence of an OB lock sequence. 46:43 Dst. The destination of the transaction. 42 ORetry. A retry due to HITO. 41:36 CMD. The command for the transaction. 35 P2P. Set for peer-to-peer transactions. 34 FEorR. The end-of-request bit from the Expander port. 33:30 FRoute. The Expander bus route. 29:22 FLEN. The length on the Expander bus. 21:12 FTID. The Expander id. 11:9 Len. The length of the transaction. 8 System Bus Retry. The transaction was retried on the bus. 7 Dfr. The transaction is deferred. 6 MEM. The target for the transaction if memory. 5 System Bus. The target for the transaction is the system bus. 4 CLINE. The transaction is for a full line. 3 Zero. If set then this is a 0-length transaction. 2:0 RS. The Response generated for the transaction by the BIU. This may not match the
This is the contents of the CAM with address bits [5:2] from the RAM (bit 2 is only of interest if the transaction came from an Expander bus).
system bus response sent, since the BIUs response may be changed by the MIU. This may be for a HITM# or other reasons.
Note: Note: if the P2P bit is not set, then bits [34:12] and [76] are not defined, since the transaction
originated on the system bus and not the Expander bus.
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