In all communications with INFICON, please specify the information given on the
product nameplate. For convenient reference copy that information into the space
provided below:
Intended Use
Functional Principle
This document applies to products with part number:
MPG400 (FPM sealed) MPG401 (all-metal)
351-010 (DN 25 ISO-KF) 351-020 (DN 25 ISO-KF)
351-011 (DN 40 ISO-KF) 351-021 (DN 40 ISO-KF)
351-012 (DN 40 CF-C) 351-022 (DN 40 CF-C)
The part number (PN) can be taken from the product nameplate.
If not indicated otherwise in the legends, the illustrations in this document
correspond to the product with part number 351-010. They apply to the other
products by analogy.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.
All dimensions in mm.
The Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauges MPG400 und MPG401 has been designed
for vacuum measurement in the pressure range of 5×10
… 1000 mbar.
The Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauges must not be used for measuring flammable
or combustible gases which react in air.
The gauges can be used with an INFICON Controller of the VGC40x / VGC50x
series or with another evaluation unit.
Over the whole measuring range, the measuring signal is output as a logarithm of
the pressure.
The gauge consists of two separate measuring systems (the Pirani and the cold
cathode system according to the inverted magnetron principle). They are combined
in such a way that for the user, they behave like one measuring system
3.1.1 Removing the Magnet Unit (Only for Gauges With CF Flanges) 11
3.2 Electrical Connection 12
3.2.1 Use With an INFICON Controller 12
3.2.2 Use With Another Control Device 12
4 Operation 13
4.1 Measurement Principle, Measuring Behavior 13
5 Deinstallation 15
6 Maintenance 16
6.1 Adjusting the Gauge 16
6.2 Cleaning MPG400, Replacing Parts 18
6.2.1 Disassembling MPG400 18
6.2.2 Cleaning MPG400 19
6.2.3 Reassembling MPG400 20
6.3 Cleaning MPG401, Replacing Parts 21
6.3.1 Disassembling MPG401 22
6.3.2 Cleaning MPG401 23
6.3.3 Reassembling MPG401 24
6.4 Troubleshooting 25
7 Accessories 26
8 Spare Parts 26
9 Returning the Product 28
10 Disposal 28
Appendix 29
A: Measuring Signal vs. Pressure 29
B: Gas Type Dependence 30
ETL Certification 31
For cross-references within this document, the symbol (→ XY) is used.
tina48e1-c (2017-10) MPG400-401.om3
1 Safety
1.1 Symbols Used
Information on preventing any kind of physical injury.
Information on preventing extensive equipment and environmental damage.
1.2 Personnel Qualifications
1.3 General Safety
Information on correct handling or use. Disregard can lead to malfunctions or
minor equipment damage.
Skilled personnel
All work described in this document may only be carried out by persons who
have suitable technical training and the necessary experience or who have been
instructed by the end-user of the product.
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for the
process media used.
Consider possible reactions between the materials (→ 7) and the process
Consider possible reactions (e.g. explosion) of the process media due to the
heat generated by the product.
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for all
work you are going to do and consider the safety instructions in this document.
• Before beginning to work, find out whether any vacuum components are contaminated. Adhere to the relevant regulations and take the necessary precautions when handling contaminated parts.
DANGER: magnetic fields
Strong magnetic fields can disturb electronic devices like heart
pacemakers or impair their function.
Maintain a safety distance of ≥10 cm between the magnet and the
heart pacemaker or prevent the influence of strong magnetic fields by
Communicate the safety instructions to all other users.
antimagnetic shielding.
tina48e1-c (2017-10)
1.4 Liabilit y and Warranty
INFICON assumes no liability and the warranty becomes null and void if the enduser or third parties
• disregard the information in this document
• use the product in a non-conforming manner
• make any kind of interventions (modifications, alterations etc.) on the product
• use the product with accessories not listed in the corresponding product
The end-user assumes the responsibility in conjunction with the process media
Gauge failures due to contamination, as well as expendable parts (filament), are
not covered by the warranty.
tina48e1-c (2017-10) MPG400-401.om5
2 Technical Data
Measuring range (air, N2) 5×10-9 … 1000 mbar
Accuracy (N2)
Gas type dependence
in the range 1×10
in the range 1×10
→ Appendix B
… 100 mbar
… 100 mbar
Output signal (measuring signal)
Voltage range 0 … +10.5 V
Measuring range 1.82 … 8.6 V
Voltage vs. pressure logarithmic, 0.6 V / decade
(→ Appendix )
Error signal <0.5 V no supply
>9.5 V Pirani measurement element
defective (filament rupture)
Output impedance
Minimum loaded impedance
2×10 Ω
10 kΩ, short-circuit proof
Response time (pressure dependent)
p > 10
p = 10
<10 ms
≈1000 ms
Gauge identification
85 kΩ referenced to supply common
Status Pin 6
p > 10
Pirani-only mode
p < 10
Cold cathode not ignited
Low = 0 V
Low = 0 V
Pirani-only mode
p < 10-2 mbar
Cold cathode ignited
High = 15 … 30 V (dc)
Combined Pirani / cold cathode
Lamp High voltage on (LED on)
The gauge may only be connected to power supplies, instruments or
control devices that conform to the requirements of a grounded extra-
Supply voltage at the gauge 15.0 … 30.0 V (dc) (ripple ≤ 1 V
Power consumption ≤2 W
The minimum voltage of the power supply must be increased proportionally to the
length of the sensor cable.
Voltage at the supply unit with
maximum line length
INFICON controllers fulfill these requirements.
low voltage (PELV). The connection to the gauge has to be fused1).
≤1 AT
16.0 … 30.0 V (dc) (ripple ≤ 1 V
tina48e1-c (2017-10)
<HV> potentiometer at <10
<ATM> potentiometer at atmospheric pressure
Electrical connection FCC68 female, 8 poles
Sensor cable 8 conductors plus shielding
Line length
≤50 m (8×0.14 mm²)
Operating voltage ≤3.3 kV
Operating current ≤500 µA
Grounding concept
Vacuum connection-signal common
→ ("Electrical Connection")
connected via 10 kΩ
(max. voltage differential
with respect to safety ±50 V
with respect to accuracy ±10 V)
FPM 75
Ag, Cu, soft solder (Sn, Ag)
stainless steel
Ni, Au
Mounting orientation any
Internal volume
≈20 cm³
Pressure ≤10 bar (absolute)
limited to inert gases
+5 … +55 °C
+5 … +150 °C
(at flange in horizontal mounting orientation, without magnetic shielding)
Bakeout +150 °C
(without magnetic shielding and
electronics unit)
Pirani filament +120 °C
Storage –40 °C … +65 °C
Relative humidity ≤80% at temperatures up to +31 °C
decreasing to 50% at +40 °C
Use indoors only
altitude up to 2000 m
Degree of protection IP 40
tina48e1-c (2017-10) MPG400-401.om7
Dimensions [mm]
351-010 ≈700 g
351-011 ≈720 g
351-012 ≈980 g
ø 63.5
DN 40 CF-F
351-020 ≈730 g
351-021 ≈750 g
351-022 ≈1010 g
ø 63.5
tina48e1-c (2017-10)
3 Installation
3.1 Vacuum Connection
DANGER: overpressure in the vacuum system >1 bar
Injury caused by released parts and harm caused by escaping process
gases can result if clamps are opened while the vacuum system is
Do not open any clamps while the vacuum system is pressurized. Use
the type of clamps which are suited to overpressure.
DANGER: overpressure in the vacuum system >2.5 bar
KF flange connections with elastomer seals (e.g. O-rings) cannot
withstand such pressures. Process media can thus leak and possibly
damage your health.
Use O-rings provided with an outer centering ring.
DANGER: protective ground
Products that are not professionally connected to ground can be
extremely hazardous in the event of a fault.
The gauge must be electrically connected to the grounded vacuum
chamber. The connection must conform to the requirements of
protective connection according to EN 61010:
• CF connections fulfill this requirement.
• For gauges with KF connections, use a conductive metallic clam-
ping ring.
Caution: vacuum component
Dirt and damages impair the function of the vacuum component.
When handling vacuum components, take appropriate measures to
ensure cleanliness and prevent damages.
Caution: dirt sensitive area
Touching the product or parts thereof with bare hands increases the
desorption rate.
Always wear clean, lint-free gloves and use clean tools when working
in this area.
WARNING: electric arcing
Helium may cause electric arcing with detrimental effects on the
electronics of the product.
Before performing any tightness tests put the product out of operation
tina48e1-c (2017-10) MPG400-401.om9
and remove the electronics unit.
The gauge may be mounted in any orientation. To keep condensates
and particles from getting into the measuring chamber preferably
choose a horizontal to upright position and possibly use a seal with a
centering ring and filter.
If adjustment should be possible after the gauge has been installed, be
sure to install it so that the <HV> and <ATM> trimmer potentiometers
can be accessed with a screw driver (→ 16).
Remove the protective lid and install the product to the vacuum system.
When making a CF flange connection, it may be advantageous to temporarily
remove the magnet unit (→ 11).
Seal with centering ring
Protective lid
Seal with centering
ring and filter
Keep the protective lid.
tina48e1-c (2017-10)
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