Inficon Modul1000, 550-300A, 550-330A, 550-310A Operating Manual

jinb80en1-j (1501) Translation of the original manual
Catalog-No. 550-300A
550-310A 550-330A
from software version V1.75
Modular Leak Detector
jinb80en1-j Operating Manual(1501)
Legal notice INFICON GmbH
Bonner Straße 498 50968 Cologne
Copyright© 2010 INFICON GmbH, Cologne. This document may only be reproduced in any form with the permission of INFICON GmbH, Cologne.
Content 1-1
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
1 Operating instructions 1-5
1.1 How to use this manual 1-5
1.2 Warning and danger symbols 1-5
1.3 Graphic conventions 1-6
1.4 Definition of Terms 1-6
2 Important safety instructions 2-1
2.1 Intended use 2-1
2.2 User requirements 2-1
2.3 Restrictions of use 2-2
2.4 Hazards in the event of intended use 2-2
3 Description of equipment 3-1
3.1 The housing 3-1
3.2 Interfaces 3-3
3.3 Operating options 3-3
3.3.1 Desktop operation 3-4
3.3.2 Installation in switch cabinet 3-4
3.3.3 Remote control RC1000 3-5
3.4 Scope of delivery 3-6
3.5 Accessories 3-6
3.5.1 Sniffer line SL200 3-6
3.5.2 Test chamber TC1000 3-6
3.5.3 Set of male connectors for Interfaces 3-7
4 Installation 4-1
4.1 Mechanical Installation 4-1
4.2 Electrical installation 4-1
4.2.1 Mains socket 4-1
4.2.2 Electrical interfaces 4-2
4.2.3 Vacuum connections 4-6
5 Working Modes 5-1
5.1 Vacuum 5-1
5.2 Partial Flow Mode 5-2
5.3 Auto Leak Test 5-3
5.3.1 Auto Leak Test Settings 5-3
5.4 Commander mode 5-4
5.4.1 Design of a leak detector system 5-5
5.4.2 Test sequence of events 5-6
5.5 Sniff mode tips 5-8
1-2 Content
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
6 Operation 6-1
6.1 Switching ON 6-1
6.2 Status LED 6-1
6.3 Control 6-2
6.4 Control commands 6-3
6.5 Display 6-6
6.6 Calibration in Vacuum mode 6-9
6.7 Calibration in Sniff mode 6-10
6.8 Calibration in Auto Leak Test 6-11
6.9 Calibration in Commander mode 6-11
6.10 Machine factor 6-12
6.11 Menu structure 6-13
6.12 Explanation of Menu Items 6-15
6.12.1 Main menu  Return 6-15
6.12.2 Main menu View 6-15
6.12.3 Main menu Mode 6-16
6.12.4 Main menu  Trigger & Alarms 6-16
6.12.5 Main Menu  Calibration (CAL) Mode Vacuum 6-18
6.12.6 Main menuSettings 6-20 Main menu  Settings  Vacuum settings 6-20 Main menu  Settings  Zero & Background 6-23 Main menu  Settings  Mass 6-23 Main menu  Settings  Interfaces 6-23 Main menu  Settings  Miscellaneous 6-26 Main menu  Settings  Load/Save Parameters 6-27 Main menu  Settings  Monitoring 6-28
6.12.7 Main menu  Info 6-30
6.12.8 Main menu  Access Control 6-31
7 Maintenance tasks 7-1
7.1 Maintenance and service at INFICON 7-1
7.2 General Maintenance Instructions 7-1
7.3 Maintenance schedule 7-3
7.4 Maintenance intervals 7-3
7.5 Description of the maintenance work 7-5
7.5.1 Opening of the Device 7-6
7.6 TMH 071 Replace the Lubricant Reservoir 7-7
7.7 Fuse replacement 7-10
7.7.1 Overview on Electrical Fuses 7-10
7.7.2 Replace mains fuse 7-11
7.7.3 Replace fuses on interface board 7-12
7.8 Replacing of parameter memory (I•STICK) 7-13
7.9 Replace Vent Filter 7-14
8 Transport and disposal 8-1
8.1 Transporting after Contamination 8-1
Content 1-3
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
8.2 Disposal 8-2
9 Technical Data 9-1
9.1 Technical data of components 9-1
9.1.1 Power supply 9-1
9.1.2 Weight / dimensions 9-1
9.1.3 Characteristics 9-1
9.1.4 Environmental Conditions 9-2
9.2 Control via the PLC inputs and outputs 9-3
9.2.1 PLC inputs 9-3
9.2.2 PLC Outputs 9-6
9.3 The digital valve outputs 9-9
9.4 Analogue Output 9-10
9.4.1 Configuration of the analogue outputs 9-10
9.5 Pin Assignments 9-13
9.5.1 PLC IN / AUDIO 9-13
9.5.2 PLC OUT 9-15
9.5.3 Pressure Gauge 9-16
9.5.4 Valves 9-19
9.5.5 Recorder 9-21
9.6 Installation diagram of the control unit for rackinstallation 9-22
9.7 Commander mode 9-23
9.8 CE-Certificate 9-24
10 Error Messages and Warnings 10-1
11 Ordering Information 11-1
11.1 Service Centres World Wide 11-3
INDEX 11-5
1-4 Content
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Operating instructions 1-5
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
1Operating instructions
1.1 How to use this manual
•Read this manual before using Modul1000.
•Keep the manual so that you can use it anytime.
•Enclose the operating manual if the device is ever passed on to third parties.
1.2 Warning and danger symbols
This symbol refers to an immediate hazard, which may result in fatal or serious injuries (crippling).
This symbol refers to a possibly hazardous situation, which may result in fatal or serious injuries.
This symbol refers to a possibly hazardous situation, which may result in slight injuries.
This symbol is also used to alert you to the risk of material or environmental damage.
1-6 Operating instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
1.3 Graphic conventions
Notice: Points to very useful pieces of information.
1 Points to an operation that you have to perform.
Points to the result of an operation you accomplished.
Points to the button you have to press.
•Shows a listing.
1.4 Definition of Terms
Autotune / Mass alignment
The Modul1000 adjusts its tuning voltage to determine the optimal voltage for peak efficiency.
The range of the pre-amplifier is selected automatically. The Autoranging feature of the Modul1000 covers the entire range or leak rates depending on the selected oper
­ating mode. Vacuum mode or Sniff mode Not only the leak rate signal, but also the pressure in the test sample (inlet pressure PE) and the fore-vacuum pressure (PV) are used for control purposes.
Auto zero
Determination and automatic adaptation of the helium background in the Vacuum mode. Through this function, the internal zero level of the instrument is determined which is then subtracted from the current leak rate signal. This function is run during the calibration process or when operating the start push-button, provided the Modul1000 has been running previously for at least 20 seconds in the Standby or Vent mode. If the helium background previously suppressed should drop, the zero level will be adapted automatically.
Fore pressure
Fore pressure between turbo pump and fore pressure pump.
Internal helium background
The existing helium partial pressure in the measurement system. The level of the internal helium background is measured in the Stand-by mode and subtracted from the measured signal. (see above: Auto zero)
Operating instructions 1-7
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Minimum detectable leak rate
The smallest leak rate the Modul1000 is able to detect. (5x10
mbar l/s).
The menu allows the user to program the Modul1000 according to the requirements. The menu has a tree structure.
As-delivered condition
The default settings of the Modul1000 are as delivered by the factory.
The Modul1000 is ready for operation.
MEASURE mode is when the Modul1000 has achieved a pressure better than the crossover and the unit is sampling the gas load for helium leak rate.
1-8 Operating instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Important safety instructions 2-1
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
2Important safety instructions
2.1 Intended use
The Modul1000 is intended to be used for the leak test under vacuum. With the sniffer version of Modul1000 (Catalogue-No. 550-310), it is also possible to locate leaks in the test sample.
The Modul1000 may only be used for leak tests with helium and hydrogen. It may only be used in dry rooms and on dry surfaces.
Only use INFICON accessories.
The intended use includes:
•the compliance with the technical data and the ambient conditions,
•the use of standard and original accessories,
•consideration of this documentation and the observation of the included instructions and directives.
2.2 User requirements
The Modul1000 must only be connected and operated by properly trained staff.
• Get used to the functioning of the device. Only connect and operate the device after reading and understanding the manual.
•Consult local, State, and national agencies regarding specific requirements and regulations.
•Address any further safety, operation and / or maintenance questions to our nearest office.
2-2 Important safety instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
2.3 Restrictions of use
2.4 Hazards in the event of intended use
Before installing the Modul1000, carefully read all safety instructions and make sure that you have properly understood them.
Danger of fatal injuries due to explosion.
Switch on and operate the Modul1000 only outside of explosive areas.
Risk of dangerous gases. The device is not suitable for caustic, toxic and explosive substances.
Only use this device for detecting harmless substances.
Danger of fatal injuries due to explosion.
When explosive gases are used as test gas, the gas container could explode.
Avoid flames and sparks, keep ignition sources far away from the device.
Danger of fatal injuries due to electric shock.
Keep the sniffer tip away from live parts.
Danger of fatal injuries due to electric shock!
Connect the Modul1000 properly with the 3-core power cable and then connect the PE-line to earth.
Important safety instructions 2-3
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Danger of fatal injuries due to electric shock!
Disconnect the Modul1000 from the power supply before the you open it.
Risk of injury and contamination caused by toxic gases.
Only use the Modul1000 for detecting harmless substances.
The device is not suitable for toxic, caustic, micro-biologic, explosive, radioactive or other hazardous substances.
Contact the manufacturer if you plan to use the device for such substances.
Danger of fatal injuries due to implosion.
Components which are not pressure-resistant, can burst cause through implosion.
Only connect containers and parts to the inlet flange of Modul1000 which are suit­able for vacuum.
Danger of fatal injuries due to strong permanent magnets.
Magnets can impact the functioning of pacemakers.
If you wear a pacemaker, keep away from the device as far as it is specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
2-4 Important safety instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Risk of injuries through rotating parts
Before a transport leave the Modul1000 switched off for at least 20 minutes.
Danger of injury through dropping devices.
Two people should carry the Modul1000 or use a lifting device.
Back injury through heavy loads.
Two people should carry the Modul1000 or use a lifting device.
Injury to health due to emissions and fumes of oil-sealed pumps.
Before it is operated in closed rooms, the oil sealed fore-pressure pump, if used, has to be connected to an exhaust gas pipe.
Danger of fatal injuries due to electric shock!
Only operate the Modul1000 in buildings and on dry surfaces.
Risk of injury due to sucking inlet flange
If the vacuum function of the Modul1000 is activated, body parts which are close to the inlet flange can be sucked in.
Keep your body away from the inlet flange.
Important safety instructions 2-5
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Notice: Such a problem could occur,
•when the device has visible damages,
•when liquid has penetrated into the device,
• when the device does not operate any more,
•after long storage time under unfavourable conditions,
•after strong transport conditions
Supposed risk
If it can be supposed that safe operation is not ensured any more, the device must be switched off and must be secured against accidental switching on.
If this happens, contact the INFICON service people.
2-6 Important safety instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
The Modul1000 is destructed by aggressive substances.
Avoid contact to bases, acids, solvents and do not expose it to extreme climatic conditions.
The Modul1000 may be damaged by improper transport conditions. Only use this device for detecting helium and hydrogen.
Use a filter in the inlet of the Modul1000 to avoid dirt from getting into the vacuum system.
The electronic system of the Modul1000 may be damaged by the wrong supply voltage.
Check, if the local power supply voltage complies with the required supply voltage of the device.
The electronic system of the Modul1000 may be damaged by too high voltages.
The digital inputs are designed for maximum 30 V.
The electronic system of the Modul1000 may be damaged by too high electric loads.
The relay outputs should be connected to maximum 60V DC or 25 V AC / 1A at ohmic load. The semiconductor outputs should only be connected to 30V / 1A.
The electronic system of the Modul1000 can be destroyed when devices are connected to the Modul1000 whose electronic circuitry is not safely se parated from the mains.
Only connect devices to the Modul1000 whose connections are safely separated from the power system.
Important safety instructions 2-7
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
The turbo-molecular pump may be damaged by jerky movements.
During operation, move the Modul1000 only carefully and smoothly.
Risk of damage.
The Modul1000 may be damaged by excess heat.
Pay attention to the serve messages and replace the dirty air filters.
Risk of damage.
The Modul1000 can overheat and fail when the openings are plugged.
Provide for free openings for air inlet and outlet.
The Modul1000 can be damaged when liquid gets into it.
If liquid has entered the Modul1000, do not switch it on and contact the INFICON­Service.
The Modul1000 may be damaged by being stored in unfavourable conditions (too damp, too hot, too cold, too high above sea level) for months or years. (refer to Technical Data!)
If the Modul1000 has been stored under such conditions, leave it switched off and contact the INFICON Service Department.
Risk of damage.
The Modul1000 may be damaged by improper transport conditions.
Always transport the Modul1000 in its original packaging.
2-8 Important safety instructions
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Description of equipment 3-1
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3Description of equipment
The Modul1000 is a helium leak detector which has been designed to be installed in leak test work stations or integrated machines.
The analysis system with turbo-molecularpump and a complete control unit are inte­grated in a compact housing. Depending on the set operating mode, the Modul1000 can execute overriding control functions in a leak test system.
Multiple signal and status outputs allow the universal integration in existing or new system versions.
The operating parameters set by the user are stored in a separate memory module (I•STICK) which can be withdrawn easily.
All device configurations and the necessary maintenance works can be performed without opening the device.
To generate the fore-vacuum required for the operation of the turbo-molecular pump, as well as for evacuation of the connected test sample, a fore-vacuum pump with a pumping speed of >2
m³/h has to be connected. It must be able to generate a final
pressure of <1x10
3.1 The housing
Fig. 3-1 Left side view and front view.
Item Description Item Description
1 Inlet flange DN25 KF 6 air filter
2 Loudspeaker / Air inlet Mains fuses
3 Openings for unlocking 7 Connection DN25 KF for
the cover Backing Pump
4 Recess handles 8 Vent connection FESTO coupling
5 Status LED Hose 8 mm
3-2 Description of equipment
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Fig. 3-2 Right side view and back view
Item Description Item Description
3 Openings for unlocking 9 Mains socket with main switch and
the cover Mains fuses
4 Recess handles 10 Connection DN25 KF for
5 Status LED Fore-vacuum pump or sniffer line
6 air filter 11 Electrical interfaces
Fig. 3-3 Cut-out in the bottom side of Modul1000
Item Description
1 Connection for the fore-vacuum pump (screwed flange)
Description of equipment 3-3
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3.2 Interfaces
The two 16-pin plug connectors PLC OUT and VALVES are keyed so they cannot be interchanged. For the PLC OUT, coding tongues are inserted on the pins 1 and 16, for the VALVES connector, the tongues are on the pins 3 and 14.
3.3 Operating options
The Modul1000 can be operated via the control unit for desktop operation or the control panel for the installation in a switch cabinet.
The Modul1000 provides an extensive software menu which serves for operation and configuration (refer to
chapter 6.8). This control unit offers access to the menu struc-
The control unit can optionally be connected to the Modul1000 via 1 m or 5 m long connecting cables.
The control unit is for configuring and controlling the Modul1000 individually and parameters as well as measured values can be read out.
LED yellow, LED green, CONTROL UNIT
Fig. 3-4
3-4 Description of equipment
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3.3.1 Desktop operation
The control unit can be placed on even desktops and does not slip.
3.3.2 Installation in switch cabinet
The control panel (Control unit as mounting version) is intended to be integrated in the front of a 19’' rack system.
Fig. 3-5 Control Unit for Desktop Operation
Item Description Item Description
1 LCD display 8 Soft Key no. 5
2 Soft Key no. 1 9 Soft Key no. 6
3 Soft Key no. 2 10 Soft Key no. 7
4 Soft Key no. 3 11 Soft Key no. 8
5 Soft Key no. 4 12 Menu button
6 START button with LED 12 STOP / Vent button with LED
7 Control Unit 14 ZERO button with LED
9 10
12 13
Fig. 3-6 Control panel for the installation in a switch cabinet
Description of equipment 3-5
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3.3.3 Remote control RC1000
The wireless remote control RC1000 allows the operation of the Modul1000 from a distance of maximum 100 m. The remote control can serve for controlling the func
­tions START, STOP/VENT (STOP/Vent), ZERO (Background). It shows the meas­ured leak rate on the display as bar graph, as digits, or as diagram (refer to Technical Manual of RC1000).
The measured values can be stored in the internal memory of the RC1000 for a recorded period of maximum 24 hours. Then the data can easily be transferred to a USB stick.
An internal trigger can be set to provide a warning if the limit leak rates are exceeded. An optical warning is shown on the display and an acoustic warning signal is sounded on the integrated loudspeaker or the connected headphones.
The RC1000 remote control is housed in a robust housing to enable ergonomic work­ing. Magnets on the underside of the unit enable it to be attached to horizontal or ver­tical metal surfaces.
With the remote control RC1000, the leak test device Modul1000 can also be control­led via a 28 m long cable.
Fig. 3-7 RC1000 wireless remote control
3-6 Description of equipment
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3.4 Scope of delivery
• Leak test device for helium and hydrogen, Modul1000
•Power cords EU, US
•Set of spare fuses
•Folder with documents
•Tools for opening the cover 8 mm Allen-key
•Metering orifice DN25, 2 mm
3.5 Accessories
3.5.1 Sniffer line SL200
The Modul1000, in the version as vacuum or sniffer leak detector needs the sniffer line SL200 to be able to work in sniffer mode.
3.5.2 Test chamber TC1000
The vacuum chamber TC1000 serves for integrated testing of helium-filled parts. The test procedure can be configured individually in the softw are me nu of M odul1 000 an d runs automatically after the chamber has been closed.
Accessories Cat. No. / Ref. No.
Sniffer line SL200 140 05
Test chamber TC1000 551-005
Set of male connectors for Interfaces 551-110
Control unit (desktop version) 551-100
Control unit (mounting version 19 inches) 551-101
Connecting cable for control unit, 1 m 551-103
Connecting cable for control unit, 5 m 551-102
Remote control 20099022
- Cable for remote control (required) 20099027
- Extension cable 14090
RC1000 remote control
- RC1000WL wireless 551-015
- RC1000WL - cable version 551-010
- Extension cable, 8 m, for RC1000C 14022
Description of equipment 3-7
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
3.5.3 Set of male connectors for Interfaces
The connector kit includes the following plugs:
3-8 Description of equipment
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
Installation 4-1
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
4.1 Mechanical Installation
The Modul1000 can be mounted on and below desktop workplaces. The leak test device may only be operated on horizontal surfaces. During the installation, make sure that the Modul1000 gets enough fresh air, especially the air inlet and outlet openings on the front and the back side have to be free. The maximum permissible ambient temperature of the Modul1000 may not be exceeded during operation!
If the leak detector Modul1000 is used for an application that can cause strong vibra­tions or impacts, then we recommend connection via flexible connections and to pref­erably avoid direct connections. Please also use also flexible connections for the test chambers, angle valves and the like if wear from impact or vibration is to be expected.
The following figure illustrates the recommended impact or vibration direction for the use of angle valves, test chambers or similar accessories which can cause unsuita
­ble strain for Modul1000:
Back injury through heavy loads.
Two people should carry the Modul1000 or use a lifting device.
4-2 Installation
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
4.2 Electrical installation
4.2.1 Mains socket
The device is connected to the power system via the delivered power cable. Please find the respective socket on the back of the device. (refer to
Fig. 3-2/9).
4.2.2 Electrical interfaces
All electrical interfaces of the Modul1000 are clearly visible arranged in a connecting area on the right side of the device (refer to
Fig. 3-2).
The connection VALVES is for controlling external valves.
Place the device in a way that you can always reach the power plug.
LED yellow, LED green, CONTROL UNIT
Fig. 4-1 Electrical interfaces
Installation 4-3
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
PLC Inputs and outputs
To connect the control inputs and outputs (PLC IN /PLC OUT) use the connector kit. The connectors are not included in the scope of delivery, but are available as acces
­sories (see chapter 3.5, Set of male connectors for Interfaces, Part-No. 551-110)
Graphical control unit
A graphical control unit is connected to CONTROL UNIT via an appropriate connect­ing cable.
Hand set
The remote control is connected to REMOTE CONTROL.
Sniffer line SL200 or test chamber TC1000 (ACCESSORIES)
The connection ACCESSORIES serves for connecting the sniffer line SL200 or the test chamber TC1000.
External Pressure gauge
If the Modul1000 is used in Commander mode, an additional pressure gauge has to be connected to PRESSURE GAUGE. Connect the pressure gauge as follows with the 8-pin Phoenix-plug "PRESSURE GAUGE".
Notice: The pressure transmitters to be connected can be supplied via the contacts
1 and 2 of the Modul1000.
If they are supplied by external power supply units, ensure that the contacts 4 and 6 may only have a maximal potential of ±4V compared to contact 2. Otherwise it could be damaged.
Notice: The sensor is adjusted correctly, when the zero point and the full-scale
deflection comply with the output characteristic.
Pin Assignment
24V fuse-protected with F3 on the interface board (0.8A, maximum output current,
on this pin together with the pin 1 on connection PLC IN) 2 GND 3 Input 1 4 GND to input 1 5 Input 2 (is not supported by the current software) 6 GND to input 2
Danger of fatal injuries due to electric shock!
First, disconnect the leak test device from the power supply network and then remove the housing.
4-4 Installation
jinb80e1-h Operating Manual(1501)
The Modul1000 can process measured current or voltage values. When delivered, the Input 1 is configured for current measurement 4... 20 mA, Input 2 for voltage measurement 0... 10 V.
To change the configuration of the input of the pressure gauge, the respective jumper on the interface card in Modul1000 has to be placed onto another position. To do that, open the device.
The jumpers are located on the interface board and are accessible after opening the cover.
By changing the position of the jumper on the connector XP5, the setting of the Input 1 can be changed. For a current signal, Pin 1 and Pin 2 of XP5 are connected, for a voltage signal, connect Pin 2 and 3.
By changing the jumper position on the connector XP4, the setting of the Input 2 will be changed. However, this input is not supported in the current software.
Recorder Output (analogue)
The two Recorder outputs (analogue outputs) may be used to log the leak rate, the inlet pressure or the fore-vacuum pressure. The output voltage is updated every 50 ms.
RS232 Interface
The RS232 interface serves for connecting a PC directly to the Modul1000.
The Modul1000 is then directly controlled by the respective instruction sets as described in the interface description.
Fig. 4-2 Jumper XP5 and XP4
Item Description Item Description
1 Pin 1 3 Pin 3
2 Pin 2
Pin Assignment
1 Recorder Output 1 (analogue output) 2 GND 3 GND 4 Recorder Output 2 (analogue output)
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