Inficon Ecotec E3000 530-001, Ecotec E3000 530-002, Ecotec E3000 530-103, Ecotec E3000 530-106, Ecotec E3000 530-104 Technical Handbook

kina22e1-p (1206) Translation of the original instruction
Catalog No.
530-001 530-002 530-103 530-104 530-105 530-106
from software version V 2.4
Ecotec E3000
Multi-Gas Leak Detector


1 General Information 1-1
1.1 Introduction 1-1
1.1.1 Intended Use 1-1
1.2 Support by INFICON 1-2
1.2.1 Service Centers 1-5
1.3 Unpacking 1-7
1.3.1 Supplied Equipment 1-7
1.3.2 Technical Data 1-8
1.3.3 Accessories 1-9
1.4 Notes on How to Use This Handbook 1-11
1.4.1 Numbering of Figures 1-11
1.4.2 Symbols of Vacuum Technology 1-11
1.4.3 Definition of Terms 1-11
1.5 Instrument Views of the Ecotec E3000 1-13
1.6 Installation 1-13
1.6.1 Set up 1-13
1.6.2 Mechanical Connections 1-15
1.6.3 Electrical Connections 1-18
1.6.4 RS232 Interface 1-19
1.6.5 I/O Port 1-19
2 How the Instrument Works 2-1
2.1 Description of the Functions 2-1
2.2 Description of the Subassemblies 2-2
2.2.1 Backing Pump 2-2
2.2.2 Turbo Molecular Pump (TMP) 2-2
2.2.3 Mass Spectrometer 2-2
2.2.4 Quadrupole Supply 2-2
2.2.5 Control 2-2
2.3 Displays and User Interfaces 2-3
2.3.1 Main unit display 2-3
2.3.2 Sniffer line with probe display 2-4
2.3.3 Built-in ECO-Check reference leak 2-6
3 Operation of the Ecotec E3000 3-1
3.1 Start-Up 3-1
3.2 Controls on the main display unit 3-2
3.3 Controls on the probe display unit 3-5
3.4 Performing measurements 3-6
3.4.1 Standard Operation Mode 3-6
3.4.2 I•Guide Operating Mode 3-8 Starting the I•Guide Mode 3-8 Selecting an I•Guide Program 3-9 Using an I•Guide Program 3-9
3.4.3 The Info Page 3-12
3.5 Calibration and Self-Test 3-14
Content 0-3
3.5.1 Verifying a calibration (proof function) 3-15
3.5.2 Internal calibration 3-16
3.5.3 External calibration 3-17
3.6 Shutdown 3-19
4 Equipment Settings 4-1
4.1 Menu Structure 4-1
4.2 Sleep Mode 4-3
4.3 The Service Menu 4-3
4.4 Selecting gases and setting gas triggers 4-3
4.4.1 Editing gas parameters 4-4
4.4.2 Removing / adding a working gas 4-4
4.4.3 Selecting trigger values and units of measurement 4-7
4.4.4 Selecting the search level and the lower display limit 4-8
4.4.5 Enabling / disabling internal calibration 4-8
4.4.6 Selecting an alternative mass position 4-9
4.4.7 Activating the Interfering Gas Suppression (IGS) 4-10
4.4.8 Setting up a user-definable gas 4-10
4.5 Settings Sub-menu 4-12
4.5.1 Vacuum & Access Menu 4-12
4.5.2 Audio Functions 4-14
4.5.3 Display Settings 4-16
4.5.4 Setting-up / editing an I•Guide Program 4-18
4.5.5 Miscellaneous Settings 4-21
4.6 Interfaces 4-23
4.6.1 Control location 4-23
4.6.2 Recorder outputs 4-23
4.6.3 RS232 Protocol 4-26
4.6.4 Baud rate & end sign 4-27
4.6.5 Select PLC Inputs 4-27
4.6.6 Select PLC Outputs 4-28
4.6.7 ECO-Check (only available in Advanced Mode) 4-29
4.7 The Info Menu 4-30
4.8 History & Maintenance 4-34
4.9 Monitoring Sensitivity 4-39
0-4 Content
5 Ecotec E3000 Messages 6-1
5.1 Error Messages and Warnings 6-1
6 Detecting Specific Gases 5-1
6.1 R134a / Cyclopentane 5-1
6.2 R134a / R245fa 5-1
6.3 R600a / Cyclopentane / Isopentane 5-1
6.4 Helium 5-1
6.5 Hydrogen / Forming gas 5-2
6.6 Methan 5-2
7 Equipment Connections 7-1
7.1 I/O Port (Control Inputs and Outputs) 7-1
7.1.1 Ground connectors 7-2
7.1.2 24V Output 7-2
7.1.3 PLC Inputs 7-2
7.1.4 PLC Outputs 7-3 Relay outputs 7-4 Recorder Outputs 7-5
7.1.5 How to perform a calibration 7-6
7.2 RS232 interface 7-7
8 Maintenance 8-1
8.1 Maintenance schedule 8-1
8.2 Adjusting the IGS function 8-2
8.3 Exchanging the air filter 8-3
8.4 Replacing the Operation Fluid Reservoir 8-5
8.5 Exchanging the mains fuses 8-8
8.6 Replacing filters in the sniffer line 8-9
8.6.1 Replacing the felt discs of the capillary filter 8-9
8.6.2 Replacing the felt discs (with water protection tip) 8-11
8.6.3 Checking / replacing the sinter filter 8-11
8.7 Switching the capillary filter 8-12
8.7.1 Switching from metal to plastic capillary filter 8-13
8.7.2 Switching from plastic to metal capillary filter 8-14
8.8 Replacing the gas reservoir of the ECO-Check 8-14
9 Annex 9-1
9.1 The gas library 9-1
9.2 Declaration of Conformity 9-10
Content 0-5

Important Safety Precautions

Indicates procedures that must be strictly observed to prevent hazards to persons.
Indicates procedures that must strictly be observed to prevent damage to or destruction of the Ecotec E3000 leak detector.
Notice Indicates special requirements the user must comply with.
The INFICON Ecotec E3000 leak detector has been designed for safe and efficient operation when used properly and in accordance with this Technical Handbook. It is the responsibility of the user to carefully read and strictly observe all safety precautions described in this chapter and throughout this Technical Handbook. The Ecotec E3000 must only be operated in the proper condition and under the conditions described in this Technical Handbook. It must be operated and maintained by trained personal only. Consult local, state, and national agencies regarding specific requirements and regulations. Adress any further safety, operation and / or maintenance questions to our nearest office.
Presumed Risk: If it is to be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible, the device is to be taken out of service and secured against unsupervised operation.
Notice This can e. g. be the case if:
the unit has visible damage,
fluid has gotten into the device,
the device is no longer working,
the device has been stored for an extended period of time under unfavorable conditions or
after significant moving or transportation stresses.
0-6 Important Safety Precautions
Failure to observe the following precautions could result in serious personal
Only 3-core mains cables having a protective ground conductor must be used. Operation of the Ecotec E3000 with the ground conductor unconnected is not permissible.
Do not stare into the LEDs of the sniffer line intentionally for extended times or at a close distance as this may cause permanent damage to the eye.
Danger of electric shock.
Don’t touch voltaged parts with the sniffer tip. Test samples need to be disconnected from electricity before leak testing.
For all contacts of the I/O Port a maximum voltage of 60 V DC or 25 V AC must not be exceeded or reached to ground or ground equipment conductors. According to the type of in- or outputs lower voltages had to be accepted. For this, please refer to the information given in the responding chapters.
For all maintenance on the Ecotec E3000, the Ecotec E3000 must be disconnected from power.
Before exchanging the air filter the Ecotec E3000 must be disconnected from power.
Before exchanging the fuses the Ecotec E3000 must be disconnected from power.
Important Safety Precautions 0-7
Before exchanging the lubricant reservoir the Ecotec E3000 must be disconnected
from power.
Dangerous gases pollute the machine.
So you must not use the machine for detecting toxical, acidity, microbiological, explosive, radioactive or other noxious matters.
Caution: Danger of explosion
Hydrogen forms a highly explosive gas mixture with air. Great caution is necessary when using hydrogen! No smoking, no naked flames, avoid sparks.
Danger of explosion!
To use the Ecotec E3000 in explosion hazard areas could cause ignition of flammable mixtures.
The Ecotec E3000 must only be operated outside of explosion hazard areas.
Failure to observe the following precautions could result in damage to the equipment:
The Ecotec E3000 must not be operated while standing in water or when exposed to drip water. The same applies to all other kinds of liquids.
This Ecotec E3000 should only be used in rooms.
Avoid contact of the Ecotec E3000 with bases, acids and solvents as well as exposure to extreme climatic conditions.
0-8 Important Safety Precautions
Ensure sufficient air cooling (see also Section 1.2)
Before installation remove the transportation lock.
In order to ensure adequate ventilation of the Ecotec E3000, a space of at least 20 cm 8) (8 in.) must be kept unobstructed to the sides. The clearance at the rear must be no less than 10 cm (4 in.). Moreover, the Ecotec E3000 handles for carrying the leak detector at the sides of the main unit must not be covered at any time as these acts as air inlet and outlet. Avoid the presence of heat sources in the vicinity of the Ecotec E3000.
Before connecting the Ecotec E3000 to the mains you must make sure that the mains voltage rating of the Ecotec E3000 coincides with the locally available mains voltage.
Do not suck in any liquids.
Permissible maximum input voltage PLC 28 V.
Permissible max. voltage and current for open collector outputs are: 28 V; 50 mA.
Maximum load rating relay outputs is 60 V DC / 25 V AC and 1 A per relay.
Important Safety Precautions 0-9
The air filter should be checked for contamination at least every 6 months and
should be definitely exchanged after 2 years.
The lubricant reservoir may contain toxic substances from the pumped media. Please dispose of lubricant reservoir as required by local regulations. A Safety Data sheet for the lubricant is available on request.
Caution: Abrupt movements. Abrupt movements can damage the running turbo pump. Avoid abrupt movement and vibration of the instrument (e.g. running over cables, door sills) during operation and up to 4 minutes after switching off since the turbo pump can be damaged.
0-10 Important Safety Precautions

1 General Information

The Ecotec E3000 refrigerant leak detector is supplied ready for operation. However, we recommend that you carefully read the Technical Handbook to ensure optimum operating conditions right from the start. This handbook contains important information on functions, installation, start-up and operation of the Ecotec E3000.

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Intended Use

The Ecotec E3000 is a refrigerant leak detector for sniffer applications. It may be used to localise and quantify leaks in test samples if there is a refrigerant under an overpressure within the test sample and when searching the test sample with a sniffer probe from the outside (sniffer method). The use of this sniffer probe is mandatory for proper operation and it is available as an accessory (Cat. No. 525-001 to 525-004).
The Ecotec E3000 must not be operated while standing in water or when exposed to drip water. The same applies to all other kinds of liquids.
This Ecotec E3000 should only be used in rooms.
Avoid contact of the Ecotec E3000 with bases, acids and solvents as well as exposure to extreme climatic conditions.
Ensure sufficient air cooling (see also Section 1.1.2)
Proper use includes:
Conformance with the technical specifications
Use of standard and original accessories
Observance of the instructions and guidelines contained in this document
General Information 1-1

1.2 Support by INFICON

If equipment is returned to INFICON or an authorised INFICON representative indicate whether the equipment is free of substances damaging to health or whether it is contaminated. If it is contaminated also indicate the nature of the hazard. INFICON must return any equipment without a Declaration of Contamination to the sender’s address. You will find an appropriate form at the next page.
We reserve the right to alter the design or any data given in this handbook.
The illustrations are not binding.
1-2 General Information
General Information 1-3
Bonner Str. 498,50968 Cologne, Germany Tel: +49 221 56788-112 Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
zisa01e1-b (1106)
Declaration of Contamination
The service, repair, and/or disposal of vacuum equipment and components will only be carried out if a correctly completed declaration has
 
been submitted. Non-completion will result in delay. This declaration may only be completed (in block letters) and signed by authorized and qualified staff.
Description of product
Type Article Number Serial Number
The product is free of any sub­stances which are damaging to health yes
Harmful substances, gases and/or by-products
Please list all substances, gases, and by-products which
Trade/product name
Chemical nam e (or symbol)
Reason for return
Operating fluid(s) used
(Must be drained before shipping.)
Process related contamination of product:
toxic no 1) yes
caustic no 1) yes
biological hazard no yes 2)
explosive no yes 2)
radi oactive no yes 2)
other harmful substances no  1) yes
1) or not containing any amount of hazardous residues that exceed the permissible ex­ posure limits
the product
Precauti ons associ ated with substance
may have come into contact with:
2) Products thus contami­ nated will not be ac­ cepted without written evidence of decontami­ nation!
Action if human contact
Legally binding declaration:
I/we hereby declare that the information on this form is complete and accurate and that I/we will assume any further costs that may arise. The contaminated p roduct will be dispatched in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Address Post code, place
Phone Fax
Date and legally binding signature Company stamp
This form c an be downloaded from our websit e.
1-4 General Information
Copies: Original for addres see - 1 copy for acco mpanying docum ents - 1 copy for file of sen der

1.2.1 Service Centers

Algeria Finland
Belarus France
Belgium Germany
Brazil Hungary
PV Pest Vácuo Ltda.
Santa de Parnaíba
Bulgaria India
Canada Ireland
Vacuum Products Canada Ltd.
Central America Italy
MEISA S.a. de C.V.
China Israel
Hong Kong
Czech Republic Korea
Denmark INFICON Ltd.
Egypt Latvia
Estonia Lithuania
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +55 114 154 4888
Fax: +55 114 154 4888
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +905.672.7704
Fax: +905.672.2249
Phone: +52 44 22 25 42 80
Fax: +52 44 22 25 41 57
Phone: +852.2862.8863
Fax: +852.2865.6883
Phone: +86.10.6590.0164
Fax: +86.10.6590.0521
Phone: +86.20.8723.6889
Fax: +86.20.8723.6003
Phone: +86.21.6209.3094
Fax: +86.21.6295.2852
Phone +420 734 331 758
Fax: +420 604 203 037
Phone: +45 744 336 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
OLV France
400 064
Mark Technologies Ltd.
Kiriat Ono
Sungnam city
Suwon City
Cheonan City
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +33 476 351 584
Fax: +33 476 351 584
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +36 23 50 38 80
Fax: +36 23 50 38 96
Phone: +91 22 888 0324
Fax: +91 22 888 0324
Phone: +44 1254 678 250
Fax: +44 1254 698 577
Phone: +39 045 6 40 25 56
Fax: +39 045 6 40 24 21
Phone: +972 35 34 68 22
Fax: +972 35 34 25 89
Phone: +81.45.471.3396
Fax: +81.45.471.3387
Phone: +82 312 062 890
Fax: +82 312 063 058
Phone: +82 312 062 890
Fax: +82 312 063 058
Phone: +82 312 062 890
Fax: +82 312 063 058
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
General Information 1-5
Mexico Spain
MEISA S.a. de C.V.
Netherlands Sweden
Norway Syria
Poland Taiwan
VAK-POL & GAZ Sp. zo.o
Portugal Tunisia
Republic of South Africa Turkey
Russia Ukraine
Singapore United Kingdom
Slovakia United Arab Emirates
Slovenia USA
South America except Brazil Inficon Inc.
MEISA S.a. de C.V.
Phone: +52 442 225 42 80
Fax: +52 442 225 41 57
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +48 60 23 15 212
Fax: +48 60 23 15 212
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +27 73 15 78 355 Agramkow
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +65.890.6250
Fax: +65.890.6266
Phone +420 734 331 758
Fax: +420 604 203 037
Phone: +386 15 63 91 50
Fax: +386 17 22 04 51
Phone: +52 44 22 12 36 15
Fax: +52 44 22 12 19 40
Leybold Optics Ibérica
INFICON Company Limited
Chupei City, HsinChu Hsien
Inficon Inc.
East Syracuse, NY
San Jose, CA
Inficon Inc.
Austin, TX
Phone: +34 93 66 60 778
Fax: +34 93 66 64 612
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +886.3.5525.828
Fax: +886.3.5525.829
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +45 741 236 36
Fax: +45 744 336 46
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +44 1254 678 250
Fax: +44 1254 698 577
Phone: +49 221 56788-112
Fax: +49 221 56788-9112
Phone: +1.315.434.1167
Fax: +1.315.434.2551
Phone: +1.408.361.1200
Fax: +1.408.362.1556
Phone: +1.512.448.0488
Fax: +1.512.448.0398
1-6 General Information

1.3 Unpacking

Unpack the Ecotec E3000 leak detector immediately after it has been received even if it is to be put into operation at some later date. Examine the shipping container for any external damage. Completely remove all packaging materials.
Notice: Retain the shipping container and the packaging materials in the event of
possible complaints concerning any damages.
Check if the Ecotec E3000 leak detector is complete (see Section 1.3.1) and carefully subject it to a visual inspection. If any damage is discovered please immediately inform the forwarding agent and the insurers. If it is required to exchange the damaged part please contact our orders department.

1.3.1 Supplied Equipment

The Ecotec E3000 leak detector is ready for operation. Before installation please read Section 1.5. Included with the leak detector are the following items:
Ecotec E3000 (main unit)
Mains cord, 3m long
Set of fuses (3 x 10 pcs.)
Spare air filter
8 mm hexagonal wrench
19 mm ring wrench
Operating Instructions (kima22e1)
Technical Handbook Ecotec E3000 (kina22e1)
Spare Parts List Ecotec E3000 (kiua22d2)
Interface Description E3000 (kins22e1)
Notice: The sniffer line is available in different configurations and needs to be
ordered separately in the desired length. The sniffer line is not part of the Ecotec E3000 shipment. (see Section 1.3.3 Accessories)
Notice: The ECO-Check reference leak is an accessory (see Section 1.3.3
Accessories) and needs to be ordered separately
Notice: For the Ecotec E3000RC version the display unit and the connecting cable
are not part of the standard Ecotec E3000 shipment and need to be ordered separately (see Section 1.3.3)
General Information 1-7

1.3.2 Technical Data

Physical Data

Smallest detectable leak rate 0.05 g/a for refrigerants
Measurement range 6 decades
Detectable masses 2 - 200 amu
Mass spectrometer Quadrupole mass spectrometer
Ion source 2 cathodes; iridium with yttrium oxide
Time constant of the leak rate signal < 1 s
Gas flow through the capillary 160 sccm
Time until ready for operation < 2 min

Electrical Data

Mains voltages and mains frequencies 90 - 127 V, 50 / 60 Hz
(fixed) 115 - 140 V, 60 Hz
Power consumption 300 VA
Type of protection IP 20
Overvoltage category II
Mains cord 2.5 m
Noise level < 54 dBA
0.002 oz/yr for refrigerants
< 1x10
mbar l/s (helium)
187 - 265 V, 50 / 60 Hz

Other data

Dimensions (w x h x d) in mm 610 x 370 x 265
Weight 34 kg
Permissible ambient temperature
10 °C to 45 °C
(during operation)
Permissible storage temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Max. rel. humidity max. 80% for temperatures up to +31°C,
decreasing linearly to 50% at +40%
Contamination level II
(according to IEC 61010 / Part 1: “normally only non-conductive pollution may occur. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity caused by condensation can be tolerated.”)
Max. altitude above sea level 2000m
1-8 General Information

1.3.3 Accessories

Sniffer line for Ecotec E3000 Cat. No. / Ref. No.
SL3000-3, 3 m length 525-001
SL3000-5, 5 m length 525-002
SL3000-10, 10 m length 525-003
SL3000-15, 15 m length 525-004
Sniffer line for system integration (robot application) 525-015
Sniffer tips
ST 312, 120 mm long, rigid 122 13
FT 312, 120 mm long, flexible 122 14
FT 200, 200 mm long, rigid 122 18
FT 250, 250 mm long, flexible 122 66
ST 385, 385 mm long, rigid 122 15
FT 385, 385 mm long, flexible 122 16
FT 600, 600 mm long, flexible 122 09
ST 500, 500 mm long, rigid, 45° angled 122 72
Water protection tip for sniffer 122 46
Holder for SL3000 sniffer line 525-006
ECO-Check reference leak for R134a 531-001
Calibrated sniffer leaks for single refrigerants, 2 - 5 g/a (16 g/a also available)
R134a 122 20
R600a 122 21
R404A 122 22
R502a 122 23
R22 122 25
R23 122 26
R152a 122 27
R407C 122 28
R410A 122 29
R401A 122 30
R290 122 31
R744 (CO2) 122 32
10% Hydrogen (E-5 mbarl/s) 122 33
Halon 1301 (R13B1) 122 34
HFO-1234yf 122 35
Calibrated sniffer leak for helium
S-TL 4, approx.1 x 10
S-TL 5, range 10
S-TL 6, range 10
mbar l/s 122 37
mbar l/s 122 38
mbar l/s 122 39
General Information 1-9
Calibrated leaks for forming gas (hydrogen) 10% hydrogen / 90% helium, range 10
mbar l/s 122 33
(Calibrated leaks for other refrigerants on request)
External display unit for Ecotec E3000RC
for bench top use 551-100
for rack mounting 551-101
Connecting cable for external display unit
for Ecotec E3000RC, 5m 551-102
for Ecotec E3000RC, 1 m 551-103
1-10 General Information

1.4 Notes on How to Use This Handbook

1.4.1 Numbering of Figures

The references to diagrams. e.g. (2-1/6) consist of the Section No., Fig. No. and the Item No. in that order. For example (2-1/6) means: Section 2, Fig. 1and Item No. 6 (here: mains switch).

1.4.2 Symbols of Vacuum Technology

In the following some important symbols of vacuum technology as used in this handbook are shown:
Vacuum pump in general Diaphragm pump
Turbo molecular pump Vacuum gauge

1.4.3 Definition of Terms

Main menu

This menu is shown first after operating the Menu push-button.


Comprise all menus which may be accessed from the main menu. Unauthorized changes to many of these sub-menus may be prevented by a password (see also Section 4.5.1).

Menu item

A single menu line.

Default condition

Status of the Ecotec E3000 when supplied from the factory.
General Information 1-11

Service menu

Comprises the menu lines in the “Service” sub-menu. The service menu is accessed by scrolling in the basic menu using the navigation push-buttons (see also Section


Determination and compensation of the refrigerant background. With this function, the internal ZERO level of the leak rate signal is determined in order to avoid a readout of the internal refrigerant background and mistaking it as a properly measured value. If subsequently negative leak rates are obtained due to this correction, the stored offset values are changed so that ZERO will be the lowest value which can be obtained. In this way the values adapt automatically to a decaying background (adaptive background correction).

Internal background

The existing partial pressure in the measurement system. The level of the internal background is measured all the time and subtracted from the measured signal.

I•Guide Mode

Unit under test

Display limit

In the I•Guide Mode different testing plans can be pre-programmed. During testing the operator is then constantly prompted for the next action and thus guided through the testing plan.
Test object that needs to be leak checked.
Limits the measurement data displayed depending on the unit of measurement and the operator settings.
1-12 General Information

1.5 Instrument Views of the Ecotec E3000

Fig. 1-2 Instrument views of Ecotec E3000
Pos. Description Pos. Description
1 Main display 4 Lemo Connector for sniffer line
2 Handle for carrying the Ecotec E3000 5 Speaker
3 ECO-Check reference leak

1.6 Installation

1.6.1 Set up

The weight of the Ecotec E3000 exceeds 25 kg. It therefore should not be carried by one single person. The Ecotec E3000 may tip off its base and injure people. Place the Ecotec E3000 on a stable base.
How to remove the transportation lock:
The transportation lock is located on the bottom side of the Ecotec E3000 main unit and consists of a yellow knurled screws. Please remove this screw before starting­up the Ecotec E3000. The Ecotec E3000 is supplied ready for operation. Initial start­up is described in Section 3.1.
General Information 1-13
Fig. 1-3 Removing the transportation lock before starting
Before installation remove the transportation lock.
In order to ensure adequate ventilation of the Ecotec E3000, a space of at least 20 cm (8 in.) must be kept unobstructed to the sides. The clearance at the rear must be no less than 10 cm (4 in.). Moreover, the Ecotec E3000 handles for carrying the leak detector at the sides of the main unit must not be covered at any time as these acts as air inlet and outlet. Avoid the presence of heat sources in the vicinity of the Ecotec E3000.
Make sure that you can always reach the mains plug.
1-14 General Information

1.6.2 Mechanical Connections

ECO-Check Reference leak (optional)

Please insert the ECO-Check reference leak into the opening in the housing of the main unit. Make sure that the Sub-D plug is properly connected with the ECO-Check leak.
Notice: When properly inserted, the ECO-Check reference leak will still protrude by
approx. 10 mm.
On first usage of your ECO-Check you need to initialize the use of this reference leak in the Ecotec E3000 software menu.
Please perform the following steps:
1 Insert the ECO-Check into the appropriate opening of the Ecotec E3000 2 In the software menu go to HISTORY & MAINTENANCE / REPLACE ECO-CHECK.
Notice: The Ecotec E3000 must be set to
submenu (See section 4.5.3). Go to
ADVANCED MODE for access to this
3 On the certificate, which is delivered with the ECO-Check, you will find a serial
number and a 12-digit-code. Enter the serial number in the first line of the open submenu and the 12-digit-code in the second line and press OK.
Notice: The ECO-Check reference leak must be installed in the Ecotec E3000
when pressing
Fig. 1-4 Initializing the ECO-Check reference leak

SL3000 Sniffer line

In order to operate the Ecotec E3000 it is essential for the sniffer line to be connected. The connection for the sniffer line is located at the front of the Ecotec E3000 left of the ECO-Check reference leak. Insert the plug into the opening with the red dot on the plug and the slot in the front cover aligned until the connector engages. To disconnect the plug, retract the coupling and remove the probe’s line.
General Information 1-15

Holder for SL3000 sniffer line (optional)

An optional holder for the SL3000 sniffer line is available as cat.-no. 525-006. The holder may be installed on the right or left side of the main unit (for right- or left handed operators) as shown in Fig. 1-6.
Fig. 1-5 Usage of sniffer line holder
The installation is described in Fig. 1-6. There are two little slots on the front side at the very top area of the blue square front of the main unit. Hold the holder horizontally and then insert the two little hooks of the holder into the two slots (either on the right or the left side). With the hooks still inserted, let the holder flap down. It will automatically attach to the metal front by the magnet on the backside of the holder. Now insert the sniffer probe grip into the opening of the holder and let it sink down until it rests in the holder.
Fig. 1-6 Installation of sniffer line holder
1-16 General Information

Water protection tip (optional)

If you intend to perform leak testing on parts that are not completely dry (e.g. due to condensation after performance testing), we strongly recommend to use a water protection tip.
To install the water protection tip,
1 screw off the metallic capillary filter at the very end of the sniffer tip and 2 install the water protection tip instead.
Notice: Please do not forget to re-install the little rubber seal when switching to the
water protection tip.
Fig. 1-7 Installing water protection tip

ECO-Check Reference leak (optional), for helium and hydrogen only

If detecting helium or hydrogen, a ECO-Check reference leak may be used for internal calibration. The ECO-Check reference leak has to be inserted to the Ecotec E3000 (see section 2.3.3).
On first usage of your ECO-Check you need to initialize the use of this reference leak in the Ecotec E3000 menu.
Please perform the following steps:
1 Insert the ECO-Check into the appropriate opening of the Ecotec E3000 2 In the software menu go to HISTORY & MAINTENANCE /REPLACE ECO-CHECK.
Notice: The Ecotec E3000 must be set to
submenu (See section 4.5.3). Go to
3 On the certificate, which is delivered with the ECO-Check, you will find a serial
number and a 12-digit-code. Enter the serial number in the first line of the open submenu and the 12-digit-code in the second line and press OK.
USER MODEADVANCED“ for access to this
General Information 1-17

For Ecotec E3000RC only

23 456
The Ecotec E3000RC has no built-in display unit but a connectors plate is mounted instead. Please connect the external display unit with the 5 m connecting table (Cat.­no. 551-102).
Fig. 1-8 Ecotec E3000RC with external display unit for: (a) bench top use (left side), (b) rack mounting (right side)

1.6.3 Electrical Connections

Fig. 1-9 Electrical connections
Pos. Description Pos. Description
1 Headphone port 4 Name plate
2 I/O Port 5 Power switch
3 RS232 interface 6 Power connector
Notice: The local regulations for electrical connections must always be observed
(in Germany VDE 0100). The mains voltage rating for the Ecotec E3000 can be read off from the name plate left of the power switch. The mains voltage setting of the Ecotec E3000 is fixed and can not be changed. A separate fuse for each of the mains conductors has been integrated into the mains socket (Fig. 2-1/6).
Only 3-core mains cables having a protective ground conductor must be used. Operation of the Ecotec E3000 with the ground conductor unconnected is not permissible.
1-18 General Information
The mains voltage is applied to the Ecotec E3000 via the detachable mains cable
which is supplied with the Ecotec E3000. A main power socket is available for this purpose at the rear of the Ecotec E3000.
Before connecting the Ecotec E3000 to the mains you must make sure that the mains voltage rating of the Ecotec E3000 coincides with the locally available mains voltage.

1.6.4 RS232 Interface

The Ecotec E3000 is equipped with a RS232 interface which is located on the rear right side of the main unit. This interface is of the DCE type (Data Communications Equipment) and allows the connection of a PC for monitoring and data logging. The connection is provided through a commercially available Sub-D plug. For further information see “Interface Description Ecotec E3000” (kins22e1).

1.6.5 I/O Port

The I/O part allows communication with external equipment via analog data. For details see Section 7.2.
Through this connection some functions of the Ecotec E3000 can be controlled externally or measurement data or the Ecotec E3000 status may be communicated to external equipment.
Through relay changeover contacts the trigger levels as well as the operating mode (Ready) of the Ecotec E3000 may be monitored.
General Information 1-19
1-20 General Information
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