Inficon Ecotec E3000 Original Operating Instructions

Translation of the original operating instructions
kina22en1-19, 1507

Ecotec E3000

Leak detector
Order no.: 530-001, 530-002 530-103, 530-104
from software version:
Reprint, translation and duplication need to be approved in writing by INFICON GmbH.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

Table of Contents

1 About this manual ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Target group ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Other applicable documents .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Presentation of information ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Warnings ..........................................................................................................................................................................5
2 Safety ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Intended use ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Owner requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Operator requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Dangers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3 Shipment, transport, storage .................................................................................................................................... 9
4 Description ....................................................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Function and setup of the device .........................................................................................................................11
4.2 Main unit ........................................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Sniffer line ......................................................................................................................................................................13
4.4 Technical data ...............................................................................................................................................................14
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
5 Installation .....................................................................................................................................................................17
5.1 Setup ...............................................................................................................................................................................17
5.2 Connecting the sniffer line ......................................................................................................................................18
5.2.1 Replacing the capillary filter of the sniffer probe ............................................................................................18 Replacing the plastic capillary filter with the metal capillary filter ...........................................................19 Replacing the metal capillary filter with the plastic capillary filter ...........................................................19 Water conservation sniffer probe mounting and remove ...........................................................................20
5.2.2 Attaching the sniffer lines holder ..........................................................................................................................21
5.3 Connecting the ECO-Check calibrated leak ......................................................................................................21
5.4 Connecting the external display unit to the Ecotec E3000RC ....................................................................21
5.5 Connecting to the power supply system ...........................................................................................................22
5.5.1 Connecting to a PC .....................................................................................................................................................22
5.5.2 Connecting with a PLC ..............................................................................................................................................22
6 Operation .......................................................................................................................................................................23
6.1 Start-up ...........................................................................................................................................................................23
6.2 Operating the device .................................................................................................................................................23
6.2.1 Display and keys ..........................................................................................................................................................23 Recurring function symbols ....................................................................................................................................24
6.2.2 Elements of the measurement view ....................................................................................................................25
6.2.3 Operating elements and display on the sniffer handle .................................................................................26
6.2.4 Special features of the Ecotec E3000RC ..............................................................................................................27
6.3 Settings before measurements ..............................................................................................................................28
6.3.1 Miscellaneous ...............................................................................................................................................................28
6.3.2 Audio settings ..............................................................................................................................................................29
6.3.3 Display settings ............................................................................................................................................................30 Gas display handle ......................................................................................................................................................31
Table of Contents 3
6.3.4 Vacuum & access control ......................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.5 Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4 Settings for the measurements ............................................................................................................................. 34
6.4.1 Selecting the gas, changing gas parameters, activating measurement ................................................ 34
6.4.2 Calibration ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Internal calibration with ECO-Check ................................................................................................................... 38 External calibration with external calibrated leak .......................................................................................... 39
6.4.3 Gas equivalent to helium and hydrogen, settings for diluted gas ...........................................................40
6.4.4 Suppressing interfering gases (Sophisticated interfering gas suppression - IGS) .............................. 41
6.4.5 Setting a user-defined gas ...................................................................................................................................... 42
6.4.6 Measuring ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Calling up information on the measurement .................................................................................................. 45
6.4.7 Measuring with I•Guide ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Setting the I•Guide program .................................................................................................................................. 46 Starting the I•Guide program ................................................................................................................................. 47
6.5 Idle state (sleep) .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
6.6 Service ............................................................................................................................................................................ 50
6.7 Calling up information about the device ........................................................................................................... 50
6.8 Special features of individual gases ..................................................................................................................... 53
6.9 Switching off the device .......................................................................................................................................... 54
7 Warnings and error messages ............................................................................................................................... 55
8 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................ 63
8.1 Calling up and managing maintenance information .................................................................................... 63
8.2 Maintenance work ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
8.2.1 Replacing the air filter of the main unit .............................................................................................................. 68
8.2.2 Replacing the operating fluid reservoir .............................................................................................................. 69
8.2.3 Replacing mains fuses .............................................................................................................................................. 71
8.2.4 Replacing the filter inserts of the capillary filter and the water conservation tip ............................... 72
8.2.5 Replacing the sinter filter of the sniffer handle ............................................................................................... 73
9 Taking out of service ................................................................................................................................................. 75
9.1 Disposal of the Ecotec E3000 ................................................................................................................................. 75
9.2 Returning the Ecotec E3000 ................................................................................................................................... 75
10 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................................... 77
10.1 Accessories .................................................................................................................................................................... 77
10.2 Gas library ..................................................................................................................................................................... 78
10.3 Menu tree ...................................................................................................................................................................... 85
10.4 CE-Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................................ 86
10.5 RoHS-Declaration of Conformity .......................................................................................................................... 87
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................ 89
4 Table of Contents
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

1 About this manual

This document applies to the software version stated on the cover page. Documents for other software versions are available from our sales department.

1.1 Target group

These operating instructions are intended for the owner of the leak detection unit E3000 and for technically qualified personnel with experience in leak detection technology and integration of leak detection devices in leak detection systems.

1.2 Other applicable documents

ECO-Check installation instructions, document no. liqa10
Interface description, document no. kins22

1.3 Presentation of information

1.3.1 Warnings

Imminent threat of danger resulting in death or severe injuries
Dangerous situation potentially resulting in death or severe injuries
Dangerous situation resulting in minor injuries
Dangerous situation resulting in damage to property or the environment
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
1 About this manual 5
6 1 About this manual
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2.1 Intended use

The device is a leak detector for sniffer leak detection. With the device you locate and quantify leaks on test objects. The device sniffs for light gases, refrigerants and natural gases.
The test objects must contain the gas under overpressure. The outsides of the test objects are checked for escaping gas with a sniffer line (sniffing method).
The sniffer line is available as an accessory (see “10.1 Accessories”, page 77).
You must install, operate and service the device only in compliance with these
Adhere to the restrictions of use (see “4.4 Technical data”, page 14).
operating instructions.
Unauthorized use
Do not suction in liquids with the device.
Never hold the sniffer probe into liquids but sniff only for gases.

2.2 Owner requirements

Safety-conscious operation
Personnel qualifications
Operate the device only in technically perfect working order.
Operate the device exclusively as specified, in a safety-conscious and hazard-conscious
manner and in compliance with these operating instructions.
Fulfill the following regulations and monitor their compliance:
Intended use
Generally applicable safety and accident prevention regulations
International, national and local standards and guidelines
Additional provisions and regulations that are specific to the unit
Use only original parts or parts approved by the manufacturer.
Keep these operating instructions available at the equipment location.
Allow only qualified technical staff to work with and on the device. The qualified
technical staff must have received training on the device.
Allow personnel in training to work with and on the device only under the supervision
of trained qualified technical staff.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
Make sure that the authorized personnel have read and understood the operating
instructions and all other applicable documents (see “1.2 Other applicable documents”,
page 5), especially the information on safety, maintenance and repairs, before starting
Define responsibilities, authorizations and supervision of personnel.

2Safety 7

2.3 Operator requirements

Read, observe and follow the information in these operating instructions and the
working instructions created by the owner, especially the safety instructions and warnings.
Carry out any work only based on the complete operating instructions.
If you have questions regarding operation or maintenance that you cannot find
answers for in these instructions, please contact the INFICON customer service.

2.4 Dangers

The unit was built according to the state of the art and the recognized safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use can result in danger to life and limb of the operator or other persons and damage to the unit and other property.
Dangers due to electric power
Dangers due to liquids and chemical substances
The device is operated with electrical voltages of up to 265 V. Touching parts where electric voltage is applied can result in death.
Disconnect the device from the power supply prior to any installation and maintenance
work. Make sure that the electric power supply cannot be reconnected unauthorized.
Touching live parts with the sniffer probe can result in death.
Before starting the leak test, disconnect electrically operated test objects from the
power supply. Make sure that the electric power supply cannot be reconnected unauthorized.
The device contains electric components that can be damaged from high electric voltage.
Before connecting the device to the power supply, make sure that the supply voltage
specified on the device is the same as the local power supply.
Liquids and chemical substances can damage the unit.
Adhere to the restrictions of use (see “4.4 Technical data”, page 14).
Do not suction in liquids with the device.
Never try to find toxic, caustic, microbiological, explosive, radioactive or other harmful
substances with the device.
Hydrogen and air form a highly explosive mixture.
Use the device only outside of explosive areas.
Dangers due to strong light irradiation
8 2Safety
You may not smoke. Do not subject the device to open fire and avoid sparking.
Exposure of the eyes to LED light can lead to lasting eye damage.
Do not look into the LEDs of the sniffer handle from a short distance or for a longer
period of time.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

3 Shipment, transport, storage

Scope of delivery
Tra ns por t
Table 1: Scope of delivery
Article Quantity
Ecotec E3000 (main unit) 1
Power supply cable, 3 m length 1
Fuses 30
Replacement air filter 1
8 mm Allen wrench 1
19 mm box wrench 1
Operating instructions 1
Interface description 1
Check the scope of delivery of the product for completeness after receipt.
The following must be ordered separately:
sniffer lines with the desired length,
ECO-Check calibrated leak,
for device version E3000RC: display and connecting cable.
Accessory list: see “10.1 Accessories”, page 77
Damage from transport
Transport in unsuitable packaging material can damage the unit. Parts inside the device can be damaged during transportation without transport restraint.
Store the original packaging.
Transport the device only in the original packaging.
Screw the transport restraint into the device floor before transportation, see
“5.1 Setup”, page 17.
Storage Store the device adhering to the specifications, see “4.4 Technical data”, page 14.
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3 Shipment, transport, storage 9
10 3 Shipment, transport, storage
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

4 Description


4.1 Function and setup of the device

The Ecotec E3000 is comprised of main unit and sniffer line.
The Ecotec E3000 can verify and quantify gases sucked in by the sniffer line with the help of a selective mass spectrometer.
Working in the Ecotec E3000:
a Quadrupol mass spectrometer as a detection system
a high vacuum pump system
an inlet system for the gas flow
electrical and electronic sub-assemblies for electrical supply and signal processing
The mass spectrometer works under high vacuum, i.e. the pressure in the mass spectrometer must always be below 10 molecular pump with the help of a diaphragm pump.

4.2 Main unit

The main unit will be called “device” only in the following so long as this does not falsify the meaning.
mbar. This vacuum is created by the turbo
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
Fig. 1: Front view
a Display b Handles and ventilation openings c Speaker
d ECO-Check calibrated leak e Lemo plug-in connector for sniffer line
4Description 11
Fig. 2: Rear view
a cbefd
530-001 Ecotec E3000
I/O Port
Sicherungen / Fuses 2 x 4 AT
Headphone connection, 3.5 mm jack
b Inputs/outputs (I/O port) c RS-232 connection
e Fuses behind cover f Power supply g Rating plate
d Mains plug
a Headphone connection, 3.5 mm jack
In order to better hear signals in a loud environment, you can connect head phones.
b Inputs/outputs (I/O port)
The I/O port enables communication with a PLC. Some functions of the Ecotec E3000 can be controlled from the outside and measurement results and device states of the Ecotec E3000 can be transmitted to the outside.
Relay changeover contacts allow monitoring of the trigger values and the operating status of the Ecotec E3000. Please refer to the “Interface description Ecotec E3000” (doc. no. kins22e1) for further information.
c RS-232 connection
A PC can read out all data and measurement results of the device and control the device via the RS-232 connection. Please refer to the “Interface description Ecotec E3000” (doc. no. kins22e1) for further information.
d Mains plug
The mains plug serves to switch the device on and off.
e Fuses behind cover
For information on replacing the fuses, see “8.2.3 Replacing mains fuses”, page 71.
f Power supply
For information on the power supply, see “4.4 Technical data”, page 14, as well as the labeling on the power supply (rating plate).
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
12 4Description

4.3 Sniffer line

530-001 Ecotec E3000
g Rating plate
The rating plate contains the supply voltage specification and other information with which the device can be clearly identified.
Fig. 3: Rating plate
a Supply voltage b Serial number c Production date
You need a sniffer line to operate the device. Sniffer lines are available in four lengths: 3 m, 5 m, 10 m and 15 m.
The sniffer line is made of a flexible tube (multi-function cable), a handle with controls (sniffer handle) and a sniffer probe.
There is a special sniffer line for robotic applications (see “10.1 Accessories”, page 77).
Sniffer probe There are rigid and flexible sniffer probes with different lengths.
Sniffer handle display and functions
The display on the sniffer handle shows current information on the measuring process.
You can operate functions frequently used during measurement with both buttons.
LEDs inserted in the handle illuminate the test area.
Fig. 4: Handle: display and functions
a Display b ZERO adjustment
d Speaker (on the rear) e I•Guide operation
c LEDs
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4Description 13
If the measuring value limit is exceeded, the display switches from green to red. You can additionally set one speaker in the handle to output a signal and the LEDs in the handle to flash or shine with maximum brightness, see “6.3 Settings before measurements”, page 28.

4.4 Technical data

Table 2: Technical data
Mechanical data
Dimensions (W  H  D) 610 mm 370 mm 265 mm
Wei ght 34 kg
Ambient conditions
Permissible ambient temperature (during operation) 10 °C to 45 °C
Permissible storage temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Max. relative humidity up to 31 °C 80 %
Max. relative humidity from 31 °C to 40 °C Linearly dropping from 80 % to 50 %
Max. relative humidity above 40 °C 50 %
Pollution degree II
Max. altitude above sea level 2000 m
Electrical data
Supply voltages and frequencies Country-specific, see rating plate on device rear
Power consumption  300 VA
Protection class IP 20
Overvoltage category II
Mains fuse 2 4 A slow-blow
Power supply cable 2.5 m
Noise level < 54 dBA
Physical data
Minimum detectable leak rate
Measurement range 6 decades
Detectable masses 2 to 200 amu
Mass spectrometer Quadrupol mass spectrometer
Ion source 2 cathodes
Time constant of the leak rate signal < 1 s
Gas flow through the capillary Measured at 1 atm (1013 mbar) at sea level. The flow rate changes with geographical height and barometric pressure.
Time until ready for operation < 2 min
(according to IEC 61010/part 1: “Usually, only non­conducting soiling may occur. However, temporary conductivity caused by condensation is tolerable at times.“)
R134a 0.05 g/a (0.002 oz/yr)
R600a 0.05 g/a (0.002 oz/yr)
Helium < 1  10
mbar l/s
120 to 200 sccm
14 4Description
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Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
Table 2: Technical data (cont.)
Response time
3 m sniffer line 0.7 sec.
5 m sniffer line 0.9 sec.
10 m sniffer line 1.4 sec.
15 m sniffer line 3.0 sec.
Table 3: Factory settings
Alarm profile Trigger alarm
Alarm delay Deactivated
Number of measuring points (I•Guide) 4
Functions Activated
Internal Activated
Recording output Auto
Baud rate and blank flange 9600 CR+LF
Pressure unit mbar
Flow rate
Lower limit 100 sccm
Upper limit 250 sccm
Sensitivity test Activated
Gas, definition Gas 1, gas 2, gas 3, gas 4, gas 5, gas 6
Device speaker Activated
Handle speaker Trigger value
Selecting a cathode A
I•Guide Deactivated
Calibration (cal), internal Activated
Contrast Not inverted, setting 30
Vol ume 2
Minimum volume 2
Leak rate, selected, highest Automatic
Leak rate filter I•Filter
Menu PIN Deactivated, 0000
Measuring time (I•Guide) 1 second
Measuring mass 69
Peak value Deactivated, 5 seconds
ECO-Check Activated
Relay outputs See interface description
RS-232 protocol ASCII
Sniffer probe, light Activated, Level 4
Sniffer probe, filter, maintenance 100 hours
Recorder, gas Auto
Scaling of the recorder Logarithmic
Language English
SPS outputs and inputs See interface description
4Description 15
Table 3: Factory settings (cont.)
Control location Local and RS-232
Search threshold 90 %
Tri gge r va lue , su m (I •Gui de) 10 g/ a
Trigger and unit 4 g/a
Idle time (I•Guide) 3 seconds
Maintenance, sniffer probe filter 100 hours
Zero time 5 seconds
Zero key sniffer line Activated
ZERO key main unit Activated
16 4Description
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

5 Installation

5.1 Setup

Danger due to moisture and electricity
Moisture getting into the device can lead to personal injury from electric shocks and to material damage from short circuits.
Operate the Ecotec E3000 only in a dry environment.
Operate the Ecotec E3000 away from sources of liquid and moisture.
Danger due to dropping heavy loads
The device is heavy and can damage persons and items through tilting or dropping.
Place the device only on a sufficiently sturdy surface.
Material damage due to vibration.
Parts of the measurement technology rotate and must not be shaken. The parts continue to rotate for several minutes after the device is shut down.
Place the device only on a sturdy, vibration-free surface.
The device must not be shaken during operation and at least five minutes after being
switched off.
Material damage due to an overheated device
The device heats up during operation and can overheat without sufficient ventilation.
Please note the specifications, see page 14.
Ensure sufficient ventilation especially on the ventilation openings on the left and
right of the device: free space on the side at least 20 cm, in front and in the rear at least 10 cm.
Keep heat sources away from the device.
Do not subject the device to direct sunlight.
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5Installation 17
Material damage due to transport restraint that has not been removed
The transport restraint blocks the mechanical system in the device.
Remove the transport restraint before the start-up.
The transport restraint is on the bottom of the Ecotec E3000 and consists of a yellow star screw.
Fig. 5: Unscrew the yellow transport restraint before the start-up

5.2 Connecting the sniffer line

Material damage due to a missing sniffer line
The device must not be operated without a connected sniffer line in order to avoid overpressure in pump and measurement system.
Connect the sniffer line before you start up the device.
Do not replace the sniffer line while the device is in operation.
Align the red marking on the sniffer line plug with the red marking on the socket. Push the sniffer line plug into the socket on the device until it locks into place.
Pull the grooved ring on the plug to release it. The ring opens the lock and you can pull out the plug.

5.2.1 Replacing the capillary filter of the sniffer probe

The metal capillary filter is the standard filter. With the plastic capillary filter there is less danger of scratching the surfaces to be sniffed. The water conservation tip is used if there is a danger of suctioning in liquids.
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18 5Installation
Fig. 6: Capillary filter
a Sniffer probe end b Plugwasher c Metal capillary filter d Plastic capillary filter Replacing the plastic capillary filter with the metal capillary filter
1 Turn off the Ecotec E3000.
2 Unscrew the plastic capillary filter.
3 Insert the plugwasher, see fig. 6 on page 19.
4 Screw in the metal capillary filter on the sniffer probe end.
5 Calibrate the Ecotec E3000, see “6.4.2 Calibration”, page 37. Replacing the metal capillary filter with the plastic capillary filter
If you want to switch from a capillary filter made of metal to a capillary filter made of plastic, you have to the remove the plugwasher. The plugwasher sits on the steel capillary in the sniffer probe.
1 Turn off the Ecotec E3000.
2 Unscrew the filter.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
3 Unscrew the two cross-head screws in the sniffer probe flange and take out the sniffer
4 Push the capillary out of the plastic sheath a bit from the top with a narrow pin or a thin
needle (about 0.5 mm). Make sure that the sinter filter in the sniffer probe flange does not get lost in doing so
5 Remove the plugwasher from the sniffer probe.
Fig. 7: Pushing out the capillary
6 Put the sinter filter back in and tighten the sniffer probe on the handle.
5Installation 19
7 Screw the plastic capillary filter on the sniffer probe.
8 Calibrate the Ecotec E3000, see “6.4.2 Calibration”, page 37. Water conservation sniffer probe mounting and remove
With the help of the water conservation sniffer probe, you can check test objects with low surface moisture, e.g. condensation moisture, for tightness.
Short circuit hazard
Sucked in liquid can destroy the device.
Do not suction in liquids with the device.
The water conservation sniffer probe is screwed onto the sniffer probe end like the metal capillary filter. The small plugwasher must also be placed below the end, see
“ Replacing the metal capillary filter with the plastic capillary filter”, page 19.
20 5Installation
Fig. 8: Tightening the water conservation sniffer probe
For renewed mounting of the plastic capillary filter, see “ Replacing the plastic
capillary filter with the metal capillary filter”, page 19.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507

5.2.2 Attaching the sniffer lines holder

A holder is available for the sniffer probe. The holder can be installed on the right or the left of the device.
Fig. 9: Sniffer line holder mounting
The holder has two hooks that are inserted into two slits on the front panel of the device. The holder is pulled to the front panel of the device with a magnet on its rear.

5.3 Connecting the ECO-Check calibrated leak

A built-in calibrated leak (ECO-Check) and different external calibrated leaks are available as accessories available for the Ecotec E3000, see “10.1 Accessories”, page 77.
Please refer to the ECO-Check installation manual on how to connect the ECO-Check.

5.4 Connecting the external display unit to the Ecotec E3000RC

Connect the external display unit and the Ecotec E3000RC with the appropriate connecting cable. Secure the plug on the socket by tightening the screws.
Fig. 10: The Ecotec E3000RC with external display unit as a table device (left), for rack mounting (right)
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5Installation 21

5.5 Connecting to the power supply system

The supply voltage of the Ecotec E3000 is specified on the labeling of the mains plug (rating plate). The Ecotec E3000 cannot be switched for other supply voltages.
Danger due to incorrect supply voltage
Incorrect supply voltage can destroy the device and injure persons.
Check whether the supply voltage specified on the Ecotec E3000 matches the supply
voltage available on site.
Connect the device to the electric power supply with the supplied power cable.

5.5.1 Connecting to a PC

The connection is made with a commercially available 9-pin SUB-D plug. Please refer to the “Interface description Ecotec E3000” (doc. no. kins22e1) for further information on data exchange.

5.5.2 Connecting with a PLC

The connection is made with a commercially available 25-pin SUB-D plug.
Please refer to the “Interface description Ecotec E3000” (doc. no. kins22e1) for further information on data exchange.
22 5Installation
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Start screen in EN

6.1 Start-up

Connect a sniffer line and switch on the device with the mains plug.
The Ecotec E3000 starts a self-test lasting several minutes. The display shows the headline “Running up” and the individual steps of the self-test.
Fig. 11: The device runs up
After running up, the Ecotec E3000 already measures the gas concentration in the environment. There is no separate start function. But you have to still calibrate the device and make different settings for your intended measurement.
If the ECO-Check calibrated leak is not in the Ecotec E3000, an acoustic warning signal and the warning 71 are output during the first start-up.
To stop the alarm quickly, press the key on the bottom right (labeled “OK“). If you are working without the ECO-Check, you should deactivate the alarm permanently, see “ECO-
Check”, page 34.

6.2 Operating the device

6.2.1 Display and keys

All settings are made with the eight keys to the left and the right of the display. The function allocations of the keys change depending on the current operating step. The function allocation is shown directly next to the key which allows fast and purposeful operation after a short learning period.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
Fig. 12: Start display after the self-test

6Operation 23 Recurring function symbols
The keys are always assigned with the following functions and labeled with the shown symbols.
Setting the volume for speakers and head phones.
Set volume: The set volume is displayed on the bottom edge of the display. Value range: 0 (off) to 10 (max.)
– Calling the main menu.
– Calling a window again that was closed with .
Calling up calibration.
The lower edge of the display shows “Zero” if a zero point has been set since the device start-up.
Calling up information: software version, operating hours, serial number, date & time, alarm profile.
Back to last menu level.
Navigating in a list box.
Pressing the key assigns the allocation “0” to that key and “1” to an adjacent key. The same setting option exists for the numbers “2/3”, “4/5”, “6/7”, and “8/9”.
Closing the window and calling up the measurement view. Back to the window with
– Calling up the list of gases.
– Measurement with I•Guide: calling up the list of I•Guide programs.
Calling up help for the current function.
Confirming an entry or selection.
24 6 Operation
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6.2.2 Elements of the measurement view

a b c d
e f
The measured leak rates are shown numerically and with logarithmically divided bar graph displays.
The other elements of the measurement view are shown in the following figure.
Fig. 13: Elements of the measurement view
b Bell: search threshold exceeded; flashing bell:
trigger value exceeded
c Search threshold (broken line) d Trigger value e Numerical leak rate display
f Leak rate unit g Marking arrow: marks the measurement
displayed on the sniffer handle
h Bar graph, logarithmic i Status bar: symbols and text overlay provide
information about the device status
The two center keys on the left side of the display can be used to adjust the volume of the alarm signal at any time. If one of the two keys is pressed, the device emits a sound with the selected volume through the speaker and shows the setting with a bar graph in the status line. The set value is also the first entry in the status line on the bottom of the display and applies only to the speaker of the main unit. To adjust different alarm profiles, see
page 29.
Menu key
The key  on the bottom left of the display has two functions:
Calling the main menu.
Returning you to the last window that was closed with .
Calibration key (CAL)
The key on the top right next to the display can be used to start a calibration of the Ecotec E3000 with an external test leak at any time. Additional information on completing an external calibration, see “ External calibration with external calibrated leak”,
page 39.
ZERO key
Pressing the ZERO key briefly stores the currently displayed leak rate as zero point for all selected refrigerants. Pressing the ZERO key for more than 2 seconds switches off the ZERO function. The display ZERO disappears from the status line in this case. For more information on the ZERO function, see “Zero”, page 31.
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6Operation 25
Information key
2.0E-7 HE
Pressing the information key the status of the Ecotec E3000. Details: see “ Calling up information on the
measurement”, page 45.
Status line
Status information is displayed in the lower line of the measurement window. The set volume for the alarm is displayed in the left of the line.
If the small speaker flashes, it indicates that the device speaker is switched off. If the number flashes, it indicates that the alarm delay is switched on, see “Alarm delay”,
page 29
A small black triangle with an exclamation point next to it can indicate an active warning.
If the ZERO function is activated, the word “ZERO” follows in the status line.
If the first cathode (filament A) of the mass spectrometer has been consumed and the Ecotec E3000 switches automatically to the second cathode (filament B), the display will show “Fil. B” in the status line.
If you working with an activated IGS, “IGS” will be shown in the status line.
i (to the bottom right of the display) shows information on

6.2.3 Operating elements and display on the sniffer handle

The display of the sniffer handle shows the most important information for the current measurement. Measurements can be controlled with the two keys.
26 6 Operation
Fig. 14: Operating elements and display on the sniffer handle
a Leak rate as bar graph b Leak rate, numerical. Unit, as shown on the main unit c Measured gas d Left key, assigned “Zero” e Right key, different assignments
The measured leak rate is shown as an increasing or decreasing bar. The second line shows the leak rate as a numerical figure (with the same measurement unit as in the main display). The third line shows the abbreviation for the measured gas.
Depending on the measurement, the display can also show something else, e.g. “Error” or the number of a warning.
If you search for several gases simultaneously, you can switch between individual measurement results with the right key. The right key can also be used to confirm messages or states during a measurement cycle.
You can trigger the ZERO function with the left key, see “Zero”, page 31.
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
The key can be deactivated to prevent accidental triggering: Press the key until you hear a signal. The key is reactivated by pressing it longer.

6.2.4 Special features of the Ecotec E3000RC

The Ecotec E3000RC has a connection panel for the external display unit instead of the built-in display. Two LEDs (to the left of the plug) provide information on the status of the Ecotec E3000RC, even if the external display unit is not connected.
The green LED shows that the Ecotec E3000RC is switched on. It has a steady green light if an external display is connected and flashes if no external display can be detected.
The red LED flashes in case of an error message; a steady red light indicates a warning.
Fig. 15: Connection panel with LEDs
If no display unit is connected, you can confirm error messages and warnings by pressing both keys on the sniffer line simultaneously.
The external display unit has four keys:
The menu key opens the main menu.
The current measured background value is set as zero point with the ZERO key, see
“Zero”, page 31.
The START / STOP keys do not have any function (the external display unit can also be
used with other leak detectors made by INFICON that require these keys).
Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
6Operation 27

6.3 Settings before measurements

Before the first measurements, you should make different device settings in the following menus:
Vacuum & access control
Interfaces (for control via interfaces and if you use an ECO-Check)
You can access the menus via the main menu

6.3.1 Miscellaneous

Language You can select one of the following languages:
English (factory setting)
Japanese (Katakana)
Chinese (Mandarin, simplified Chinese)
To set the language to English temporarily, press keys two and six during the run-up of the Ecotec. Call up the language setting after the run-up and set the required language.
Time & Date First page: internal date with the format DD.MM.YYYY
Second page (press key on the bottom right ) time with the format SS:MM.
Sniffer light Activate/deactivate light
Adjust brightness from 1 (min) to 6 (max)
Pressure unit atm
Tor r
Leak rate filter Auto
The I•Filter is an intelligent filter algorithm that delivers the best results regarding interference suppression and stability of the leak rate signal. It was especially developed for the use in the Ecotec E3000.
Only in cases in which the older Ecotec II model was replaced with an Ecotec E3000 and the Ecotec E3000 is used in a fixed test device can it be necessary to select the older filter settings “Auto” or “Fixed”.
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Translation of the original operating instructions Ecotec E3000, kina22en1- 19, 1507
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