Husqvarna Rider 220T, Rider 322T AWD Owner's Manual

Oper ator ′ s manual
Rider 220T
Rider 322T
Please r ead the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you
understand the instructions bef
ore using the machine.


Contents ...................................................................... 2
Ser vice journal
Pre-deliv ery service ..................................................... 3
After the first 8 hours ................................................... 3
Dear Customer , ............................................................ 4
Driving and transport on public roads .......................... 4
Towing .......................................................................... 4
Use .............................................................................. 4
Good service ................................................................ 4
Symbols ....................................................................... 8
What is what on the r ide-on mower ............................. 10
Saf ety instructions ........................................................ 11
Driving on slopes ......................................................... 12
Children ....................................................................... 13
Maintenance ................................................................ 13
Transport ...................................................................... 14
Presentation ................................................................. 15
Throttle trigger ............................................................. 15
Choke control ............................................................... 15
Speed limiter ................................................................ 15
Parking brake ............................................................... 15
Cutting unit ................................................................... 15
Lifting lever for the cutting unit ..................................... 16
Cutting height adjustment lever ................................... 16
Lights ........................................................................... 16
Counter ........................................................................ 16
Seat ............................................................................. 16
Fueling ......................................................................... 16
Release lever ............................................................... 17
Bef ore starting ............................................................. 18
Start the engine ........................................................... 18
Starting the engine with a weak battery ....................... 19
Driving the Rider .......................................................... 19
Cutting tips .................................................................. 20
Stop the engine ............................................................ 20
Maintenance schedule ................................................. 21
Cleaning ....................................................................... 22
Removing of the machine hoods ................................. 22
Checking and adjusting the steering wires ..................
Adjusting the parking brake Rider 220T ....................... 23
Adjusting the parking brake Rider 322T AWD.............. 23
Checking and adjusting of throttle wire ........................ 23
Checking and adjusting the choke wire ....................... 24
Replacement of fuel filter ............................................. 24
Checking the fuel pump’s air filter ................................ 24
Replacing the air filter .................................................. 24
Ignition system ............................................................. 25
Check the safety system .............................................. 25
Replacing the light bulbs .............................................. 26
Main fuse ...................................................................... 26
Checking the tyre pressure .......................................... 26
Checking the engine’s cooling air intake ...................... 27
Fitting the cutting head ................................................. 27
Removing the cutting unit ............................................. 28
Checking and adjustment of the cutting unit’s ground
pressure ....................................................................... 28
Checking the cutting unit’s parallelism ......................... 29
Adjusting the parallelism of the cutting unit .................. 29
Replacing the cutting unit belts .................................... 29
Service position for the cutting unit .............................. 30
Checking the blades ..................................................... 31
Removing the BioClip plug ........................................... 31
Chec king the engine’s oil level. .................................... 32
Changing the oil filter ................................................... 32
Checking the transmission oil level .............................. 33
Lubricating the belt adjuster ......................................... 33
General lubrication ....................................................... 33
roubleshooting schedule
Winter stor age .............................................................. 35
Guard ........................................................................... 35
Service ......................................................................... 35
echnical data
vice journal

Pre-deliver y service

Charge the battery for 4 hours at max. 3 amp.
2 Fit steering wheel, seat and any optional
3 Chec k and adjust tyre pressure (60 Kpa, 0.6 bar,
9 PSI).
4 Adjust cutting unit:
Adjust lift springs (effective weight of cutting unit should be 12-15kg / 26.5-33 lb).
Adjust cutting unit so that rear edge is about 2-4 mm / 1/8”
Adjust the cutting unit’s cutting height setting so that the connection rod is tensed at the lo cutting height.
5 Chec k that the right amount of oil is in the engine.
6 Check that there is oil in the transmission’s oil
7 Connect battery.
8 Fill with fuel and start engine.
9 Check that machine does not move in neutral.
higher than front edge.
13 Tell customer about:
Needs and benefits of following the service schedule
Servicing and the influence of this journal on the second-hand v
Range of applications for BioClip.
Complete proof of sale etc.
Pre-delivery service carried out. No outstanding problems.
________________________________________________ Date, mileage, stamp, signature
alue of the machine.
10 Check:
Forward drive. Reverse drive.
Oper ation of blades.
Seat saf ety switch.
Lif le ver safety switch.
The saf ety switch for the hydrostat pedals.
11 Check the engine speed See the Technical data
12 Check the synchronisation between the front and
rear wheels workshop manual.
. (Only AWD-machines) See the
After the fi rst 8 hours
Change engine oil
2 Change the oil in the gearbox. (Only AWD-
3 Chec k the synchronisation between the front and
rear wheels
. (Only AWD-machines)
– 3

Dear Customer ,

Thank y ou for choosing a Husqvarna Rider . Husqvarna Riders are built to a unique design with a front-mounted cutting unit and a patented ar controls and pedal-operated hydrostatic transmission also contribute to the performance of this machine.
This operator’s manual is a valuable document. By following its instructions (on operation, service, maintenance, etc.) you will significantly e
When you sell your Rider, make sure you pass on the operator’s manual to the new owner. The last chapter in the operator’s manual consists of a Service Journal. Mak e sure that all service work and repairs are recorded.
A well-documented service history reduces the costs of seasonal maintenance and influences the second-hand value of the machine. Bring the operator’s manual with the Rider when bringing it to a workshop for service procedures.

Driving and transpor t on public roads

Chec k the relevant road traffic regulations before driving the machine on a public road. If transporting the machine on another v
ehicle always use approved securing devices and make sure that the machine is securely held.
When y our machine is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission you should only tow the machine over short distances and at a lo
w speed, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the transmission.
The power transmission must be disengaged when towing, see the instructions under the heading Clutch control.
ticulated steering. Riders are designed for maximum efficiency even in small or confined areas. The closely grouped
xtend the life of the machine and even its second-hand value.
This r ide-on mower is designed to mow grass on open and level ground surfaces. In addition, there is a number of accessories recommended b which accessories are available. The machine may only be used with the equipment recommended by the manuf acturer. All other types of use are incorrect. Compliance with and strict adherence to the conditions of operation, service and repair as specified by the manufacturer also constitute essential elements of the intended use.
IMPOR TANT INFORMATION The transmission guarantee is only valid if the synchronisation of the front and rear wheels has
been chec carried out.
This machine should be operated, serviced and repaired only by persons who are familiar with its particular characteristics and who are acquainted with the rele
Accident prevention regulations, all other gener ally recognised regulations on safety and occupational medicine, and all road tr regulations must be observed at all times.
Any arbitrary modifications carried out to this machine may relieve the manufacturer of liability for any resulting damage or injur
y the manufacturer that broadens the application area. Please contact your dealer for more information about
ked and adjusted in compliance with the service schedule. The system will be damaged if synchronisation is not
vant safety procedures.

Good ser vice

Husqv arna products are sold all over the world and ensures that you, the customer , get the best support and service. For e xample, before this machine was delivered it was inspected and adjusted by your dealer. See the certificate in the Service Journal in this manual.
When you need spare parts or advice on service issues, warranty terms, etc., contact:
This Operator’s Manual belongs to machine with ser
ial number:
On the machine's rating plate you will find the following information:
The machines type designation.
The manufacturer’s type number.
The machine’s serial number. State the type designation and serial number when ordering spare parts.
Engine Transmission
Saf e operation practices f or ride-on
wer s
These instr uctions are f or y our saf ety . Read them carefully .
IMPOR T ANT! This cutting mac hine is capab le of amputating hands and
eet and thr o wing objects. F ailure to obser ve the ollo wing saf ety instructions could result in serious
injur y or death.
General operation
1. Read, understand and f ollo w all instr uctions in the man ual and on the machine bef ore star ting.
2. Only allo w responsib le adults , who are f amiliar with the instr uctions , to oper ate the machine .
3. Clear the area of objects such as roc ks , to ys , wire , etc., which could be pic k ed up and thro wn b y the b lade .
4. Be sure the area is clear of other people bef ore mo wing. Stop the machine if an y one enters the area.
5. Ne v er carr y passengers .
6. Do not mo w in re Always look down and behind before and while backing.
7.Be aware of the mower discharge direction and do not point it at anyone. Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass catcher or the guard in place.
8.Slow down before turning.
9.Never lea ve a running machine unattended. Always turn off blades, set parking brake, stop engine and remove keys before dismounting.
10.Turn off blades when not mowing.
11.Stop engine before removing grass catcher or unclogging chute.
12.Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
13.Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
14.Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.
15.Use extra care when loading or unloading the machine into a trailer or truck.
verse unless absolutely necessary.
Watch for holes , ruts or bumps. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
Use slow speed. Choose a low gear so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.
Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments. These can change the stability of the machine.
Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction.
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
DO NOT Do not turn on slopes unless necessary and then, turn slowly
and gradually downhill, if possible. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embandments. The
mower could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edge of a cliff or ditch, or if an edge caves in.
Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
Do not use grass catcher on steep slopes.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity . Never assume that children will remain where you last saw them.
1.Keep children out of the mowing area and under the watchful care of another responsible adult.
2.Be alert and turn machine off if children enter the area.
3.Before and when backing, look behind and down for small children.
4.Never carry children. They may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with safe machine operation.
5.Never allow children to operate the machine.
6.Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees or other objects that may obscure vision.
II.Slope operation
Slopes are a major factor related to loss-of-control and tip­over accidents, which can result in severe injury or death. All slopes require extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across. Remove obstacles such as rocks, tree limbs, etc.
– 5
IV. Service
1. Use extra care in handling gasoline and other fuels. They are flammable and vapours are explosive.
a) Use only an approved container. b) Never remove gas cap or add fuel with the engine running.
Allow engine to cool before refuelling. Do not smoke. c) Never refuel the machine indoors. d) Never store the machine or fuel container inside where
there is an open flame, such as in a water heater.
2. Never run a machine inside a closed area.
3. Keep nuts and bolts, especially blade attachment bolts, tight and keep equipment in good condition.
4. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
5. Keep machine free of grass, leaves or other debris build­up. Clean up oil or fuel spillage. Allow machine to cool before storing.
6. Stop and inspect the equipment if you strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.
7. Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running.
8. Grass catcher components are subject to wear, damage and deterioration, which could expose moving parts or allow objects to be thrown. Frequently check components and replace with manufacturer’s recommended parts, when necessary.
9. Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blade(s) or wear gloves and use extra caution when servicing them.
10. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as required.
Safe handling of gasoline
To avoid personal injury or property damage, use extrem care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable the vapors are explosive
1.Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition.
2.Use only an approved gasoline container.
3.Never remove gas cap or add fuel with the engine running. Allow engine to cool before refueling.
4.Never fuel the machine indoors.
5.Never store the machine or fuel container where there is an open flame, spark or pilot light such as on a water heater or other appliances.
6.Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Allways place containers on the groundaway from your vehicle before filling
7.Remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel such equipment with a portable container, rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
8.Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until the fueling is complete. Do not use a nozzle lock-open device.
9.If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing immediately.
10.Never overfill fuel tank. Replace gas cap and tighten securely.
Danger, keep hands and feet away
6 – English
Travel and transport on public roads
Check the relevant road traffic regulations before driving the machine on a public road. If transporting the machine on another vehicle always use approved securing devices and make sure that the machine is securely held.
If your machine has a hydrostatic transmission you should only tow it very short distances at low speed if absolutely necessary, otherwise the transmission may be damaged.
Intended use
This machine is designed solely for cutting grass on conventional lawns and other cleared and leveled ground without obstacles, as rocks, stumps etc., and, in conjunction with accessories supplied by the manufacturer e ven f or other special tasks for which instructions are delivered with the accessory. Use in any other way is considered as contrary to the intended use. Compliance with and strict adherence to the conditions of operation, service and repair as specified by the manufacturer also constitute essential elements of the intended use.
This machine should be operated, serviced and repaired only by persons who are familiar with its particular characteristics and who are acquainted with the relevant safety procedures.
Accident prevention regulations, all other generally recognised regulations on safety and occupational medicine, and all road traffic regulations must be observed at all times.
Any arbitrary modifications carried out to this machine may relieve the manufacturer of liability for any resulting damage or injury.
Safe operation practices for Ride-On Mowers
Before starting cutting operations, train different driving operations on an open ground without people nearby until you feel familiar with handling the equipment. This is particularly important if you have no or little prior experience of driving a vehicle.
Data indicates that operators, age 60 years and above, are involved in a large percentage of riding mower-related injuries. These operators should evaluate their ability to operate the riding mower safely in order to protect themselv es and others from serious injury.
Never carry children, even with the blades off. They may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with safe machine operation.
English – 7


These symbols are on the machine and in the instructions.
WARNING! Careless or incorrect use can result in ser operator or others.
ious or fatal injury to the
Clutch out
Warning: rotating parts. Keep hands and feet clear.
Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine.
Always wear:
Approved hearing protection
Stop the engine.
Rotary blades Keep hands and feet
way from under the hood when the
a engine is running
Hot surface.
Risk that the machine will tip over
Never drive across a slope
Never use the machine if persons, especially children, or animals, are in the vicinity
Oil level
Cutting height
Hydrostatic freewheel
Parking brake
Never carry passengers on the machine or equipment
Drive very slowly if no cutting unit is fitted
The cutting deck must be fitted at full speed.
Starting instructions
Clutch in
8 – English
Switch off the engine and take off the ignition cable before repairs or maintenance
Check the engine’s oil level
Check transmission oil level
Lift up the cutting unit
Apply the parking brake.
If the engine is cold, use the choke
Release the parking brake before driving
The following labels are on the machine
English – 9
12 3 4 5
13 15
14 1611 12
What is what on the ride-on mower
1 Speed limiter for driving forward 2 Speed limiter for reversing 3 Lifting lever for the cutting unit 4 Cutting height adjustment lever 5 Ignition lock 6 Throttle trigger 7 Choke control 8 Counter: 322T AWD
9 Cover lock 10 Parking brake 11 Lock button for parking brake 12 Seat adjustment. 13 Lever to disengage the driving front axle: 322T AWD 14 Fuel cap 15 Battery 16 Lever to disengage the drive Rider 220T
Lever to disengage the driving rear axle, 322T AWD
English – 10


Safety instructions
These instructions are for your safety. Read them carefully.

Insure your Rider

Check the insurance coverage for your new Rider.
Contact your insurance company.
Y ou should hav e fully comprehensive insurance including: third par

General use

Read all the instructions in this operator’s manual and on the machine before you start it. Ensure you understand them and then observe them.
Learn how to use the machine and its controls safely and lear safety decals.
Only allow the machine to be used by adults who are
amiliar with its use.
Make sure nobody else is in the vicinity of the machine when y
Clear the area of objects such as stones, toys, wires, etc. that ma
ty, fire, damage, theft and liability
WARNING! This machine produces an electromagnetic field during operation. This
field may under some circumstances interfere with active or passive medical implants. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury, we recommend persons with medical implants to consult their physician and the medical implant manufacturer before operating this machine.
n to how to stop quickly. Also learn to recognize the
ou start the engine, engage the drive or drive off.
y become caught in the blades and be thrown out.
Stop the engine and prevent the engine from being star
ted until you have cleaned the outlet channel.
Look out for the ejector and do not direct it towards
Stop the engine and prevent it from starting before you clean the cutting unit.
Remember that the driver is responsible for dangers or accidents
Never carry passengers. The machine is only intended to be used b
Always look downwards and backw ards bef ore and while
versing. Keep watch for both large and small obstacles.
Slow before cornering.
Switch off the blades when you are not mowing.
T ake care when rounding a fixed object, so that the b lades do not hit it.
Only use the machine in daylight or in other well-lit conditions holes or other irregularities in the ground. P a y attention to other possible risks.
Never use the machine if you are tired, if you have consumed alcohol, or if y medication that can affect your vision, judgement or co­ordination.
Keep an eye on the traffic when working close to a road or when crossing it.
Never leave the machine unsupervised with the engine running. Alwa ys stop the b lades, apply the parking brak e, stop the engine and remove the keys before leaving the machine.
y one person.
Never run the machine over foreign objects.
WARNING! This machine can sever hands and feet as well as throw objects. Failure to observe the safety instructions can result in serious injuries.
WARNING! The inside of the muffler contain chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Avoid contact with these elements in the event of a damaged muffler.
WARNING! The engine emits carbon monoxide, which is a colourless, poisonous gas. Do not use the machine in enclosed spaces.
. Keep the machine at a safe distance from
ou are taking other drugs or
English – 11
Never allow children or other persons not trained in the use of the machine to use or service it. Local laws may regulate the age of the user.
WARNING! You must use approved personal protective equipment whenever you use the
machine. Personal protective equipment cannot eliminate the risk of injury but it will reduce the degree of injury if an accident does happen. Ask your dealer for help in choosing the right equipment.
Use hearing protection to minimise the risk of hearing
Never wear loose fitting clothes that can catch in moving parts.
Never use the machine when barefoot. Always wear protectiv toes.
e shoes or protective boots, prefer ab ly with steel

This is what you do

Remove obstacles such as stones, branches, etc.
Mow upwards and downwards, not sideways.
Do not use the machine on ground that slopes more than 10°.
Take extra care if any attachments are fitted that can change the stability of the machine
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If the tyres start to
, stop the blades and drive slowly down the slope.
Always drive smoothly and slowly on slopes.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.
Avoid unnecessary turns on slopes, if necessary, turn
wly and gradually downwards if possible. Drive slowly.
slo Do not turn the wheel sharply.
Watch out for and avoid driving over furrows, holes and
umps. It is easier f or the machine to o v erturn on uneven
b ground. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
Make sure that you have first aid equipment close at hand when using the machine

Driving on slopes

Driving on slopes is one of the operations where the risk of the driver losing control of the machine or of it overturning is the greatest; this can result in serious injury or death. All slopes demand extra care. If you cannot re verse up a slope or if you feel unsure, do not mow it.
Do not drive down slopes with the unit raised.
12 – English
Do not mow too close to edges, ditches or banks. The machine can suddenly o the edge of a steep slope or a ditch, or if an edge gives way.
Do not mow wet grass. It is slippery, and tyres can lose
rip so that the machine skids.
their g
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on
the g
When cleaning the chassis, the machine may never be
iven near verges or ditches.
When mowing, keep away from b ushes and other objects.
verturn if one wheel comes over
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