AT Commands
Basic AT Commands
Command Function Command Function
A/ Re-execute command A Go off-hook and attempt to answer a call
B0 Select V.22 connect @1200 bps B1 Select Bell 212A connect @1200 bps
C1 Return OK message Dn Dial modifier
E0 Turn off command echo E1 Turn on command echo
H0 Initiate a hang-up sequence H1 If on-hook, go off-hook and enter
I0 Report product code command mode
I1 Report pre-computed checksum I2 Report “OK” if the calculated checksum
I3 Report firmware revision, model, equals the prestored checksum or if the
and interface type prestored checksum value is FFh
I4 Report response programmed by OEM I5 Report the country code parameter
I6 Report modem data pump model I7 Report the DAA code
and code revision L0 Set low speaker volume
L1 Set low speaker volume L2 Set medium speaker volume
L3 Set high speaker volume M0 Turn speaker off
M1 Turn speaker on during handshaking M2 Turn speaker on during handshaking and
and turn speaker off while receiving while receiving carrier
carrier M3 Turn speaker off during dialing and
N0 Turn off automode detection receiving carrier and turn speaker on
N1 Turn on automode detection during answering
O0 Go on-line O1 Go on-line and initiate a retrain sequence
P Force pulse dialing Q0 Allow result codes to DTE
Q1 Inhibit result codes to DTE Sn Select S-Register n as default
Sn? Return the value of S-Register n Sn=v Set default S-Register n to value v
T Force DTMF dialing
V0 Report short form result codes V1 Report long form result codes
W0 Report DTE speed only W1 Report line speed, EC protocol and DTE
W2 Report DCE speed only speed
X0 Report basic call progress result codes, X1 Report basic call progress result codes
i. e., Ok, Connect, Ring, No Carrier and connections speeds (Ok, Connect,
(also, for busy, if enabled, and dial tone Ring, No Carrier (also, for busy, if
not detected), No Answer and Error enabled, and dial tone not detected), No
X2 Report basic call progress result codes Answer, Connect XXXX, and Error
and connections speeds, i.e., Ok, X3 Report basic call progress result codes
Connect, Ring, No Carrier (also, for and connections rate, i.e., Ok, Connect,
busy, if enabled, and dial tone not Ring, No Carrier, No Answer, Connect
detected), No Answer, Connect XXXX, XXXX, Busy, and Error
and Error Y0 Disable long space disconnect before onX4 Report all call progress result codes hook
and connections rate, i.e., Ok, Connect, Y1 Enable long space disconnect before on-
Ring, No Carrier, No Answer, Connect hook
XXXX, Busy, No Dial Tone and Error Z0 Restore stored profile 0 after warm reset
Z1 Soft reset and restore stored profile 1 &C0 Soft reset and force RLSD active
after warm reset regardless of the carrier state
&C1 Allow RLSD to follow the carrier state
&D0 Interpret DTR On-to-OFF transition &D1 Interpret DTR On-to-OFF transition
per &Qn per &Qn
&Q0, &Q5, &Q6 The modem ignores DTR &Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6 Asynchronous escape
&Q1, &Q4 The modem hangs up &Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up
&D2 Interpret DTR On-to-OFF transition &D1 Interpret DTR On-to-OFF transition
per &Qn per &Qn
&Q0 through &Q6 The modem hangs up &Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6 Soft reset
Note: Bold face indicates default value
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up
&F0 Restore factory configuration 0 &F1 Restore factory configuration 1

&G0 Disable guard tone &G1 Disable guard tone
&G2 Enable 1800 Hz guard tone &J0 Set S-Register response only for com&J1 Set S-Register response only for com- patibility
patibility &K0 Disable DTE/DCE flow control
&K3 Enable RTS/CTS DTE/DCE flow &K4 Enable XON/XOFF DTE/DCE flow
control control
&K5 Enable transparent XON/ XOFF &K6 Enable both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF
flow control flow control
&L0 Select dial up line operation &M0 Select direct asynchronous mode
&M1 Select sync connect with async off- &M2 Select sync connect with async off-
line command mode line command mode and enable DTR
&M3 Select sync connect with async off- dialing of directory zero
line command mode and enable DTR &P0 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61%
to act as Talk/Data switch make/break
&P1 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% &P2 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 39%/61%
make/break make/break
&P3 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% &Q0 Select direct asynchronous mode
make/break &Q1 Select sync connect with async off&Q2 Select sync connect with async off- line command mode
line command mode and enable DTR &Q3 Select sync connect with async off-
dialing of directory zero line command mode and enable DTR
&Q4 Select Hayes AutoSync mode to act as Talk/Data switch
&Q5 Modem negotiates an error corrected &Q6 Select asynchronous operation in normal
link mode
&R0 CTS tracks RTS (sync) or CTS is &R1 CTS is always active (sync) or CTS is
normally ON and will turn OFF normally ON and will turn OFF
only if required by flow control (async) only if required by flow control (async)
&S0 DSR is always active &S1 DSR will become active after answer
&T0 Terminate any test in progress tone has been detected and inactive after
&T1 Initiate local analog loopback the carrier has been lost
&T2 Returns ERROR result code &T3 Initiate local digital loopback
&T4 Allow remote digital loopback (RDL) &T5 Disallow remote digital loopback request
&T6 Request an RDL without self-test &T7 Request an RDL with self-test
&T8 Initiate local analog loop with self- &V Display current configuration and stored
test profiles
&V1 Display last connection statistics
&W0 Store the current configuration as &W1 Store the current configuration as
profile 0 profile 1
&X0 Select internal timing for the transmit &X1 Select external timing for the transmit
clock clock
&X2 Select slave receive timing for the &Y0 Recall stored profile 0 upon power up
transmit clock &Y1 Recall stored profile 1 upon power up
&Zn=x Store dial string x (up to 34 digits) %E0 Disable line quality monitor and auto
to location n (0 to 3) retrain
%E1 Enable line quality monitor and auto %E2 Enable line quality monitor and fallback/
retrain fall forward
%L Return received line signal level %Q Report the line signal quality
When modem receives a break from the DTE:
\K0,2,4 Enter on-line command mode, no \K1 Clear buffers and send break to remote
break sent to the remote modem modem
\K3 Send break to remote modem \K5 Send break to remote modem in sequence
immediately with transmitted data
When modem receives \B in on-line command state:
\K0,1 Clear buffers and send break to remote \K2,3 Send break to remote modem
\K4,5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data
When modem receives break from the remote modem:
\K0,1 Clear data buffers and send break to \K2,3 Send a break immediately to DTE

DTE \K4,5 Send a break with received data to the
\N0 Select normal speed buffered mode \N1 Select direct mode
\N2 Select reliable link mode \N3 Select auto reliable mode
\N4 Force LAPM mode \N5 Force MNP mode
\V0 Connect messages are controlled \V1 Connect messages are displayed in the
by the command settings X, W, and S95 single line format
+MS Select modulation +H0 Disable Rockwell Protocol Interface
+H1 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to /Video ready mode
19200 bps +H2 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 38400 bps
+H3 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to +H11 Enable RPI+ mode
57600 bps +H16 Enable Video Ready mode
**0 Download to flash memory at last **1 Download to flash memory at 38.4 kbps
sensed speed **2 Download to flash memory at 57.6 kbps
-SDR=0 Disable distinctive ring -SDR=1 Enable distinctive ring type 1
-SDR=2 Enable distinctive ring type 2 -SDR=3 Enable distinctive ring type 1 and 2
-SDR=4 Enable distinctive ring type 3 -SDR=5 Enable distinctive ring type 1 and 3
-SDR=6 Enable distinctive ring type 2 and 3 -SDR=7 Enable distinctive ring type 1, 2 and 3
ECC Commands
%C0 Disable data compression %C1 Enable MNP 5 data compression
%C2 Enable V.42 bis data compression %C3 Enable both V.42 bis and MNP 5
\A0 Set maximum block size in MNP to 64 \A1 Set maximum block size in MNP to 128
\A2 Set maximum block size in MNP to 192\A3 Set maximum block size in MNP to 256
\Bn Send break of n x 100 ms
MNP 10 Commands
-K0 Disable MNP 10 extended services -K1 Enable MNP 10 extended services
-K2 Disable MNP 10 extended services -SEC=0 Disable MNP 10-EC
detection only
-SEC=1, [<tx level>] Enable MNP 10-EC and set transmit level<tx level> 0 to 30 (0 dBm to -30 dBm)
FAX Class 1
+Fclass=1 Service class +FAE=0 Disable data/fax auto answer
+FAE=1 Enable data/fax auto answer +FRH=n Receive data with HDLC framing
+FRM=n Receive data +FRS=n Receive silence, nx10 ms
+FTH=n Transmit data with HDLC framing +FTM=n Transmit data
+FTS=n Stop transmission and wait, nx10 ms
W-Class Commands
Display Blacklisted Number
Data Calling tone (1300hz)selection
Country select
Code(n) Country