Wireless, Print, Copy, Scan
HP OceJet 8010 All-in-One Series
Help save time with Smart Tasks.1 Get automatic two-sided printing and self-healing Wi-Fi™.2
The productive smart printer that gets work done. Help save time with Smart Tasks shortcuts,1
and get automatic two-sided printing. Print and scan from your phone,
connections and best-in-class security.
Dynamic security enabled printer. Intended to be used with cartridges using only HP original electronic circuitry. Cartridges with modied or
non-HP electronic circuitry may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future. Learn more at hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies
and count on seamless
HP OfficeJet 8010 AiO Printer (Light Basalt)
3UC58D (AU/NZ)
Designed to save
you time
• Eliminate steps in repetitive tasks,
using Smart Tasks.1 Scan to the
cloud, email, and more – in a tap.
• Work fast and hands-free with
the 35-page auto-feeder. Get
automatic two-sided printing.
• Take control of print, scan,
and copy jobs with tap-and-swipe
ease, using the touchscreen.
• This printer is made from recycled
plastics and other electronics—
up to 15% by weight of plastic.
Freedom to work
• Connect to cloud-based printing
with Wi-Fi™ or your cellular
network to print from anywhere.
• Quickly access and print
documents and images on your
smartphone, from Dropbox and
Google Drive.
• Get high-quality scanning to
share to Dropbox, Google Drive,
email, or the cloud – from virtually
• Get notications when printing,
scanning, or copying from your
HP OfficeJet 8012 AiO Printer (Light Basalt)
3UC62D (AU/NZ)
Best-in-class security,4
reliable connections
• Reduce interruptions with
self-healing Wi-Fi™ that keeps
you connected.
• Get best-in-class security to
help protect devices, data, and
• Count on chatbot support and
helpful notications with the
HP Smart app.
• Easily share resources – access
and print with wireless
Ordering ink has never
been easier
• Print more pages and change
cartridges less often with Original
HP high-yield cartridges.
• Create vibrant, professional-
quality colour graphics, ideal for
oce use and presentations.
• Get rich black text for all your
business documents.
Requ ires the HP Sm art app do wnload. F or detail s on local pr inting re quireme nts see hp.com/go/mobileprinting 2 Wire less opera tions are co mpatibl e with 2.4 GHz a nd 5.0 GHz ope rations o nly. Learn m ore
at hp.com/go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a re gistered t radema rk of Wi-Fi A lliance ®. 3 Base d on HP 915XL High Y ield Blac k and colou r Origina l Ink Cart ridges . High-yi eld ink car tridge s not includ ed; purch ase
separately. For more information, see hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies. Less co st per page co mpared wi th manuf acturer r ecommend ed street p rice and pu blished p age yield of s tandard -yield HP 915 Or iginal
Ink Ca rtridg es. Actu al pricin g may vary. 4 Comp ared to the ma jority of c ompetin g in-cla ss consum er color des ktop inkj et all-in -ones <$29 9 USD. Keyp oint Intel ligence - B uyers Lab 2 018 research s tudy
comm issioned b y HP based on r esearch s urvey of pr inter man ufactu rers’ pub lished spe cicati ons, sust ainabil ity repo rts, and p ress relea ses as of 12/15/2018 and no t conrme d by lab test ing. Marke t share
as repo rted by IDC C YQ3 2018 Hardc opy Periph erals Trac ker, 2018Q3 Releas e. AiO with b est in-c lass secu rity feat ures base d on review o f publish ed embedd ed securi ty featur es of compet itive in- class mo dels
and de ned as oe ring busi ness-cl ass, mult i-point s ecurit y, includi ng but not li mited to: enc ryptio n at the level o f data, dev ice, netw ork, docu ment; ent erprise -class W i-Fi sec urity; a nd secure p rinting . For
more details, see keypointintelligence.com/HPOceJetPro.

Short data sheet | HP OceJet 8010 All-in-One Series
Technical specications
AIO functions Wireless, Print, Copy and Scan
First page out A4,
Resolution Black (best): 1200 x 1200 dpi; Colour (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi on HP Advance Photo
Borderless printing Yes, on photo paper only, (up to 210 x 297 mm)
Mobile printing
Language HP PCL3 GUI
Ink types Pigment-based (black and colour)
Printer smart software
Type Flatbed, ADF
Technology Contact Image Sensor (CIS)
Speed Normal, A4: Up to 8 ppm (200 ppi, b&w), Up to 3.5 ppm (200 ppi, colour)
Resolution Enhanced: Up to 1200 dpi; Hardware: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi; Optical: Up to 1200 dpi
Max scanning size ADF: 215 x 356 mm (one-sided); A4, Letter (one-sided); Flatbed: 216 x 297 mm
Input modes Front-panel scan, copy, HP Software, EWS
Grayscale levels 256
Bit depth 24-bit
File format JPG, BMP, TIFF, PDF, RTF, TXT, PNG
Digital sending features Scan to PC
Speed Black (ISO): 13 cpm; Colour (ISO): 7 cpm; Black (best, A4): Up to 3 cpm; Colour (best, A4): Up to 2 cpm
Resolution Black (text and Graphics): 600 dpi; Colour (text and graphics): 600 dpi
Copier reduce/enlarge 25 to 400%
Max number of copies Up to 99
Copier Settings Number of Copies; Resize; Quality; Lighter/Darker; Paper size; Paper Type; Two-sided; ID Copy, Collate;
Display 5.58 cm (2.2 inch) Capacitive Touchscreen MGD
Processor speed 1.2 GHz
Duty cycle (monthly, A4)
Recommended monthly
page volume
ADF capacity Standard, 35 sheets
Duplex print options Automatic (standard)
Supported sizes A4, A5, A6, B5(JIS), Card (A4, Hagaki, Ofuku Hagaki); Photo (13 x 18 cm, 10 x 15 cm); Envelope
Recommended weights 60 to 105 g/m² (plain); 220 to 280 g/m² (photo); 75 to 90 g/m² (envelope); 163 to 200 g/m² (card)
Types Plain Paper, HP Photo Papers, HP Matte Brochure or Professional Paper, HP Matte Presentation Paper,
Paper handling Input: 225-sheet input tray, 35-sheet ADF; Output: 60-sheet output tray
Memory Standard: 256 MB; Maximum: 256 MB DDR3 SDRAM
Operating system
Minimum system
Connectivity (Std) 1 Wireless 802.11b/g/n
Network capabilities Yes, Wireless 802.11b/g/n
Wireless capability Yes, built-in WiFi 802.11b/g/n
Supported network
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Operating environment Operating temperature range: 5 to 40° C; Recommended operating temperature range: 15 to 30° C;
Acoustics Acoustic power emissions (active, printing): 6.5 B(A) (printing at 15 ppm); Acoustic pressure emission:
Power specications Power supply type: Internal; Power supply required: Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%),
What’s in the box
Warranty One-year limited hardware warranty; 24-hour, 7 days a week phone support
Black: Up to 28 ppm (draft, A4); Up to 18 ppm (ISO); Colour: Up to 24 ppm (draft, A4); Up to 10 ppm
(ISO); Colour Photo (draft, Photo Paper, 10x15 cm): As fast as 49 seconds; Duplex: Up to 9 ipm (Black);
Up to 6 ipm (Colour)
Black: As fast as 13 seconds; Colour: As fast as 17 seconds
Paper 1200 x 1200 dpi input
Chrome OS; HP Smart app; Apple AirPrint™; Wi-Fi® Direct Printing; Mopria™ Certified
Orientation: Portrait/Landscape; Print on Both Sides: None/Flip on Long Edge/Flip on Short Edge; Page
Order: Front to Back/Back to Front; Pages per Sheet: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16; Quality Settings: Draft/Normal/
Best; Printing Shortcuts; Print in Grayscale: O/High Quality Grayscale/Black Ink Only; Pages per Sheet
Layout: Right then Down/Down then Right/Left then Down/Down then Left; Print in Max DPI: No/Yes;
HP Real Life Technologies: O/On; Booklet: None/Booklet-Left Binding/Booklet-Right Binding; Pages
to Print: Print All Pages/Print Odd Pages Only/Print Even Pages Only; Borderless Printing: O/On; Page
Borders: O/On
Margin shift; Enhancement; Crop; Copy preview
Up to 20,000 pages
Up to 800 pages
(A2, C5, C6, DL. Chou #3, Chou #4); 8.5 x 13 in
HP Glossy Brochure or Professional Paper, Other Photo Inkjet Papers, Other Matte Inkjet Papers, Other
Glossy Inkjet Papers, Thick Plain Paper, Light/Recycled Plain Paper, HP Tri-fold Brochure Paper, Glossy
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7,Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit, Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit (SP1),
Windows Server 2012 64-bit, Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit, Windows Server 2016, Chrome OS
PC: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 2 GB available hard disk space,
CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer; Mac: OS X v10.11 El Capitan;
macOS Sierra v10.12 (previously OS X); macOS High Sierra v10.13; 1.5 GB available space; Internet
9100; LPR; SNMP; SLP; Internet Printing Protocol (IPP); WS-Print; Wireless
460 x 341.2 x 234 mm
8.2 kg
Operating humidity range: 15 to 80% RH (non-condensing); Recommended operating humidity range:
20 to 80% RH; Storage temperature range: -40 to 60° C
61 dB(A) (Draft printing at 17 ppm); Acoustic power emissions (active, copy): 6.7 B(A) (copying at 7 ppm with
ADF running); Acoustic power emission (ready): 2.5 B(A); Acoustic power emission (active, scan): 5.7 B(A)
50/60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz); Power consumption
(sleep), 0.08 watts (manual-o) Typical electricity consumption (TEC): 0.20 kWh/Week
HP OceJet Pro 801X All-in-One Printer; HP 915 Setup Black Ink Cartridge; HP 915 Setup Cyan Ink
Cartridge, HP 915 Setup Magenta Ink Cartridge, HP 915 Setup Yellow Ink Cartridge; User Guide; Setup
poster; Power cord
: Up to 21 watts (printing), 5.80 watts (ready), 0.90 watts
Ordering information
Replacement cartridges
3YM 18AA
3Y M15A A
3YM 16AA
3YM 17AA
3YM22A A
3YM 19AA
3YM 21AA
For inf ormatio n on referen ce page out put, plea se log on the
HP Care Packs
UG245 E
Prote ct your inv estment w ith HP Care P ack. Let HP c ertie d
engi neers res olve your te chnical i ssues. Fo r more deta ils on
HP Car e Pack, go to hp.co m/go/cpc
Recommended Papers
C68 18A
HP Inc oices
Aust ralia
Hong Kong
New Zealand
For the following countries, please fax your queries to: (65) 6275 6707
Bangladesh • Bhutan • Brunei • Cambodia • Maldives • Nepal
• Pakistan • Srilanka
For more information, please visit us at hp.com/apac/homeandoce
HP Oc eJet 8010 AiO P rinter (Light Basalt)
(AU/NZ )
HP Oc eJet 8012 AiO Pr inter (Light Basalt)
(AU/NZ )
HP 915 Blac k Origina l Ink Car tridge
(~300 pag es)
HP 915 Cyan Or iginal In k Cartri dge
(~315 pages)
HP 915 Mage nta Origi nal Ink Car tridge
(~315 pages)
HP 915 Yellow O riginal I nk Cartr idge
(~315 pages)
HP 915XL Bl ack Origi nal Ink Ca rtridge
(~825 pages)
HP 915XL Cyan O riginal I nk Cart ridge
(~825 pages)
HP 915XL Mag enta Orig inal Ink C artrid ge
(~825 pages)
HP 915XL Yell ow Origin al Ink Car tridge
(~825 pages)
HP 3-ye ar Next Bu siness Da y Exchang e AIO/
Mobi le OceJe t Printer -M S VC
HP 3-ye ar Onsite E xchange A IO/Mobi le
Oce Jet Printe r -M SVC
HP 3-ye ar Picku p Return AI O/Mobile O ceJet
Prin ter -M SVC
HP 3-ye ar return A IO/Mobi le OceJet P rinter
HP Prof essiona l Inkjet Pa per, Glossy, A 4,
50 she ets, 180 gsm
HP Prof essiona l Inkjet Pa per, Matte, A 4,
200 sh eets, 120 gsm
(613) 8833 500 0
(852) 307 7 2688
(62-21) 579 1088
(603) 2332 3333
(09) 918 9555
(632) 888 5900
(65) 6275 38 88
(662) 353 9500