Wireless, Print
HP OceJet 200
Mobile Printer
Make the world your oce with powerful portable printing—no
network necessary.1 This quick, quiet printer delivers more pages
per cartridge and has a long-lasting battery life.
Easy portable printing wherever you need it
• Simply print from your laptop or mobile devices wirelessly, with or without a router.
1, 3
• Start printing in minutes. HP Auto Wireless Connect makes setup easy.
• This durable, compact printer ts in your car, backpack, and more, for convenient printing anywhere.
Lead the way with fast, easy mobile printing
• Reduce charging interruptions with a long-lasting battery.
• Get the highest page yields of any other in-class printer, using standard Original HP cartridges.
• Set the pace for success wherever you go. Keep moving through the day with fast print speeds.
• Stay productive with a large and easy-to-use control panel.
High-powered quality and reliability
• Power through the workday. Charge from home, in your car or oce, and more.
• Plug in your AC power source to charge within 90 minutes while the printer is o, with HP Fast Charge.
• Minimize disruptions with premium design and quiet performance. Impress clients, without noisy
• Get high-quality prints time after time with a printer designed and built to be reliable.
Mobi le device ne eds to be conn ected dire ctly to the W i-Fi Dire ct® sign al of a Wi-Fi D irect-su pported A iO or printe r prior to pr inting. De pending o n mobile de vice, an app o r driver ma y also be requ ired. For d etails,
see hp.com/go/mobileprinting. Wi-F i Direct® i s a register ed tradema rk of Wi-F i Allianc e®. 2 Best- in-cla ss perfor mance cla im compare s all inkj et colour mo bile print ers as of Octo ber 2015 based on m arket shar e
as repo rted by Q2 2015 IDC an d manufa cturer’ s publishe d specic ations. 3 Loca l printing r equires t hat mobile d evice and p rinter be on t he same net work or hav e a direct wir eless conn ection . Remote pri nting
requ ires an Inte rnet conne ction to an H P web-con nected pr inter. For det ails on how to p rint, inc luding wh ether an ap p is require d, see hp.com/go/mobileprinting 4 Prin ting speed s may vary d ependin g on the
power s ource. Exc ludes r st set of ISO tes t pages. Fo r details , see hp.com/go/printerclaims 5 Supp orts USB ch arging in O FF mode whe n connecte d to a 1A-minim um-cha rge-ca pable USB ch arging po rt.
HP Fast Ch arge Techno logy rech arges your s tandard b attery up t o 90% withi n 90 minute s when charg ing from an A C power sour ce and with th e system o. Wh en the print er is powere d on, charge t ime may
incr ease and wil l vary bas ed on usage .

Short data sheet | HP OceJet 200 Mobile Printer
Technical specications
Functions Wireless, Print
Technology HP Thermal Inkjet
First page out
(A4, ready)
Resolution Black (best): Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi (when printing from a computer);
Languages HP PCL 3 GUI
Wireless capability Yes
HP ePrint capability Yes
HP Auto wireless
Mobile printing
Display 5.08 cm (2.0 inch) MGD (Monochrome Graphic Display)
Duplex print options Manual (driver support provided)
Duty cycle (monthly,
monthly volume
Supported sizes A4; A5; A6; B5 (ISO); B5 (JIS); envelopes (A2; C5; C6; DL); photo (10 x 15 cm; L; 2L); Japanese
Supported weights 60 to 300 g/m²
Types Plain Paper, HP Photo Papers, HP Matte Brochure or Professional Paper, HP Matte
Paper handling 50-sheet input tray
Memory 128 MB DDR3
Operating system
Minimum system
Connectivity 1 USB 2.0 + Wi-Fi
Network capabilities Wi-Fi + Wi-Fi direct
Supported network
Dimension (W x D x H) 364 x 186 x 69 mm
Power specications Power supply type: Built-in Universal Power Supply;
What’s in the box HP OceJet 200 Mobile Printer; Setup cartridges2; Software CD; Setup Poster; Power Cord;
Warranty 1-year Limited Warranty (Return to HP/Dealer - Unit Exchange)
Black: On AC: Up to 20 ppm, On Battery: Up to 18 ppm (draft, A4); On AC: Up to 10 ppm,
On Battery: Up to 9 ppm (ISO, laser-comparable); Colour: On AC: Up to 19 ppm, On Battery
Up to 17 ppm (draft, A4); On AC: Up to 7 ppm, On Battery: Up to 6 ppm (ISO, laser-comparable)
Black: On AC: As fast as 12 sec, On Battery: as fast as 12s;
Colour: On AC: As fast as 14 sec, On Battery: as fast as 15s
Colour (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi colour (when printing from a computer
and 1200 input dpi)
HP ePrint; Chrome OS; Wi-Fi® Direct Printing
Up to 500 pages
Up to 100 to 300 pages
Postcard; Ofuku Hagaki
75 g/m²
Presentation Paper, HP Glossy Brochure or Professional Paper, Other Photo Inkjet Papers,
Other Matte Inkjet Papers, Other Glossy Inkjet Papers, Plain Paper, Light/Recycled
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or
Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista: (32-bit only), 2 GB available
hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8.
Windows XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only): any Intel Pentium II, Celeron or 233 MHz compatible
processor, 850 MB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection,
USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Apple OS X Yosemite (v10.10) OS X Mavericks (v10.9), OS X
Mountain Lion (v10.8); 1 GB HD; Internet required; USB Linux (For moreinformation, see
hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html), Chrome OS
PC: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD
drive or Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista: (32-bit only), 2 GB
available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection, USB port, Internet
Explorer 8. Windows XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only): any Intel Pentium II, Celeron or
233 MHz compatible processor, 850 MB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or
Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Apple OS X Yosemite (v10.10) OS X
Mavericks (v10.9), OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8); 1 GB HD; Internet required; USB Linux
(For more information, see hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html);
Mac: Apple® OS X Yosemite (v10.10) OS X Mavericks (v10.9), OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8);
1 GB HD; Internet required; USB
Wi-Fi network support
2.1 kg (2.2 kg with battery)
Recommended humidity range: 15 to 90% RH;
Storage temperature range: -40 to 60° C;
Recommended operating temperature: 15 to 30° C
Power supply required: Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz; 200 to 240 VAC,
50 to 60 Hz
Ordering information
CZ99 3A
Replacement cartridges
C2P04A A
C2 P07A A
For info rmation on re ference pag e output, pl ease log on the
Recommended Papers
C68 18A
Pleas e visit hp.com/apac/paper for m ore detai ls.
Hewlett-Packard oces
Hong Kong
New Zealand
HP Care Pack Services
Ensu re your tech nology i nvestme nt is protec ted, so you
can re lax and con centrate o n what you car e about. F ind
the ri ght Care Pa ck for you at hp.com/go/cpc. Si mply visi t
hp.com/go/support, or cha t with us onl ine at hp.com/go/ispe,
or cal l for techn ical phon e support w ithin you r warran ty period
to spea k with our f riendly ex perts . For more inf ormatio n on Care
Pack s, visit hp.com/apac/homeservices
UG24 6E
HP Order-a-Cartridge
Call HP’s Order-a-Car tridge3 service and have them conveniently
deli vered to you r doorste p.
HP SureSupply
Disco ver how HP Su reSupply r edenes c onvenie nce in
purc hasing pr inter car tridge su pplies on line. To orde r online,
pleas e visit hp.com/apac/oac for m ore detai ls.
E ither aft er rst pag e or after r st set of ISO tes t pages. Fo r details s ee
I n order to ini tialize th e printer, so me ink from th e include d setup car tridge s
will be u sed. Setu p cartrid ges may hav e dierent p age yield
than re placemen t cartri dges. For m ore inform ation, vi sit:
Avail able in sele cted count ries only.
Not inc luded in the b ox for Japan m arket.
HP Oc eJet 200 Mo bile Prin ter
HP 62 Tri- colour Or iginal In k Cartri dge
(~165 pages)
HP 62 Bl ack Origi nal Ink Ca rtridg e (~200 pa ges)
HP 62X L High Yiel d Tri- colour Ori ginal In k
Car tridge (~415 pag es)
HP 62X L High Yiel d Black Or iginal In k Cartri dge
(~600 p ages)
HP Profe ssional In kjet Pape r, Gloss y, A4,
50 shee ts, 180 gsm
HP Profe ssional In kjet Paper, Mat te, A4,
200 she ets, 120 gsm
HP Profe ssional In kjet Paper, Mat te, A3,
100 sheet s, 120 gsm
(613) 8833 5000
(010) 6564 3888
(852) 3559 7777
(80) 2612 9000
(62-21) 5799 1088
(02) 2199 0114
(603) 2332 3333
(09) 918 9555
(632) 888 5900
(65) 6275 3888
(02) 8722 9000
(662) 353 9500
(848) 3823 4151
HP 3-ye ar Next Bu siness Da y Exchang e
AiO/M obile Oc eJet Prin ter - H SVC
HP 3-ye ar Onsite E xchange A iO/Mobi le
Oce Jet Printe r - H SVC
HP 3-ye ar w/Pick up Return A iO/Mobile
Oce Jet Printe r - H SVC
HP 3-ye ar Return A iO/Mobi le OceJet
Prin ter - H SVC
800 82 0 0851/400 820 0851
1800 300 3 3003
080 703 070 0
To learn more, visit hp.com
© 2021 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and
services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
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ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S. marks. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a
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4AA6-4033EEP, Feb 2021, Rev. 3