NonStop Pathway/iTS Management Programming Manual —426749-002
Pathway/iTS Management
This section summarizes the SPI interface to the Pathway subsystem and the
commands and object types defined for the subsystem.
Comparison of PATHCOM and SPI Commands
Like PATHCOM, the SPI management programming interface to the Pathway
subsystem uses commands that operate on objects. A combination of a command and
an object type determines what action the PATHMON process should take, as well as
what additional information you must specify.
The object types used with the management programming interface are not always the
same as the object types used in PATHCOM. In some cases, they correspond exactly,
but in other cases a single PATHCOM object type is represented in the management
programming interface by a small group of object types, each of which handles a
portion of the PATHCOM object description.
The object name and additional command parameters are represented in the
management programming interface by tokens in the message buffer.
Not all PATHCOM commands are needed in the management programming interface.
Applications must indep enden tl y implemen t the basi c comm ands, which are CM DVOL,
EXIT, FC, HELP, OBEY, OBEYVOL, and OPEN. Other commands, such as SET, SET
LIKE, RESET, ALTER RESET, and SHOW, must also be implemented independently.
Some PATHCOM functions require more than one SPI command for implementation.
For example, the PATHCOM ADD TERM command becomes a request to add a
program, followed by a variable number of requests to add TERM types, one request
for each TERM type supported.
Some PATHCOM functions are implemented by new commands in the programmatic
interface. For example, to send a tell message to a TERM object, you:
1. Send a request with the ADD command, the TELL object type, and the text of the
tell message.
3. Specify a particular TERM object by assigning the TERM name to a field in the
4. Send a request with the TELL command and the TERM object type, including both
5. Send a request with the START command and the TELL object type, again using
the number you received in Step 2.