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Hewlett-Packard Company
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The HP Digital Sender Module is a software application that enables
HP Multi-Functional Peripherals (MFPs) to send scanned documents
directly to electronic mailboxes (e-mail) or to fax destinations,
transforming paper-based information into digital images that can be
shared, stored, or edited. Documents ar e initially scanned at the MFP
then transmitted to a network-connected PC where th e HP D igita l
Sender Module software is installed. This saves users from having to
create an electronic copy of a hard-copy document. The HP Digital
Sender Module can also be set up to require user authentication,
ensuring that only authorized persons use the Digital Sending
features of the MFP.
At the MFP control panel, users can
●Select Scan to E-mail or Scan to Fax.
Input To:/From:/CC:/Subject: information using a soft keyboard on
the control panel. Users can also control duplex scanning, paper
size, and e-mail attachment format from the control panel.
Select names from an address book(s) the net w ork administr ator
has downloaded.
Introduction 5
The HP Digital Sender Module software
●Manages the simultaneous transmission of scanned images from
multiple MFPs on the network
Performs any image decompression, page decomposition, and
image format conversion necessary to transmit the document as
an e-mail attachment or fax
●Adds addressing information
Encodes the message
Communicates with an SMTP server that a network administr ator
has configured
Maintains each address book and transmits a copy to every
licensed MFP
6 Chapter 1 - The HP Digital Sender Module
Architectural overview
A flow chart of the HP Digital Sender module components is included
Client PC
-Address Book
-LDAP Export
LAN fax
The HP Digital Sender Module firmware components include:
Control panel firmware: manages the user interface and
general job control
Copy processor firmware: generates the desired data file
Scanner Service Agent
Digital Service Provider (JetSend)
The HP Digital Sender Module software components include:
Job Management/E-mail Server
Image Pipeline (IP)
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoder
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
HP Configuration Utility: Once the software is installed, the user
configures the HP Digital Sender Module software using this
utility. The software cannot be used until it has been configured.
Address Book Manager: The Network Administrator can use
this software to set up address books.
LDAP Export Tool: Used to update address books from an
LDAP server automatically
Architectural overview 7
Environments and protocols
Network operating systems
The HP Digital Sender Module is directly connected to TCP/IP
networks via a Windows NT
/Windows® 2000 server or workstation.
It operates independently within the network operating environments
listed below:
Windows 2000/Windows NT 4.0 ( or high er) w o rkstation or server
(TCP/IP only)
Fast Et hernet 100Base-TX, Ethernet 10Base-T, or 10Base-2
NoteEthernet connections are provided by the HPJetDirect Print Server
that comes installed in the HP MFP.
Client operating systems (ABM only)
The following client op erating systems are supported:
Windows NT 4.0 (or higher) PC (TCP/IP only)
●Windows 2000 (TCP/IP only)
Windows 9x (TCP/IP only)
The HP Digital Sender Module works with the Microsoft TCP/IP
protocol provided as part of these operating systems.
NoteThe ABM may not run correctly on some early versions of Windows 95.
An updated Common Control Library is needed and can be obtained
by running 50comupd.exe, which is included with the Digital Sender
Module CD, or by installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (or higher).
8 Chapter 1 - The HP Digital Sender Module
Novell NetWare support
In order to support access to Novell NetWare resources, the HP
Digital Sender Module requires
●Novell NetWare version 3.12, 3.2, 4.11, 4.2 or 5 running on the
Novell NetWare server and
Novell NetWare Client version 4.6 (or greater) running on the
Windows NT/Windows 2000 PC running the HP Digital Sender
Module software.
NoteHP recommends that Novell print queues are not used as the print path
for HP Digital Sender-enabled MFPs. Instead, HP recommends that
you use a JetDirect IP connection.
Environments and protocols 9
E-mail distribution services
The HP Digital Sender Module can send MIME-compliant e-mail
messages to Internet addresses. It uses SMTP-MIME to d eliver these
messages. SMTP is independent of the n etw ork oper atin g system on
which your e-mail server is running.
E-mail addresses are selected at the MFP control panel. Users can
specify e-mail destinations by:
selecting e-mail addresses from the addre ss book loaded at the
typing e-mail addresses manually
The document that you scan at the HP Digital Sender becomes an
attachment to your e-mail message. The attachment can be sent as
one of the following file types:
Portable Document Format (.PDF)
Tagged Image File Format (.TIF)
Multipage Tagged Image File Format (.TIF)
Portable Document F o rmat (.pdf) is the file f ormat most often used f or
the attachmentsand gives recipients the ability to both view and print
the e-mail attachment. You can obtain a free copy of the Adobe
Reader from the Adobe Systems, Incorporated Website
If the attachment contains se v eral pages and is sent using th e Tagged
Image File Format, the e-mail will have one attachment f or each page.
This file format will generate single-page attachments and may be
used for scanning invoices for electronic archival, for example. Using
multiple pages allows the user to send multiple page images as one
file attachment.
NoteSending pages as photo quality and in either Tagged Image File F ormat
may result in attachments that cannot be read in some applications.
You can view .TIF files using the Windows Imaging application. This
application can be foun d under the Programs, Accessories menu.
If your SMTP size limit is exceeded, the e-mail will be distributed as
multiple e-mail attachments. This is ba sed on the limit selected on the
SMTP server page in the HP Configuration Utility. See page 14
more information.
10 Chapter 1 - The HP Digital Sender Module
Fax distribu tion services
Users can send fax es directly from the MFP. To support this service, a
LAN fax product and a shared folder for the fax workarea are
Users can specify fax destinations at the control panel in two ways:
Type fax numbers manually.
Select fax numbers from the address book loaded at the MFP.
NoteThe same document can be sent to multiple fax numbers.
Document can be sent to the LAN fax serve r in one of the following
file types:
Tagged Image Format (.TIF)
Multiple page Tagged Image Format (.TIF)
Printer Control Language 5 (PCL5) (uncompressed)
PCL5 (packbits)
Select these formats in the HP Configuration Utility.
Fax distribution services 11
12 Chapter 1 - The HP Digital Sender Module
System administrators can use a variety of tools to monitor an d
control the HP Digital Sender Module. The following is a list of tools
and their functions that can be used by the system administrator to
maintain the HP Digital Sender Module:
HP Address Book Manager (ABM)
Used to maintain public address books and view the activity log
HP Configuration Utility
Used to configure the HP Digital Sender Module software
Windows NT/Windows 2000 Event Viewer
Used to view the event log messages. To use the Windows NT/
Windows 2000 Event Viewer click on Start, Programs,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer
LDAP Export Tool
Used to update address books from an LDAP server
Introduction 13
HP Digital Sender Module setup
Before the HP Digital Sender Module can be used, some settings in
the HP Configuration Utility need to be set. The following table lists
the activities necessary for setting up the HP Digital Sender Module.
See the online help for more information regarding the
HP Configuration Utility.
NoteTo support HP Digital Sender Module features, the MFP must ap pear
in the Windows Printers folder. To add an MFP to the Printers folder,
select Add Printers in the Windows control panel.
HP Digital Sender setup activity
Add licensesIn the HP Configuration Utility, Use the License tab to enter new
licenses. Licenses are required to enable HP Digital Sender
Module features on an MFP.
E-mail service setup activities
Set the SMTP server
Set the document size
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the E-mail Settings tab and
click Add to add a ne w SMT P server.
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the E-mail Settings tab.
When you add or edit an SMTP server, use the Maximum File
Size drop down menu to indicate the maximum file size allowed
by the HP Digital Sender Module. This value should not exceed
the size limit allowed by your SMTP server. Note: If you specify
multiple SMTP servers with different maximum file size settings,
the HP Digital Sender Module software will always use the
smallest of these settings, regardless of which server is being
Fax service setup activities
Set Faxing MethodIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Select
the method you will use for sending a fax. Currently, only LAN fax
is supported.
14 Chapter 2 - Administrating
LAN fax service setup activities
Set product nameIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Select
the LAN fax vendor using the drop-down menu.
Set common folderIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Enter
the folder that will be used as a common, working folder for
communication between the LAN fax Server software and the HP
Digital Sender Module software.
Set login propertiesIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Click
Login Properties and select the network type (Microsoft NTLM,
Novell NDS, or Novell Bindery).
Set user log on settingsIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Click
Login Properties. Enter (or select) username, password, domain,
NDS tree, and NDS context, as necessary.
Set fax formatIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Click
the Advanced button to set the file format. This setting depends
on the LAN fax vendor’s capabilities, and you may not be able to
configure this setting.
Set transmission optionsIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Fax Settings tab. Click
the Advanced button to set the transmission options. Select
maximum speed, number of retries, and the interval (in minutes)
between retries. You can also enable or disable error correction
HP Digital Sender Module tasks
The following tables list some common HP Digital Sender Module
tasks and where you can accomplish the tasks.
Shutdown and restart activities
Shut the Digital Sender
Module down
Restart the Digital Sender
Stop the HP Digital Sender Module software using the Service
icon found in the Control Panel Programs group.
Stop and start the HP Digital Sender Module software using the
Service icon found in the Control Panel Programs group.
Introduction 15
Security activities
Change ABM password
In the ABM, select the Digital Sender menu/Security
Address book activities
Maintain the e-mail address
Maintain the e-mail
distribution lists address
Maintain the fax address
Maintain the fax distribution
lists address book
Import addresses from
another program
In the ABM, select Main menu/Public Email
In the ABM, select Main menu/Public Distribution Lists
In the ABM, select Main menu/Public Fax
In the ABM, select Main menu/Public Fax Distribu tion Lists
In the ABM, select Tools menu/Address Book Import
Check address booksShutdown and restart Windows NT/Windows 2000 PC and use
the ABM activity log to check the results.
Clear address booksIn the ABM, select Edit menu/Clear Address Books
E-mail service activities
Destinations in the public
e-mail address book
Change Enable/Disable
Send-to-E-mail Feature
Change default e-mail
attachment format
16 Chapter 2 - Administrating
In the ABM, select Main menu/Public Email
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Disabled or Licensed
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Advanced button/File Format
E-mail service activities
Change default subjectIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Default subject
Change default message
and default message
Change default resolutionIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Change default file formatIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Change default From
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Advanced button/Message
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Advanced button/Resolution
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Advanced button/File Format
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to E-mail tab/Default ‘From:’ Address
Fax service activities
Destinations in the public
fax address book
Change Enable/Disable
Send-to-Fax F eature
In the ABM, select the Main menu/Public Fax
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to Fax tab/Disabled or Licensed
Change notification default
Change notification report
Change fax qualityIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Change billing codeIn the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Destinations in the public
fax address book
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to Fax tab/No notification or Print
notification report at the MFP
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to Fax tab/Notification Report Language
Configure button Send to Fax tab/ Resolution
Configure button/Send to Fax tab/Billing Code
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/Send to Fax tab/Disabled or Licensed
Introduction 17
Reset activities
Reset address booksDelete all database files on Windows PC and restart the Windows
1 In a Typical Installation database files can be found in C:\Program
Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Digital Sender Module\db subdirectory
Miscellaneous activities
Use the activity logTools menu/View Log
Change default document
Change default document
Set two-sided (duplexed)
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/MFP Settings tab/Document Size
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/MFP Settings tab/Document Type
In the HP Configuration Utility, select the Configure Features tab/
Configure button/MFP Settings tab/2-Sided Document
18 Chapter 2 - Administrating
Controlling notifications
The HP Digital Sender Module software notifies administrators of
events in two ways:
Activity log entries
The activity log is a record of the HP Digital Sender Module and
system activities. See “Activity log messages” on page 41
list and description of entries. See “Using the activity log” on
page 22 for information on how to access the activity log.
E-mail messages
The administrator can choose to receive e-mail messages for
specific events that occur—for example, a critical error has
for a
Controlling notifications 19
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