Proper set-up and pre-delivery service are essential to rider safety and the reliability of the
machine. Any error or oversight ma de by the t echnician as sembling and ser vicing a new machine
can result in faulty operation, damage to the machine, or injury to the rider.
Improper set-up or pre-delivery service can
create an unsafe condition that can cause
your customer to be seriously hurt or killed.
Follow the procedures and precautions in
this manual and the Service Manual carefully.
Some of the most important safety precautions are given below. However, we cannot warn you
of every conceivable hazard that can arise in performing set-up and pre-delivery service. Only
you can decide whether or not you should perform a given task.
Failure to properly follow instructions and
precautions can cause you to be seriously
hurt or killed.
Follow the procedures and precautions in this
manual carefully.
Make sure you have a clear understanding of all basic shop safety practices and that you are
wearing appropriate clothing and safety equipment. When performing the set-up or pre-delivery
service, be especially careful of the following:
• Read the instructions before you begin, a nd make sure you have the tools and skills requi red to
perform the tasks safely.
• To prevent the machine from falling on you, park it on a firm, level surface, using the proper
stand(s) to provide firm support.
Make sure the engine is off before you begin any servicing procedures. This will help eliminate
several potential hazards:
• Carbon monoxide poisoning from engine exhaust—be sure there is adequate ventilation
whenever you run the engine.
• Burns from hot parts—let the engine and exhaust system cool before touching.
• Injury from moving parts—do not run the engine unless the instruction tells you to do so.
Even then, keep your hands, fingers, and clothing away.
To reduce the possibility of a fire or explosion, be careful when working around gasoline or
batteries. Use only a nonflammable solvent, not gasoline, to clean parts. Keep all cigarettes,
sparks and flames away from the battery and all fuel-related parts.
Follow the complete sequence of steps as shown. Do not short-cut any steps. The sequence has
been established to ensure the unit is properly assembled.
The individual steps are composed of three components:
• Sub-heading—The large sub-headings are a brief description of the step. They are intended
to be used by the experienced technician, one who only needs a brief reminder of the
set-up sequence.
• Descriptive text—The descriptive text explains in detail what is to be done during that step.
This explanation is intended as a guide for the technician needing additional information.
• Photographs/Line art—The photographs or line art support both the sub-headings and the
detailed text.
Indicates the set-up sectionIndicates the pre-delivery sect ion
Modifications and Accessories
Modifications that you may have made, or should make in the future, to any Honda product, shall
be deemed by our company to have been performed at your sole risk and responsibility, and
without our company's or the manufacturer's approval, or consent, implied or expressed. We
further discla im a ny and all liability, obli gation, or responsibilit y for a ny defe cts of modif ie d pa rt s
or of the modified product, and for any claims, demands, or causes of action for damage to
property or for personal injuries resulting from the modification of said Honda product.
Rubber washer664205-166-61011
Thrust washer 5 mm690504-964-00011
Truss screw 5 x 18 mm6 90111-MEL-00011
Cowl set nut 5 mm690111-KW3-00311
Socket bolt 6 x 13 mm490130-MEE-00012
Pan screw 6 x 14 mm190118-MR1-00016
8. Repsol ed ition decal set*1------------------ ----15
*Controlled Part
screwdriver, handle, 5mm hex
wrench, helmet wire set
Missing Parts or Shipping Damage
Identify missing parts by referring to the Loose Parts Information section. Order the parts
using normal parts ordering procedures. Claims for missing loose parts or those damaged
during transit should be submitted to American Honda, not the carrier. After completing
repairs, submit a Transportation Claim via iN. For complete details, please refer to the Warranty Policy and Procedures Manual.