Item # _____________________________________
Quantity ___________________________________
C.S.I. Section 11400
701 S Ridge Avenue, Troy, OH 45374
1-888-4HOBART • www.hobartcorp.com
■ Low Prole, Linear Automatic Drive
■ Removable Knife (3913)
■ Non-Removable Knife (3913N)
■ Select-A-Stroke™ Custom Stroke Lengths
■ Removable Ring Guard Cover
■ Zero Knife Exposure
■ Three Automatic Speed Settings
■ Sharpen Knife Indicator Light
■ Manual Assist Mode
■ Enduralube™ Carriage Rail System
■ Tilting, Removable Carriage System
■ Knife Sharpen Button
■ Home Start Position
❑ 3913 – Full Featured Automatic Slicer with
Removable Knife and Tool
❑ 3913N – Full Featured Automatic Slicer with
Non-Removable Knife
❑ Knife Removal Tool
❑ Full Fence
❑ Food Chute
❑ Product Deector
❑ 4" Legs
Specications, Details and Dimensions on Inside and Back.
■ 13" CleanCut™ Alloy Edged Knife
■ Top Mounted Borazon Stone Sharpener
■ Close To Stop
■ Glass Bead Finish on Gauge Plate, Top Knife
Cover and Product Tray
■ Auto Shutoff
■ Double-Action Indexing Barrel Cam
■ Gauge Plate Interlock
■ Lift Assist Cleaning Leg
■ No Volt Release
■ Rear Mounted Meat Grip
■ Ergonomic Style Handle
■ 1⁄2 H.P. PSC Knife Drive Motor
■ Sanitary Anodized Aluminum Base
■ 10 Rib Poly V-Belt Drive System
3913/3913N SLICER
F-40215 – 3913/3913N Slicer Page 1 of 4

Linear Automatic Drive with Three Speeds
Labor savings, lower maintenance costs
■ Drive system uses magnets and electricity to move
product back and forth
■ Reduces moving parts and lowers prole of automatic
■ Three carriage speeds including 30, 42 and 52
strokes per minute
Removable Knife (3913)
Easier cleaning, labor savings
■ Knife easily removes with removal tool
■ Area within ring guard is open for faster cleaning
■ Knife and tool are warewasher safe for easy cleaning
and sanitation
Select-A-Stroke™ Custom Stroke Lengths
Ease of use, improved slicing performance
■ Operator sets stroke length with position of product
■ Enables stroke lengths ideal for each product sliced
■ Reduces slicing time and wear on bearings
Removable Ring Guard Cover
Reduces labor, easier to clean
■ Catches product debris around the knife for easy
removal during cleaning
■ Reduces time to “oss” during cleaning
Zero Knife Exposure
Looking out for the operator
■ Knife edge is covered when sharpener is both
mounted, removed making cleaning easier
Manual Mode Assist
Ease of use, improved slicing performance
■ Reduces operator effort needed to move carriage
when slicing manually
Sharpen Knife Indicator Light
Improves performance, reduces cost
■ Indicates when to sharpen to reduce slicing with dull
Enduralube™ Carriage Rail System
Performance, durability, lower maintenance
■ Smooth operation from continuous lubrication of
carriage rod
■ Replenish only twice a year to maintain performance
Exclusive Tilting, Removable Carriage System
Easier to clean, reduces labor
■ Tilt design allows for ease of midday cleaning
■ Removable for complete cleaning and sanitation
Sharpen Knife Button
Reduces cost of ownership, ease of use
■ Reduces over-sharpening and extends knife life
■ Eliminates guesswork on correct sharpening length
Home Start Position
Looking out for the operator
■ Carriage must be in “home position” before the slicer
will start, ensuring tray is in optimal loading position
701 S Ridge Avenue, Troy, OH 45374
1-888-4HOBART • www.hobartcorp.com
CleanCut™ Knife
Reduces cost of ownership, improves yield
■ Super alloy edge stays sharp longer
Top Mounted Borazon Stone Sharpener
Ease of use, easier cleaning, reduces costs
■ Single action sharpens and hones in fteen seconds
■ Removable and warewasher safe for easy cleaning
and sanitation
■ Lifetime guaranteed Borazon sharpening stones
reduce maintenance costs
Close To Stop
Convenience, labor savings, energy savings
■ Closing of gauge plate turns off the slicer
Glass Bead Finish on Gauge Plate and Knife Cover
Ease of use, improves performance
■ Reduces drag for a smoother slicing motion
Automatic Shutoff
Energy savings
■ Knife shuts off after 30 seconds of inactivity to extend
motor life and save energy
Double-Action Indexing Barrel Cam
Increases reliability, easier to use
■ The rst full revolution of the indexing knob provides
precise control for shaving, chipping and thin slicing
■ The second revolution opens the gauge plate quickly
for thicker slicing
Gauge Plate Interlock
Ease of cleaning
■ Gauge plate must be closed to remove or tilt away
carriage for cleaning and cannot be opened when
product tray is tilted or removed
Lift Assist Cleaning Leg
Ease of use and cleaning
■ Gas assisted leg helps operator easily lift machine for
cleaning underneath
No Volt Release
Looking out for the operator
■ Slicer must be restarted if power fails or slicer is
Rear Mounted Meat Grip
Slicing performance, ease of use
■ Opens up front of product tray for unobstructed
■ Optimizes geometry and weight for better hold
⁄2 H.P. PSC Knife Drive Motor
Durability, cost savings
■ More efcient design reduces energy cost
Sanitary Anodized Aluminum Base
Easier cleaning, labor savings
■ Limited cracks/crevices or bolt holes where product
can lodge and bacteria may grow
■ Easy cleanup and durable nish
10 Rib Poly V-Belt Drive System
Reduces maintenance, improves efciency
■ Improves energy transfer from motor to knife
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