Each instrument manufactured by GE Pana metrics is warranted to
be free f rom defe cts in ma teria l and workm anship . L iabil ity under
this warran ty is limited to restoring the instrument to normal
operation or replaci ng the instrum ent, at the sole discretion of GE
Panametrics. Fuses and batteries are specifically excluded from
any liability. This warranty is effective from the date of delivery
to the original purchaser. If GE Panametrics determines that the
equipment was defective, the warranty period is:
• one year from delivery for electronic or mechanical failures
• one year from delivery for sensor shelf life
If GE Panametrics determines that the equipment was damaged
by misuse, improper installation, the use of unauthorized
replacement parts, or operating conditions outside the guidelines
specified by GE Panametrics, the repairs are not covered under
this warranty .
The warranties set f ort h he re in are exclusive and are in
lieu of all other warranties whether statutory, express
or implied (i ncl uding warranties or m erchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, and warranties arising
from course of dealing or usage or trade).
March 2003
Return Policy
If a GE Panametrics instrument malfunc tions within the warrant y
period, the following procedure must be completed:
1. Notify GE Panametric s, giving f ull de tails of the probl em, and
provide the model number and serial number of the
instrument. If the nature of the problem indicates the need for
factory service, GE Panametrics will issue a RETURN
instructions for the return of the instrument to a service center
will be provided.
2. If GE Panametrics instructs you to se nd your instrument to a
service center, it must be ship ped p repai d to the aut ho ri zed
repair station indic ated in the shipping instructi ons.
3. Upon receipt, GE Panametrics will evaluate the instrument to
determin e the caus e o f the ma lfu nc tion .
Then, one of the following courses of action will then be taken:
• If the damage is covered under the terms of the warranty, the
instrument will be repaired at no cost to the owner and
• If GE Panametrics determine s that the damage is not covered
under the te rms of the warranty, or if the warranty has expired,
an estimate fo r the cos t of the repairs at standard rates w i ll be
provided. Upon receip t of the owner’ s a pproval to p roceed , the
instrument will be repair ed and returned.
Appendix B: Outline and Installation Drawings
Appendix C: Menu Map
Appendix D: Data Information Sheet
Series 35 IS Data Information Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
Appendix E: Series 35 IS Hygrometer Spare Parts List
March 2003
Chapter 1
Features & Capabilities
The Series 35 IS , a microp ro ce s sor-bas ed , singl e- ch an nel
hygrometer , measures moistur e content in g ases. The S eries 35 IS
is suitable for use in a wide range of proc ess conditions requiring
real-time moistur e measurement. It measures dew/frost points
over a temperature range of –110 to +60°C (–166 to +140°F).
The followi ng topi cs are discussed in this chap t er:
• The Electro nic s Un it [pag e 1 -2]
• Moisture Probes [page 1-3]
• The Sample System [page 1-3]
• The User Program [page 1-4]
Features & Capabi li ties1-1
March 2003
The Electr on ic s Un it
The Series 35 IS portable moisture monitor is available in two
• with a self-contain ed sample syste m
• without a self-contained sample system.
Both Series 35 IS configurations display measurement data on a
one-line, 16-character alpha-numeric LCD display screen. All
probe informatio n is entered into the unit usi ng the programming
keys on the front panel keypad (see Figure 1-1 below). The
Series 35 IS operates on an interna l 6 VDC battery, and t he unit
can operate while being charged with a 12 VDC charger.
Do not use AC power in hazardous areas. Charge
the battery only in a no n-hazardous area.
Figure 1-1: Series 35 IS Front Panel
1-2Features & Capabi lities
March 2003
Moisture Probes
The moisture probe is the part of the system that comes in cont act
with the process, and is usually installed in a sample system. The
Series 35 IS uses any M Series probe to measure dew point
temperature in °C or °F. A sensor assembly is secured to the
probe mount and protected with a sinte red sta inless steel shield
(see Figure 1-2 below). Other types of shields are available.
Figure 1-2: The M Series Probe
The Sample System
The sample system conditions or controls a sample stream to the
specificati on s of the m eas urement probe. Typically, the sample
system is kept very simple, with as few component s as possible
located upstream of the measurement probe. The sample system
may include a filter to remove particulates from the sample
stream and/or a pressure regulator to reduce or control the
pressure of the sample stream. In gene ral, stainless steel is the
preferred material for all the sample system’s wetted parts.
If it was specified at the time of purchase, your Series 35 IS will
include a self-contained sa mple system.
Features & Capabi li ties1-3
March 2003
The User Pr o gram
The Series 35 IS contains a user program that en abl es you to
change moisture calibration data and selec t a number of userdefined program functions.
All functions and feature s of the Series 35 IS user program are
discussed in Chapter 3, Operating the Series 35 IS.
1-4Features & Capabi lities
March 2003
Chapter 2
Installing the Series 35 IS
This chapter d isc uss es ins tal l ing the Series 35 IS in all its
configurations. Use the following list of procedures to help you
install your unit.
Depending on the type of unit you have, refer to the appropriate
section(s) that fo llow to install your Series 35 IS correctly.
Installing your Seri es 35 IS consists of the following proc edures:
• Choosing a Measurement Site [page 2-2]
• Moisture Probe Considerations [page 2-3]
• Sample Sys tem G u ide lin es [p ag e 2 -5]
• Mounting an External Sample System [pag e 2-6]
• The Self-Contained Sample System [page 2-7]
• Installing a Probe into a Sample System [page 2-8]
• Making External Probe Connections [page 2-11]
Proceed to the appropriat e sec tion to install your Series 35 IS.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-1
March 2003
Choosing a Measurement Site
You should have disc ussed environmental factors with a GE
Panametrics applications engine er or field sales person before
you receive your Series 35 IS. The equipment should be sui ted to
both the application and the measurement site.
Read the following guide lines to verify th at you have se lected t he
best measurement site.
• Choose a measurement site for the probe and sa mple syste m as
close to the process line as possi ble. Avoid long lengths of
connecting tubing. If long distances are unavoidable, a fastsampling bypass loop is recommende d.
• Do not install any other components, such as filters, upstre am
of the probe or sample system unless instruc ted to do so by GE
Panametrics. Many common components, suc h as filters and
pressure reg ulators, are not suitable for sample systems. These
components contain wett ed parts that may absorb or release
materials (e.g. , moi sture) into the sample stream or allow
ambient contamination to e nter the sample stream. In general,
use stainless-s teel for all parts in contact with the sample.
• Observe all normal safety precautions. Use the probes within
their maximum pressure and tempera ture ratings.
• Do not expose the electronic s unit to high te mperatur es, strong
electrical transients, mechanical vibrations, corrosive
atmospheres, or any other conditions that could damage or
interfere with the Seri es 35 IS operation. See Chapter 5,
Specifications, for limits.
• If you are using an external sample system, you should
observe the proper cable restrictions for the probes. The M
Series probes require specially shielded cable. For units with
separate sample system s, you can locate the M Series probes
up to 100 meters (330 feet) from the Series 35 IS.
• Protect the probe cables from excessive strain (bending,
pulling, twisting, etc.). In addition, do not subject the cables to
temperatures above 65°C (149°F) or below –50° C (–58°F).
2-2Installing the Seri es 35 IS
March 2003
Moisture Probe Considerations
The M Series probes consist of an alu minum oxide se nsor l ocated
on a connector and covered by a protective stainless-steel shield.
The probe sensor material s and housing maximize durability an d
minimize water absorbing sur faces in the vicinity of the
aluminum oxide surface. A sintered sta inless-steel shield protects
the sensor from high flow rates and particulate matter (other
shields are available ) . Do not remov e the shield except upon
advice from GE Panametrics.
The sensor design permits the device to withstand normal shock
and vibration. Be sure t o avoid touching the active sensor surface
or allowing it to come into direct contac t with foreign objects.
Such contact may ad v ersel y aff ect pe rformance.
Observing these precau tions should ensure a long and useful
probe life. GE Panametrics recommends that you check probe
calibration routinely, at one-yea r int ervals, or as rec ommended by
the applications engineers for your particular application.
Because the probe measures water vapor pressure in its
immediate vicinit y, proximity to the system walls, materials of
construction, and other environmental factors can influence
readings. You can operate the sensor under vacuum or pressure
and under dynamic or static condi tions. Observe the following
environmental precautions.
1. Tempera ture Ran g e: the standard probe is operable from
–110°C to +70°C (–166°F to +158°F).
2. Moisture Condensation : be sure the temperature is at least
10°C higher than the dew/frost point temperature. If this
condition is not maintai ned, moisture condensation could
occur on the sensor or in the sample system and cause reading
errors. If reading errors occur, refer to “Aluminum Oxide
Probe Maintenance” in Appendix A.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-3
March 2003
Moisture Probe Considerations (cont.)
3. Static or Dynamic U se: the sensor perform s equally well in
still air or where con sid er ab le flow o ccurs . Its smal l size
makes it ideal for measuring moist ure conditions within
completely sealed cont ainers or dry boxes. It also performs
well under gas flow li near ve lociti es as hi gh as 10,0 00 cm/sec,
and liquid flow linear velocities to 10 cm/sec. Refer to Tables
A-2 and A-3 in Appendix A for maximum gas and liquid flow
4. Pressure: the moisture probe always sens es the exist ing water
vapor pressure regardless of the total ambient pres sure. The
moisture sensor measure s water vapor under vacuum or high
pressure conditions from as little as a few microns Hg to as
high as 5000 psi total pressure .
abrupt humidity changes do not affect the sensor, and
exposure to satura tion conditions does not damag e the sensor,
even when sto red.
6. Freedom from Interference: the pr esence of a wid e var iety
of gases or organic liquids does not affect the sensor. Also,
large concentrations of hydrocarbon gases, Freon®, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, a nd hydrogen do not affect sensor
water vapor indications. The sensor functions pr operly in a
multitude of gaseous or non-c onductive liquid environments.
7. Corrosive Mat erials: avoid all materials that are corrosive or
otherwise damaging to alumin um or aluminum oxide. These
include strongly acidic or basic materials and primar y amines.
Freon is a registered tr ademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
2-4Installing the Seri es 35 IS
March 2003
Sample System Guidelines
A sample system, although not mandatory, is highly
recommended for moisture measur ement. The purpose of a
sample system is to condition or control a sample stream to
within the spe cifications of the probe. The application
requirements dete rmine the design of the sample system. GE
Panametrics applications engine ers can make recommendations
based on the following general guidelines:
• Typically, keep the sample sys tem simple. Include as few
components as possible and loca te all or most of the
components downstream of the measure ment probe. A simple
sample system consists of an explosion-proof housing with a
sample cell, a filter, and inlet and outlet needle va lves.
• Do not use any material for sample system components that
can affe ct measur ements. A sample sy stem may inc lu de a f ilter
to remove particulat es fro m the sample stream and/or a
pressure regulator to reduce or control the pressure of the
stream. However, most common filters and pressure re gulators
are not suitable for sample syste ms because their wetted parts
may absorb or release components (such as moisture) into the
sample stream. They may also allow ambient contamination to
enter the sample stream. In general, use stainless-steel for all
wetted parts.
Note: The actual sam ple system design depends on the
application requirements.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-5
March 2003
Mounting an External Sample System
Note: If you have a Series 35 IS with a self-containe d sample
system, disregard this section and p roceed to The SelfContained Sample System on page 2-7.
The sample sys tem is usually fastened t o a me tal pla te that ha s
four mounting holes. GE Panametrics can provide the sample
system in an enclosure, if reque sted. Sample system outline and
dimension drawings are included in your shipment, if you
ordered them.
Use the following steps to mount the external sample sys tem and
connect it to the process:
1. Fasten the sam ple sys tem p lat e or encl os u re to a soli d stab l e
surface with bolts and washers in each of its four corners.
2. Connect the process supply a nd return lines to the sample
system inlet and outlet using the required stainless-st eel
fittings and tubing.
Do not start a flow through the system until the
probe h as been properl y ins tall ed.
Note: For common applications, GE Panametrics ca n pr ovide a
standar d sample system. If applicable, additional
instructions on how to start up and shut down the sample
system may be included.
2-6Installing the Seri es 35 IS
March 2003
The Self-Contained Sample System
The Portable Series 35 IS can include a self-contained sample
system as shown in Appendix B. This sample system is
constructed with 1/4" Swagelok® inlet and outlet compression
fittings and 1/4" stainless-ste el tubing.
The sample system also includes inle t and outlet needle valves
and a 7-micron sintered stainless-steel filter with a replaceable
element. All wetted parts are Series 300 stainless steel, Viton®,
or Teflon®. The maximum allowable pressure for the sample
system is 4500 psig. See Figure 2-1 below.
Sample Cell
Figure 2-1: Self-Contained Sample System with Probe
Swagelok is a registered trademark of Crawford Fitting Company.
Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company , Inc.
Viton is a registered t rademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers, L.L.C.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-7
March 2003
Installing a Probe into a Sample System
The sample system design protect s the aluminum oxide moisture
probe from particulates and is recommended for process gases
such as dry instrument/pl ant air or other similar process gas.
Other sample handling equipment ( pr essure regulators, cooling
coils, additional filte rs, pressure gauges, rota- meters, etc.) may be
required for some applications. Contact GE Panametrics or see
Appendix A for general information about using GE
Panametrics’ Aluminum Oxide Moist ure Probe. Proceed to the
appropriate probe insta llation sect ion for your system.
If you mount the probe directly into the process line,
cons ult GE Panametri c s f or proper installation
instruct ions and prec autions.
External Sample System
Use the following steps to inst all the probe into the external
sample cell. Refer to Figure 2-2 below.
Sample Cell
Figure 2-2: A Typical Probe Insta llation
2-8Installing the Seri es 35 IS
March 2003
External Sample Syst em (cont.)
1. Insert the probe int o the sample cell so that it is perpendic ular
to the sample inlet.
IMPORTAN T: For maximum protection of the aluminum oxide
sensor, always leave the shield in place.
2. Screw the probe into the receptacle fitting, making sure not to
cross the threads.
Note: M2 probes have 3/4- 16 straight threads with an o-ring
seal for installation either into the sample system or
dir ectly into the process line. Other mounts are available
for special applications.
3. Hand-tighten the probe in a clockwise direction , then tighten it
an additional 1/8 turn with a wrench .
Figure 2-2 on page 2-8 shows a typical probe install ation wi th the
probe mounted into a sample cell.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-9
March 2003
Self-Contained Sample System
Use the following steps to install the pro be into the sample cel l of
a self-contained sa mple syste m:
1. Loosen the two quarter -turn screws on the back of the
Series 35 IS cover.
2. Remove the cover b y gently lifting it off the unit from back to
front. Be careful not to pull on the cable s that connect to the
3. Insert the probe into the sample cell.
4. Screw the probe into the receptacle fitting, making sure not to
cross the threads.
Note: Insert the probe into the cylindrical shaped container
called the sample cell, which is included as part of your
sample system. M2 probes have 3/4-16 straight threads
and an o-ring seal for installa tion of the pro be into the
standar d sample cell (see Figure 2-1 on page 2-7).
5. Hand-tighten the probe in a clockwise direction , then tighten it
an additional 1/8 turn with a wrench .
6. Connect the blue probe cable to the probe by inserting the
bayonet-type connector onto the probe and twisting the shell
clockwise until it snaps into a locked position.
Note: The connector on the probe cable must be rotated until it
aligns with the pins in the probe connector, before the
cable may be properly inserted into the probe and
7. Close the Series 35 IS cover and tighten the two quarter-turn
screws on the back of the cover.
2-10Installing the Series 35 IS
March 2003
Making External Probe Connections
Probe connections may differ, depending on the type of sample
system you are using. Connect the moisture probe using a
continuous run of GE Panametrics two-wire shielded cable (see
Figure 2-3 below).
Figure 2-3: Two-Wire Shielded Cable
Protect all cables fr om excessive strain (bending, pulling, etc.).
Do not subject cables to temperat ures above +65°C (149°F) or
below –50°C (–58°F). You can order standard cable assemblies
(including connector s) from GE Panametrics in any length up to
100 meters (330 feet).
Use the following steps to make probe connections:
Note: Probe conn ections for an internal sampl e system have
been described in the previous section. The following
instructions are for an external sample system only.
1. Turn off the Series 35 IS.
2. Connect the cable to the probe by insert ing the bayonet-type
connector ont o the probe and twist ing the shell cloc kwise until
it snaps into a locked position.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-11
June 2004
Making External Probe Connections (cont.)
Note: The connector on the probe cable must be rotated until it
aligns with the pins in the probe connector, before the
cable may be properly inserted into the probe and
3. Connect the other end of the probe cable to the terminal block
on the Series 35 IS side panel (see Table 2-1 below and
Figure 2-4 on page 2-13).
IMPORTAN T: To maintain good contact at each terminal block
and to avoid damagi ng th e pins on the c onnec tor,
pull the connector strai ght off (not at an angle),
make cable connections while the connector is
away from the unit, and push the connector
straight on (not at an angle) when the wiring is
The M Ser ies probe may not be c apable of
withstand ing the 500 V ins ulation test required
by clause 5.7 of EN50 020 when installed in the
proces s m edia. This must be taken into acco unt
in any ins tal lat ion in which it is u se d.
(See Cert. #Ex95C2002X in its entirety.)
Table 2-1: Probe Connections
Red (H2) wirepin 1
Shieldpin 2
Green (H1) wirepin 3
2-12Installing the Series 35 IS
Terminal Block
June 2004
Figure 2-4: Probe Te rminal Block Location
Installing the Series 35 IS2-13
June 2004
Using Modified or Non-GE Panametrics Cables
In some installations, it may be desirable to use a pre-existing
moisture cable or to modify the standard GE Panametrics
moisture cable. If this a pproach is taken, it is essential that the
following precaution s be observed. Further more, after connectin g
the moisture probe, a calibration adjustm ent must be performed
to compensate for any electrical offset s introduced by the nonstandard cable .
GE Pana m et ric s c annot guarantee operation
of the Ser ies 35 IS to the spe c ifi ed accuracy
unless a s tan dard GE Pana m et ric s
hygrome t er c able is used.
1. Use cable that matches the electrical characteristics of GE
Panametrics cable (contact the factory for specific information
on cable characteristics).
2. If possible, avoid all splices. Splices will
impair the
performance of the instrum ent. When possible, instead of
splicing, coil the excess cable.
3. If you must splice cables, be sure the splice introduces
minimum resistive leakage or capac itive coupling between
4. Carry the shie ld through any splice. A common mistake is to
not connect the shields over the splice. If you are modifying a
GE Panametrics cable, the shield will not be accessible
without cutting ba ck the cable insulation. Also, do not
the shield at both ends. The shi eld should be grounded only at
the hygrometer end, as described in Table 2-1 on page 2-12.
2-14Installing the Series 35 IS
June 2004
Performing a Calibration Adjustment
After completing the installation of a modified or non-standard
moisture cable , it is necessa ry to perfor m a calibr atio n adjust ment
on the Series 35 IS. This procedure will adjust the electronics to
compensate for any error or offset introduced by splices or long
cable lengths. It is also recommended that a calibration be
performed after the installation of a new GE Panametrics cabl e,
to ver i f y the acc u r a cy of the unit.
Use the following steps to perfor m a calibr ation adjustment:
1. Power up the Series 35 IS.
2. To check the new cable, se t up the screen to display “MH”.
See Chapter 3, Operating the Series 35 IS, for instructions on
how to navigate through the user progra m.
3. Note the high, low and zero reference values that are recorded
on the sticker located on the inside of the Series 35 IS chassis.
4. Disconnect the cable from the probe only (leave the cable
connected to the Series 35 IS), and verify that the displayed
MH value equals the zero refere nce value within ± 0.0003 MH.
If this reading is within spe cifications, no further testing is
5. If the zero refere nce value r eading above wa s out of range , the
low referenc e value must be adjusted . For readi n gs mo re tha n
0.0003 below the previously recorded zero reference value,
add the difference to the low reference value. For readings
more than 0.0003 above the previously recorded zero
reference value, subtract the difference from the low reference
value. Record the fi nal cor rec te d low refere n ce val u e.
6. Reprogram the Series 35 Is with the new, corrected low
reference value. See Entering High and Low Reference V al ues
in Chapte r 3.
7. Make sure the ca ble is still disconnected from the probe but is
connected t o the Seri es 35 IS.
Installing the Series 35 IS2-15
June 2004
Performing a Calibration Adjustment (cont.)
8. Recheck the zero reference reading and verify that it is now
within ±0.0003 MH of the previously recorded value.
9. Fill out a new reference sticker with the final low reference
value and/or record the information on the Data Information Sheet in Appendix D. Make sure the following information is
• HIGH REF = Original Value
• LOW REF = New Corrected Value
• ZERO REF = Original Recorded Value
10.Re co nn ect the cabl e t o the prob e .
Note: If the cable is changed in any way, repeat the above
proce dure for maximum accuracy of the unit.
The Series 35 IS is now ready for operation. Proceed to
Chapter 3, Operating the Series 35 IS.
2-16Installing the Series 35 IS
March 2003
Chapter 3
Operat ing the Series 35 IS
Your factory-programmed Series 35 IS can begin taking
measurements as soon as you turn the power on. The user
program enables you to enter and change setup information.
Note: The Series 35 IS suspends taking measurements when you
enter the user pr ogram listed below. Refer to the menu
map in Appendix C to navigate the user program.
This section explains the following procedures:
• Getting Started [page 3-2]
• Using the Keypad to Enter and Change Data [page 3-5]
• Verifying and Changing Factory Setup Data [pa ge 3-9]
• Changing the Measurement Displ ay [page 3-14]
• Entering an O ffset Value for Dew/Frost Point [pag e 3-1 5 ]
• Entering a Constant Pressure Value [page 3-16]
• Entering a PPMv Constant Multiplier [page 3-18]
• Entering an Interval for Automatic Calibration [page 3-19]
• Viewing the Battery Status [page 3- 21]
• Entering a Bac klig h t-O n Time Interval [pag e 3 -22 ]
• Setting Up Computer-Enhanced Response [page 3-23]
• Setting Up Range Error Processing [page 3-25]
• Selecting AC Line Frequency (60/50 Hz) [page 3-26]
• Adjusting the Contrast [page 3-27]
• Setting the Clock Values [page 3-28]
• Setting Up the Data Logger [ page 3-30]
Operating the Series 35 IS3-1
March 2003
Getting Started
Your unit is completely set up at the factory. To begin taking
measurements, you only need to apply power to the unit and start
up the sample system. Complete the instructions in the fol lowing
sections to get your unit up and runnin g:
• Starting Up and Shutting Down the Sample System
• Powering up the Series 35 IS
3-2Operat ing the Series 35 IS
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