The CAR2548TN series of Front-End rectifiers provide highly efficient isolated power from worldwide input mains in a
compact 1U industry standard form factor in an unprecedented power density of 27W/in
complement the CAR2548 product line providing comprehensive solutions for systems connected either to
commercial ac mains, 48/60Vdc power plants or telecom central offices. This plug and play approach offers
significant advantages since systems can be reconfigured and repositioned readily by simply replacing the power
supply. The high-density, front-to-back airflow is designed for minimal space utilization and is highly expandable for
future growth. The industry standard PMBus compliant I
C communications buss offers a full range of control and
monitoring capabilities. The SMBusAlert signal pin alerts customers automatically of any state change within the
power supply.
Input: 90Vac to 264Vac; Output: -54 Vdc @ 2500W; 3.3Vdc or 5 Vdc @ 1A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only, functional
operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet.
Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect the device reliability.
Parameter Device Symbol Min Max Unit
Input Voltage: Continuous All VIN 0 264 Vac
Operating Ambient Temperature All TA -10 701 °C
Storage Temperature All Tstg -40 85 °C
I/O Isolation voltage (100% factory Hi-Pot tested) All 1500 Vdc
Electrical Specifications
Unless otherwise indicated, specifications apply over all operating input voltage, load, and temperature conditions.
Parameter Device Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Operational Range All VIN 90 110/230 264 Vac
Frequency Range (ETSI 300-132-1 recommendation) All