it containsdetailed informationon the operationand
recommendedmaintenanceof your new Microwave
Oven. Once YOU have read the book, keep it handy to
answer any questions you may have.
If you have any additionalquestionsconcerningthe
operationof your MicrowaveOven, write—including
your phone number—to:
General Electric Company
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
contactthe retail dealer (or builder) from whom you
purchasedit. They have been informedof the proper
procedureto take care of such mattersand can
handle it for you.
Before You Call for Service:
Check “CommonProblems”section.(See Table of
Contents for page number.) It lists many minor causes
of operatingproblemsthat you can correct yourself
and may save you an unnecessary service call.
Need Service?
In many cities, there’s a General Electric Factory Service Center. Call, and a radio-dispatchedtruck will
come to yourhome by appointment—morningor
afternoon.Charge the work, if you like. All the centers
accept both Master Charge and Visa cards. (See Fac-
tory Service Centers in Table of Contents.)
Or look for GeneralElectricfranchisedCustomer
Care@ servicers. You’ll find them in the Yellow Pages
Register Your Oven
It is importantthat we the manufacturerknow the
locationof the MicrowaveOven you are now using
should a need occur for adjustments.
Please check with your supplierto be sure he has
registeredyou as the owner; also send in your Purchase Record Card. If you move, or if you are not the
originalpurchaserplease write to US, stating model
and serial numbers.This appliance must be regis-
tered. Please be certain that it is.
Write to:
General Electric Company
Product Service Section
Range Marketing Operation
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
Record Model and Serial Numbers
Your General Electric MicrowaveOven has a nameplate on whichis stampedthe model number and
serial number. (See page 9 for location.)
Model and serial numbers are also on the Purchase
Record Card which came with your Microwave Oven.
Before sending in this card, please record the numbers
in the space provided, or get them from the nameplate
described above, and record here.
Please refer to both model and serial numbers in any
future correspondenceor product service calls concerning your Microwave Oven.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
Steps to Follow for Further Help
First, ‘contactthe people who serviced your m[cro-
wave oven. Explain why you are dissatisfied.In most
cases, this will solve the problem.
Next, if you are stilr dissatisfied,write all the details—
including your phone number—to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
General Electric Company
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
Finally, if your problem is still not resolved, write:
Major ApplianceConsumer Action Panel
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
This panel, knownas MACAP,is a group of independent consumerexperts under the sponsorshipof
several industry associations.Its purpose is to study
practices and advise the industry of ways to improve
customer service. Because MACAP is free of industry
controland influence,it is able to make impartial
recommendations,consideringeach case individually.
For personalsafety, this appliancemust be properly
grounded. The power cord of this appliance is equipped with
a three-prong(grounding)plug which mates with a standard
three-prong(grounding)wall receptacle. (See picture, left. )
To minimize the posslbildy of severe or fatal electric shock
hazard from this appliance, the customer should have the wall
receptacle and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle is encountered,
it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer
to have a qualifiedelectricianreplace it with a properly
grounded three-prong wall receptacle.
Do not, under any circumstances,cut or remove the third
(ground) prong from the power cord.
Safetv TimtoFollow
1. For personalsafety the oven must be properly
grounded.See groundinginstructionson Page 3 of
this book.
2. Cookingutensilsmay becomehot becauseof
heat transferredfrom the heated food. This is espe-
cially true if plastic wrap has been coveringthe top
andhandlesof theutensil.Pot holdersmaybe
3. Sometimes,the oven shelf can become too hot to
touch. Be careful when touchingthe shelf during and
after cooking.
4. “Boilable”cookingpouchesand tightly closedplastic bags shouldbe slit, prickedor vented as di-
rectedin Cookbook.If they are not, plasticcould
burst duringor immediatelyafter cooking,possibly
resultingin injury.Also, plasticstoragecontainers
shouldbe at least partiallyuncoveredbecausethey
forma tightseal. Whencookingwith containers,
tightlycoveredwith plasticwrap, removecovering
5. Don’t defrost frozen beverages in narrow necked
bottles especiallycarbonatedones. Even if the con-
taineris opened,pressurecan buildup. This can
cause the containerto burst, resultingin injury.
6. Don’t overcook.Excessiveovercookingdehy-
drates potatoes, and may cause them to catch fire
causing damage.
7. If food shouid ever ignite, keep the oven door
closed.Turnoff thepowerimmediately.Touch
CLEAR/OFFor disconnectpowercord or shut off
power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
8. Remove the temperatureprobe from the ovenwhen not using it to cook with. If you leave the probe
inside the oven withoutinsertingit in food or liquid
and turn on microwaveenergy,it can createelectrical arcingin the oven, and damageoven walls or
9. Removewire twist-tieson paperandplastic
bags beforeplacingin oven. Twist-tiessometimes
cause bag to heat, and may cause fire.
10. Boiiing eggs (in or out of the sheil) is not recom-mended for microwavecooking.Pressurecan build
up inside egg yolk and cause it to burst, resultingin
11. Do not pop popcornin your microwaveoven
unless in a special microwavepopcornaccessoryor
unlessyou use popcornin a packagelabeledfor
microwaveovens. Becauseof the heat generated,
withoutthese precautions,the containercould catch
12. Use metai oniy as directed in cookbook.Metal
strips as used on meat roasts are helpful in cooking
food when used as directed.Metal trays may be used
and directsteamaway fromhandsand
for TV dinners.However,whenusing metal in the
microwaveoven,keep metai at least l-inchaway
from sides of microwave oven.
13. Do not use any thermometerin food you are
microwavingunless that thermometeris designedor
recommendedfor use in the microwaveoven.
14. Do not store flammabiemateriaisin an oven.
Also, do not use flammablefluids in the vicinityof
your oven.
15. Do not use your microwaveoven to dry news-papers. If overheated,they can catch fire.
16. PiasticUtensiis–Plasticutensils designedfor
microwavecookingare very useful,but shouldbe
used carefully.Even microwaveplastic may not be as
tolerantof overcookingconditionsas are glass or
ceramicmaterialsandmay softenor char if subjected to short periods of overcooking.In longer exposuresto overcooking,the food and utensilsmay
even ignite.For thesereasons:1) Use microwave
plastics only and use them in strict compliancewith
the utensilmanufacturer’srecommendations.2) Do
not subject empty utensils to microwaving.3) Do not
permit childrento use plasticutensilswithoutcomplete supervision.
17, Don’t operate the oven whiie empty in order t
prolongthe life of the oven and save energy.If, by
accident,the oven should run empty a minute or two,
no harm is done.
Have it instailed and properly grounded by a qual-
ified instaiier.See the specialinstallationbooklet
packed with the microwaveoven.
2. The vent fan in your Spacemakeroven wiii oper-
ate automaticallyundercertainconditions(see
Automatic Fan Feature, page 7). Whiie the fan is operating cautionis required to prevent the starting
and spreading of accidentalcooking fires whiie the
vent fan is in use. For this reason:
A. Never ieave surface units unattendedat high
heat settings. Boilover causes smokingand greasy
spilloversthat may ignite and spread if vent fan is
operating.To minimizeautomaticfan operation,
use adequate sized utensils and use high heat settings only when necessary.
B. in the event of a grease fire, smotherflaming
pan on surfaceunit by coveringpan completely
with well-fittinglid, cookie sheet or flat tray.
C. Never frame foods under the oven with the ventfan operating because it may spread the flames.
D. Keep hood and grease fiiters clean, accordin
to instructionson pages 17 and 19, to maintain
good venting and avoid grease fires.
Introductionto YourOven
9 (. Door Handle. Oven doesn’t operate unless door is
securely latched.
2. Door Latch. Push in to open door.13. Hold/Timer.Two functions.Use as a kitchen
3. Window with Metal Shield. Screen allows cooking
to be viewedwhile leavingmicrowavesconfinedin,
4. Oven Light. Goes on whendooris openedor
when oven is operatingand duringthe hold timer
function.15. NumberPads. Touch to enter Time or Temper-
5. Plastic StirrerCover.Protectsthe modestirrer
which distributesmicrowaveenergy into the oven.
6. Oven Vent.
7. Oven Sheif.
8. Micro-ThermometerTMTemperatureProbe.Use
with TemperatureCook, Temp Hold andSimmer‘N
CookTM features only.
9. Receptacle for Temperature Probe.
10. Time or TemperatureDispiay. Duringcooking,
shows cookingtimes in minutes and secondsor tem-
perature in degrees.
11. Power Levei Dispiay. Shows Power Level being
used in diaits from 1 to 10.
2. CookingFunctionlets you knowwhichof six
‘functionsyouare settingor using:TIMECOOK,
timer or to programa no-heatperiod before cooking
or betweendefrostand cook.(See pages6 and
14. FunctionPads. See pages 6 and 7 for detailed
descriptionof the functionsand their uses.
ature and Power Level.
16. Ciear/Off.Stopsthe oven and erasesall set-
tings. Press to erase PF (Power Failure) from display
when first plugged in.
17. Power Levei Guide. Wordsabovenumbersindicatecorrespondingpowerlevelsin yourMicrowave Guide and Cookbook.
18. Start. Press after setting controls.Prevents acci-
dental starting.Always press Start last.
Grease Fiiters.
Cooktop Light.
Hood Controis:
Fan Switch. Press once for high speed.Press
twice for low speed. Press again for off.
Lamp Switch. Push and hold lamp switch until
fluorescent lamp lights.
——2-:. -.<
Featuresof YourMicr(
The Touch ControlPanel allows you to set the oven
controlselectronicallywith a press of the finger.It’s
designedto be easy to understandand use. Follow
these steps:
one of these basic cookingfunctionpads. (The func-
tions and their uses are explainedin this book.)
Use the followingspecial functionpads for extra flexibility. (This book tells you when to use each pad.)
correspondingnumberpads, whichgive the oven
When the oven is not in use, display is dark. During
Time functions,display shows minutes and seconds.
During Temperaturecooking,display shows -90°or
the internaltemperatureof food in degreesF. between 90° and 200:
Shows what Power Level is being used. The guide
above the Power Level Pad tells you whichPower
Level numberscorrespondto High,Medium-High,
Medium,Low and Warm whichare PowerLevels
referred to in the cookbook.
3.CHANGEPOWERLEVELif you wanta Power
Level other than automatic10 (cooking)or 3 (defrost-
ing).TouchPowerLevelpad, thennumberpad
This functionprovidesdigit time display withoutmicrowave energy.
Touch HOLD/TIMERand enter numbersto program
a no-heat period before cookingor betweenDefrost
and Cook. When oven is not in use, can be used as a
kitchentimer. Touch HOLD/TIMER,enter time and
press Start. (See pagel 6.)
The memoryfunctionallows you to store simpleinstructionsor complete2, 3 or 4-step programsfor future use. Use the oven for other microwavingwhile it
TouchMEMORYENTRY/RECALLto storeinstructions or when you are ready to use storedinstructions or want to check informationin memory.(See
pages 14 and 15.)
ave TouchControlPanel
The oven lets you mic~owaveby time in 2 different
ways. ProgramTime Cook and Defrost with Hold for
even greater flexibility.
Touch DEFROST and enter time for uniformdefrost-
ing with little or no attention.AutomaticPower Level
of 3 can be changedafter time entry. Display counts
DOWN in seconds. (See page 8.)
Touch TIME COOK, then enter numbers and micro-
wave to an exact time. The automaticPower Level of
10 can be changed,but only after time is entered.
Display counts DOWN in seconds. (See page 9.)
Use the automatictemperatureprobeto cookby
temperaturein 2 ways. TemperatureCook can be
programmedwithHoldfor delayedstartor with
TouchTEMP COOK then enter numbersto microwave to desired internal temperature.The automatic
Power Level of 10 can be changedafter temperature
is entered.Displayshowsinternaltemperatureof
food in 1 degree F. increments.Oven shuts off when
preset temperatureis reached. (See page 10.)
TouchSIM ‘N COOK‘Mfor slow, temperature-con-
trolled simmering.Temperatureand Power Level are
set automatically.Cook for as long as you like. There
is no automaticshut-off.(See page 12 and cookbook
for special slow-cookrecipes.)
TouchTEMP HOLD whenyou want to hold just-
cooked foods at serving temperature,or to warm up
leftovers.The holding temperaturebetween 90° and
200”Fmust be selectedas well as a, lower Power
Level if usinginsteadof the automatic(10) High.
There is no automaticshut-off. (See page13.)
Touch NUMBERPADS to enter Time, Temperature,
or Power Level.
CLEAR/OFFstops the oven and erases all settings.
Press START after setting controls when you are
ready to use the oven.
The oven microwavesat 10 differentpower levels for
completeflexibility.If no powerlevel is set, oven
automaticallyselects Power Level High (10) for time
and temperaturecooking (exceptwhen using Sim ‘N
Cook cycle).
Touch POWER LEVEL and enter desired number’ to
select a new power level after completing the cooking function entry. Power Level can be changed at
any time during microwaving, except when using Sim
‘N Cook ‘Mcycle. (See pagel 2.)
Cookingappliancesinstaiiedunder the oven might,
under some heavy usage conditions,cause temperatures high enoughto overheatsome internaiparts
of the microwaveoven.
To preventoverheatingfrom takingpiace, the vent
fan is designedto automaticallyturn on at low speed
if excessivetemperaturesoccur. Shouid this happen,
the fan cannot be manuaily turned off, but it wiii auto-
cooied. The fan may stay on up to approximateiy30
minutes after the range and microwaveoven controis
have been turned off.
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