FIRST THINGS FIRST ................... ................... 3
Connecting your TV ....... ;............. ..... ....................... 4
TV only ...... ............... ...... ..... ...... :......................... 4
TV with other components ................................ 4
USING THE MENU SYSTEM, ........ '...... ............ 7
The Menu Rule: Point and Select. ...... _................ ... 8
What is Point and Select? .................................. 8
Menus andControl Panels .................................... 10
Menus ............................... ........ ........................ 10
Control Panels .............. ...... .................... .......... 11
Choice Lists ....................................... ................ 12
Numeric Entry .............................. .................... 13
INTERACTIVE SETUP .................................... 15
Entering Setup ....................................................... 16
Select a Language .............................. ................... 16
Auto Channel Search ............................................ 17
Set the Time ...... _..................... _.............................. 18
Set the VCR1 Channel ................ ........................... 19
Set the DVDNCR2 Channel ..... .............................. 20
Set the SAT/CABLE Channel ................................. 21
Label the Channels ...................... ;...................... ... 22
PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE ........ . .......... 25
Programming the Remote .................................... 26
To Control a VCR .................... _......................... 26
To Control a Second VCR or Laserdisc Player 28
To Control an RCA Audio Device .................... 28
To Control a Satellite Receiver or Cable Box. 29
Using the Remote to Control.a Device ................ 29
TOUR OF THE TV ...................... ,................... 31
Remote Buttons ...................................... ............... 32
Back Panel .............................................................. 34
Front Panel ............................................ ................. 36
Channel Marker ..................................................... 37