Gateway GT704WGB User Manual

Verizon Wireless DSL Gateway
Wireless Security Setup
Please keep for your records
Your new Wireless DSLGateway will enableyou totakefull advantage of some of the newest technologies available today.It is simple to use the wirelessnetworking features built into your new Wireless DSL Gateway.
CopytheWirelessEncryption Privacy(WEP) KEY and Enhanced Service Set IDentifer (ESSID) from the sticker on the bottom of the gateway (MAC ID is not required for wireless settings). The Wireless Gateway uses 64 bit WEP encryption by default. Your wireless PC must be configured for 64 bitWEP during setup.
(Sticker on Gateway bottom)
(Sticker Example)
continued on back
Many of the newer laptop computers have wireless capabilities builtin.If your laptop PC has wireless built in, simply enter the WEP KEY and ESSID values located on the bottom of the Wireless Gateway into
(Copy your actual values here
and keep for your records)
the appropriate fields as directed by your laptop user guide.
Ifyour laptopdoesnothavebuiltin wireless capabilities,youcan purchase an 802.11g or 802.11b wireless card.Once you successfully install your
802.11g or802.11bcard,you willneed to enterthe WEP KEYand ESSID values located on the bottom of the Wireless Gateway into the appropriate fields as directed by your wireless adapter software.
Note:TheWEP KEY and ESSID are basic security features that are unique to your gateway. You will not be able to surf the Internet if you do not enter theWEP KEY and ESSID properly.
You willbe ableto connectmultiplewireless computersto theInternet at the same time.
If yourequire additional information,please see the user manual.
for Networking Accessories,please visit:
PI981/0908 Stock#: 0530-0589-000