Garmin GFC 500 Maintenance Manual

190-02291-01 2017 Revision 1
GFC 500
Autopilot with Envelope Stability
And Protection
Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Includes Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page i 190-02291-01 Revision 1
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Revision Date
Initial Release
Table of Contents
i – vi
Section 1
1 – 4
Section 2
5 – 9
Section 3
10 – 10
Section 4
11 – 17
Section 5
18 – 20
Section 6
21 – 23
Section 7
24 – 24
Section 8
25 – 25
Section 9
26 – 38
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page ii 190-02291-01 Revision 1
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GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page iii 190-02291-01 Revision 1
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Content, Scope, Purpose .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Applicability ................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Organization .................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Definitions/Abbreviations ............................................................................................... 2
1.5 Units of Measure ........................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Reference Publications ................................................................................................. 3
1.7 Revision and Distribution ............................................................................................... 4
1.8 Garmin Technical Support ............................................................................................. 4
2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Equipment Descriptions ................................................................................................ 5
2.2 GFC 500 Interface Summary ......................................................................................... 6
2.3 Power Requirements ..................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Electrical Bonding ......................................................................................................... 7
3. CONTROL AND OPERATION ...........................................................................................10
3.1 GMC 507 ......................................................................................................................10
3.2 Autopilot Disconnect/Trim Interrupt Switch ...................................................................10
3.3 Trim Switch ..................................................................................................................10
3.4 Go Around (GA) Switch ................................................................................................10
4. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS ...................................................11
4.1 Airworthiness Limitations ..............................................................................................11
4.2 Servicing Information....................................................................................................12
4.3 Maintenance Intervals ..................................................................................................14
4.4 Visual Inspection ..........................................................................................................15
4.5 Electrical Bonding Test .................................................................................................16
4.6 Disconnect Tone and Sonalert Test .............................................................................17
5. TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................18
5.1 GFC 500 Failure Messages..........................................................................................18
5.2 General Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................18
5.3 GFC 500 Interconnect Drawings ................................ ..................................................20
5.4 Connector Layout .........................................................................................................20
6. EQUIPMENT REMOVAL & INSTALLATION .....................................................................21
6.1 GMC 507 ......................................................................................................................21
6.2 GSA 28 Servos ............................................................................................................23
7. GFC 500 LRU REPLACEMENT/CONFIGURATION & TESTING ......................................24
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7.1 GMC 507 ......................................................................................................................24
7.2 GSA 28 Servo ..............................................................................................................24
8. GFC 500 SOFTWARE LOAD AND CONFIGURATION PROCEDURES ...........................25
8.1 GMC 507 and GSA 28 Software Loading .....................................................................25
8.2 GFC 500 System Configuration ....................................................................................25
9. GFC 500 RETURN TO SERVICE PROCEDURE ...............................................................26
9.1 Yaw Offset and Pitch/Roll Offset Calibration ................................................................26
9.2 Pre-Flight Test (PFT)....................................................................................................26
9.3 Normal Mode Tests ................................................................................................ ......27
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page v 190-02291-01 Revision 1
Figure 2-1 – GMC 507 ............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-2 – GFC 500 System Overview .................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-3 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Nut Plate ............................................................. 8
Figure 2-4 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Bolt/Nut Joint ...................................................... 8
Figure 2-5 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Terminal Lug ....................................................... 9
Figure 6-1 – GMC 507 Installation with rack ..............................................................................22
Figure 6-2 – GMC 507 Installation without rack .........................................................................22
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TABLE ................................................................................................................................ PAGE
Table 1-1 – Required Documents............................................................................................... 3
Table 1-2 – Garmin Reference Documents ................................................................................ 3
Table 1-3 – Other Reference Documents ................................................................................... 3
Table 2-1 – Power Requirements ............................................................................................... 7
Table 2-2 – Electrical Bonding ................................................................................................... 8
Table 4-1 – Maintenance Intervals ............................................................................................14
Table 4-2 – Visual Inspection Procedure ...................................................................................15
Table 4-3 – Lightning Strike Inspection Procedure ....................................................................16
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 1 190-02291-01 Revision 1
1. Introduction
1.1 Content, Scope, Purpose
This document provides maintenance instructions and Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for the GFC 500 Autopilot with Envelope Stability and Protection as installed under Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) SA01866WI.
1.2 Applicability
This document applies to all Part 23 aircraft equipped with the GFC 500 installed under AML STC SA01866WI.
Modification of an aircraft by STC SA01866WI obligates the aircraft operator to include the
maintenance information provided by this document in the operator’s Aircraft Maintenance
Manual and the operator’s Aircraft Scheduled Maintenance Program.
1.3 Organization
The following outline briefly describes the organization of this manual:
Section 2: System Description
Provides a complete description of the type design change associated with installing the GFC 500 Autopilot. Also provides an interface summary, power requirements, and instructions on electrical bonding.
Section 3: Control and Operation Provides brief instructions on controls and operation.
Section 4: Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Provides maintenance instructions for continued airworthiness of the GFC 500 Autopilot.
Section 5: Troubleshooting Provides troubleshooting information to aid in diagnosing and resolving potential problems with the GFC 500 Autopilot.
Section 6: Equipment Removal & Replacement Gives instructions for the removal and replacement of GFC 500 Autopilot equipment.
Section 7: GFC 500 LRU Replacement/Configuration & Testing Gives instructions for loading software, configuring, and testing of GFC 500 Autopilot equipment.
Section 8: GFC 500 Software Load and Configuration Procedures Gives instructions for loading software and configuring the GFC 500 Autopilot.
Section 9: GFC 500 Return to Service Procedure Specifies return-to-service procedures to be performed upon completion of maintenance of the GFC 500 Autopilot.
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 2 190-02291-01 Revision 1
1.4 Definitions/Abbreviations
ADI: Attitude Director Indicator AML: Approved Model List ARP: Aerospace Recommended Practice ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials CDI: Course Deviation Indicator CFR: Code of Federal Regulations CWS: Control Wheel Steering DDM: Difference in Depth of Modulation DTK: Desired Track ESP: Electronic Stability and Protection FAA: Federal Aviation Administration GPS: Global Positioning System ICA: Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ILS: Instrument Landing System LRU: Line Replaceable Unit OBS: Omni-Bearing Selector PFT: Pre-Flight Test SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers STC: Supplemental Type Certificate VOR: VHF Omnidirectional Radio
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 3 190-02291-01 Revision 1
1.5 Units of Measure
Unless otherwise stated, all units of measure are English units.
1.6 Reference Publications
All of the documents listed in Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 are available for download through the Dealer Resource Center section of the Garmin web site. Refer to Section 1.7 for details.
The documents listed in Table 1-1 are required by this maintenance manual to perform maintenance on the GFC 500 Autopilot. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure that the latest versions of these documents are used during operation, servicing or maintenance of the airplane. Note: There is a model-specific installation manual addendum for each model covered. Each has a different dash number. Refer to the Master Drawing List 005-01264-00 for applicability.
Table 1-1 – Required Documents
Document Number
Master Drawing List GFC 500 Autopilot with Electronic Stability and Protection Part 23 AML STC
GFC 500 Autopilot with Electronic Stability and Protection Part 23 AML STC Installation Manual
GFC 500 Autopilot with Electronic Stability and Protection Part 23 AML STC Model­Specific Installation Manual Addendum
G5 Electronic Flight Instrument Pilot’s Guide for Certified Aircraft
The documents listed in Table 1-2 are recommended to be available during the performance of maintenance activities.
Table 1-2 – Garmin Reference Documents
Document Number
Garmin G5 Electronic Flight Instrument Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot with Electronic Stability and Protection Part 23 AML STC Installation Manual
G5 Electronic Flight Instrument Pilot’s Guide for Certified Aircraft
Table 1-3 – Other Reference Documents
Document Number
AC 43.13-1B
FAA Advisory Circular, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices – Aircraft Inspection and Repair
AC 43.13-2B
FAA Advisory Circular, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices – Aircraft Alterations
Aerospace Systems Electrical Bonding and Grounding for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety
SAE AS4461
Assembly and Soldering Criteria for High Quality/High Reliability Soldered Wire and Cable Termination in Aerospace Vehicles
SAE AS50881
Wiring, Aerospace Vehicle
ASTM F 2490-05
Standard Guide for Aircraft Electrical Load and Power Source Capacity Analysis
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 4 190-02291-01 Revision 1
1.7 Revision and Distribution
This document is required for maintaining the continued airworthiness of the GFC 500 Autopilot. When this document is revised, every page will be revised to indicate current revision level.
Garmin Dealers may obtain the latest revision of this document on the Garmin Dealer Resource Center website.
Owner/operators may obtain the latest revision of this document from the Support page, or by contacting a Garmin dealer, contacting Garmin Product Support at 913­397-8200, toll free 866-739-5687, or using around the world contact information on
A Garmin Service Bulletin describing the revision to this document will be sent to Garmin dealers if the revision is determined to be significant.
1.8 Garmin Technical Support
For technical support contact, Garmin Aviation Product Support at 913-397-8200 (toll free 866­739-5687) or by using the around the world contact information on
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 5 190-02291-01 Revision 1
2. System Description
2.1 Equipment Descriptions
2.1.1 GMC 507 Autopilot Mode Controller
The GMC 507 Autopilot mode controller is shown in Figure 2 1. The switches on the front panel of the GMC 507 provide inputs to the G5 instrument and GSA 28 servos for flight director computations. The GMC 507 also contains some of the system monitoring and audio functions for the system.
Refer to the G5 Electronic Flight Instrument Pilot’s Guide for Certified Aircraft, 190-01112-12 for operational characteristics of the system.
Figure 2-1 – GMC 507
2.1.2 GSA 28 Servo
The GSA 28 is a smart servo. The autopilot, trim and ESP algorithms are performed by the servo. The motor in the GSA 28 servo is a brushless DC motor. This brushless DC motor has an inherent safety feature in that it cannot drive by itself and requires software commutation to run. The brushless DC motor also has a lower backdrive friction than brushed motor or steppers motors. The GSA 28 is limited to a maximum of 60 in-lbs of torque.
GFC 500 Autopilot systems may have up to three servos (pitch, roll, and pitch trim). The pitch trim servo is optional and may not be available on all airframes. Most installations will use bridle cables attached to the primary flight control cables using clamps. New servo brackets, servo bridle cables, and clamps are installed by this STC.
2.1.3 Audio Output
The GMC 507 provides an analog audio output to an audio panel, plus an active low output to drive an external aural alert device (e.g. sonalert). The analog audio can be interfaced to any audio panel that has an unswitched and unmuted analog audio input. If no existing audio panel is interfaced, a sonalert is required.
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 6 190-02291-01 Revision 1
2.2 GFC 500 Interface Summary
The following figure provides a high-level summary of the GFC 500 autopilot system. The G5 is required to be installed by STC SA01818WI. The minimum system requires the G5 in the attitude indicator position.
Figure 2-2 – GFC 500 System Overview
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 7 190-02291-01 Revision 1
2.3 Power Requirements
Table 2-1 below summarizes the power requirements for the GFC 500 LRUs.
Table 2-1 – Power Requirements
GMC 507 Average Current Draw @ 14 VDC
0.11 A
Max Current Draw @ 14 VDC
0.20 A
Average Current Draw @ 28 VDC
0.06 A
Max Current Draw @ 28 VDC
0.11 A
GSA 28 Average Current Draw @ 14 VDC
0.36 A
Max Current Draw @ 14 VDC
1.80 A
Average Current Draw @ 28 VDC
0.20 A
Max Current Draw @ 28 VDC
0.90 A
2.4 Electrical Bonding
For the purposes of this STC, aircraft ground reference definitions vary according to airframe type as defined in Table 2-2. Refer to the periodic test and reconditioned resistance values corresponding to these ground reference definitions when performing the equipment bonding tests in Section 4.5.
The periodic test value is the value allowed during the bonding checks specified in Section 4.5. The reconditioned value is the value allowed on initial installation or if the bond must be reworked if the periodic test value is exceeded.
Refer to SAE ARP 1870 Section 5 when surface preparation is required to achieve electrical bond.
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 8 190-02291-01 Revision 1
Table 2-2 – Electrical Bonding
Aircraft Type
Ground Reference
Maximum Resistance Between GFC
500 Equipment Chassis and Ground
Reference (mΩ)
Periodic Test
Metallic Airframe
Nearby metal structure for servos
Instrument panel for GMC 507
2.4.1 Consideration for Untreated or Bare Dissimilar Metals
The correct material finish is important when mating untreated or bare dissimilar metals. Materials should be galvanically compatible. When corrosion protection is removed to make an electrical bond any exposed area after the bond is completed should be protected again. Additional guidance can be found in SAE ARP 1870 Section 5. Typical electrical bonding preparation examples are shown in Figure 2-3, Figure 2-4, and Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-3 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Nut Plate
Figure 2-4 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Bolt/Nut Joint
GFC 500 Autopilot with ESP Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual Page 9 190-02291-01 Revision 1
Figure 2-5 – Electrical Bonding Preparation – Terminal Lug
2.4.2 Preparation of Aluminum Surfaces
The following general procedure is recommended to prepare an aluminum surface for proper electrical bonding.
1. Clean grounding location with solvent.
2. Remove non-conductive films or coatings from the grounding location.
3. Apply a chemical conversion coat such as Alodine 1200 to the bare metal.
4. Once the chemical conversion coat is dry, clean the area.
5. Install bonding equipment at grounding location.
6. After bond is complete, if any films or coatings were removed from the surface, reapply a suitable film or coating to the surrounding area within 24 hours.
After satisfactory electrical bond is achieved, when it has been necessary to remove any high­resistance protective coating, the area from which the coating has been removed should be refinished with the same finish as is on the rest of the part within 24 hours. In cases where the parts come in with certain areas spot-faced, or if there is no finish on the part (bare metal), apply conformal coating over the bond joint and hardware per MIL-I-46058 or clear lacquer per TT-L­20A in order to facilitate future inspection. Refer to the model specific Aircraft Maintenance Manual or Standard Practices Manual for surface protection requirements applicable to affected areas. The correct material finish is important when mating untreated or bare dissimilar metals. They should be galvanically compatible. When corrosion protection is removed to make an electrical bond, any exposed area after the bond is completed should be protected again. Additional guidance can be found in SAE ARP 1870 Section 5.
For a more detailed procedure, refer to SAE ARP 1870 Sections 5.1 and 5.5.
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