GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
Garmin Ltd. Or its subsidiaries
c/o Garmin International, Inc.
1200 E. 151st Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062 USA
Dwg. Number:
190-00355-00 Rev. E
This drawing and the specifications contained herein are
the property of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not
be reproduced or used in whole or in part as the basis for
manufacture or sale of products without written permission.
Rev. Date Description of Change
A 12/20/04 Production Release
B 6/30/06 Changed referenced documents revisions, incorporated FAA comments
C 01/25/08 Add information for GRT10 and GRC10
D 07-20-09
E 05/09/11
Update referenced documents revision in Section 2.1, added STC
number in Section 1.1
Update referenced documents (2.1). Add periodic bonding test (2.5.2,
2.12). Add GRC 10 battery service (2.4). Clarify ODA role (2.15).

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Document Control ................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Airworthiness Limitations Section ......................................................................... 3
1.5 Permission to Use Certain Documents ................................................................. 3
1.6 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 3
2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS .................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Description of Alteration ........................................................................................ 4
2.3 Control, Operating Information ............................................................................. 4
2.4 Servicing Information ............................................................................................ 5
2.5 Periodic Maintenance Instructions ........................................................................ 6
2.6 Troubleshooting Information ................................................................................. 7
2.7 Removal and Replacement Information ............................................................... 7
2.8 Diagrams ............................................................................................................... 7
2.9 Special Inspection Requirements ......................................................................... 7
2.10 Application of Protective Treatments .................................................................... 7
2.11 Data Relative to Structural Fasteners ................................................................... 7
2.12 Special Tools ........................................................................................................ 8
2.13 Additional Instructions ........................................................................................... 8
2.14 Overhaul Period .................................................................................................... 8
2.15 ICA Revision and Distribution ............................................................................... 8
2.16 Assistance............................................................................................................. 8
2.17 Implementation and Record Keeping ................................................................... 8
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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Page 2 of 8

This document is designed for use by the installing agency of the GDL 69/69A XM Radio Data Link and
optional GRT 10/GRC 10 Wireless Remote System as Instructions for Continued Airworthiness in
response to Federal Aviation regulation (FAR) Part 23.1529, and Part 23 Appendix G. They include
information required by the operator to adequately maintain the GDL 69/69A installed under Approved
Model List (AML) STC SA01487SE-D.
1.2 Scope
This document identifies the Instruction for Continued Airworthiness for the modification of the aircraft for
installation of the Garmin GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio and optional GRT 10/GRC 10 Wireless
Remote System. It applies to aircraft altered by this installation.
1.3 Document Control
This document shall be released, archived, and controlled in accordance with Garmin document control
system. When this document is revised, refer to Section 2.15 for information on how to gain FAA
acceptance or approval and how to notify customers of changes.
1.4 Airworthiness Limitations Section
There are no additional Airworthiness Limitations as defined in 14 CFR § 23, Appendix G. G23.4 that
result from this modification. The Airworthiness Limitations section is FAA approved and specifies
maintenance required under §§43.16 and 91.403 of the Federal Aviation Regulations unless an
alternative program has been FAA approved.
1.5 Permission to Use Certain Documents
Permission is granted to any corporation or person applying for approval of a Garmin GDL 69/69A to use
and reference appropriate STC documents to accomplish the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
and show compliance with STC engineering data. This permission does not construe suitability of the
documents. It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine the suitability of the documents for the
1.6 Definitions
The following terminology is used within this document:
1) AC: Advisory Circular
2) ACO: Aircraft Certification Office
3) AEG: Aircraft Evaluation Group
4) CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
5) DER: Designated Engineering Representative
6) FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Page 3 of 8