Garmin 610 Instruction Manual

Owner’s Manual
nüvi® 610/660/670
© 2006–2007 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA Tel. 913/397.8200 or
Fax 913/397.8282
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin Web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
Garmin®, nüvi®, and MapSource® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Lock™, myGarmin™, and Garmin TourGuide™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such name by Garmin is under license. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. SiRF®, SiRFstar®, and the SiRF logo are registered trademarks, and SiRFstarIII™ and SiRF™ Powered are trademarks of SiRF Technology, Inc.® and AudibleReady® are registered trademarks of Audible, Inc. © Audible, Inc. 1997-2005. Multilingual Wordbank © Oxford University Press 2001. Multilingual Phrasebank © Oxford University Press 2001. Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © Oxford University Press and Hachette Livre 2005. Pocket Oxford-Duden German Dictionary © Oxford University Press and Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus 2003. Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary © Oxford University Press 2005. Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary © Oxford University Press 2004. Oxford Portuguese
Minidictionary © Oxford University Press 2002. RDS-TMC Trafc Information Services France © ViaMichelin 2006.
February 2007 Part Number 190-00773-00 Rev. B Printed in Taiwan
Garmin (Europe) Ltd. Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9DL, UK Tel. +44 (0) 870.8501241 (outside the UK) or
0808 2380000 (UK only)
Fax 44/0870.8501251
Garmin Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel. 886/2.2642.9199 Fax 886/2.2642.9099


Thank you for purchasing the Garmin nüvi 610, nüvi 660, and nüvi 670 products.

Manual Conventions

When you are instructed to “touch” something, use your nger to touch an item on the
Small arrows (>) appear in the text. They indicate that you should touch a series of items on the nüvi screen. For example, if you see “touch Where to > Favorites,” you should touch the Where to button, and then touch the Favorites button.

Contact Garmin

Contact Garmin if you have any questions while using your nüvi. In the USA contact Garmin Product Support by phone: 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020, Monday–Friday, 8 AM–5 PM Central Time; or go to, and click Product
In Europe, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. at +44 (0) 870.8501241 (outside the UK) or 0808 2380000 (UK only).
nüvi®. This manual includes information for
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual iii
Table of conTenTs
Table of conTenTs
Manual Conventions ................................iii
Contact Garmin ........................................iii
myGarmin™ ............................................ vi
Tips and Shortcuts .................................. vi
Getting Started ......................................1
What Is in the Box? .................................. 1
Mounting the nüvi on the Windshield .......2
Basic Operation ....................................3
Turning the nüvi On or Off .......................3
Charging the nüvi ..................................... 3
Acquiring Satellites ..................................3
Changing the Volume, Brightness, and
Screen Lock ....................................... 4
Resetting Your nüvi ..................................4
Clearing User Information ........................4
Using the Anti-Theft Feature .................... 5
Main Pages ............................................6
Understanding the Menu Page ................6
Understanding the Map Page .................7
Understanding the Trip Information Page 7 Understanding the Turns Preview Page ..8
Understanding the Next Turn Page .........8
Where to ................................................9
Finding Your Destination ..........................9
Finding an Address ................................10
Finding a Place Using Coordinates .......10
Finding a Place by Spelling the Name .. 11
Finding a Place Using the Map .............. 11
Expanding Your Search .........................12
Adding a Stop to Your Route .................13
Adding a Detour to Your Route .............. 13
Stopping Your Route ..............................13
Understanding Favorites ........................ 14
Saving Places You Find ......................... 14
Finding Saved Places ............................14
Saving Your Current Location ................ 14
Setting a Home Location .......................14
Editing Saved Places .............................15
Travel Kit .............................................16
Listening to MP3 Files ...........................16
Playing Audible Books ...........................18
Viewing Pictures ...................................21
Using the World Clock ..........................22
Converting Currency .............................22
Converting Measurements .................... 23
Using the Calculator .............................23
iv nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
Table of conTenTs
Using Bluetooth® Technology ...........24
Calling a Number ...................................25
Calling a Place .......................................26
Receiving a Call .....................................26
Using Call Waiting ..................................27
Transferring Audio to Your Phone ..........27
Using the Phone Book ...........................27
Using Call History ..................................28
Calling Home .........................................28
Using Voice Dial .....................................28
Using Status ..........................................29
Using Text Messaging ............................29
Dropping a Connection ..........................30
Removing a Phone from the List ...........30
Using FM Trafc ..................................31
LED Blink Codes .................................... 32
Viewing Trafc Incidents ........................32
Avoiding Trafc ......................................33
Trafc Settings and Subscriptions .........34
Using the FM Transmitter ..................35
Listening to the nüvi on an FM Stereo ...35 Switching between the nüvi and an FM
Stereo ............................................... 35
FM Transmitter Tips ............................... 36
Managing Files on Your nüvi .............37
Supported File Types ............................. 37
Loading Items to Your nüvi ....................38
Information about Your nüvi Drives ........40
Deleting Files from the nüvi ...................40
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual v
Customizing the nüvi .........................41
Restoring Settings .................................41
Changing the Map Settings ...................41
Changing the System Settings ..............42
Changing the Locale Settings ................43
Changing the Display Settings ............... 44
Changing the Navigation Settings .........45
Changing the Bluetooth Settings ...........46
Changing the Trafc Settings .................47
Changing the Proximity Points Settings . 48
Appendix .............................................49
Updating the nüvi Software .................... 49
Purchasing and Loading Additional Map
Data .................................................. 49
Using Safety Cameras ...........................50
Custom POIs (Points of Interest) ...........51
Optional Accessories .............................52
About GPS Satellite Signals ..................56
Mounting the nüvi on Your Dashboard ...57
Removing the nüvi and the Mount .........57
Removing the Cradle from the Mount ....57
Caring for Your nüvi ..............................58
Battery Information ...............................59
Troubleshooting .....................................60
Declaration of Conformity ......................63
Software License Agreement ................. 63
Specications ......................................... 65
Index ....................................................66
Go to to access the latest services for your Garmin products. From the myGarmin Web site, you can do the following:
Register your Garmin unit.
Subscribe to online services for safety camera information (see page 50).
Unlock optional maps.
Return to myGarmin often for new Garmin product services.

Tips and Shortcuts

To quickly return to the Menu page, touch and hold Back.
Touch and to see more choices. Touch and hold to scroll faster.
To learn more about the nüvi Bluetooth
touch Help on the appropriate screen.
To extend the battery life, close the GPS antenna when you do not need to use the nüvi for navigation. If the antenna is closed, the GPS receiver is off.
To adjust the audio or the screen brightness, quickly press and release the
Power button. You can also touch on the Menu page.
▪ To adjust the volume or brightness, touch
▪ To prevent accidental screen taps, touch
Power button.
To switch the audio output between the nüvi and an FM stereo (where available), quickly press the Power button twice.
vi nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
technology or Travel Kit features,
or .
Lock. To unlock, press the

GeTTinG sTarTed

GeTTinG sTarTed

What Is in the Box?

• nüvi unit
• Vehicle suction cup mount
Carrying case to protect your nüvi from scratches and accidental screen taps.
• 12-Volt adapter
AC charger (nüvi 660 and nüvi 670) to receive power from a wall outlet.
USB cable to connect the nüvi to your computer.
• Dashboard
Yellow sheet that contains your unit’s serial number, registration number for
to get power in your vehicle; or trafc receiver.
disk to mount the suction cup mount on your dashboard.
registering on Garmin’s Web site, and unlock code for future reference.
• Quick reference guide
to mount the nüvi on your windshield.
to help you get started.
GPS antenna
Power button
SD card slot
USB connector
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 1
Suction cup mount
Headphone jack
GeTTinG sTarTed

Mounting the nüvi on the Windshield

Check your state and local trafc laws before mounting. Currently, state laws in California and Minnesota prohibit
drivers from using suction mounts on their windshields while operating motor vehicles. Other Garmin dashboard or friction mounting options should be used. See the Important Safety and Product Information guide for more details.
To mount the nüvi on your dashboard, see page 57.
To mount the nüvi using the suction cup mount:
1. Plug the power cable into the bottom of the mount. Plug the other end into a
12-Volt receptacle in your vehicle.
2. Clean and dry your windshield and the suction cup with a lint-free cloth. Place
the suction cup on the windshield.
3. Flip the lever back, toward the windshield.
4. Flip up the GPS antenna. Fit the bottom of your nüvi into the cradle.
5. Tilt the nüvi back until it snaps into place.
6. If you are using a trafc receiver in Europe, secure the trafc antenna and
suction cups to the windshield.
To remove your nüvi from the cradle, press the small tab on the bottom of the cradle up, and tilt the nüvi forward.
2 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual

basic oPeraTion

basic oPeraTion

Turning the nüvi On or Off

Press and hold the Power button on the top of the nüvi.

Charging the nüvi

To charge the nüvi, use one of the following methods:
● Connect the nüvi to the suction mount and the
12-Volt car adapter.
● Connect the USB cable to the nüvi and your computer.
● Connect the AC adapter to the nüvi and wall outlet (nüvi 660 and nüvi 670).

Acquiring Satellites

Before the nüvi can nd your current location and navigate a
route, you must do the following:
1. Go outdoors to an open area, away from tall buildings
and trees.
2. Flip up the GPS antenna on the back of the nüvi, so
that it is parallel to the ground.
3. Turn on the nüvi. Acquiring satellite signals can take a
few minutes.
GPS Antenna Up
(Parallel to the Ground)
The bars indicate satellite signal strength. When the bars are green, the nüvi has acquired satellite signals; now you can select a destination and navigate to it. To use the nüvi indoors, close the GPS antenna.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 3
basic oPeraTion

Changing the Volume, Brightness, and Screen Lock

1. Press and quickly release the Power button, or on the Menu page, touch
2. Touch or to adjust the volume and brightness. To prevent accidental
screen taps, touch Lock. To unlock the screen, press the Power button.

Resetting Your nüvi

If the nüvi screen stops functioning, turn the nüvi off and on again. If this does not help, do the following:
1. Disconnect the nüvi from external power.
2. Flip up the GPS antenna.
3. Press the Reset button.
4. Connect the nüvi to a power source. The nüvi
should automatically turn back on and operate normally.

Clearing User Information

CAUTION: This procedure deletes all information that you have entered.
1. Hold your nger on the lower-right corner of the nüvi screen while you turn on
the nüvi. Keep your nger pressed until the pop-up window appears.
2. Touch Yes. All factory settings are restored. Your Favorites and audio
bookmarks are also deleted.
4 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
basic oPeraTion

Using the Anti-Theft Feature

Garmin Lock™ is an anti-theft feature. You can set a four-digit PIN (personal
identication number) and a security location; then every time the nüvi is powered on
you must enter the PIN or drive to your security location. Select any location, such as
your home or ofce, for your security location. Write down your PIN, and keep it in a
safe place. If you forget your PIN, you can go to your security location to unlock the nüvi.
To help prevent theft of the nüvi, apply the Garmin Lock sticker to the inside of a vehicle window, and do the following:
1. Flip up the GPS antenna.
2. On the Menu page, touch
3. Touch the button next to Garmin Lock. Touch OK.
4. Enter a four-digit PIN. Touch Yes to accept the PIN.
5. Touch OK. Drive to a security location, and touch Set.
6. Each time you turn on the nüvi, enter the four-digit PIN or drive to the security
location (with the antenna up).
NOTE: If you forget your PIN and your security location, you must send your nüvi to Garmin to get it unlocked.
Settings > System.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 5

Main PaGes

Main PaGes

Understanding the Menu Page

GPS satellite
signal status
Menu Page
• GPS satellite signals—represents the satellite signals being received by your nüvi. When you see green bars, you have a strong signal.
Battery status—represents the status of the battery charge. The lightening bolt
• symbol indicates that the nüvi is currently charging.
• Settings—
• Quick settings—
• Phone—
• Trafc—
accesses the nüvi settings.
accesses the settings for volume, brightness, and screen lock.
appears when you pair the nüvi with a phone; accesses phone features.
appears when you connect an FM trafc receiver; accesses the trafc
incident list.
Battery status
Quick settings
6 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
Main PaGes

Understanding the Map Page

From the Menu page, touch View Map to open the Map page. The vehicle icon shows your current location.
Touch to zoom out.
Follow the purple line.
Touch to go to the
Menu page.
Touch to open the Trip
Information page.
Map Page while Navigating a Route
Touch to preview the turns in the route.
Touch to zoom in.
Touch to open the media player.
Touch to open the Next Turn page.

Understanding the Trip Information Page

The Trip Information page displays your current speed and provides helpful statistics about your trip. To view the Trip Information page, touch Speed or Arrival on the Map page.
Current direction
of travel
Trip Information Page
Resetting Trip Information
Touch Reset Trip to reset the Trip Information page before beginning a trip. If you make frequent stops, leave the nüvi turned on so it can accurately measure elapsed time during the trip. Touch Reset Max to reset the Maximum Speed.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 7
Distance to your
nal destination
Main PaGes

Understanding the Turns Preview Page

Touch the green text bar on the top of the Map page to open the Turns Preview page. This page displays all turns in the route and the distance between turns. Touch a turn on the list to view the Next Turn page for that turn. Touch Show Map to view the entire route on the map.
Direction of
the turn
Distance to
the turn
Turns Preview Page

Understanding the Next Turn Page

The Next Turn page displays the upcoming turn on the map and the distance and time remaining before you reach the turn. To view an upcoming turn on the map, touch
Turn In on the Map page, or touch any turn from the Current Route page.
Touch or to view other turns in the route. When you are nished viewing the Next Turn page, touch Back.
Upcoming turn
Distance to this turn
Approximate time left until this turn
Next Turn Page
8 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual

Where To

Where To

Finding Your Destination

Flip up the antenna on the nüvi to get satellite signals. Then, use the Garmin nüvi to
nd your destination and navigate to it.
1. On the Menu page, touch Where to.
2. Select a category. (Touch the arrows to see more categories.)
3. Select a destination. (Touch the arrows to see more places.)
4. Touch Go.
Following Your Route
Follow the route to your destination using the Map page. As you travel, the nüvi guides you to your destination with voice prompts, arrows on the map, and directions at the top of the Map page. If you depart from the original route, the nüvi recalculates the route and provides new route instructions.
• The vehicle icon
• Your route is marked with a purple line.
• Follow the arrows as you take turns.
• A checkered ag marks your destination.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 9
shows your location.
Where To

Finding an Address

1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Address.
2. Select a country (if necessary), state, and city. If you are not sure of the city,
select Search All.
3. Type the address number, and touch Done.
4. Type the street name until a list of streets appears.
5. Select the street. If more than one matching address is found, select the one
that you want.
6. Touch Go.
TIP: You can search for a postal code. Enter the postal code instead of the city name. (Not all map data provides postal code searching.)
TIP: Finding an intersection is very similar to nding an address. Touch
Intersection, and enter the two street names.

Finding a Place Using Coordinates

You can nd a place by entering the location coordinates. This can be helpful if you
enjoy geocaching.
1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Coordinates.
2. Enter the coordinates for your destination, and touch Next.
3. Touch Go.
10 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
Where To

Finding a Place by Spelling the Name

1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Food, Lodging > Spell
2. Using the on-screen keyboard, enter letters contained in the name. Touch
to enter numbers. Touch to delete the last character entered;
touch and hold to delete the entire entry.
3. Touch Done.
4. Select the place you want to visit.
5. Touch Go.
TIP: In a search results list, if you do not see the place you want to visit, or you want to narrow your search results list, touch Spell and enter the name or part of the name.

Finding a Place Using the Map

Touch Where to > Browse Map.
Tips for Browsing the Map
• Touch the map and drag to view different parts of the map.
• Touch
• Touch anywhere on the map. An arrow points to the location.
• Touch
• Touch
• If the GPS if turned off, touch
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 11
and to zoom in and out.
Go to navigate to the selected location.
Save to save this location to your Favorites.
Set Loc. to set the location.
Where To
Viewing Places on the Map
1. Touch Show Map.
2. Drag the map, and zoom in or out, as necessary. Touch Back when you are

Expanding Your Search

1. From the Menu page, touch Where to > Near.
2. Select an option:
Where I Am Now—searches for places near your current location. A Different City—searches for places near the city you enter. My Current Route—searches for places along the route you are currently
My Destination—searches for places near your current route destination.
3. Touch OK.
NOTE: Your nüvi automatically searches for places near your current location.
12 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
Where To

Adding a Stop to Your Route

You can add one stop to your route. The nüvi gives you directions to the stop and then to
your nal destination.
1. When navigating a route, touch Where to on the Menu page.
2. Search for a location at which you want to stop before your nal destination.
3. Touch Go.
4. Select whether you want this stop to be the new nal destination, or whether
you want to insert this stop before your nal destination.

Adding a Detour to Your Route

If you want the nüvi to try to calculate a new route to avoid something ahead of you, use the following procedure.
1. On the Map page, select to return to the Menu page.
2. Touch Detour, and the nüvi creates a new route, if possible.
The nüvi attempts to get you back on your original route, as soon as possible. If the route you are currently taking is the only reasonable option, the nüvi might not calculate a detour.

Stopping Your Route

If you want to stop your current route, return to the Menu page and touch Stop.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 13



Understanding Favorites

You can save 500 of your favorite places in Favorites.

Saving Places You Find

1. After you have found a place you want to save, touch Save.
2. Touch OK. The place is saved in Favorites.

Finding Saved Places

1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Favorites.
2. Select a place.
3. Touch Go.

Saving Your Current Location

1. On the Map page, touch the vehicle icon .
2. Touch Save. The place is saved in Favorites.

Setting a Home Location

You can set a home location for the place you return to most often. Your home location is saved in Favorites.
1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Go Home.
2. Select an option.
14 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
If you want to change your home location after you have already set it, follow the procedure for “Editing Saved Places” below.
Going Home
After you set your home location, you can route to it at any time. Touch Where to > Go Home.

Editing Saved Places

You can change the name, symbol, or phone number of a saved place.
1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Favorites.
2. Select the place you want to edit.
3. Touch Edit.
4. Touch the appropriate option, and make the changes.
Deleting Saved Places
1. On the Menu page, touch Where to > Favorites.
2. Select the place you want to delete.
3. Touch Edit > Delete > Yes.
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 15

Travel KiT

Travel KiT
The Travel Kit provides many features that are helpful when you are traveling. Touch
Help to learn more about the nüvi Travel Kit.
1. On the Menu page, touch Travel Kit.
2. Touch the item you want to open.
To purchase a Travel Kit accessory, go to You can also contact your Garmin dealer to purchase nüvi accessories.

Listening to MP3 Files

1. On the Menu page, touch Travel Kit > MP3 Player > Browse.
2. Select a category.
3. To play the entire category from the beginning of the list, touch Play All. To
play starting with a specic song, touch the title.
4. Touch Back to exit the MP3 page.
Touch to adjust the volume.
Tap to go to the beginning of the song; touch and hold to rewind the song.
Tap to skip to the next song; touch and hold to fast forward the song.
Touch to pause the song.
Touch to repeat. Touch to shufe.
16 nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual
Travel KiT
To switch the audio output between the nüvi and an FM stereo (where available), quickly press the Power button twice.
NOTE: The nüvi plays MP3 les only; it does not support M4A/M4P les.
Listening to Your Playlist
Your nüvi can play a playlist you have created in an audio program.
1. Using your computer and an audio program, create a playlist of MP3 les.
Save the playlist as an M3U le.
NOTE: You may need to edit the M3U le with a text editor, such as Notepad,
to remove the path (link) to the MP3. The M3U le should only list the MP3 les in your playlist, not their location. Refer to the audio program’s Help le for
2. Transfer the playlist and the MP3 les to the nüvi or SD drive (see pages
37–40). The M3U le must be in the same le location as the MP3 les.
3. On the nüvi, touch
Playlist. All available playlists appear.
4. Touch a playlist to start playing the MP3 les. You cannot change the playlist
order from your nüvi.
Travel Kit > MP3 Player > Browse > Import
nüvi 610/660/670 Owner’s Manual 17
+ 53 hidden pages