Garmin 610, 620 Owner's Manual

F O R E R U N N E R® 6 1 0
o w n e r ' s m a n u a l
© 2011–2013 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change
the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
Garmin Partner trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. GSC Garmin Connect Stick Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Firstbeat and Analyzed by Firstbeat are registered or unregistered trademarks of Firstbeat Technologies Ltd. New Leaf Angeion Corporation. Other trademarks and trade
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, the Garmin logo, Forerunner®, Virtual
, Auto Pause®, and Auto Lap® are
, Virtual Racer™, USB ANT
, ANT™, and ANT+™ are trademarks of
is a registered trademark of the
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................3
About the Battery ..........................3
Setting Up the Device ...................3
Registering Your Device ...............3
Getting More Information ..............3
Icons ............................................. 4
Touchscreen Tips..........................4
Locating Satellite Signals ............5
Menu Overview.............................6
Your Training ..........................7
Going for a Run ............................ 7
Saving Your Run ........................... 8
Run Options..................................8
Interval Workouts ........................13
Custom Workouts ....................... 15
Bike Training Options ................. 17
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 1
ANT+ Sensors ......................18
Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors ........18
Heart Rate Monitor ..................... 19
Foot Pod ..................................... 21
GSC 10 .......................................23
Using the Weight Scale .............. 23
Fitness Equipment ......................24
Heart Rate Zone Calculations ....25
ANT+ Sensor Troubleshooting ...26
History ..................................27
Viewing History ...........................27
Deleting History .......................... 28
Using Free Software ...................28
Sending History to Your
Computer ................................ 29
Navigation ............................30
Locations .................................... 30
Navigating to a Saved
Location ...................................30
Navigating Back to Start ............. 31
Stopping the Navigation .............31
GPS Settings .............................. 31
Settings ................................32
System Settings..........................32
Time Settings ..............................33
Setting Your User Prole ............33
Customizing the Training Pages .34
Appendix ..............................39
Specications .............................39
About the Battery ........................40
Heart Rate Monitor Battery .........42
Changing the Wrist Band ............43
Caring for Your Device................ 44
Updating the Software Using
Garmin Connect .......................45
Troubleshooting ..........................46
Index .....................................47
2 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual


Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any exercise program. See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information.

About the Battery

This product contains a lithium-ion battery. See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other important information.
The device is powered by a built-in, lithium-ion battery that you can charge using the charger included in the product box (page 41).
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 3

Setting Up the Device

When using your Forerunner® the rst time, follow the setup instructions in the Forerunner 610 Quick Start Manual.

Registering Your Device

Help us better support you by completing our online registration today.
• Go to
• Keep the original sales receipt, or a photocopy, in a safe place.

Getting More Information

• Go to
• Go to
• Go to, or contact your Garmin dealer for information about optional accessories and replacement parts.


Each key has multiple functions.
Select to return to the


4 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual
to turn the device on
Hold and off.
Select to turn on the backlight.
Select to search for a compatible weight scale.
Select to start and stop the timer.
Select to mark a new lap. Hold to save your run and
reset the timer.

Touchscreen Tips

The Forerunner touchscreen is different than most mobile devices. The touchscreen is designed so you can operate it with your ngernail. The touchscreen is optimized to prevent accidental touches while you run.
NOTE: You must press or swipe rmly
Select to show and hide the menu.
previous page.
GPS is on and receiving signals.
Heart rate monitor is active.
Foot pod is active.
Bike sensor is active.
Watch is in power save mode (page 40).
Fitness equipment is active.
in order to select items and change pages. You should practice using the touchscreen before you run.
• Tap the touchscreen to scroll through the pages ➊.
TIP: You can also swipe your nger across the touchscreen.
• Swipe left to exit power save mode.
• Tap the touchscreen to conrm messages.
• Make each touchscreen selection or swipe a separate action.
Changing Data Fields
On any training page, hold a data eld until it is highlighted.
When you lift your nger, you are prompted to select a new data eld (page 35).

Locating Satellite Signals

It may take 30–60 seconds to locate satellite signals.
1. From the clock page, swipe left to view the locating satellites banner.
2. Go outdoors to an open area.
3. Wait while the Forerunner searches for satellites.
Do not begin your activity until the locating satellites banner disappears. The time of day and date are set automatically.
Timer Heart Rate Virtual Partner
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 5

Menu Overview

Options: showing pace or speed, start of the week, deleting activities, resetting totals, uploading an activity
Ready to Run
Options: alerts, Auto Lap, Auto Pause, auto scroll
Virtual Partner
Virtual Racer
Workouts: intervals, custom workouts
Sport: running or cycling
Training Pages: data elds
Heart Rate Monitor: pairing, heart rate zones
Foot Pod: pairing, speed source, calibration
Bike Sensor: pairing, calibration, wheel size
User Prole: gender, birth year, weight, height
System: language, tones, display, data recording, GPS, backlight, time, units, data transfer, restore default settings
Where Am I?
Back to Start
6 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual

Your Training

Your Training
This section describes training features and settings for your device.
• Run basics (pages 7–8)
• Alerts (page 8)
• Auto Lap® (page 10)
• Auto Pause® (page 11)
• Auto scroll (page 11)
• Virtual Partner® (page 12)
• Virtual Racer™ (page 12)
• Interval workouts (page 13)
• Custom workouts (page 15)
• Bike training (page 17)

Going for a Run

Before you can record history, you must locate satellite signals (page 5) or pair your Forerunner with an optional foot pod (page 21).
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 7
1. From the timer page, select START to start the timer
History is recorded only while the timer is running. Your distance and lap pace ➌ appear on the timer page.
The data elds shown are the defaults. You can customize data elds (page 35).
2. After completing your run, select STOP.
Your Training

Saving Your Run

Hold RESET to save your run and reset the timer.
NOTE: Alerts do not function during interval or custom workouts.
You can use alerts to train toward

Run Options

Displaying Pace or Speed
1. Select > Setup.
2. Select Training Pages.
3. Select a training page to customize.
4. Select a data eld to customize.
5. Select Pace/Speed.
6. Select the type of pace or speed data to appear on the training page.
For a complete list of the available data elds and descriptions, see
page 35.
specic time, distance, calorie, heart rate, and cadence goals.
NOTE: To turn on alert tones and vibrations, see page 32.
Setting Time, Distance, and Calorie Alerts
1. Select > Training > Options > Alerts.
2. Select Time, Distance, or Calories.
3. Select On.
4. Select Alert At, and enter a time, distance, or calorie amount.
Each time you reach the alert amount, the device beeps and displays a message.
8 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual
Your Training
Setting Advanced Alerts
If you have an optional heart rate monitor, foot pod, or GSC™ 10, you can set up advanced alerts for heart rate
Each time you exceed or drop below the specied heart rate or cadence amount, the device beeps and displays a message.
and cadence.
1. Select > Training > Options > Alerts.
2. Select an option:
• Select Heart Rate to set the
high and low heart rate values in beats per minute (bpm).
NOTE: For more information about heart rate zones, see page 19.
• Select Cadence to set the high
and low cadence amounts in steps per minute (spm) or revolutions of the crank arm per minute (rpm).
3. Set the parameters for your heart rate or cadence alerts.
Setting Walk Break Alerts
Some running programs use timed walking breaks at regular intervals. For example, during a long training run, the program may instruct you to run for four minutes, then walk for 1 minute, and repeat. Auto Lap functions correctly while you are using the run/ walk alerts.
1. Select > Training > Options > Alerts.
2. Select Run/Walk > Run/Walk Alert > On.
3. Select Run Alert, and enter a time.
4. Select Walk Alert, and enter a time.
Each time you reach the alert amount, the device beeps and displays a
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 9
Your Training
message. The run/walk alerts will repeat until you stop the timer.
Marking Laps by Position
You can use Auto Lap to automatically mark the lap at a specic position. This
Auto Lap
The default Auto Lap setting is By Distance, 1 mile or 1 kilometer.
NOTE: Auto Lap does not function
during interval or custom workouts.
Marking Laps by Distance
You can use Auto Lap to automatically mark the lap at a specic distance. This feature is helpful for comparing your performance over different parts of a run.
1. Select > Training > Options > Auto Lap.
2. Select Auto Lap > By Distance.
3. Select Lap At, and enter a distance.
feature is helpful for comparing your performance over different parts of a run (for example, a long hill or training sprints).
1. Select > Training > Options > Auto Lap.
2. Select Auto Lap > By Position > Lap At.
3. Select an option:
• Select Lap Press Only to
trigger the lap counter each time you select LAP and each time you pass any of those positions again.
• Select Start and Lap to
trigger the lap counter at the GPS location where you select START and at any location during the run where you select LAP.
10 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual
Your Training
• Select Mark and Lap to trigger the lap counter at a specic GPS location marked before the run (use Mark Position) and at any location during the run where you select LAP.
Pausing Your Run Automatically
NOTE: Auto Pause does not function during interval or custom workouts.
You can use Auto Pause to pause the timer automatically when you stop moving or when your speed drops below a specied value. This feature is helpful if your run includes stop lights or other places where you need to slow down or stop.
2. Select an option:
• To pause the timer automatically when you stop moving, select When Stopped.
• To pause the timer automatically when your speed drops below a specied value, select Custom Speed.
Using Auto Scroll
You can use the auto scroll feature to automatically cycle through all of the training data pages while the timer is running.
1. Select > Training > Options > Auto Scroll > Auto Scroll.
2. Select Slow, Medium, or Fast.
NOTE: The paused time is not saved with your history data.
1. Select > Training > Options > Auto Pause > Auto Pause.
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 11
Your Training
Running With a Virtual Partner
Your Virtual Partner is a training tool designed to help you meet your goals.
1. Select > Training > Virtual Partner.
2. Select Virtual Partner > On.
3. Select Format, and select Speed or Pace.
4. Enter a value for the Virtual Partner’s speed or pace.
5. Select Alert > On (optional).
6. Go for a run.
7. Scroll to the Virtual Partner page to see who is leading.
Virtual Racer
Your Virtual Racer is a training tool designed to help you improve your performance. You can race against your own activity or one transferred from your computer (page 13). For example, you can practice running the actual race route and save it to your Forerunner. On race day, you can race against that practice run. The Virtual Racer pushes you to beat your previous pace including hills where you might slow down and the nal sprint to the nish line.
Running With a Virtual Racer
Before you can create a race, you must have at least one saved activity.
1. Select > Training > Virtual Racer.
2. Select Create New Race, and select an activity from the list.
3. Enter a name.
12 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual
Your Training
4. Select the race.
5. Select Do Race.
Virtual Racer Options
Select > Training > Virtual Racer, and select a race.
View Stats—Displays the time and distance of the previous activity.
Race Options—Allows you to edit the race name, delete the race, and set alert tones.
Racing Against an Activity From the Web
You must have a Garmin Connect account (page 28).
Before you can wirelessly send an
3. Click Send to Device.
4. On the device, select > Training > Virtual Racer.
5. Select the race.
6. Select Do Race.

Interval Workouts

You can create interval workouts based on distance or time. Your custom interval workout is saved until you create another interval workout. Open intervals can be used for track workouts when you are running a known distance but want to keep track of how many intervals you have completed.
activity to your device, you must pair the Forerunner with your computer using the USB ANT Stick™ (page 28).
1. Pair the device to your computer.
2. Go to, and nd an activity.
Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual 13
Your Training
Creating an Interval Workout
1. Select > Training > Workouts > Intervals.
2. Select Edit Workout.
3. Select Type, and select Time,
Distance, or Open.
TIP: To create an open-ended
interval, set the type to Open.
4. Enter a distance or time interval value.
5. Select Rest Type, and select Distance, Time, or Open.
6. If necessary, enter a distance or time value for the rest interval.
7. Select the number of repetitions.
8. If necessary, select Warmup > Yes to add an open-ended warmup to your workout.
Starting an Interval Workout
1. Select > Training > Workouts > Intervals > Do Workout.
2. Select START.
If your interval workout has a warm up, you must select LAP to begin the rst interval.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
When you complete all of the intervals, a message appears.
Stopping an Interval Workout
• At any time, select LAP to end an interval.
• At any time, select STOP to stop the timer.
• If your interval workout has a cool down, you must select LAP to end the interval workout.
9. If necessary, select Cooldown > Yes to add an open-ended cooldown to your workout.
14 Forerunner 610 Owner’s Manual
+ 36 hidden pages