C r e d i t s
Table of Contents
Development Team
P roject Leader:
Todd Howard
Lead Pro g r a m m e r :
Andy Ta y l o r
Lead Art i s t :
John Pearson
P ro g r a m m i n g :
Andy Ta y l o r R i c h a rd Clark
World Art :
Michael Kirkbride Jimmy Alam Todd Howard K u rt Kuhlmann Sean Conlon Don Nalezyty
Character Art And A n i m a t i o n :
John Pearson Hugh Riley
D And Inventory Ar t :
Hugh Riley
Additional Pr o g r a m m i n g :
Guy Carv e r Craig Wa l t o n M a rvin Herbold M o rten Moeru p Peter Sundholm Paul Hoggart
Cutscene Animations XL Tr a n s l a b :
Sean Ekanayake Steve Gre e n Josh Jones Mark Jones Gionvanni Nakpil Christopher Ondru s Istvan Pely Christopher Singh Michael Smith Rafael Va rg a s
S t o ry Paintings:
Mark Jackson
Original Scor e :
Chip Ellinghaus Grant Slawson
E d i t i n g :
Ken Rolston
Design And Wr i t i n g :
Todd Howard Michael Kirkbride K u rt Kuhlmann
M a n u a l
Wr i t i n g :
Michael Kirkbride K u rt Kuhlmann
Help And Liberal Theft F ro m :
R i c h a rd Guy Ken Rolston
A rt And Invocations:
Michael Kirkbride Hugh Riley
L a y o u t :
Elizabeth Carn e s
Voice Overs
C y ru s :
Michael Mack
Richton, Basil, And Others:
J e ff Baker
Tobias, Nidal, And Others:
Jonathan Bry c e
Saban, Falicia, And Others:
Dale Stein
Iszara, Siona:
Gayle Gessup
N a rr a t o r :
Michael Howell R e c o rded at Absolute Pitch
Studios, Washington, DC.
P a c k a g i n g
L a y o u t :
Elizabeth Carn e s Sean Ekanayake Todd Howard Christopher Ondru s
M a p s :
Hugh Riley
Quality Assurance
Testing Coor d i n a t o r :
Michelle Buenzli
Customer Ser v i c e :
Josh Neven William Wo o d f o rd
M a r k e t i n g
S a l e s :
Vlatko Andonov
Public Relations:
Ashley Cheng
We b s i t e :
Bob Ippolito Istvan Pely
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
P re s i d e n t :
Christopher We a v e r
C F O :
Constance Gachowski
Division Dir e c t o r :
Douglas Fre d e r i c k
A c c o u n t i n g :
Tim Starinieri
P ro d u c t i o n :
Aleem Ali
Vi rgil Tr i c e
Virgin Interactive
P ro d u c e r :
Tony Hinds
P roduct Manager:
Louise Gaynor
Quality Assurance:
Llewellyn Ligas Graham Arc h e r
Technical Suppor t :
Matthew Shanley J e remy Perks R o b e rt Paul
Special Thanks To
Bruce Nesmith, Gary Noonan, Julian Lefay, Louise Sandoval, Brent Erickson, Kim Howard, Jeff Howard, Indy, Cherry Shore, Loren Kirkbride, Uncle Atari, The Pearson Family, Renee Dadds, Café Kenny, Lori Nicholson, Sophie Ondrus, Gerri Osentoski, Coors Lite, Hoffman, The Smiley Rileys, The Magic Wands, George Lucas And God.
C re d i t s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i
Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i v
Playing the Game
S t a rting a New Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 1
C o n t rols Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 1
S w o rd Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 2
E x p l o r i n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 4
Using Items & Inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 6
Talking to People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 7
S t o ryline & Helpful Hints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 8
Main Menu & Misc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U s e r’s Guide 8
Pocket Guide to the Empire
Welcome, Citizen!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 1
S k y r i m.. . . . . . . . . pgE 3
C y ro d i i l. . . . . . . . . pgE 9
High Rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 17
H a m m e rf e l l. . . pgE 24
Aldmeri Dominion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 29
Elsweyr Confederacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 34
M o rro w i n d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 39
Wild Regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgE 44
A d d e n d u m.. . pgE 48
Technical Support
Thank you for purchasing Redguard™. If you are experiencing difficulties with this title, please take advantage of the following product support. Please note that all our operators only speak English and that we are unable to give gameplay hints through our Technical Support number.
Technical Support : +44 (0) 20 7928 9655 Fax : +44 (0) 20 7261 0540 Internet :
WorldWide Web : Address : Customer Services Department
Sold Out Sales & Maketing Ltd 122 Southwark Street London SE1 0SW United Kingdom
In the unlikely event of a software fault please return the complete package, with your receipt, to the original place of purchase.
If you do telephone, please be sitting in front of your computer (if possible) and be sure to provide us with as much information as possible. Make sure to note the exact type of hardware that you are using in your system, including:
Speed and Manufacturer of your Processor. Make & Model of your Sound Card and Video Card. Make & Model of your CD-ROM drive. Amount of RAM present. Any additional Hardware and Peripherals. Information contained in your Config.Sys & Autoexec.Bat files.
Note: If you have any problems in obtaining any System Information please consult your System supplier.
When contacting us by post, ensure you include the Title & Version of the game, a detailed description of the problem you are experiencing and the exact type of hard­ware that you are using.
When sending us a fax, please remember to leave your fax machine switched on and ready to receive. If you are using a Telephone/Fax system please make sure that the Fax connection is enabled. Ensure to include your name, a return Fax number with the area code and a Voice number so we can contact you if we experience problems when trying to Fax you back.
This product is guaranteed for a period determined by the law of the country of manu­facture or purchase. Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Limited reserves the right at all times to make improvements in the product described in this manual, at any time and without notice. Other than as required under English law, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Limited makes no warranties expressed or implied, with respect to this product or this manual, their quality or their fitness for any particular purpose. This does not effect your statutory rights.
This product is exempt from classification under UK law. In accordance with the Video Standards Council Code of Practice it is considered suitable for viewing by the age range(s) indicated.
Playing the Game
Starting a New Game
When you play Redguard for the
first time, the Introduction begins. Pay attention, even if you hate history lessons as much as Cyrus does. Stros M'kai is brimming with political intrigue and warring factions, and it pays to know who the players are. After this opening sequence, the game begins, rather appropriately, with a sword fight. On your feet, Redguard! Here be pirates!
If you wish to skip ahead during the introduction, press ESC. If you wish to start a new game after this, you must use the Main Menu. Press ESC to
go to the Main Menu.
Controls Summary
F o rw a rd B a c k L e f t R i g h t A c t i v a t e / A t t a c k Vi e w / D e f e n d Wa l k / R u n J u m p Quick Sword I n v e n t o ry Next Item Last Item Main Menu Version Info Save Game Menu Load Game Menu Display Menu Sound Menu C o n t rols Menu Q u i c k S a v e
Up arro w Down Arro w Left Arro w Right Arro w C t r l A l t S h i f t S p a c e S I > < E s c F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 9
D-Pad up D-Pad down D-Pad left D-Pad right Button 1 Button 3 Button 4 Button 2
User’s Guide 1
Sword Fighting
The fine art of dueling! As Cyrus,
you'll encounter all types of fiendish foes and master swordsman, so it’s time to put your skills to the test. Remember, dueling is not about being aggressive or pushing the button as fast as you can, it’s about timing and openings. If you attack at the wrong time, from the wrong location, you may give your oppo­nent an opening to strike...and it may be one you’ll pay for!
Maneuver into position, keep an eye on your opponent, and strike when the moment is right!
Move around with the Direction pad or the keyboard. Use Forward and Back to position yourself, and Left or Right to turn and face the enemy. In Sword Fighting mode, Cyrus only advances or retreats a few steps at a time!
Sword Fighting Controls
F o rw a rd B a c k L e f t R i g h t A t t a c k D e f e n d R u n J u m p
Holding Run down while pressing Forward will allow Cyrus to run, either to engage a faraway enemy or to just plain retreat. While running, you can steer using Left or Right. Careful, though, as Cyrus is vulnerable to attack while running.
Press the Jump button. It’s not really that useful in a fight, unless you’re trying to get on higher ground.
Up arro w Down Arro w Left Arro w Right Arro w C t r l A l t S h i f t S p a c e
D-Pad up D-Pad down D-Pad left D-Pad right Button 1 Button 3 Button 4 Button 2
There are several attacks you can perform as Cyrus; all are simple to perform, but they take a lot of experience to use effectively. Each has it’s own speed and range. After a few duels, you’ll soon recognize when each attack is appropriate.
Types of Attacks
A t t a c k
Attack, Attack
Attack, Attack, A t t a c k
F o rw a rd + Attack
F o rw a rd , F o rw a rd + Attack
With the Defend button, you can parry your opponent’s attack. Time your defenses. Hitting the Defend button too soon or too late allows for an opening. Study your oppo­nent’s fighting-style. Alternately, you can learn to Sidestep oncoming attacks by pressing Run andLeft or Right.
Sheathing your Swor d
To sheath your sword, press and hold Attack and Defend. You can also draw or sheath your sword at any time by pressing the S key. People don’t
like other people walking around with their swords drawn! However, when there’s no other choice but to fight, the S key will take you back into Sword Fighting mode.
Single Slash
Double Slash
Triple Slash
T h ru s t
L u n g e
C y rus’ basic attack. Used often to keep your opponent honest, or to take advantage of quick openings.
A quick double slash that can re a l l y h a rm an opponent. Be care f u l though, if you miss, you’ll leave yourself open.
If you can connect with all three of these, you’re sure to do some serious damage. But, once you’ve committed to this many attacks in a ro w, you may be in trouble if your enemy is q u i c k e r.
An excellent attack for keeping your opponent at bay. It takes more time than a slash, but its longer range makes it a powerful attack.
This leaping attack is very popular and deadly among more experienced s w o rdsmen. Its excellent range makes it a strong attack, while also allowing you to maintain a safe dis­tance from the opponent. Sidestepping incoming lunges and counterattacking is an excellent d e f e n s e .
User’s Guide 2
User’s Guide 3
Taking Damage
Getting hurt is a bad thing. You might have noticed that icon in the upper left of the screen. This is how much damage you can take. The smaller the candle, the closer you are to going out like a light.
Candle Represents Health
When you die, you’ll be asked if you’d like to load your last saved game. If you choose NO, you’ll be taken back to the Main Menu.
That’s all there is to it. Once you’re done waxing these pirates, you can begin exploring Stros M'kai. There'll be more sword fighting, we promise, and better swordsmen to face off with later in the game.
It is time to find your sister. Here’s how to get around town and the rest of Stros M’kai.
Looking Around
By holding View in conjunction with Forward, Back, Left, and Right, you can spin the camera to
look around while Cyrus remains stationary.
Moving Around
In Exploring mode, you run by default. Forward makes you run straight ahead. Turn with Left and Right.Back makes you step carefully, well,
Walking and Sidestepping
Holding Walk while moving Forward allows you to walk straight ahead in a safe and orderly manner. Cyrus will not fall off edges while walking, so you can sometimes use this for lining up jumps and such. You can also step left or right by holding Walk and pressing Left or Right.
Press Jump for a short standing hop. Pressing Forward and Jump will make Cyrus jump from his position. Tapping Jump while running allows you to cross longer distances. Careful with this one. If there is a suitable edge nearby when Cyrus jumps, he will auto­matically grab it.
Hanging Around
If Cyrus grabs an edge, he can hang from it. Holding Left or Right will make him Shimmy along the edge. Pressing Forward will make him climb up onto the next level. Tap Back and you let go of the edge.
User’s Guide 4
Exploring Controls
F o rw a rd B a c k L e f t R i g h t A c t i v a t e Vi e w Wa l k J u m p
Swinging Around on Ropes
If Cyrus Jumps toward a rope, he will automatically grab it. Forward and Back allows you to climb up and down the rope, while Left and Right will make the rope swing. Tapping Jump at any time will make Cyrus let go of the rope. If you do this while the rope is real­ly moving, you can catch some serious hang time.
If Cyrus falls into the water, he can swim on the surface, moving Forward and Back and turning Left or Right. If you fall in the water while in Sword Fighting mode, you auto­matically sheathe your sword and everybody laughs at you.
Taking Damage
Plenty of things can damage you while you’re exploring. Falling, for instance. Or fire­balls. Or sharks. The candle in the upper left represents just how much damage you can take. If Cyrus dies, you’ll be asked if you’d like to load your last saved game. If you choose NO, you’ll be taken back to the Main Menu.
After you step onto the docks, the rest of the game is pretty much up to you. Resist the temptation to run out of the city gates and explore the island. Or not. Exploration is a good thing, and you’ll do a lot of it before you find Iszara. Let us suggest that you find Tobias first, since he may be able to give you the lay of the land.
Now where did he say he’d be? You better check the letter he sent you again. And learn how to use stuff in general.
Up arro w Down Arro w Left Arro w Right Arro w C t r l A l t S h i f t S p a c e
D-Pad up D-Pad down D-Pad left D-Pad right Button 1 Button 3 Button 4 Button 2
User’s Guide 5
Using Items & Inventory
For sake of clarity, anything that is in your
Inventory or that you can pick up and place in your Inventory is an Item. Anything outside of your Inventory, but that you can use, look at, pull or twist, or otherwise manipulate is a Thing. Over on the lower left hand side of the screen is the Action Message/ Active Item icon. An Action Message is a text display describing a particular action that you can do, like “Open the Door,” or “Put Lich Dust into
cumstances (see below). An Active Item icon represents an Item from your Inventory that you have currently selected. Pressing the Activate button will make Cyrus use the Item represented by the Active Item icon. For example, if you have a potion as your Active Item and you press the Activate button, Cyrus will take it out and drink it.
Selecting Items/ Inventor y
You can scroll through the Active Item icons by using < and >. Alternately, you can hit the I key, which will bring up an Inventory menu. Every Item you have picked up is here in the menu. From the Inventory menu, you can Examine Items or select them as your Active Item.
Examining Items
Pressing View from the inventory screen will allow you to Examine your Active Item. Use the direction keys to rotate the item, and Jump and Walk to move it. Look at everything you pick up, because its useful­ness might not be readily apparent until you do. Cyrus has something to say about every­thing, too, so listen up.
Examining Things
When you can Examine something in the world, an Action Message will display in the bottom left corner of the screen. Pressing the Activate button will allow you to Examine the Thing in question, whether it be a book, a sign, or whatever.
Using Items/ Picking Up Items
As we mentioned above, pressing the Activate button will allow you to Use your Active Item. Certain things cannot be Used in and of themselves, but must be selected as your Active Item for an Action Message to appear. See Using Items with Things, below. If there is an Item about that Cyrus can pick up, then an Action Message will appear alerting you to this fact. Pressing the Activate button while such a message is displayed will allow you to pick up that Item and place it in your Inventory.
User’s Guide 6
Action Message
the Yellow Potion.” These show up in different cir-
Using Things
If Cyrus can manipulate a Thing in the world in some way an Action Message will display when he is close enough. Pressing the Activate button will set off the Action. Using switches, opening doors, pulling levers, and numerous other Things fit into the category of an Action. Again, a Thing might not display an Action Message if you don’t have a particular Active Item selected.
Using Items withThings
Certain Items can be Used with certain Things. Action Messages will appear if a selected Active Item can be Used with a certain Thing. For example, being close to a door while having an iron key selected as your Active Item will set off the Action Message, “Put Key in Lock.” Pressing the Activate button will set off set off the Action displayed. Many Items are Used with Things during the course of the game.
Having your Sword as your Active Item
Pressing the Activate button while you have your sword as your Active Item will make Cyrus draw his sword. Holding Attack and Defend at the same time will make him put it back in its scabbard. Using the S key allows you to quickly pull out or sheath your sword, even if it’s not selected as your Active Item.
Talking to People
Okay, so now you know how to find and examine
Tobias’ letter. It’s one of the Items you start the game with. Find out where he’s at so you can go there and hear what he has to say about Iszara’s disappearance. On your way, you might want to meet some of the fine citizens of Stros M’kai. An Action Message will appear when you are close enough to somebody to initiate a conversation, as in “Talk to Man” or “Talk to Siona.” Pressing Activate will start Dialogue.
Choosing a Dialogue Topic
A list of Topics will appear whenever you are engaged in a Dialogue. Moving Forward and Back will highlight the Topic you want to talk about, while Activate will bring the Topic up. Listen and learn. Eventually you will get back to the Topic list. When a Topic has been exhausted it will turn a dull color, telling you so. Sometimes, a Topic will bring up a sublist of new Topics, or add another Topic to the main list itself. Choosing Bye will end Dialogue from any Topic list.
Reminder: Sometimes you will learn information, or have an Item now in your possession, that can bring up new Topics with people you have talked to before. If this is the case, a new Action or Topic will appear on the list when you talk to them again.
Reviewing an Old Topic
You can review an older Topic again by Activating it from the Topic list. Hitting WALK button (shift) while someone is talking allows you to skip that part of the Topic, so you
can get to whatever part you missed or want to hear again. Actually, you can also skip through a Topic you've never talked about, if you’re really in a rush.
Giving an Item to/ Buying an Item from Somebody through Dialogue
Sometimes you can give to or buy Items from a person during Dialogue. Such an Action will show up in the Topic list, rather than at the bottom left of the screen. Choosing the Action in this case is just like choosing a Topic. Note that you do not need to have selected these Items beforehand as your Active Item. If you can give something to some­body, it will show up on the Topic list.
Action Message
Dialogue Topics
User’s Guide 7
Special Cases in Dialogue
There are times in Dialogue when you cannot go immediately back to the main Topic list. Say, when a conversation turns sour or when you are asked a question. You have to play out these Dialogues until the situation resolves itself.
Storyline and Helpful Hints
Sooner or later you’re going to stumble onto the storyline. Don’t worry about time lim-
its or a strict linearity in Redguard, though. While there are events that you have to trig­ger for new areas and situations to present themselves, the story evolves at the pace of your play.
You might’ve noticed that in the Tavern you can take a beating and not worry too much about dying. Use the ruffians there as (really nasty) sparring partners, either to take out your frustrations or just to get in some practice with your sword fighting skills.
Losing your focus? Can’t quite make heads or tails of a situation? Troubles in general? Tell ‘em to the bartender.
Main Menu
Hitting ESC during the game pulls up the Main
Menu, where you can load saved games, adjust your Controls, replay Movies, etc. Forward andBack scrolls through the menu options. Select an option and press Activate to go to the appropriate menu. Hitting ESC from any menu will take you back to the previous menu. Hitting ESC from the Main Menu returns you to the game.
If you exit the game from the Main Menu list, your current game is saved automatically, unless Cyrus is dead. This is called your Autosave Game . The next time you play the game, you will start at the location of your last Autosave Game where Cyrus is alive, or your last saved game, whichever is more recent.
Save Game
This takes you to the Save Game page. Choose an open slot and type in the name of your saved game. You can write over older saved games if you want.
Load Game
From here you can Load a previously saved game. Choose the game you want to Load and hit Activate.
New Game
This starts a New Game. To fast forward through the Introduction, hit ESC several times.
This takes you to the Options page, where you can set your screen size, resolution, vol­ume levels, etc. Pick an Option from those listed to modify the appropriate settings.
User’s Guide 8
Display From Display you can modify Screen Resolution , Screen Size , Gamma Settings , Subtitles, and Movie.
Screen Resolution: Redguard runs in either 640X480, 320X400, or 320X200.
Of course, lower resolutions give you better game performance, but at the expense of detail. Default Screen Resolution is 640X480. If you are running the 3Dfx version, 640x480 is the only option.
Screen Size: Highlight the slider bar and press Left or Right to adjust the display area of the game screen. Smaller screen sizes result in slightly faster game performance. Default Screen Size is full screen.
Gamma Settings: Highlight the slider bar and press Left or Right to raise or lower your Gamma Settings. This makes the screen brighter or darker.
Subtitles: This will toggle the subtitles on/off during in-game cutscenes and
is on.
Back to Main
This takes you back to the Main Menu.
You can replay any Movies you have seen from here, including the Introduction. Highlight the Movie name and press Activate to watch it. The Movie will play again in its entirety, though you can fast forward through it using ESC.
Allows you to resume the game you are currently playing.
Ends the game, taking you back to your Windows desktop. Note that this triggers the Autosave Game, unless Cyrus is dead. When you relaunch Redguard, you start at the location of the last Autosave Game you have where Cyrus is alive, or your last saved game, whichever is more recent.
Dialogue. This will not turn off the Dialogue Topic lists. Default Subtitles are
Movie Interlace: This will make your movies to play on every other line of the screen, or every line of the screen. It defaults to ON, which is every other line.
From Sound, you can modify or toggle Sound F/X Volume, Music Volume, and Speech.
Sound F/X Volume: Highlight the slider bar and press Left or Right to raise
or lower the volume of the music. Music Volume: Highlight the slider bar and press Left or Right to raise or
lower the volume of the music. Speech: This will toggle speech on/off. If you turn it off, it’s best to turn the
Subtitles on, unless you’re really into art movies or something. Default speech
Many of the keyboard or gamepad controls can be changed in this menu. Select a game control. It will be reassigned to whatever key or button you press next. You cannot map the same key or button to two different game controls.
User’s Guide 9
ith the dawn of a new era before us, it is time that we take stock of where we
have been and where we are, in order to better illuminate the way ahead. Written in celebration of the Battle of Hunding Bay, which marked the return of all human kingdoms to the unchallenged rule of the Cyrodilic Emperor, this pamphlet seeks to briefly describe the present provinces of the Empire and the surrounding regions-- their history, people and current condition. We strove to balance timeliness with accuracy and completeness; if we have erred in our zeal to place this valuable guide in the hands of interested citizens everywhere, we beg the kind reader’s indulgence.
The Empire stretches across Tamriel, the largest known continent of the World. To the north of Tamriel is Atmora, from whence the Men of the World came. To the west is Yokuda, the native land of the Redguards. To the east is Akavir, whose armies invaded Tamriel in the previous era. To the south all is mystery and the whisper of a lost Elven homeland.
Tamriel itself is generally divided into eight major regions: Skyrim, Cyrodiil, High Rock, the Aldmeri Dominion of the Summerset Isles and Valenwood, Hammerfell, Morrowind, and the Elsweyr Confederacy. Some of these, such as Morrowind or Skyrim, have historically been unified into kingdoms; others, such as High Rock or Elsweyr, are looser groupings of many kingdoms, chiefdoms, village confederations, and so forth, united under a dominant race or culture. At its zenith, the Second Empire for­mally organized these disparate groups into the Imperial Provinces, which were admin-
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istered by provincial governors, either dispatched directly from Cyrodiil or appointed from the native populations. (Morrowind is a notable exception, having never been con­quered by the original Cyrodilic Empire and thus escaping investment as an Imperial Province.). With the fall of the Cyrodilic Empire control reverted to the individual rulers of each province, resulting in centuries of chaos, as many of the provinces devolved into independent kingdoms and petty statelets. Now, happily, all of the human kingdoms have been recovered by the Third Empire of Tiber Septim, and once again they all bear the proud title of Imperial Provinces.
The Aldmeri Dominion, the Elsweyr Confederacy, and Morrowind have yet to join the Empire, but are described in this book for the edification of the scholar, the fascination of the common citizen, and the preparation of the soldier. The Third Empire is yet in its youth, and who can predict what new horizons might yet greet the dawn under the Red Diamond Banner?
Some regions escape provincial classification due to the primitive civilization of their beastfolk inhabitants. Collectively, these beastfolk “states” are known as the Wild Regions, which may or may not be of interest to the Emperor. They are included only for the most intrepid of travelers, and to throw the achievements of Civilization into more brilliant relief by contrast with these benighted corners of Tamriel.
Now, citizen, we entreat you to review our modest survey of the Empire's dominions. If it entertains and edifies, reflect not upon the humble labors of this scribe, but on the gracious benevolence of our beloved Emperor, whose very name is as ambrosia upon our tongues, who in his wisdom has ordained that this survey be created and distributed among the earnest and wise people of Tamriel, that they might better understand the glories and challenges of these Lands and Dominions, and that they might better appre­ciate the great burdens of rulership he bears in our names with such fortitude.
A note on Elven designations: The Elves as a whole are sometimes referred to as the “Aldmeri,” or “the Elder Races.” Their individual pedigrees are likewise referred to by both their human and Aldmeri names; thus, High Elves are the “Altmer,” Dark Elves the “Dunmer,” Wood Elves the “Bosmer,” etc., etc. “Mer” is also used to denote a single Elf. Words that designate an Elven member of a profession or trade can therefore correctly be said as “craftsmer,” for example, or “noblemer.”
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kyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom or the Fatherland, was the
first region of Tamriel settled by humans: the hardy, brave, warlike Nords, whose descendants still occupy this rugged land, and, although perhaps somewhat reduced from the legendary renown of their fore­bears of old, the Nords of the pure blood still unquestionably surpass the mixed races in all the manly virtues.
Exactly when the Nords first crossed the ice-choked Sea of Ghosts from Atmora, their original homeland, is uncertain. As recorded in the Song of Return, Ysgramor and his family first landed in Tamriel at Hsaarik Head, at the extreme northern tip of Skyrim's Broken Cape, fleeing civil war in Atmora (then rather warmer than at present, as it seems to have supported a substantial population). These first settlers named the land "Mereth", after the Elves that roamed the untamed wilderness which then covered the whole of Tamriel. For a time, relations between Men and Elves were harmonious, and the Nords throve in the new land, summoning more of their kin from the North to build the city of Saarthal, the site of which has recently been located by Imperial archaeologists in the vicinity of modern Winterhold. But the Elves saw that the vital young race would soon surpass their stagnant culture if left unchecked, and fell upon the unsus­pecting Nords in the infamous Night of Tears; Saarthal was burned, and only Ysgramor and two of his sons fought free of the carnage and escaped to Atmora. The Elves, however, had reckoned without the indomitable spirit of the Nords. Gathering his legendary Five Hundred Companions (whose names are still recited every Thirteenth of Sun's Dawn at the Feast of the Dead in Windhelm), Ysgramor returned to Tamriel with a vengeance, driving the Elves out of Skyrim
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and laying the foundations of the first human Empire.
It may be that the exploits of the near-mythical Ysgramor conflate the reigns of several early Nord Kings, as the Elves were not finally driven from the present boundaries of Skyrim until the reign of King Harald, the thirteenth of Ysgramor's line, at the dawn of recorded history. King Harald is also remembered for being the first King to relinquish all holdings in Atmora; the Nords of Skyrim were now a separate people, whose faces were turned firmly toward their destiny, the conquest of the vast new land of Tamriel. Indeed, the history of the Nords is the history of humans in Tamriel; all the human races, with the exception of the Redguards, are descended from Nordic stock, although in some the ancient blood admittedly runs thin.
King Vrage the Gifted began the expansion that led to the First Empire of the Nords. Within a span of fifty years, Skyrim ruled all of northern Tamriel, including most of present-day High Rock, a deep stretch of the Nibenay Valley, and the whole of Morrowind. The Conquest of Morrowind was one of the epic clashes of the First Era, when ensued many a desperate contest between Nord and Dark Elf in the hills and glades of that dire kingdom, still recalled by the songs of the minstrels in the alehouses of Skyrim. The sys­tem of succession in the First Empire is worthy of note, as it proved in the end to be the Empire's undoing. By the early years of the First Empire, Skyrim was already divided into Holds, then ruled by a patchwork of clan-heads, kings, and councils (or moots), all of which paid fealty to the King of Skyrim. During the excep­tionally long reign of King Harald,
who died at 108 years of age and out­lived all but three of his sons, a Moot was created, made up of representa­tives from each Hold, to choose the next King from qualified members of the royal family. Over the years, the Moot became permanent and acquired an increasing amount of power; by the reign of King Borgas, the last of the Ysgramor dynasty, the Moot had become partisan and inef­fective. Upon the murder of King Borgas by the Wild Hunt (see Aldmeri Dominion- Valenwood), the Moot's fail­ure to appoint the obvious and capa­ble Jarl Hanse of Winterhold sparked the disastrous Skyrim War of Succession, during which Skyrim lost control of its territories in High Rock, Morrowind, and Cyrodiil, never to regain them. The war was finally concluded in 1E420 with the Pact of Chieftans; henceforth, the Moot was convened only when a King died without direct heirs, and it has fulfilled this more limited role admirably. It has only been called upon three times in the intervening millenia, and the Skyrim succession has never again been disputed on the field of battle.
The land of Skyrim is the most rugged on the continent, containing four of the five highest peaks in Tamriel (see Places of Note: Throat of the World). Only in the west do the mountains abate to the canyons and mesas of the Reach, by far the most cosmopolitan of the Holds of Skyrim, Nords of the pure blood holding only the barest majority according to the recent Imperial Census. The rest of Skyrim is a vertical world: the high ridges of the northwest-to-southeast slanting mountain ranges, cleft by deep, narrow valleys where most of the population resides. Along the sides of the river valleys, sturdy Nord farmers raise a wide variety of crops; wheat flourishes in the relatively tem-
Snow Elves
Nords attribute almost any misfortune or disaster to the machinations of the Falmer, or Snow Elves, be it crop fail­ure, missing sheep, or a traveler lost crossing a high pass. These mythical beings are popularly believed to be the descendants of the original Elven population, and are said to reside in the remote mountain fastnesses that cover most of Skyrim. However, there is no tangible evidence that this Elven com­munity survives outside the imaginations of superstitious villagers.
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