onwards you have the added advantage that Hulks are available right from the start - any earlier and the Hulk
is only just starting to be built by a few experienced shipyards.
66..33..22 DDiiffffiiccuullttyy LLeevveell
You can choose between five different difficulty levels: small shop-
keeper (very easy) through trader, merchant, and councillor up to
patrician (very difficult). The Details option shows the settings of dif-
ferent game aspects. They can be changed manually.
The player can usually select from the options low, normal or high.
This difficulty level reduces the trade margin. It lowers the sales prices
by approx. 10% per increment and raises the purchase prices by 10%.
Note: After changing this setting you may have to become used to the
new prices!
Your efforts towards maintaining the town’s supply of required goods or giving donations will ensure your
reputation rises. The higher you set this difficulty level the more efforts you will need to make for your recognition to increase amongst the citizens.
Citizens’ needs
This indicates the amount of goods the citizens need in order to be satisfied. The higher their requirements,
the more different goods you need, and slower the towns will grow.
Sea battles
This option determines the ship’s manoeuvrability and the cannons’ targeting accuracy.
Pirates activity
Allows you to adjust the number of pirates that roam the seven seas and the rate at which new pirates join
Activities of the Prince
Determine how often the Prince approaches the Hanseatic towns with demands. You can also configure the
army size during sieges.
Start-uup Capital
Your start-up capital can be 1,000, 10,000 or 30,000 gold pieces.
Number of Ships
At the start of the game you can choose between having either just a snaikka or a snaikka and a crayer.
Clicking on
returns you to the game settings. You will now see the difficulty level resulting from your set-
tings displayed.
66..33..33 DDeeffiinnee yyoouurr GGooaall
Define the objective of your game:
Play with no particular goal in mind.
LLoorrdd MMaayyoorr
Become lord mayor within a given time.
Become alderman within a given time.
BBaallaannccee ooff PPooiinnttss
The game ends after a set amount of time and each trader’s success is
calculated. The trader with the highest point score wins.
BBaallaannccee ooff WWeeaalltthh
The game ends after a set amount of time and the wealth of the traders
are compared.
HHaannsseeaattiicc LLeeaagguuee PPooppuullaattiioonn
The game ends as soon as the game world reaches a certain popula
tion count.
The first trader fulfilling the game’s goal wins. This can be a player or computer-controlled trader. You are
then asked whether you want to continue playing.
6.4 Multi-PPlayer Game
This allows you to play Patrician III with friends. For more details see Chapter 15, Multi-Player Mode.
6.5 Loading
You will see a list of all save games appear in the right hand window. On the left you can toggle between single player save games and campaigns. Click on the game you want to play to display a short description of
it in the left-hand window.
The left-hand window allows you to delete or resume a game with
Delete Game
, respectively.