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Technical Support (818) 889-56509am-Noon 2pm-5pm PST
New World Computing P.O. Box 4302 Hollywood, CA 90078
Published by New World Computing, Inc.
Developed by CATware
Design and Direction
Bill Fawcett
Story Contributions
Ellen Guon of Illusion Machine
Programming and Ideas
Dave Potter
Rod Retterath
Manual Illustrations
Todd Cameron Hamilton
James Clouse
Sound Programming
Todd Hendrix
Quality Assurance Manager
Peter Ryu
Walter JohnsonBryan FarinaDavid BotanJack Nalls
Based upon the series created by
Jon Van Caneghem
Producer and Manual
Deane Rettig
Original Programming
Mark Caldwell
Dave Hathaway
Graphic Artists
Jonathan P. Gwyn
Bonnie Long-Hemsath
Julia Ulano
Ricardo Barrera
Tim Tully
Introduction to Swords of Xeen ................................................. 5
A New Defender ...................................................................................7
A Beginner’s Guide to Computer Role-Playing ....................... 9
Creating Your Characters.........................................................13
Character Classes and Races.....................................................17
Reviewing and Assembling Your Party.................................... 23
Reaching New World Computing Customer Support..................60
This game reprises the popular game system of World of Xeen
with a new and challenging adventure. The structure of the
world of Havec is a flat rectangle. It is connected to a small city
actually in the world of Xeen, Greyhaven, by a recently discovered magical pyramid. Through it you will be able to return to
the safe environment of Greyhaven to purchase items, get
healed or trained, and learn spells. Nothing is known about
Havec, the world on the other side of the pyramid, except that
the evil Lord Xeen, who nearly destroyed two worlds, regularly travelled through the pyramid for unknown purposes.
The Dragon Pharoh looks tired. The scaled lids over his saddened
eyes sag. Around the throne room stand the many of the greatest
heroes in Xeen. It is impossible to not feel previliged to just stand
among them. Nervously you notice that not one has been spared
the cost of their deeds. Every man here sports a debilitating
wound. Even magical healing can only do so much.
When the Dragon Pharoh speaks, his voice is as sad his expression.
“My heroes, you have fought well to free our land. Look about you.
The greatest of us have suffered greviously and need time to heal.
Yet the remanants of Lord Xeen’s creatures continue to want only
to destroy our homes and must be dealt with immediately. I have
already dispatched nearly every other hero able to bear arms on
this mission.”
There is a pause and you realize how few heroes are present... and
how few remain alive at all after the great conflict. Before you can
think of a reply the Pharoh continues.
“Now an even greater threat has arisen. Amid the ruins near
Greyhaven was found a ancient gate. Already terrible beasts have
emerged from it.” A warrior in silver armor rubs three terrible scars
that slice across his entire face and nods his agreement. Nothing
short of a dragon could have made such wounds.
“I shudder to think what lies beyond that gate.” The Dragon
Pharoh’s voice hardens as he adds, “Yet we must know. Some say
it is the land where Lord Xeen was spawned. If so, it must be a truly
evil place. One that threatens our badly weakened world.”
Now the great dragon’s voice fills the pyramid, yet beneath it
remains an undercurrent of regret that warns you the Pharoh has
little hope of your success.
“You are the strongest and least wounded of all the heroes. I ask
you to enter this gate and make sure what lies beyond can never
threaten our fair land. Even if you can gain us a year’s respite, we
will be once more storng enough to defend our world. I wish I
could grant you more than a small purse to equip in Greyahven
with, but you must complete this quest without further aide... for
there is none.”
There is a pause ling enough to be uncomfortable. Then without
even a glance at each other you and your companions step
forward and accept the mission. Pledging your life once more in
the defense of your world and to the destruction of evil in another.
The next morning you arrive in Greyhaven and warily examine the
pyramid shaped portal.
When you begin Swords of Xeen, you will be presented with a
choice of playing the game in Warrior mode or Adventuring
mode. The game will be less combat intensive in Adventuring
mode. Once you make this decision you will be unable to
change it until you start a completely new game.
If you are new to the world of computer role-playing games
(CRPGs), you’ll want to read the rest of this section before
you get started. If you just can’t wait, you can jump right
into the game and use the reference card to help you along.
In Swords of Xeen, you (the player) will be represented by six
characters in a party. You will begin the game with a set of
default characters just outside of the Tavern. The Tavern is the
place you go to when you want to rearrange your party, create
new characters, get rumors and advice, and buy food. If you
want to make your own characters, go to the Tavern.
Each character will have a name, profession, and statistics
assigned to it that represent its capabilities, such as strength
and intelligence. Perhaps the most important statistic for all
characters is hit points. Hit points represent how much
personal damage a character can withstand before falling
unconscious. If your character’s hit points fall below zero, he
will go unconscious. If the character is hit while unconscious,
he will die. A character can start with anywhere from 1 to about
40 hit points. Since the average sword blow will do about 6 hit
points, a weak character could fall with only one or two blows.
The next most important statistic is your character’s level.
As you play the game, your characters will gain experience
points through defeating monsters and completing quests.
When you have enough experience points, you will become
eligible to advance to the next level. When your level
increases, your hit points and fighting ability will improve.
While you will spend a lot of time fighting monsters, you
will also have time when you are free to explore the land of
Havec. There are many different kinds of places to visit, but the
places you will frequent the most will be the towns. In the
towns you will be able to find shops and services where you can
buy better equipment, learn spells, and get healed.
For the beginning player, computer role-playing games can
seem confusing at first. We’ve done our best to make sure
Swords of Xeen is easy to learn and play. Once you get the hang
of it, we’re sure you will have a lot of fun.
Swords of Xeen starts you off with a set of six pre-made
characters. These characters have all the equipment and
abilities necessary to begin the game, and are just fine to use
if you don’t want to create your own characters.
Creating a character is easy. Whenever you want to make a
character, just go to any Tavern and check in. Once you have
checked in, select (C)reate a character to get to the character
creation screen.
The character creation screen is where you will make your
characters. There are seven numbers in a column next to some
mysterious letters. These letters are the statistics for your
character, and this is what they mean:
Mgt: Might is a prime statistic for Knights and Paladins.
Might affects the damage your character does when
you hit a monster. Might also is used to break down
doors and lift or destroy certain objects.
Int:Intellect is a prime statistic for Archers, Sorcerers,
Druids, and Rangers. This statistic helps determine how many spell points your character will
get if you are one of these classes.
Per:Personality is a prime statistic for Clerics, Druids,
Rangers, and Paladins. This statistic helps determine how many spell points your character will
get if you are one of these classes.
End: Endurance is a prime statistic for Paladins, Barbar-
ians, and Rangers. Endurance helps determine
how many hit points your character has.
Spd:Speed is a prime statistic for Ninjas and Rangers.
Everyone, including monsters, has a speed rating.
If your character’s speed is higher than the monsters, you will get the first action in combat.
Acy:Accuracy is a prime statistic for Archers and Nin-
jas. Accuracy helps determine whether or not you
hit a monster with a weapon or spell when you
Lck:Luck is the prime statistic for Robbers. Luck im-
proves your chances of surviving a hostile spell or
avoiding a trap.
In the bottom left corner of the screen you will see a portrait
of your character. If you want a different portrait, use the
UP/DOWN arrow keys to change it. The portrait you choose
determines the race and sex of your character.
To the right of the numbers is a list of the ten classes of
characters. If the prime statistic(s) for one of the classes is high
enough, that class will be highlighted, meaning that you could
pick that class if you wanted.
If the class you want to be isn’t highlighted, you can either
reroll the character or move the statistics around until you
get the class you want. To reroll, type R or click on the reroll
icon. To swap statistics, type the first letters of the statistics you
want to exchange or click on their icons.
Once you are satisfied with your statistics and the class you
want is highlighted, use the LEFT/RIGHT arrows and pressENTER, or click on your choice to select your class. Now
click on the create icon, or press C on your keyboard. The
computer will now ask you to name your character. Press the
ESCAPE key if you don’t want to make this character,
otherwise get creative and type in a name. That’s all there is
to making a character.
Character Creation Screen
Character Portrait: Shows the character’s portrait, race,
sex, and class. The two arrow buttons scroll through the
list of available portraits.
Character Statistics: Displays statistics. To change them,
press R or click the Roll icon. To swap statistics, select
the icon of the statistics you want to exchange.
Character Classes: Displays the ten character classes. If
your statistics permit your character to be a particular
class, that class will be highlighted.
Skill List: Displays a list of skills that this character
would start with if you created it.
All characters have a class and a race. Here is an explanation
of the ten classes:
Knight: Prime statistic (15 or greater): Might
The Knight is the best fighter in the game. Able to
use any kind of weapon or armor, the Knight will
dish out more damage than any other character.
The Knight starts with the Arms Master skill and
gets more hit points than all classes but the
Barbarian. The Knight cannot cast any spells.
Paladin: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Might, Personality, Endurance
The Paladin is a good fighter, but not as good as
the Knight. The Paladin can use any kind of
weapon or armor, but his hit points tend to be
lower than the Knight’s. The Paladin starts with
the Crusader skill and the ability to cast Cleric
Archer: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Intellect, Accuracy
The Archer is as good a fighter as the Paladin. The
Archer starts with the ability to cast Sorcerer
spells, but is unable to wear armor heavier than
chain mail or use a shield. The Archer starts with no
secondary skills.
Cleric: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Personality
The Cleric is a fair fighter, but is not allowed to use
edged weapons or missile weapons. On the bright
side, the Cleric can use splint mail armor or lighter
and has twice as many spell points available for
casting Cleric spells as the Paladin. The Cleric
starts with no secondary skills.
Sorcerer:Prime statistic (13 or greater): Intellect
The Sorcerer is a poor fighter. Sorcerers are only able
to wear robes and use staves and daggers. Sorcerer
spells are the most destructive in the game, and they
have twice as many spell points as the Archer. The
Sorcerer starts with the Cartography skill.
Robber:Prime statistic (13 or greater): Luck
The Robber is a fair fighter, but is unable to use any
armor heavier than chain mail. Robbers can use
any one-handed weapon and shield, but cannot
cast spells. The Robber begins the game with the
Thievery skill.
Ninja: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Speed, Accuracy
The Ninja is a good fighter, but is limited to ring
mail or lighter armor and cannot use a shield.
Ninjas can use most, but not all, weapons. Two
handed weapons are limited to staff and naginata.
The Ninja starts with the Thievery skill and is
unable to cast spells.
Barbarian:Prime statistic (15 or greater): Endurance
The Barbarian is almost as good a fighter as the
Knight, but is unable to wear armor heavier than
scale mail. Barbarians can use most shields and all
weapons. The Barbarian cannot cast spells and
starts with no secondary skills.
Druid:Prime statistic (15 or greater): Intellect, Personality
The Druid is a poor fighter. Druids are only able to
use light armor and weapons, but they can cast
both Cleric and Sorcerer spells to a limited degree.
Druids start the game with the Direction Sense
skill and twice as many spell points as Rangers.
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