Copyright © 1996 Blue Byte Software GmbH
Software, manual, text, graphics and names are protected
by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
translated into other languages without the written
permission of Blue Byte.
"Microsoft", "Windows95", and "MS-DOS" are registered
trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United
States of America and other countries.
All other product names in this manual are registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

Cartoons by Carsten Wieland
Text and Layout by Wolfgang Walk
Translation by Jonathan Faila

Hi folks.
Chewy's the name. The guys from
Blue Byte suggested...
...I make myself useful instead of
just messing around the office. Alright. I guess as long
as my glider is being tuned up there isn't much else to do here,
anyway. You know, this planet of yours is not the coolest
place in the universe, is it?
So I won't
miss anything any-
way if I explain the
game to you.

the game before
you're old and
Als erstes braucht Ihr mal 'nen
The first thing you need is a
486 DX 33 processor in your computer.
It doesn't matter if it's faster. But if it's slower
I'm afraid I can't guarantee,
you'll be done...
Aside from that,
your computer needs 3MB
of free XMS and about 535k
of free conventional memory. If
you have more than 4MB RAM,
I suggest using a 4MB

Then you need
18 MB space on a
hard disk..
If you should
run into any problems, just call
the Blue Byte Hotline.
...and a
double speed CD-ROM
Call (USA) 847-995-9981

Before you can start,
you need to insert the CD, of course.
Choose your
CD-ROM drive
and type "install". Press
the enter key and the
installation will
Do you have
Windows 95? Then first double-
click on the CD-ROM icon, shown in "My
Computer" and then on the "install.bat"
icon. In any case, after that all you have
to do is answer the questions the
program asks you.
If you
want to hear
me during the
...you should by all means answer
this question. Unless you're playing
in front of a hospital.