1. Insert the Carmageddon CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Type “D:\INSTALL” where “D” is your computer’s CD-ROM drive letter.
3. Follow the instructions to install Carmageddon on your computer’s hard drive and configure your sound card.
4. Type “CARMA” to run the game.
If you wish to run Carmageddon in Hi-Res, type “CARMA -HIRES”. NOTE: 24MB RAM is required for Hi-Res play.
Starting the Game
First, ensure you have the Carmageddon CD in your CD-ROM drive.
Go to the drive where you installed Carmageddon (for example C:), and change to the directory where you installed the game; for example
CD\INTRPLAY\CARMA. Now type “CARMA” to run the game.
NOTE: If you have Windows 95, you should “Shutdown and Restart in MS-DOS mode” to play Carmageddon. Go to the installation directory (default is
“C:\INTRPLAY\CARMA”) and type “CARMA” to play.
Laws and Rules of the Road
An Overview of Carmageddon
Carmageddon is a free-for-all ‘race’. You can do what you like, when you like. Each race has a series of checkpoints and a lap count. If you complete all the
laps, then the race is over and you’ll receive a time bonus. However you don’t have to take any notice of the checkpoints or laps if you don’t want to
(you’ll notice that many of your opponents don’t). There’s more fun to be had by ramming other cars and mowing down the masses. There’s a timer at
the top of the game screen, which counts down. When the counter reaches zero, the race is over. But the fun has just begun. You can always go back and
have another go at that race.
What’s My Goal?
You will undoubtedly notice that there is no display of your position in the race. This is because you
don’t have one, and it doesn’t matter anyway. Your opponents will cheat at least as much as you will,
and it doesn’t matter one iota who gets to the ‘finish line’ first - it just matters how much damage you
did and how many internal organs you liberated on the way.
The important thing is to do whatever you want and to enjoy doing it. If your opponents are being
boring enough to race around the circuit, then why don’t you go around the circuit the wrong way
and put a little spice into their lives. Hitting other cars and splatting pedestrians adds time to your
timer and gives you credits. Doing so in imaginative and novel ways gives you extra bonuses. Try to
think of new and humorous ways of pulping pedestrians - you’ll more than likely be rewarded for it.
When hitting other cars, remember to keep your pedal to the metal all the way until impact - wimps
are not rewarded.
Destroying all your opponents or killing all pedestrians also finishes the race - and with a juicy bonus.
Alternatively you can always finish the race yourself by hitting Control-A, or Esc then choosing
Abort Race from the main menu. Remember that you are never penalized for the race
ending, whatever the reason there was for it being over. So if you feel like a different race, just
bail out of the current one and go for it.
How Do I Buy Stuff?
You start the game with an amount of credits (dependent on the skill level you chose). You build up your stash and use it for in-race repairs and for buying
better parts for your car. Should you ever run out of cash then it really is Game Over. However if you do this during a race, nobody really minds - you’re
allowed to carry on, building up a huge debt until the race is over, at which point your bank goes into a screaming fit and pulls the plug. Your aim in the
game (other than to enjoy yourself and cause as much damage and death as possible) is to increase your rank. You start out ranked at a lowly 99, and will
hopefully end up as number 1, at which point the game opens itself up to you.
What About a Ranking System?
You increase your ranking by earning enough credits during a single race. It doesn’t matter how much you spend during the race, merely what you earn
(although if you spend too much the game will be over so going up a rank wouldn’t really achieve much).
Your rank dictates which of the 36 races you can enter. You normally have a choice of 5 or so different races at a particular rank. As your rank improves,
the group of races open to you moves further along the list, allowing you access to more and more challenging events. The game will automatically rotate
you around the races available to you until your rank improves and you can move on - or you can choose which race to enter manually if you like.
How Do I Make Improvements, Upgrades and Repairs?
You can visit the parts shop to make improvements to your car, and you can also pick up temporary power-ups during a race by driving into barrels, gas
cylinders, trash cans etc. Most of these will contain a random goody that might be just a few extra credits or a time bonus, or it might be something quite
useful like complete invulnerability for 30 seconds.
It won’t take you long to notice that all your opponents have the mentality
of a sex-starved bull. If you ram them, there’s a good chance they’ll see red
and go for you (which can be great fun if you’re on the edge of a precipice if
you time it right). Just remember to give as good as you get - they do
frighten, particularly if you rise to their challenge and simply hit them back
even harder. However, don’t be surprised if the next time you share a race
with that opponent, they seem to be making a career of trying to kill you.
During the game, you’ll find out that some cars are a bit special, because
when you destroy them, they are removed from the race (OK, stolen),
repaired automatically (and for free) and are then available for you to drive
during the next race and all subsequent races. Some cars you might find a
bit of a handful, but they’re all fun. If you’re really good, you might just lay
your hands on something rather special
during the latter stages of the game; something with the dimensions
and weight of a small house but which has the performance of a
fighter plane.
During your assaults on your opponents, and your inevitable close encounters with walls, light poles and the hard bits at the bottom of sheer drops, your
car will become damaged. There is a status screen, which shows you the state of your car’s systems. As they become more bent, they start to malfunction or
fail altogether.
After a race, your car is fully repaired automatically and for free. However you might not want to wait that long. You can repair your car at any time during
the race by holding down the repair key (usually Backspace). The longer you hold it down, the more your car is repaired - but the more it’ll cost you. For
speed you can also double click the key for a full repair.
You will soon discover that sometimes your car lands on its roof or its side. In this case, hitting Insert will recover your car (at a cost) and let you continue.
If you can’t remember this, just hit Esc - there’s a ‘Recover vehicle and continue’ item in the menu.
What About Rules?
Above all, do whatever you want to do. The game will try not to get in your way (unlike your opponents, who will often try to get in your way at 150 mph
in the opposite direction). You will never be forced to go in a particular direction or to conform to any rules. If you treat the entire race with utter
disrespect and just try to be disruptive - that’s fine and you’ll even be rewarded for it!
Of course you can also race around the pre-defined circuit, complete your laps, and take your bonus if you want. Just don’t expect to be invited to any good
parties if you do.
Game Screen
Lap Counter
Current lap over total laps.
Checkpoint Counter
Current checkpoint over the number of
checkpoints per lap.
Your Car
Your Car’s Speedometer
Race Time Remaining
Profit Bar
Shows amount of credits
Armor Level
Power Level
Offensive Level
Pedestrian Counter
Shows number killed over total
pedestrians in level.
Damage Indicator
Main Menu
When running the game, after seeing the credits and the introduction movie (which like any cut-scenes in the game can be interrupted by hitting any key
or clicking the mouse), you come to the Main Menu screen.
NOTE: All the interface screens in Carmageddon work in the same way. You can either use the mouse to
make selections, or use the cursor keys to move the red hi-light around and hit enter or return to operate the
hi-lighted item (for instance a ‘Done’ button). When two arrows hi-light, use the cursor keys themselves to
operate the arrows (for instance in the ‘Change Race’ screen).
New Game
Starts a new single player game.
New Network Game
Takes you to the network game (if available) menu where you can start or join a network game.
Options - Brings up the options menu which has the following sub-options:
Sound Options
Lets you select volumes for music and effects, and also allows you to turn music on or off during the race itself, independently of the rest of the game.
Although you might consider the interface too dull a place to inhabit without music, the game itself is best played without it, as it tends to drown out the
crashes and screams of twisted metal, which is an awful shame really.
Detail Options (Not available during a race)
Various options that allow you to alter the graphics to get the most optimal display speed from your particular PC. Setting these lower (towards the right of
the screen) reduces the amount of calculations your PC has to do.
Car ComplexityDetermines the complexity of the car models, the lower this is the more ‘blocky’ the cars will be.
Car TexturesDetermines the level of detail on the cars.
ShadowsLimits the shadows on vehicles to all vehicles, your own vehicle or none.
Wall TexturesDetermines the level of detail on the walls and buildings.
Road TexturesDetermines how realistic the road surfaces look.
Scenery Cut-offDetermines how far in front of the vehicle, the scenery cuts-off. The nearer this is set, the higher the
increase in game running speed.
Scenery Pop-upDetermines how close to the front of the car individual elements within the scene pop-up. As with
the Cut-off option, the nearer this is set, the higher the increase in speed.
Sky TextureTurns the sky texture on and off.
Darkness / FogTurns the darkness and fog effects on and off. When on, the background looks more realistic and
you’ll find it is easier to judge depth and distances, but it does cause a slight running speed decrease.
Track AccessoriesTurns on and off all the objects that can be knocked over or pushed around.
Special EffectsTurns all the options of blood stains, skid marks, road dust, etc. off and on.
Control options
Selects and personalizes your control method and assigns keyboard commands. By
moving the hi-light over the various key selections and pressing return you can
then hit the new key (or button of a joystick) for which you wish to assign the
particular function. If for any reason you try to assign a function to a key which
cannot be altered, you will be aurally informed. Joystick calibration is also
available from this screen. First, click the ‘Joystick’ button on the bottom bar of
the menu screen. You will now be prompted to calibrate your joystick by
following the on-screen prompts. To make this task more interesting, there are
some numbers for you to look at that change as you waggle your stick. The
calibration process enables two devices to be set. Therefore, if you have just one
you should hit ‘Esc’ when the screen prompts you to begin the calibration process
for joystick #2. You will be returned to the Control options screen. Click the save
button to save your settings and return to the Options menu.
Load Game
Loads a previously saved game. Select the saved game you want and hit return (or just click on it with the mouse). You will return to the Start Race
screen, ready for the continuation of the carnage. This will effectively abort your current game.
Save Game
Saves the game position in its current state. If you do this during a race, the game is saved as it was before the race started. In other words you can only
save the game’s state in between races and after completing the current race. If you select save during the race, a warning message pops up telling you this,
but you can go ahead and save anyway - just in case you forgot to before the race and now realize that you have lost too much money, prompting you to
chicken out and try again. There are 8 save slots which you can use. Each one displays a name which you enter and then you save into it. Also displayed is
the rank attained and credits held at the time of saving so you can see at a glance the relative merits of each saved game.
Quit Carmageddon
Quits the game.
New Game Screen
To start a new single player game, choose New Game from the main menu
Select Driver
Use this screen to select who you want to play as, and to change the name of the driver if you wish. With your mouse or keyboard, select the character
required as described above. Next, change the name, if you wish, by using normal typing keys and hit return. The characters to
choose from are:
• Max Damage - Maximum impact, fruitcake with a hydraulic neck and no crumple zones
in his brain. Drives the Eagle, a car designed for rammin’ and slammin’.
• Die Anna - Psychopathic stunner born in a body bag and raised in a morgue.
Drives the Hawk, a car faster than Max’s Eagle but not as strong. Best suited to
impacts with flesh rather than steel.
During the race you get to see and hear the reactions of your character in the ‘Prat-cam’ - a
view of his or her face that reacts to the impacts and carnage around them. If you want to
get a fuller view of all the action this can be turned off (and on again) by pressing the ‘P’
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