Fairchild Semiconductor CD4099BCN, CD4099BCCW Datasheet

October 1987 Revised January 1999
CD4099BC 8-Bit Addressable Latch
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS005984.prf www.fairchildsemi.com
CD4099BC 8-Bit Addressable Latch
General Description
The CD4099BC is an 8 -bit addressable latch with three
), active high clear input (CL), a data input (D), and eight out­puts (Q0–Q7).
Data is en ter e d into a particul ar bi t in th e l a tch w h en th at b i t is addressed by the address inputs an d the enable (E
) is
LOW. Data entry is inhibited when enable (E
) is HIGH.
When clear (CL) and e nable (E
) are HIGH, all outputs are
LOW. When clear (CL) is HIGH and enable (E
) is LOW, the channel demultiplexing occurs. Th e bit that is addressed has an active output which follows the data input while all unaddressed bits are held LOW. When operating in the addressable latch mode (E
= CL = LOW), changing more
than one bit of the address cou ld impo se a tra nsi en t wro ng
address. Therefore, this should only be done while in the memory mode (E
= HIGH, CL = LOW).
Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V
High noise immunity: 0.45 V
Low power TTL: fan out of 2 driving 74L compatibility: or 1 driving 74LS
Serial to parallel capability
Storage register capability
Random (addressable) data entry
Active high demultiplexing capability
Common active high clear
Ordering Code:
Connection Diagram
Pin Assignments for DIP
Top View
Truth Table
Order Number Package Number Package Description
CD4099BCN N16E 16-Lead Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300” Wide
Mode Selection
CL Addressed Unaddressed Mode
Latch Latch
L L Follows Data Holds Previous Data Addressable Latch H L Holds Previous Data Holds Previous Data Memory L H Follows Data Reset to “0” Demultiplexer H H Reset to “0” Reset to “0” Clear
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