Section 1: Introduction
The 'Toledo DigiTol to RC' conversion kits are designed to upgrade truck
scales with DigiTol load cells to the Fairbanks RC load cell system, by removing
DigiTol load cells and mounting hardware under Toledo scale decks and
replacing with Fairbanks' hardware and RC load cells. The kits do NOT contain
interface electronics such as Sectional Controllers or junction boxes.
Section 2: Installation
A. Tools Required:
Two Hydraulic Jacks (with safe capacity for the deck you're lifting)
Hand Tools
Precision Level(s)
High Quality Grease
Wood Blocks for Safety
B. Removal of existing parts:
1. Remove power to the system.
2. Before jacking the scale, set all existing checking so that it
touches all striker surfaces; this will keep the deck centered.
3. Place the jacks under the scale, at opposite sides, starting at 1
end and raise the deck only enough to remove the DigiTol load
cells, 2 at a time. Set wood blocks under the scale to act as
safety stands. Remove the quick disconnect plug and set the
cells aside then remove the junction box cables.
8/04 1 50651 Issue # 2
Bulletin 50651 Issue #2
Toledo DigiTol - RC/Intalogix™ Conversion
Instructional Bulletin 8/04
4. Remove the upper cups and lower cups. If the cups are broken
and will not come out, you may have to weld a bolt head to a
large piece of the broken cup and pry out. Try not to damage the
base plate hole where the cup sets.
* Note: 'Keepers' may be clamp type or a pin in the base plate. On the
very old models WITHOUT pins, use 3/8" all-thread pieces about 1
½" long and weld to each base plate so it fits in the notch of the
new lower cup. This is important to keep the load cell from rotating.
5. Remove the old junction boxes and set them aside.
6. Weld the new box-mounting bars (with the 2 tapped holes) onto
the steel at each section where it'll be accessible for mounting
junction boxes or SSCs to.
Use safety precautions when welding. Ensure that cables
are disconnected from load cells and from junction boxes to
the power supplies and instrument. Keep the welding
ground as close as possible to your work. Try to complete
all welding before installing the new parts!
C. Installing the New RC Hardware & Cells:
1. Clean the lower base plates thoroughly. Grease the "O" rings
well before installing them on the outside of the cups, then coat
the outside of the cups with grease and install them.
a. The upper cups are UN-NOTCHED.
b. The lower cups are NOTCHED to prevent cell rotation.
Tap the spring pins into the lower cup, slide the lower
cup 'cutout' over the anti-rotation pin. Ensure that the pin
or welded piece is secure.
2. Grease the ends of the load cells, and hold the cell into the
upper cup. Lower the jack(s) enough to seat the load cell into the
lower cup, then lower the deck so there is good weight on the
cell and check for a plumb condition. Correct or plumb by
moving the lower base plate. Shim either cup or both cups using
the provided shims to get proper loading on all load cells and to
ensure the scale deck is at proper height, especially at the
approach ends.
8/04 2 50651 Issue # 2