Main Screen 34
Weight Limits Screen 37
History Screen 39
Custom Fields Screen 41
Account Options 42
Main Screen 42
Defaults Screen 44
Groups Screen 46
Trucks, etc. Screen 48
50772 2 12/04 Issue # 2
Truck Type Screen 50
Delivery Zones Screen 52
Custom Screen 54
RSA Prompts Screen 55
Order/Job Table 57
Main Screen 57
Miscellaneous Screen 60
Ordered Item 62
Order/Job Options 65
Material Screen 66
Price Table 68
Category Table 70
Utilities 71
Backup Database 71
Restore Database 73
Backup Options 75
Import/Export Utility 77
Definition Screen 77
Text File Format Screen 81
Options Screen 83
Record Selection Screen 86
Field Editor Main Screen 88
Field Editor Specification Screen 90
SQL Update Utility 93
Login Screen 93
Update Screen 94
Company Data 96
Scale Port 97
Setup Screen 97
Test Screen 99
50772 3 12/04 Issue # 2
Ticket/Journal Printer Port 101
Setup Screen 101
Test Screen 103
Data Terminal Port 105
Setup Screen 105
RTSA Test Screen 107
PDC Test Screen 109
please contact your dealer/distributor.
This manual, is sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, respecting the contents
of this manual, including but not limited to implied warranties for the manual’s quality, performance,
merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Neither Fairbanks Scales nor its dealers or
distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or
damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this manual.
All terms mentioned in this manual that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been
appropriately capitalized. Fairbanks Scales cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term
in this manual should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
Interact® is our registered trademark
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Zip™ is a trademark of Iomega® Corporation.
Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Information in this document is current to revision 4.0.45 of the Interact software and is subject to change
without notice.
50772 7 12/04 Issue # 2
About Interact
Welcome, and thank you for purchasing the FB3000 with Interact® Inside. This program is designed to
help reduce labor costs, minimize human error, and increase overall efficiency in your scale operations.
How to Get Here
Standard program features include:
Automatic Ticket Processing
Ticket Editing, Voiding, and Reprinting
Detailed and Summary Report Generation by Criteria Selection
Three User Definable Tare Weights
Direct Scale Interface to One or Two Scales
Direct Interface to Ticket, Tape, Dot Matrix, and Laser Printers
Detailed Customer Statements (Interact Professional)
Customer Payment and Itemized Payment Tracking (Interact Professional)
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This is the first screen that appears after starting Interact and will be used to identify you as a valid user of
the program. If this is the first time the program has been used then you must log in as the administrator;
log in name is "admin" with no password. It is strongly suggested the first thing you do is change the
password to this log in.
How to Get Here
Windows Start Button-->Programs-->Interact-->Interact
Field Descriptions
Login Name
Enter the log in name supplied to you by your system administrator.
You may have also been given a password in addition to a log in name. Enter your password
here. The characters you type will be displayed as an asterisk (*).
50772 9 12/04 Issue # 2
Main Screen
The features in this application are enabled through either a hardware or software registration process that
is administered by the Registration Key Server. The key server is continually running and resides in your
system tray (lower right corner of your desktop). It supplies registration information to the truck scale
application. If it quits running, the truck scale application will eventually terminate after five (5) failures to
retrieve registration data.
The hardware registration process involves plugging a dongle into either a parallel or USB port on the back
of your PC. The software process involves calling Fairbanks Scales for a twenty (20) character key that is
entered in the Software Registration screen. The main screen shows how the program is currently
How to Get Here
Field Descriptions
Today's Date
This field contains the current date.
Hardware Key
This field contains the hardware registration status. If the program detects a dongle plugged into
either a parallel printer or USB port, it will display "Key found". Otherwise, it displays "Key not
50772 10 12/04 Issue # 2
Software Key
This field contains the software registration status. If the program has been software registered,
this field will display the twenty (20) character software key. Otherwise, it displays "Software
registration not found".
Other Status
This field currently not used.
This field displays the major version of the application that has been registered.
Serial #
This is the serial number read from the hardware dongle or received from Fairbanks Scales during
the software registration process.
Enable Features
This box lists all the features that have been enabled within the application.
Register Button
Click this button to display the Software Registration screen.
Refresh Button
Click this button to read the hardware dongle (if present) and refresh the controls on this screen.
Ok Button
Click this button to hide this form.
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Software Registration Screen
This Registration Key Server screen is used to software register the truck scale application. Call Fairbanks
Scales at the number provided on the screen and give the support analyst your hardware code along with
the features you want enabled. You will receive a serial number along with a twenty (20) character
software key that must be entered into the corresponding controls on this screen.
How to Get Here
Admin-->Register-->Register Button
Field Descriptions
Hardware Code
This is a code that is unique to your PC. You need to supply this code to Fairbanks Scales in
order to register your software.
Serial #
The value for this field is supplied by Fairbanks Scales.
Unlock Key
This twenty (20) character code (five groups of four characters each) is also supplied by Fairbanks
Scales and unlocks the features you purchased.
50772 12 12/04 Issue # 2
Save Button
Click this button to save your registration information and return to the Main Registration screen.
You must restart the truck scale application before the new registration takes effect.
Cancel Button
Click this button to ignore any new registration information and return to the Main Registration
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User Table
The User Table contains all individuals that will be using the program. User log ins, password s, and
security levels can be changed or added on this screen. The only information a user can change on this
screen is his/her own name and password. All other data can only be changed by a user with a
administrator security level.
How to Get Here
Logins-->Edit Login Accounts
Field Descriptions
An 8 character name used to identify you as a valid user of this program.
The real name of the user.
A log in name along with a password will allow you to access the program. Passwords are not
required. Passwords can be up to eight (8) characters long. Letters and numbers ca n be used,
but no spaces. Passwords are not case sensitive.
If you change a password, the program will prompt you to verify the password change by entering
the old password and reentering the new password. This verification occurs after clicking the Save
Security Level
This is a drop-down list of valid security levels. There are four levels:
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Level 3 is the Administrator level. The administrator has update permission for all tables
in the database. Only the administrator can add users, delete users, change passwords
and set security levels. When the program is installed, there is only an “admin” log in
assigned administrator privileges. This log in is not password protected. It is strongly
suggested that you assign a password to this log in.
Level 2 is the Supervisor level.. A supervisor has all the same privileges as an
administrator except updating the user table.
Level 1 is the Operator level. A operator has read access to all tables in the database.
He can process tickets in the Weigh screen and run the backup and restore utilities.
Level 0 is the Guest level. A guest has read access to all tables in the database only.
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Account Table
Main Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts in the database. There are two
types of accounts: customer and hauler. A customer is an account that you will charge for materials
delivered. A hauler is an account that you will pay to deliver material. An account can either be a
customer, hauler or both.
The Main screen contains general account information and transaction default values.
How to Get Here
Admin->Accounts->Main Radio Button
Field Descriptions
A 10 character alphanumeric field containing the account id.
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A 30 character alphanumeric field containing the account name.
Inactive Check Box
When checked, this account is inactive. It will not appear in any drop down lists on other screens
and will be considered a candidate to be purged from the database by the purge utility. In order to
be purged, there must be no transactions in the database that reference this account.
Revoked Check Box
When checked, this account is revoked. It will still appear in drop down lists on other screens but
no transactions can be processed against it.
Trucks, Etc Button
This button is only enabled for accounts designated as type Hauler or Customer and Hauler.
When clicked the Trucks, Etc screen will be displayed showing all the tared vehicles (trucks,
trailers, containers, etc.) belonging to this hauler. Tared vehicle names are configured in the
Account Options screen.
Freight Button
This button is only enabled for accounts designated as type Hauler or Customer and Hauler.
When clicked the Freight Rates screen will be displayed for this hauler.
Address Radio Buttons
Up to three addresses can be entered per account. Clicking on one of these three buttons will
display the information for that particular address. The address titles can be modified in the
Account Options screen.
An address consists of a contact name, two address lines, city, state, zip code, phone #, fax # and
e-mail address.
Price Table
Select the default price table that will be used calculate charges for this account. Price table can
be changed at any time during transaction processing but will be set to this value when the bill-to
account is initially selected.
Tax Code
Select the default tax code that will be used to calculate taxes for this account. Tax code can be
changed at any time during transaction processing but will be set to this value when the bill-to
account is initially selected.
Select the default material code that will be used by this account. Like price table and tax code
material code can be changed at any time during transaction processing b ut will be set to this
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value when the bill-to account is initially selected.
Ticket Type
Set the default ticket format that will be used by this account to print tickets. A ticket is formatted
using commands that are contained in a *.gtk file. All ticket format files can be found in the
program's installation directory.
Account Type
An account can be a Customer, Hauler or a Customer and Hauler. Customers are accounts that
you charge for material. Haulers are accounts you pay for hauling material.
You can select which account records to view with this drop down list. The choices are Haulers
Only, Customers Only or Customers and Haulers.
50772 18 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
Defaults Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts (bill-to and hauler) in the database.
The Defaults screen contains more default account information that will be used to set corresponding ticket
fields and control transaction processing in the Weigh screen.
How to Get Here
Admin->Accounts->Defaults Radio Button
Field Descriptions
Hauler Defaults - Customer
This field is for hauler accounts only. Select the default bill-to account for this hauler. When a
transaction is started using this hauler or a truck belonging to this hauler, the bill-to will be set to
this account.
Category Defaults
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There are four category codes, two of which are reserved for the material and price tables. The
default values for these are set in the Account Main screen. The other two are user definable.
The defaults for these two are set here. When this bill-to account is selected, the category codes
are set to these values.
Weigh Form Radio Button
Click this button to display and modify the message that will be displayed in the Weigh screen
when this account is selected.
Invoice Radio Button
Click this button to display and modify the message that will appear on invoices for this account.
Statement Radio Button
Click this button to display and modify the message that will appear on statements for this account.
This box will contain either the Weigh screen, Invoice or Statement message depending on the
message type selected.
Display Message Check Box
Check this box to display the associated message on the Weigh screen, Invoice or Statement.
The message is not displayed until this box is checked.
50772 20 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
Terms Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts (bill-to and hauler) in the database.
The Terms screen contains payment terms for your bill-to accounts. This screen is unavailable for hauler
How to Get Here
Admin->Accounts->Terms Radio Button
Field Descriptions
This frame contains the payment terms for this account.
Credit Limit
Enter the charge limit for this account. For prepaid accounts, this field displays the amount that
was prepaid. The Weigh screen operator can be warned when estimated balance gets within a
50772 21 12/04 Issue # 2
percentage of the credit limit. For prepaid accounts, he will be warned when the estimated
balance gets within a percentage of the prepaid amount.
Finance Charge
The percentage used to calculate late charges on overdue invoices. This percentage is multiplied
by the balance for every invoice that is past due the number of days specified. Finance charges
are applied when statements are generated.
Ticket Is Invoice
If yes, an invoice is generated for each ticket.
Payment Terms
Payment terms in the form: Discount % Discount Days, Days Due (e.g. 2.00% 10, Net 30)
Immediate Discount
This percent discount is applied immediately to a ticket. The price components used to calculate
material charge are discounted by this percentage when the ticket is generated. For example, if a
material is normally priced at $5.00 per ton then a 10% immediate discount results in a new price
of $4.50 per ton.
Standard Terms Check Box
If checked, the account will use the system standard terms. Otherwise, the account's custom
terms are used.
Custom Terms Button
Click this button to edit terms that are custom for this account.
Check these boxes to exempt this account from finance charges. freight, and/or freight tax.
50772 22 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
Balances Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts (bill-to and hauler) in the database.
Besides containing balance information, this screen allows for assigning an account to an invoice or
statement group and entering a beginning balance.
How to Get Here
Admin->Accounts->Balances Radio Button
Field Descriptions
Receivables Radio Button
When clicked, the screen will contain the receivable balances for this account.
Payables Radio Button
When clicked, the screen will contain the payable balances for this account.
50772 23 12/04 Issue # 2
Current Balance
The total of all invoices less payments that have been posted. A payment is considered posted
when it has appeared on a statement.
Uninvoiced Tickets
The total and number of all charge tickets that have not yet been invoiced. Cash tickets (tickets
that have been paid in the Weigh screen) are never invoiced and will never be removed from this
Uninvoiced Misc Charges
The total and number of all miscellaneous charges that have not been invoiced. Miscellaneous
charges have not yet been implemented in the program. Therefore, the totals for this category
should be zero.
Unposted Payments & Credits
The total and number of all payments that have not yet appeared on a statement. Payments on
cash tickets (tickets that have been paid in the Weigh screen) never appear on a statement and
will never be removed from this total.
Estimated Balance
Current balance plus uninvoiced tickets plus uninvoiced miscellaneous charges less unp osted
Last Charge
The date, ticket number and amount of the last charge processed against this account.
Last Credit
The date, receipt number and amount of the last payment or credit applied to this account.
Last Invoice
The date, number and amount of the last invoice generated for this account.
The date, number, balance and finance charge of the last statement generated for this account.
Invoice Group
An account can belong to one of 20 invoice groups. When generating invoices, the program
allows you to select a single or all groups. There are 4 system defined groups: Do Not Invoice,
Daily, Weekly and Monthly. The other 16 groups are user definable in the Account Options
Statement Group
An account can belong to one of 20 statement groups. When generating statements, the program
50772 24 12/04 Issue # 2
allows you to select a single or all groups. There are 4 system defined groups: No Statements,
Daily, Weekly and Monthly. The other 16 groups are user definable in the Account Options
Beginning Date
The date the beginning balance invoice was entered into the system.
Beginning Bal
Beginning balances are entered into the system as invoices and are aged and paid off like any
normal invoice. This field contains the amount of the beginning balance invoice.
+ Button
Click this button to display a pop up screen that allows you to add or modify the beginning balance
invoice for this account. A beginning balance invoice can no longer be modified once a payment
has been applied or it has appeared on a statement.
The total of all charges for this account.
The total of all payments and credits for this account.
Ending Bal
Beginning balance plus charges less credits. This balance should equal the estimated balance.
Old - Run Aging Report
This message will appear above the aged balances when the balances are not current. To update
the aged balances, run an aging report.
The amount of ending balance that is 0 to 30 days old.
The amount of ending balance that is 31 to 60 days old.
The amount of ending balance that is 61 to 90 days old.
Over 90
The amount of ending balance that is over 90 days old.
50772 25 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
Custom Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts (bill-to and hauler) in the database.
The Custom Screen allows you to enter data into user defined custom fields. Custom fields are most often
used to store information that will be exported to or imported from a 3rd party accounting package.
How to Get Here
Admin-->Accounts-->Custom Radio Button
Field Descriptions
Customer Specific Custom Fields
Up to five custom fields can be defined for customer accounts in the Account Options screen.
Each of these fields is 30 characters in length.
Hauler Specific Custom Fields
Up to five custom fields can be defined for hauler accounts in the Account Options screen. Each
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of these fields is 30 characters in length.
50772 27 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
RSA Prompts Screen
The Remote Scale Appliance (RSA) is a stand alone unattended terminal that performs ticket processing at
a remote scale site. Account specific prompting and ticket printing at the RSA can be controlled from this
screen. Check which tickets and prompts are to be enabled for this account. This data is exported to the
RSA using the RSA Operations Utility.
How to Get Here
Admin-->Account-->RSA Prompts Radio Button
Field Descriptions
Print Weigh-In Ticket
When checked, a ticket will be printed on the weigh-in side of a transaction for this account.
Print Weigh-Out Ticket
When checked, a ticket will be printed on the weigh-out side of a transaction for this account.
50772 28 12/04 Issue # 2
Print Ticket Notes
When checked, note fields will be included on the ticket.
Prompt for (...)
The truck driver can be prompted for the following fields: Hauler account, Bill-to account, Job ,
Material and user defined category codes. When checked, the associated prompt will be enabled
for this account.
50772 29 12/04 Issue # 2
Account Table
Truck List Screen
The Account Table screens are used to add, modify or delete accounts (bill-to and hauler) in the database.
The truck list screen displays all vehicles belonging to a hauler account. It also provides a quick way to
add a new vehicle or modify an existing vehicle. This screen is only available to account types Hauler and
Customer and Hauler.
How to Get Here
Admin->Accounts->Trucks, Etc. Button
Field Descriptions
Truck / Tared Vehicle Radio Buttons
A radio button is visible for each tared vehicle type. Tared vehicle types are defined and enabled
in the Account Options screen. This selection controls which vehicles are displayed in the tared
vehicle list.
Tared Vehicle Table
This table displays the selected tared vehicles. To modify data in the table, first tab to the table,
navigate through the individual cells by using the arrow or tab keys and then enter your
modification. A new blank row is automatically added when you navigate beyond the last record in
the table. You can also add a row by clicking the New button. The currently selected row can be
deleted by clicking the Del button. No changes to the database will actually take place until the
50772 30 12/04 Issue # 2
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