EXFO AXS-200-650 User Manual

IP Triple-Play Test Set
User Guide
Copyright © 2008 EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, be it electronically, mechanically, or by any other means such as photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. (EXFO).
Information provided by EXFO is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by EXFO for its use nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of EXFO.
EXFO’s Commerce And Government Entities (CAGE) code under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is 0L8C3.
The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice.
EXFO’s trademarks have been identified as such. However, the presence or absence of such identification does not affect the legal status of any trademark.
Units of Measurement
Units of measurement in this publication conform to SI standards and practices.
Version number: 2.0.0
ii AXS-200/650
Certification Information ........................................................................................................v
1 Introducing the AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set .................................. 1
Main Features .........................................................................................................................1
Typical Applications ................................................................................................................2
Connector Description ............................................................................................................2
Electrical Safety Information ...................................................................................................3
Conventions ............................................................................................................................4
2 Getting Started with Ethernet Testing ....................................................... 5
IP Tests ....................................................................................................................................5
3 Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests ............................... 7
Setup Profile ...........................................................................................................................7
Setup Line Connection ..........................................................................................................10
4 Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification .......................................... 17
Configure Profile ...................................................................................................................18
Configure Line Tests ..............................................................................................................19
5 Running CPE Tests ...................................................................................... 31
Reading Results ....................................................................................................................31
Saving Results .......................................................................................................................37
6 IPTV Analysis ............................................................................................... 39
Reading Results ....................................................................................................................39
Saving Results .......................................................................................................................53
7 Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 55
Reading Results ....................................................................................................................55
Saving Results .......................................................................................................................62
8 Running a VoIP Test .................................................................................... 63
Reading Results ....................................................................................................................63
Saving Results .......................................................................................................................69
9 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 71
Solving Common Problems ...................................................................................................71
Contacting the Technical Support Group ..............................................................................72
Transportation ......................................................................................................................73
IP Triple-Play Test Set iii
10 Maintenance ................................................................................................75
General Maintenance ............................................................................................................75
Battery Charging and Replacing ...........................................................................................75
Recycling and Disposal (Applies to European Union Only) ....................................................76
11 Warranty ......................................................................................................77
General Information .............................................................................................................77
Liability .................................................................................................................................78
Exclusions .............................................................................................................................78
Certification ..........................................................................................................................78
Service and Repairs ...............................................................................................................79
EXFO Service Centers Worldwide ..........................................................................................80
A Technical Specifications ..............................................................................81
Index .................................................................................................................83
iv AXS-200/650

Certification Information

Certification Information

F.C.C. Information

Electronic test equipment is exempt from Part 15 compliance (FCC) in the United States. However, compliance verification tests are systematically performed on most EXFO equipment.
 Information
Electronic test equipment is subject to the EMC Directive in the European Union. The EN61326 standard prescribes both emission and immunity requirements for laboratory, measurement, and control equipment. This unit has undergone extensive testing according to the European Union Directive and Standards.

CSA Information

This unit is certified by the CSA (certificate number 162451) and was evaluated according to applicable CSA and UL standards (as confirmed by “C-US” mark) as well as applicable IEC standards for use in Canada, the United States, and other countries.
IP Triple-Play Test Set v
Certification Information
Application of Council Directive(s): 73/23/EEC - The Low Voltage Directive
89/336/EEC - The EMC Directive
And their amendments Manufacturer’s Name: EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. Manufacturer’s Address: 400 Godin Avenue,
Quebec, Quebec
Canada, G1M 2K2
(418) 683-0211 Equipment Type/Environment: Test & Measurement / Industrial Trade Name/Model No.: AXS-200/650
(Ethernet Triple-Play Test Set)
Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared:
EN 61010-1:2001 Safety Requirements for Elect rical Equipment for M easurement,
Control, and Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements.
EN 55022: 1998/ A2: 2003 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance
Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment.
EN 61326:1997 / A1:1998 + A2:2001 + A3:2003
Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use - EMC Requirements
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive and Standards.
Full Name: Stephen Bull, E. Eng
Position: Vice-President Research and
Address: 400 Godin Avenue, Quebec (Quebec)
Date: April 18, 2007
vi AXS-200/650
1 Introducing the AXS-200/650
IP Triple-Play Test Set
The AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set is a handheld unit designed to provide triple-play Quality of Experience (QoE) measurements. This test set offers a quick and thorough method for deploying triple-play services ­IPTV, VoIP and data - inside the customer premises. The AXS-200/650 not only verifies service quality for every customer, but also executes downstream performance measurements such as actual IP data rates and Ethernet bit rates. In addition, it provides advanced IPTV measurements such as packet jitter and loss, PCR jitter, MDI, and IGMP zap time. The AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set monitors residential VoIP call flow and statistics, facilitating VoIP QoS assurance.

Main Features

³ Provides key IPTV qualification parameters with features such as
set-top box (STB) emulation, join/leave requests, PCR jitter analysis and MDI reporting.
³ Validates IPTV service quality for every subscriber through per
subscriber MDI video quality measurements.
³ Quantify IPTV QoE degradation due to the impact of other triple play
services, such as time-sensitive voice and bursty data traffic.
³ Offers superior network testing such as ping and traceroute
measurements as well as HTTP and FTP speed testing.
³ Facilitates troubleshooting.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 1
Introducing the AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set
LAN connector for Ethernet output
WAN connector for
Ethernet input
Headset connector

Typic a l Ap pl ic ation s

Typical Applications
The AXS-200/650 allows you to test inside the customer premises over Ethernet for applications, such as:
³ Auto test
³ CPE tests
³ IPTV analysis
³ Data analysis
³ VoIP analysis

Connector Description

The top of the AXS-200/650 module supports connections to a wide area network (WAN) and a local area network (LAN).
2 AXS-200/650
Introducing the AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set

Electrical Safety Information

Electrical Safety Information
For information about equipment rating for temperature, environment, and power supply, refer to the Safety Information chapter of the AXS-200 User Guide.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 3
Introducing the AXS-200/650 IP Triple-Play Test Set


Before using the product described in this manual, you should understand the following conventions:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in component damage. Do not proceed unless you understand and meet the required conditions.
Refers to information about this product you should not overlook.
4 AXS-200/650
2 Getting Started with Ethernet
The AXS-200/650 not only verifies service and connectivity to the DSLAM, but also executes upstream and downstream performance measurements such as actual data rates, attenuation, and noise margin. In addition, it provides advanced IPTV measurements such as packet jitter and loss, PCR jitter, MDI, PID viewer and IGMP zap time; and also supports higher layer testing such as ping, traceroute and web download speed.

IP Tests

Ethernet tests include the Auto Test function, CPE tests and IPTV, data, and VoIP analyses.

Line Tests Menu

The Line Tests pane lists all the test capabilities of the unit.
To access the Ethernet-based tests:
1. From the Home page, use the up
or down arrow key to highlight Line Tests, then press .
2. From the Line Tests pane, highlight the desired item and press
press the corresponding item number.
When selected, each of the five tests starts, using the connection setup from the current profile.
³ Connection Setup allows you to setup a series of connection
parameters for Auto Test and CPE testing, IPTV, data, and VoIP analyses beginning with the Select Profile tab.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 5
Getting Started with Ethernet Testing
IP Tests
³ Configure Tests allows you to configure a series of test parameters
to verify applications, beginning with Auto Test.
³ Read Saved Result allows you to view the Read Results page.

Read Saved Results

The Read Results pane tab allows you to select a test type and view the results of all the files previously saved.
Types listed include the following Ethernet tests:
³ CPE Test
³ IPTV Analysis
³ Data Analysis
³ VoIP Analysis
To select the test type results to read:
1. Press to open the list.
2. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the test type.
3. Press to confirm the selection.
6 AXS-200/650
3 Connection Setup for IP
Triple-Play Verification Tests
The purpose of the Connection Setup function is to configure the unit for a series of connection parameters for Auto Test and CPE testing, and IPTV, data, and VoIP analyses. These parameters are accessible through the different pane tabs.
To configure the connection parameters during Ethernet based tests:
1. From the Line Tests pane, use the up/down arrows to select the
Connection Setup entry.
2. Press to confirm the selection.
To view the available tabs:
Press the left/right function arrows on each side of the F1, F2, and F3 keys.

Setup Profile

Profiles can be created and stored in the internal memory for later use. They can also be stored externally or exported to another unit via a USB memory device or HyperTerminal. You can easily load an external profile through the USB port and a HyperTerminal.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 7
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Profile

Selected Profile

The Selected Profile tab allows you to configure and store multiple profiles containing specific setups for the unit. The default settings for current profile are: Profile Name is Default; LineMode is Ethernet; and AccessMode is Bridged.
³ Profile Name is a list of all
available profile files in the current directory with the first entry being Default. Once you open the selected profile, it remains active in the unit until a different or newer profile is selected. You can store over 100 profiles.
³ Line Mode is Ethernet.
³ AccessMode displays a list of values for the Ethernet Line Mode
Routed Ethernet DHCP
Routed Ethernet Static
Routed PPPoE
8 AXS-200/650
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Profile
When you change the selections, the following actions should be performed:
1. Fill the ProfileName list box with the list of files from the new directory
2. Change the ProfileName selection to Default if the profile file with the current ProfileName does not exist in the new directory.
3. Reload the current profile from the new profile file.
At power up, all settings are read from the last current profile.
³ Custom Profile is the new name
of the profile.
To save modifications made to a CustomProfile:
1. Select Save as New Profile and
create and save a new CustomProfile name in the current directory \LineMode\AccessMode.
2. If the file with CustomProfile name already exists in the current directory, you will be prompted to overwrite it.
To cancel modifications made to a CustomProfile:
1. Select Cancel Modifications and reload the current profile with the
default profile.
2. Proceed with the previously selected action (Back/Home/Start).
IP Triple-Play Test Set 9
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests

Setup Line Connection

Setup Line Connection

Line Parameters

The Line Params tab allows you to set the Ethernet negotiation modes for a Selected Profile composed of the current AccessMode selections.
When the LineMode selection is Ethernet, the available parameters are the following:
³ Link Speed is a choice between
AUTO (negotiated during the link establishment), 100 or 10 Mbps.
³ Connect Mode is Full-duplex or
Half-duplex, when Link Speed is set to either 100 or 10 Mbps.
To select the line parameters to configure:
1. From the Connection Setup pane, press the left/right function arrows
until the Line Params tab is displayed.
2. Press the F1, F2, or F3 key located just below the tab to select it.
3. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
4. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
5. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
6. Press to confirm the selection.
10 AXS-200/650
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection

WAN Access

The WAN Access tab allows you to configure the physical line parameters required to connect to the ISP (internet service provider). The described Selected Profile is composed of the current LineMode and AccessMode selections.
The available parameters are the following:
³ Encapsulation Type depends on
the network configuration and sets the ATM to either LLC also known as LLC-SNAP (logical link control-sub network address protocol) or VC MUX (virtual channel multiplex).
³ VLAN Support enables the unit to analyze and pass WAN tagged
ethernet frames through the virtual local area network (VLAN).
³ VLAN ID is a virtual local area network (VLAN) tag ranging from
0 through 4094.
³ VLAN Priority sets the priority of the virtual local area network (VLAN)
with a value ranging from 0 through 7.
³ NAT is the network address translation (NAT), which either enables the
unit to use a public router address for all outgoing packets, or exposes the private LAN IP address to the WAN, if disabled.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 11
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection
To select the WAN access parameters to configure:
1. From the Connection Setup pane, press the left/right function arrows
until the WAN Access tab is displayed.
2. Press the F1, F2, or F3 key located just below the tab to select it.
3. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
4. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
5. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
6. Press to confirm the selection.


The WAN IP tab allows you to configure the wide area network parameters required to connect to the ISP for a Selected Profile composed of the current LineMode and AccessMode selections.
When the AccessMode selection is set to Routed BrgdEthernet DHCP, the available parameters are the following:
³ Vendor ID is the name of the unit,
maximum 80 characters.
³ Local MAC Address is the internal
MAC address of the unit: either AXS200 or User Defined.
³ MAC Address is a specific MAC address, maximum 17 characters, if
you select User Defined for the previous parameter.
12 AXS-200/650
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection
When the AccessMode selection is set to Routed BrgdEthernet Static, the available parameters are the following:
³ IP Address is the address for the
unit that is actively connected to your network or the internet at the time of login.
³ Gateway is the IP address of the
default gateway.
³ Subnet Mask is the network address used to identify if the IP address is
within the same wide area network.
³ DNS1 is the address of the primary domain name server to be used by
the unit. If DNS is unavailable, enter
³ DNS2 is the address of the secondary domain name server to be used
by the unit. If DNS is unavailable, enter
³ Local MAC Address is the internal MAC address of the unit: either
AXS200 or User Defined.
³ MAC Address is a specific MAC address, maximum 17 characters, if
you select User Defined for the previous parameter.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 13
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection
When the AccessMode selection is set to Routed PPPoE, the available parameters are the following:
³ Obtain IP is either Dynamic
where the access concentrator or broadband remote access server assigns a temporary IP address to the unit, or Static where you enter the IP address of the unit.
³ Static IP is the address of the current location assigned by the service
provider. This entry is unavailable if Obtain IP is set to Dynamic.
³ Login Name is your user ID.
³ Password is your user password.
Note: WAN IP setup is not required when Access Mode is set to Bridged. The line
encapsulation setting defines the parameters required.
To select the WAN IP parameters to configure:
1. From the Connection Setup pane, press the left/right function arrows
until the WAN IP tab is displayed.
2. Press the F1, F2, or F3 key located just below the tab to select it.
3. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
4. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
5. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
6. Press to confirm the selection.
14 AXS-200/650
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection

LAN Setup

The LAN Setup tab allows you to configure the parameters required when working in Throughmode, and the local area network (LAN) is connected to the ethernet interface. These parameters only apply when the WAN access mode is set to Routed.The described Selected Profile is composed of the current LineMode and AccessMode selections.
The available parameters are the following:
³ VLAN Tagging enables the unit to
recognize frames with a specified PVID. This entry is disabled if VLAN Support is set to Disable on the WAN Access pane.
³ LAN DHCP Server enables the
dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) mode for the LAN side of the connection.
³ LAN IP is the local network IP address of the unit.
³ LAN Subnet Mask is the network address mask used to identify if the
IP address is within the same local area network.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 15
Connection Setup for IP Triple-Play Verification Tests
Setup Line Connection
To select the LAN parameters to configure:
1. From the Connection Setup pane, press the left/right function arrows
until the LAN Setup tab is displayed.
2. Press the F1, F2, or F3 key located just below the tab to select it.
3. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
4. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
5. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
6. Press to confirm the selection.
16 AXS-200/650
4 Configure Tests for IP
Triple-Play Verification
The purpose of the Configure Tests function is to modify the unit to include and perform various tests for the applications to be verified. These tests are accessible through the different pane tabs.
To access the configure tests during a DSL/Ethernet based test:
1. From the Line Tests pane, use the up/down arrows to select the
Configure Tests entry.
2. Press to confirm the selection.
To view the available tabs:
Press the left/right function arrows on each side of the F1, F2, and F3 keys.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 17
Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification

Configure Profile

Configure Profile
Before configuring all the line test parameters, you can refer to previously saved profiles.

Select Configuration

The Select Config tab allows you to setup and store multiple profiles containing specific configuration parameters for the unit. At power up, all test configuration parameters are read from the last current test configuration.
³ Read from File allows you to view
a list of previously saved profiles with the first entry being Default.
³ Save to File allows you to save
test parameters to a default profile or a new custom file name.
To select test configuration parameters to be used during Ethernet based tests:
1. From the Select Config tab pane, use the up/down arrows to highlight
an old or new configuration file name.
2. Press to confirm the selection.
3. Press the left arrow to highlight the Read from File button.
4. Press to confirm the selection.
5. Press the up/down arrows to highlight the text edit box.
6. Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter a custom profile name.
7. Press the left arrow to highlight the Save to File button to save the
configured profile.
18 AXS-200/650
Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification

Configure Line Tests

Configure Line Tests

Auto Test

The purpose of the Auto Test function is to:
³ Establish a connection to the DSLAM
³ Log into an ISP
³ Per f o rm a Pin g test
The Auto Test tab allows you to select a series of tests to be configured in the Auto Test procedure.
Your choice of tests to Enable or Disable are the following:
³ IPTV Analysis runs an auto test for
video. When this entry is enabled, all other test-choice entries on the Auto Test pane are automatically disabled.
³ Data Analysis runs an auto test for
data by enabling the unit to act as a modem, allowing you to connect from your computer to the internet via the unit’s Ethernet port. When this entry is enabled, all other test-choice entries on the Auto Test pane are automatically disabled.
³ VoIP Analysis runs an auto test for voice. When this entry is enabled,
all other test-choice entries on the Auto Test pane are automatically disabled.
³ CPE Ping Test checks the ICMP echo request during the auto test.
When this entry is enabled, IPTV, Data and VoIP analyses are automatically disabled.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 19
Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification
Configure Line Tests
³ CPE Trace Route reports the status of IP packets being sent to a
specified IP destination, and the path and time taken to do so, in auto test. When this entry is enabled, IPTV, Data and VoIP analyses are automatically disabled.
³ CPE HTTP Speed measures the speed of downloading web pages, in
auto test.When this entry is enabled, IPTV, Data and VoIP analyses are automatically disabled.
³ CPE FTP Speed measures the speed of the file transfer protocol
download, in auto test.When this entry is enabled, IPTV, Data and VoIP analyses are automatically disabled.
To select the tests to include:
1. Press the up/down arrows to highlight a desired test.
2. Press to toggle between Enable or Disable.
3. Select other tests as required.
20 AXS-200/650
Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification
Configure Line Tests

Ping Test

The Ping Test tab allows you to configure the parameters to perform a ping test, also known as an ICMP echo request, during the CPE test.
The available parameters are the following:
³ IP Address lists either the URL or
IP Address where the unit pings.
³ URL/IP Address is the destination
IP address of the device actively connected to the network.
³ Packet Size is a value from
32 through 1200 of the number of bytes sent in one packet. The default value is 32.
³ Total Pings is the total number of ping packets to send out from
1 through 99. The default value is 3.
³ Timeout is the time in seconds from 1 through 15, that the unit will
wait for a response back from the destination device. The default value is 1.
³ Max hops is the number of hops from 1 through 99, that the unit will
attempt to reach a destination IP address. The default value is 32.
To select the ping parameters to configure:
1. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
2. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
3. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
4. Press to confirm the selection.
IP Triple-Play Test Set 21
Configure Tests for IP Triple-Play Verification
Configure Line Tests


The TraceRoute tab allows you to trace an IP packet from the unit (or a computer) to a specified IP destination and define how many hops the packet requires to reach the destination. This test is useful in determining where the longest delays are occurring along the network path.
The available parameters are the following:
³ Address Format lists the address
either as a URL or IP Address.
³ Destination Address is the
destination IP address.
³ Max hops is a value from
1 through 99 specifying the maximum number of hops to be used in attempting to reach the destination IP address. The default value is 32.
To select the traceroute parameters to configure:
1. Press the up/down arrows to select the desired parameter.
2. Press to open the list or modify the parameter.
3. In the list, press the up/down arrows to select the function or mode.
Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the value you want to specify.
4. Press to confirm the selection.
22 AXS-200/650
+ 63 hidden pages