Erbe Erbosonat Ultrasound User manual

erbosonat Ultrasound Therapy Unit
User Manual
Type Nr. 10205-010 / V 1.3
erbosonat Ultrasound Therapy Unit
User Manual
Type Nr. 10205-010 / V 1.3
Manual part number 80122-001
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be translated, stored in information retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the written permission of ERBE Elektromedizin.
Printed by ERBE Elektromedizin, Tübingen
Printed in Germany Copyright ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH, Tübingen 1998
Chapter Title Page
1 Important Foreword..........................................................1-1
2 Physical Principles of Ultrasonic Therapy......................2-1
2.1 What is Ultrasound? ............................................................2-2
2.2 Ultrasound Generation.........................................................2-2
2.3 Physical Principles of Therapeutically Relevant Effects
of Ultrasound.......................................................................2-2
2.4 Concerted Utilization of Non-Thermal and/or Thermal
3 Therapeutic Effects of Ultrasound,
Undesirable Side Effects....................................................3-1
3.1 General.................................................................................3-2
3.2 Non-Thermal Effects...........................................................3-2
3.3 Thermal Effects....................................................................3-2
3.4 Undesirable Side Effects......................................................3-3
4 Ultrasonic Radiation Methods..........................................4-1
4.1 Continuous Ultrasound........................................................4-2
4.2 Pulsed Ultrasound................................................................4-2
5 Treatment Technique........................................................5-1
5.1 Coupling using Ultrasonic Gel, Liquid Paraffin, etc...........5-2
5.2 Subaqueous Coupling..........................................................5-2
6 Dosage, Indications, Additional Treatment
Information ........................................................................6-1
6.1 Indications............................................................................6-2
6.2 Contraindications ................................................................6-2
6.3 Additional Treatment Information.......................................6-3
7 Description and Operation................................................7-1
7.1 General Description ............................................................7-2
7.2 Description of the Control Elements ...................................7-3
7.3 Ultrasound Operation...........................................................7-6
7.4 Operation in Combination with the erbogalvan..................7-6
7.5 Technical Specifications......................................................7-8
8 Installation and Initial Operation ....................................8-1
9 Cleaning and Disinfection.................................................9-1
9.1 Unit......................................................................................9-2
9.2 Ultrasound Applicators........................................................9-2
10 Maintenance, Care, Disposal..........................................10-1
10.1 Maintenance of the unit accessories..................................10-2
10.2 Modifications and repairs..................................................10-2
Care of the Ultrasound Applicators................................................10-2
Disposal of the unit.........................................................................10-2
11 Functional Testing...........................................................11-1
12 Safety Inspections ............................................................12-1
12.1 Equipment..........................................................................12-2
12.2 Ultrasound Applicators......................................................12-2
13 Accessories........................................................................13-1
14 Warranty..........................................................................14-1
15 Literature, Regulations, Standards, Legislation...........15-1

Important Foreword

1. Important Foreword
in order to detect any damage that may have occurred in shipment and to verify the equipment has been correctly installed, the equipment should be rechecked for proper and safe operation after installation, prior to initial operation, and before each subsequent use.
familiar with the features and operation of the equipment. In order to prevent accidental injuries due to faults occurring in, or to failures of the equi p-
ment or of any of its accessories, the equipment and all of its accessories should be regularly checked for proper and safe operation. These checks should be performed exclusively by per­sonnel whose knowledge, training and practical experience qualifies them to perform such checks.
Please see page 12-2
has been checked for proper and safe operation prior to shipment. However,
ultrasonic therapy unit should be used on patients exclusively by personnel
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Physical Principles of Ultrasonic Therapy

2. Physical Principles of Ultrasonic Therapy
A prerequisite for the efficient and, for the patient, safe application of ultrasonic therapy is an understanding of the physical principles of ultrasound as well as the effects which ultrasound can cause in biological tissues.
2.1 What is Ultrasound?
Ultrasound refers to mechanical oscillations, or vibrations, at frequencies above the audible range of the human ear, that is, above about 20 kHz. Ultrasonic therapy uses frequencies from about 800 kHz to about 3000 kHz. The vibration amplitude depends, among other things, on the power density (watts/cm2) and is about 0.00003 mm. This very small vibration amplitude hardly gives the impression that it can achieve a therapeutic effect in biological tissue.
At 1000 000 vibrations per second and a vibration amplitude of 0.00003 mm, however, the constituent particles travel the remarkable distance of 4 x 1000 000 x 0.00003 mm = 12 cm. Even more remarkable is the fact that the generation of these vibrations requires an accelera­tion of approx. 1000 000 m/s2. This acceleration is 100 000 times greater than the acceleration
due to the earth’s gravity.
2.2 Ultrasound Generation
Ultrasound generation today utilizes mainly the piezoelectric effect of piezoceramics. Piezoceramics are special electrically polarized ceramics. Their density, or volume, can be influenced by an electric field. The change in volume of the ceramic is directly proportional to the electrical charge introduced into it.
If a time-varying electrical voltage is applied to a piezoceramic, the volume of the ceramic changes proportionally to the electrical voltage. The change in volume results in a change in length. This occurs in a preferred direction prescribed by the shape and polarization direction of the piezoceramic.
Such a component can be called an electromechanical transducer. An ultrasonic therapy device consists basically of an electromechanical transducer and a high-frequency generator.
2.3 Physical Principles of Therapeutically Relevant Effects of Ultrasound
Ultrasound can cause non-thermal as well as thermal effects.
2.3.1 Non-Thermal Effects
Non-thermal effects of ultrasound in biological tissue result from the high accelerative forces. Even at a power density of 1 W/cm2, these are about 100 000 times the acceleration due to the earth’s gravity.
Unfortunately, little has been learned up to now about the relationships between physical, physiological, and/or biochemical effects. The corresponding statements are mainly empirical and hypothetical.
Probably the most well-known effect of ultrasound is the cavitation of water-containing tissue. Cavitation is characterized by the formation of microscopic bubbles in intra- and extracellular fluids when a critical acceleration is exceeded. These bubbles can cause tissue fractionation. The cavitation effect is used in ultrasonic surgery for tissue dissection and must
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be avoided in ultrasonic therapy at all costs. Producing the cavitation effect requires very high power densities. These cannot be achieved when the erbosonat is properly used.
2.3.2 Thermal Effects
The ultrasonic energy radiated into tissue is absorbed by the tissue and transformed endoge­nously into heat. The heat produces thermal effects such as hyperemia, which in turn influences the metabolic processes in the ultrasonically irradiated tissue.
The thermal effects of ultrasound are similar to the thermal effects of shortwave, decimetric­wave, or microwave therapy. The differentiation from these HF therapies lies solely in the ap­plication technique.
Ultrasonic therapy is characterized by the fact that a more directed application is possible than with the HF-therapeutic procedures. This is especially true in the treatment of diseased joints. Moreover, ultrasound has a further advantage in the treatment of joints: due to the reflection of the ultrasound by hard tissue (cartilage, bones), there is increased warming in the interface between the hard and soft tissue.
Excessive local application of ultrasonic energy can cause thermal tissue damage. For this rea­son, at high ultrasonic power levels, an ultrasound applicator must not be applied too long to one location.
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2.4 Concerted Utilization of Non-Thermal and/or Thermal Effects
In general, ultrasound simultaneously produces non-thermal as well as thermal effects. The non-thermal effects depend chiefly on the level of acceleration, or the power density. The endogenous heat generation is proportional to the ultrasonic energy radiated into the tis­sue. The ultrasonic energy radiated into tissue is proportional to the effective ultrasonic power and the duration.
By modulating the amplitude of the ultrasound, the non-thermal effects can be emphasized and at the same time the thermal effects reduced. Pulse modulation is advantageous in this case.
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Therapeutic Effects of Ultrasound, Undesirable Side Effects
3. Therapeutic Effects of Ultrasound, Undesirable Side Effects
3.1 General
Whether ultrasound generates therapeutic and/or undesirable side effects depends mainly on the dosage and the application technique. According to the current state of knowledge, it can be assumed that tissue damage cannot occur when ultrasound is properly used.
Since ultrasound applied in therapeutic doses shows no persistent effects, endangerment of the patient as a result of cumulative effects can be ruled out, even in t he case of repeated applica­tions. With respect to therapeutic effects, the distinction is made between primary and secon­dary effects.
Primary effects are the accelerative forces generated by ultrasound and the transformation of ultrasonic energy into heat. The primary effects in turn cause secondary effects: these can be categorized as non-thermal and thermal effects.
3.2 Non-Thermal Effects
Unfortunately, no scientific information concerning non-thermal effects is available, rather only hypotheses. Our knowledge is based on comprehensive empirical experience. The following are hypothetical causes for non-thermal effects of ultrasound:
l Piezoelectric effects, especially in bone. The pressure waves deform fibrils and fibers and
induce electrical potentials. Result: Increased cell activity. Influence on membrane permeability, including that for
ions. l Deformation of fibrils and fibers with induction of electrical potentials.
Result: Increased activity of fibroblasts and osteoblasts.
The non-thermal effects are proportional to the intensity of the ultrasound or the accelerative forces caused by the ultrasound.
3.3 Thermal Effects
In principle, the thermal effects of ultrasound do not differ from the thermal effects of high­frequency diathermy. The two procedures differ only in the application technique and the selectivity of the heat generation.
In high-frequency diathermy, endogenous heat generation depends in particular on the electri- cal properties of the various tissues. With ultrasonic diathermy, on the other hand, endoge­nous heat generation depends in particular on the mechanical properties of the various tis- sues.
Ultrasonic diathermy is preferable to high-frequency diathermy when directed to certain re­gions such as joints. In both diathermy procedures, the heat or temperature serves as a stimulus for triggering secondary effects such as hyperemia and analgesia.
The thermal effects are proportional to the ultrasonic energy introduced into the tissue.
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3.4 Undesirable Side Effects
3.4.1 Cavitation
Cavities containing gas or vapor can form during the negative-pressure phase of the ultrasonic wave. The microscopic bubbles can implode and trigger intensive mechanical effects and tem­perature jumps. Cavitation is not possible when the currently-employed low-dosage recom­mendations are followed, when dynamic ultrasonic radiation (moving ultrasound applicator) is used, and when the equipment is functioning properly.
3.4.2 Pain Sensations
Intensive heat generation at the muscle-bone interface is desirable for many therapeutic appli­cations, but it can lead to pain sensations at the sensitive periosteum. Remedy: Use low dos­age; do not use the applicator too long in one location; and question the patient concerning pain.
3.4.3 Impaired Thermal Sensitivity Due to Medication
Ensure that the patient has not taken medication affecting thermal sensitivity.
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Ultrasonic Radiation Methods

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