For EpsonĀ® T013201 & T014201
Place the cartridge to be filled on a paper towel in
case of spillage. Using the yellow seals cover the
exit hole to avoid leakage. Using the hand held drill
bit, drill a hole through one of the fill holes as
shown in Figure #1. Drill until you feel the drill bit
go all the way through. Attach the needle to the
syringe and draw 25cc of black ink into it. Insert the
needle into the hole you predrilled and slowly inject
the ink and at the same time lift up slightly to expose
the ink to different parts of the internal sponge
inside the cartridge. Go to last step.
Place the cartridge to be filled on a paper towel in
case of spillage. Using the yellow seals cover the
exit holes on each color to avoid leakage. Using the
hand held drill bit, drill a hole through one of the fill
holes as shown in Figure #2. Drill until you feel the
drill bit go all the way through. Wash the bit with
water between each new hole drilled. Attach the
needle to the syringe and draw 16cc of the proper
color ink into it. Insert the needle into the hole you
predrilled and slowly inject the ink and at the same
time lift up slightly to expose the ink to different
parts of the internal sponge inside the cartridge.The
cartridge may or may not take all of the ink,
depending on how empty each color was. Wash the
injector between colors to prevent contamination.
Care should be used in filling these cartridges since the print head is internal and made to be permanent,
which makes it susceptible to small particles clogging it over time. Both have an internal sponge for ink
retention. If the cartridge is to be used soon after refilling do not cover the FILL holes with tape as these are
vents and need to be open in order for the cartridge to work. The exit holes need to be resealed to prevent
leaking. Use the yellow round sealing dots to cover the ink exit holes to avoid leaking when refilling.
Remove the seals before installing the cartridge back into your printer. For long term storage, cover the top
openings with tape to prevent the cartridge from drying out.
PRINTS IN STREAKS / MISSING LINES : Perform print head clean procedure as described in the
owners manual.
CARTRIDGE LEAKS: Cartridge is not sealed properly. Reseal cartridge. The cartridge is overfilled.
Place on a paper towel until it stops leaking.
P.O. Box 1185
Milford, DE. 19963
Your kit should contain the following:
4 - 2oz bottle of ink, 1 30cc ink injector, 1 polly
wipe, 8 yellow seals, needle, drill tool, instructions.
If any of these items are missing please call us for a
replacement item or kit.