Epson Endeavor L User Manual

User’s Guide
Printed on 50% recycled paper,
10% post consumer content
Epson America makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, by or with respect to anything in this manual, and shall not be liable for any implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or for any indirect, special, or consequential damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Epson America, Inc. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information contained herein. Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Further, this publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice.
EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation
EPSON Direct and EPSON Connection are service marks of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.
The Energy Star emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of my product or service.
Copyright © 1994 by Epson America, Inc. Torrance, California, USA 2/94
Important Safety Instructions
Read all of these instructions and save them for later reference. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the computer.
Unplug the computer before cleaning. Clean with a damp cloth only. Do not spill liquid on the computer.
Do not place the computer on an unstable surface or near a radiator or heat register.
Do not block or cover the openings in the computer’s cabinet. Do not insert objects through the slots.
Use only the type of power source indicated on the computer’s label.
Connect all equipment to properly grounded power outlets. Avoid using outlets on the same circuit as photocopiers or air control systems that regularly switch on and off.
Do not let the computer’s power cord become damaged or frayed.
If you use an extension cord with the computer, make sure the total ampere rating of the devices plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating. Also, make sure the total of all devices plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes.
Except as specifically explained in this User's Guide, do not attempt to service the computer yourself.
Unplug the computer and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
If the power cord or plug is damaged; if liquid has entered the computer; if the computer has been dropped or the cabinet damaged; if the computer does not operate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions.
If you plan to use the computer in Germany, observe the following: To provide adequate short-circuit protection and over-current
protection for this computer, the building installation must be protected by a 16 Amp circuit breaker.
Beim Anschlu des Computers an die Netzversorgung
sichergestellt werden, dab die
16 A
Gebaudeinstallation mit einem
abgesichert ist.
Importantes instructions de sécurité
Lire attentivement les instructions suivantes et les conserver pour les consulter en cas de besoin. Observer soigneusement tous les avertissements et directives marques sur l’ordinateur.
Debrancher l’ordinateur avant de le nettoyer. N’utiliser qu’un chiffon humide. Veiller a ne pas renverser de liquides sur l’appareil.
Ne pas placer l’ordinateur sur une surface instable ni pres dune source de chaleur.
Ne pas bloquer ni couvrir les orifices d’aération de l’appareil. Ne pas introduire d’objets dans les ouvertures.
Utiliser seulement le type de source d’alimentation électrique indiqué sur l’étiquette.
Tout l’équipement doit etre branché sur des prises de courant avec contact de terre. Ne jamais utiliser une prise sur le meme circuit qu’un appareil a photocopies ou un systeme de controle de ventilation avec commutation marche-arret automatique.
S’assurer que le cordon d’alimentation de l’ordinateur n’est pas
abimé ni effiloché.
Dans le cas ou on utilise un cordon de rallonge avec l’ordinateur, s’assurer que l’intensité en amperes requise pour tous les appareils branches sur ce cordon ne soit pas supérieure a la capacité du cordon.
S’assurer aussi que cette intensté ne dépasse jamais la somme de 15
amperes pour l’ensemble des appareils.
Sauf dans les cas spécifiques expliqués dans ce manuel de l’usager,
ne pas essayer d’entretenir ou de réparer l’ordinateur soi-meme.
Debrancher l’ordinateur et contacter un technicien qualifié dans les circonstances suivantes:
Si le cordon ou la prise sont abimés; si un liquide a pénétré a l’intérieur de l’appareil; si on a laissé tomber l’appareil ou si le bonier est endommagé; si l’ordinateur ne fonctionne pas normalement ou fonctionne dune mannière très différente de l’ordinaire. N’ajuster que les commandes décrites dans les directives.
Pour utiliser l’ordinateur en Allemagne, il est nécessaire que le batiment soit muni d’un disjoncteur de 16 amperes pour proteger l’ordinateur contre les courts-circuits et le survoltage.


SVGA Utilities Optional Equipment
System Memory
Video Memory
Cache Memory Math Coprocessor Drives
Option Cards
How to Use This Manual Where to Get Help
CompuServe On-line Support
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Choosing a Location
Unpacking Your Computer
Connecting Peripheral Devices
Connecting a Monitor Connecting a Printer or Other Device Connecting the Keyboard Connecting the Mouse
Connecting the Power Cord Turning On the Computer Turning Off the Computer
Setiing Up Your System
3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7
1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-10
Chapter 2
Starting the SETUP Program Entering SETUP Options
Selecting Options
Setting the Date and Time
Running the SETUP Program
2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4
Setting the Diskette Drive(s) Setting the Hard Disk Drive(s)
Defining Your Own Drive Type Setting the Primary Display Type Setting the Processor Speed Setting the Booting Sequence Setting the Diskette Seek Parameter
Using Virus Protection Using the SETUP Screen Submenus
Setting the Shadow Options Setting the Keyboard Options Setting the Peripherals Options
Setting the Password Options
Entering a Password
Changing or Deleting a Password
Setting the Keyboard Lock Option Using the System Board Help Function Loading Default SETUP Values
Saving Your Settings and Exiting SETUP
Post-SETUP Procedures
2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-9 2-10 2-10
2-11 2-12 2-12 2-13 2-13 2-14 2-14 2-15 2-16
Chapter 3
Working Comfortably Using Energy Wisely Using Disk Drives
Using Diskettes
Inserting and Removing Diskettes
Using Hard Disk Drives
Stopping a Command or Program Resetting the Computer Using a Password
Using the Hot Key Feature Changing or Deleting a Password
Changing the Processor Speed
Using Your Computer
3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8
Chapter 4
Installing and Removing Options
Locating the Internal Components
Removing the Cover ...............
Replacing the Cover ................
Changing the Jumper and DIP Switch Settings
Setting the Jumpers .............
Setting the DIP Switches
Memory Modules (SIMMs) ............
Inserting SIMMs ...............
Removing SIMMs ..............
Installing an Option Card ............
Removing an Option Card ............
Removing the Option Card Connector Board Replacing the Option Card Connector Board Increasing the Video Memory
Installing the Video Memory Chips Using the SVGA Feature Connector Installing a New Processor Chip
Replacing the Processor Chip
Replacing the Battery ...............
Post-installation Procedures
Chapter 5
Installing a Hard Disk in the Vertical Bay
Setting the Hard Disk Drive Jumpers
Removing the Mounting Frames
Installing a Hard Disk in the Vertical Bay
Connecting the Cables Removing a Hard Disk From the Vertical Bay Installing a Drive in a Horizontal Bay
Attaching Mounting Frames to a Hard Disk
Installing the Drive .....................
Connecting the Cables Removing a Drive From a Horizontal Bay
Connecting the Hard Disk Drive Ribbon Cable to the System
Board ...............................
Post-installation Procedures
Installing and Removing Drives
4-3 4-4 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-14 4-15 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-22 4-24 4-25 4-27 4-30
5-2 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-9 5-12 5-14 5-15 5-17 5-21 5-26
5-29 5-31
Chapter 6 Troubleshoofing
Identifying Your System The Computer Will Not Start The Computer Does Not Respond Keyboard Problems Monitor Problems Diskette Problems Diskette Drive Problems
Hard Disk Drive Problems Password Problems
Software Problems Printer Problems Option Card Problems Memory Module Problems Mouse Problems External Cache Problems Battery Problems Error Messages
Appendix A Specificafions
SETUP Program Physical Characteristics Power Supply
Option Slot Power Limits Environmental Requirements
Video Memory Hard Disk Drive Types
DMA Assignments
Hardware Interrupts
System Memory Map
System I/ O Address Map
6-l 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-7
6-8 6-9 6-10 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14
A-1 A-3 A-3 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-8
A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14
. . .
Parallel and Serial Connector Pin Assignments ...........A-16
Tested Operating Environments....................A-17
Options Available from EPSON....................A-18


Your new EPSON® computer is a fast, high-performance system offering flexibility and expandability in a compact design. Standard features include:
486SX, DX or DX2 processor upgradable to faster, more powerful processors, including SX2, DX4, and Pentium 0verDriveTM processors
Energy Star compliant in base configurations
4MB of internal memory, expandable to 36MB
8KB of internal processor cache, with support for 32KB, 64KB, 128KB, or 256KB external cache
High-speed, local bus super VGA (SVGA)
512KB or 1MB of on-board video memory; 512KB configuration is expandable to 1MB
Math coprocessor built into the microprocessor for DX, DX2, DX4, and Pentium OverDrive systems
System and video BIOS shadow RAM
Two built-in serial ports and one built-in parallel port
Built-in PS/2TM compatible keyboard and mouse ports
Built-in VGA port and on-board SVGA feature connector
Four 16-bit (or 8-bit) ISA option slots
Support for up to three internal mass storage devices
Password security.
Introduction 1
Your system has a local bus interface for the video. This bus can transfer data at the full speed of your processor rather than at the standard 8.33 MHz ISA bus speed, so your system can transmit video data far more quickly. This local bus, together with the standard on-board video memory, provides fast video response in a range of resolutions and colors. (See Appendix A for a list of supported resolutions.)
In its base configuration, this computer complies with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star Program, which promotes the manufacture of energy-efficient printers, computers, and monitors.
If you install a high-resolution graphics adapter card or full-motion, multimedia card, you can connect it to the computer’s SVGA feature connector. This allows you to use the adapter’s special graphics features while accessing the standard SVGA signals provided by your main system board.
Your system may have been configured for you so that everything you need to get started is already in place. The settings for your hardware configuration have been set to ensure optimal system performance. The hard disk drive already contains the MS-DOS@ operating system and Microsoft@
Windows. TM In addition, the drivers needed to take advantage of your system’s local bus video have been installed for you. Just connect your keyboard, mouse, and monitor and you’re ready to go.
2 Introduction
Your computer comes with special SVGA drivers and utilities for use with the integrated local bus SVGA interface. Use these utilities to take advantage of extended VGA features such as high resolutions and 132-column text mode when you run popular application programs. Instructions for installing and using these drivers are in a README file called VGADRV.TXT on the Utilities 1 diskette. If your system came configured with a hard disk drive, you may also find this file by selecting the VGA Utilities group icon in Microsoft Windows. See page 2-16 for more information.

Optional Equipment

You can easily upgrade your computer by installing additional memory and a wide variety of options, described below.


You can upgrade the processor in your computer to a more powerful processor, including DX and DX2 processors, and
SX2, DX4, and Pentium OverDrive processors, when available. DX4 processors need an adapter board with an appropriate voltage regulator for this computer.

System Memory

By adding lMB, 4MB, or 16MB SIMMs (single inline memory modules) to the main system board, you can expand the computer’s memory up to 36MB.
Introduction 3

Video Memory

Your system comes with either 512KB 1MB video memory on the system board. If your system contains 512KB of video memory, you can add additional memory chips to your system board to increase the video memory to 1MB and support higher video resolutions, multimedia graphics adapter cards, or applications that require higher memory.

Cache Memory

Your system may have external cache memory already installed for you. If not, you can increase the cache memory on your main system board to 32KB, 64KB, 128KB, or 256KB by having external cache SRAM chips installed. Additional cache
allows your system to access frequently used data faster.
Upgrade kits for 128KB and 256KB of external cache are
available from EPSON.
Math Coprocessor
If your system contains a DX, DX2, DX4, or Pentium OverDrive processor, the chip contains a math coprocessor that allows the computer to perform mathematical functions faster. If you have
an SX-based system, you can install an 80487SXprocessor,
which includes the math coprocessor.


Your system supports up to three half-height mass storage devices, including hard disk drives, diskette drives, a tape drive, a CD-ROM drive, or an optical drive.
4 Introduction

Option Cards

With four available 16-bit ISA slots, your computer can support
a variety of option cards such as fax modem, network, and multimedia cards. Your system may come with these options installed for you.
How to Use This
You don’t have to read everything in this book to use your computer; see the following chapter summaries to find the
sections you need.
Chapter 1 provides steps for setting up your system and
connecting peripheral devices.
Chapter 2 describes how to run SETUP to initially define your
computer’s configuration. If you change the configuration later, you need to run it again.
Chapter 3 covers general operating procedures such as
entering a password and changing the processor speed.
Chapter 4 describes how to install optional equipment such as
option cards and memory modules.
Chapter 5 explains how to install and remove disk drives.
Chapter 6 contains troubleshooting tips.
Appendix A lists the specifications of your computer.
At the end of this manual, you’ll find a Glossary and an Index.
Introduction 5

Where to Get Help

If you purchased your computer in the United States or Canada, EPSON provides customer support and service
through a network of Authorized EPSON Service Centers.
EPSON also provides support services through the EPSON Connection. SM In the United States, dial (800) 922-8911. (You can also contact EPSON at (310) 782-0770 and ask for the EPSON Connection.) In Canada, dial (800) GO-EPSON.
Call the EPSON Connection for the following:
0 Technical assistance with the installation, configuration,
and operation of EPSON products
0 Assistance in locating your nearest Authorized EPSON
Reseller or Service Center
0 Sales of accessories, manuals, or parts for EPSON products
0 Customer relations
0 Epson technical information library fax service
0 Product literature on current and new products.
When you call for technical assistance, be ready to identify
your system and its configuration, and provide any error
messages to the support staff. See Chapter 6.
If you purchased your computer outside the United States or Canada, contact your EPSON dealer or marketing location nearest you for customer support and service. International marketing locations are listed at the end of this manual.
If you need help with any software application program you
are using, see the documentation that came with that program
for technical support information.
6 Introduction

CompuServe On-line Support

If you have a modem, the fastest way to access helpful tips,
specifications, drivers, application notes, tables for DIP switch or jumper settings, and bulletins for EPSON products is through the Epson America Forum on CompuServe.@
If you are already a CompuServe member, simply type GO
EPSON at the menu prompt to reach the Epson America Forum.
If you are not currently a member of CompuServe, you are eligible for a free introductory membership as an owner of an EPSON product. This membership entitles you to:
0 An introductory $15 credit on CompuServe
0 Your own user ID and password
0 A complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine,
CompuServe’s monthly publication.
To take advantage of this offer, call (800) 848-8199 in the United
States and Canada and ask for representative #529. In other
countries, call (614) 529-1611 (U.S. phone number) or call your
local CompuServe access number.
Introduction 7
Chapter- 1
Setting Up Your System
This chapter describes how to set up your computer. It includes this information:
0 Getting started
0 Connecting peripheral devices
0 Turning the computer on and off.

Getting Started

Follow the instructions below for choosing a location for your new system and unpacking it.

Choosing a Location

When selecting a place to set up your system, choose a safe,
convenient location that provides the following:
A flat, hard surface. Surfaces like beds and carpets attract static electricity, which can erase data on your disks, damage the computer’s circuitry, and prevent proper ventilation.
Good air circulation. Leave several inches of space around the computer so air can move freely.
Moderate environmental conditions. Select a cool, dry area and protect your computer from extremes in temperature, humidity, dust, and smoke. Avoid direct sunlight or other heat sources.
Setting Up Your System 1-1
0 No electromagnetic interference. Do not place your system
too close to any electrical device, such as a telephone or television, which generates an electromagnetic field.
0 Appropriate power source. Connect all your equipment
with the appropriate power cords for the power source in your area.

Unpacking Your Computer

When you unpack your system components, make sure you have these items in addition to this book:
0 Computer
0 Keyboard
0 Power cord
0 Utility diskettes (2).
If your system did not come with a hard disk drive installed, you’ll also have a hard disk drive cable and four screws to
secure the hard disk drive to the bracket in the internal bay.
Your system may also include a PS/2 compatible mouse and may have the operating system and software already installed on the hard disk drive.
If you purchased any optional equipment that wasn’t installed
at the factory-such as option cards, memory modules, a hard disk or diskette drive-install these options before you connect your computer. See Chapters 4 and 5 for instructions.
1-2 Setting Up Your System

Connecting Peripheral Devices

Use the illustration below to locate the ports on the back of your system as you connect the monitor, keyboard, printer, and other devices.
Setting Up Your System

Connecting a Monitor

If you have a VGA or SVGA monitor (or a multifrequency monitor with an analog connector), you can connect it to the
computer’s built-in VGA port as described below. If you have
any other type of monitor (or if you want to install a display
adapter card to control your monitor), see Chapter 4.
Follow these steps to connect your monitor to the computer’s built-in VGA port:
Place the monitor and computer so the backs are facing you.
There should be two cables provided with your monitor: the monitor cable (to connect it to the computer) and the power cable (to connect it to a power source). On most monitors, the monitor cable is permanently attached to the monitor. If your monitor does not have an attached cable, connect the cable to it now. (See your monitor manual for instructions.)
Align the connector on the monitor cable with the VlDEO port on the computer; then insert the connector. Be careful not to bend the pins when you insert it.
If the connector has retaining screws, tighten them.
Plug the monitor power cord into the monitor’s power inlet.
Plug the other end of the power cord into an appropriate grounded electrical outlet or, if the cord has the correct type of plug, into the power outlet on the back of the computer.
Before you plug the monitor’s power cord into the back of your computer, make sure the monitor's power requirements do not exceed 1 Amp.
1-4 Setting Up Your System

Connecting a Printer or Other Device

Your computer has one parallel and two serial ports. To connect a printer or other peripheral device, follow the appropriate instructions below.
Using the parallel port
Follow these steps to connect a parallel printer to your computer:
Place the printer next to the computer so that the backs are facing you.
Align the connector end of the printer cable with the
PARALLEL port and plug it in. If the connector has retaining
screws, tighten them.
Connect the other end of the cable to the printer. To secure the cable, squeeze the clips at each side of the printer port and push them into place.
Plug the printer’s power cord into an appropriate grounded electrical outlet.
Using the serial ports
If you have a printer, a modem, or other peripheral device with a serial interface, you can connect it to one of the serial (RS-232C) ports on the back of the computer. These ports use a DB-9P connector, so be sure you have a compatible cable.
To connect a serial device, insert the connector into one of the ports marked SERIAL 1 and SERIAL2. If you are connecting only one serial device, use the SERIAL 1 port.
Setting Up Your System 1-5

Connecting the Keyboard

To connect the keyboard, hold the cable connector so the arrow on the connector faces up. Insert it into the port marked K/B.
Although the connectors and ports for the keyboard and mouse are physically identical, they cannot be used interchangeably. Be sure to plug the keyboard connector into the keyboard (K/B) port or you could damage your system.
You can change the angle of the keyboard by adjusting the legs on the bottom. Turn it over and flip each leg upward until it locks into place. It is important to select the best angle so you will prevent wrist fatigue. (You may even want to purchase a wrist pad-sold at computer stores-for further comfort.)
To lower the keyboard, press each leg back into its slot.

Connecting the Mouse

Your computer includes an auxiliary port for a PS/2 compatible mouse that uses a round, miniature DIN (6-pin) connector. If your mouse has this type of connector, you can connect it to the computer’s built-in port.
If your mouse requires a different interface, connect it to the built-in serial port or an option card that provides the interface.
To connect the mouse to the built-in mouse port, plug the connector into the port marked MOUSE
1-6 Setting Up Your System
Although the connectors and ports for the mouse and keyboard are physically identical, they cannot be used interchangeably. Be sure to plug the mouse connector into the MOUSEport, or you may damage your system.
If your system has not already been configured, you may need to install a mouse driver. See your mouse manual or the README file on the mouse driver diskette for instructions.

Connecting the Power Cord

Follow these steps to connect the power cord:
Plug the power cord into the AC power INLET on the back panel.
To avoid an electric shock, be sure to plug the cord into the computer before plugging it into the wall outlet.
Plug the other end of the power cord into an appropriate grounded electrical outlet.
Setting Up Your System 1-7

Turning On the Computer

After you set up your system, you’re ready to turn on the power. Check the following safety precautions to avoid
accidentally damaging your computer or injuring yourself
Do not connect or disconnect any peripheral device cables (including the mouse or keyboard) or power cables unless
the computer power is off.
Never turn off or reset your computer while a disk drive
light is on. This can destroy data stored on the disk.
Never turn on the computer with a protective card in the
diskette drive.
Always wait about 20 seconds after you turn off the power before you turn it on again to prevent damage to the computer’s electrical circuitry.
Do not leave a beverage near your system. Spilled liquid can damage the circuitry.
Follow these steps to turn on the system:
Turn your computer around so the front panel faces you. Place your monitor, printer, and other devices in a convenient arrangement.
If there is a protective card in the diskette drive, remove it.
Turn on the monitor, printer, and any other devices connected to the computer.
Setting Up Your System
To turn on the computer, press the power button on the right side of the front panel.
power (SPEED) indicator
hard drive access indicator
diskette drive
The power indicator on the left side of the front panel lights up. After a few seconds, the screen displays a count of the
system memory, and then the computer performs a power-on diagnostics routine to make sure everything is working correctly.
If necessary, use the controls on your monitor to adjust the brightness and contrast until you can easily see the characters on the screen. If your monitor has horizontal and vertical hold controls, you may need to use them to
stabilize the display.
power button
The screen displays the following prompt:
Press <DEL> If you want to run SETUP
Do not press any key yet;you just want to make sure the
computer is working. This prompt appears every time you turn on your computer so you can run SETUP if necessary After a few seconds, the prompt disappears.
Setting Up Your System 1-9
If there is no operating system installed on your computer, you see an error message. Ignore the message for now; once you install the operating system, you will not see this message.
If MS-DOS is already installed, you may see the command prompt (C : \). If your system is configured to automatically load a program (such as Windows or a word processing program), you see the first menu or screen display of that program.
Now you need to run SETUP to make sure your computer is configured properly. First turn off the computer, as described below, then see Chapter 2 for instructions. When you finish running SETUP, be sure to see “Post-SETUP Procedures”on page 2-16 for guidelines on what you need to do next.

Turning Off the Computer

Whenever you turn off your system, follow these steps:
Save your data and exit any application program you are using. You should not turn your system off until you see the operating system prompt.
Check the hard disk drive light and the diskette drive light(s)
to make sure they are not on. Do not turn off the computer
if a drive light is on, because you can damage the drive or
lose data.
Remove any diskette(s) from the diskette drive(s)
Press the power button to turn off the computer.
Turn off the monitor, printer, and any other peripheral
Setting Up Your System
Chapter 2
Running the SETUT Program
The first time you use your computer, you may need to run the
SETUP program. If your system was configured for you, you
may want to check the settings or adjust the date and time. If
you change your configuration, you may need to run it again.
SETUP lets you verify or change the following:
0 Current date and time
Type of diskette drive(s) installed
Type of hard disk drive(s) installed
Type of video display adapter you are using
0 Processor speed
0 System booting sequence
0 Diskette drive seek test
0 Virus protection
0 System memory
0 Coprocessor support
0 Shadow options
0 Keyboard options
0 Peripherals options
0 Password options.
Running the SETUP Program
The SETUP program and the factory default options for your computer are stored in the computer’s ROM BIOS (read-only
memory, basic input/ output system). The configuration
information you enter is stored in an area of memory called CMOS RAM. This memory is backed up by a battery, so it is
not erased when you turn off or reset the computer.
Whenever you reboot the computer, it checks the settings, and
if it discovers a difference between the information in the
CMOS RAM and its actual hardware configuration, it prompts you to run SETUP. You see a message describing the error as well as the following prompt at the bottom of the screen:
Press <Fl> to run SETUP or <F2> to continue
If this happens, press F1 to run SETUP and correct the setting.

Starting the SETUP Program

To start SETUP, make sure there is no diskette in the diskette
drive; then turn on your computer. (If your computer is already
on, turn it off, wait 20 seconds, and then turn it on again.) After
the self test, you see the following prompt on the screen:
Press <DEL> If you want to run SETUP
As soon as you see this message, press Del.
If you do not press Del within approximately five seconds, the
computer starts loading the operating system and you will not
be able to run SETUP. If this happens, reset the computer and
try again.
2-2 Running the SETUP Program
When you press Del, you see a SETUP menu containing these options:
1. Start operating system
2. Run SETUP
3. Set Password options
4. Display system board help
5. Load default SETUP values
6. SAVE settings and exit
7. Exit without saving settings
Type the number of the menu option you want to select, or use
‘/‘or & to move the cursor over the option you want to select and press Enter. As you highlight each menu selection, you’ll see a description of the option at the bottom of the screen.

Entering SETUP Options

You can verify or change all SETUP functions except the
password options from menu option 2, Run SETUP. To select
this option, press & to highlight it, then press Enter. You see the main SETUP screen.
This screen displays the size of the base and extended memory and math coprocessor information, if one is installed. You also see a calendar for the current month at the bottom right of the screen.
Additionally, this screen contains system parameters you can
Running the SETUP Program 2-3

Selecting Options

A solid cursor bar highlights the selected parameter. Press
t, ‘/‘, +, & to move the cursor to the parameter you want to
change. Then press Page Up or Page Down to display the
available options.
As you move the cursor to each parameter, you see a
description of the available options for that parameter at the bottom of the screen.
The following sections describe how to choose the correct
SETUP parameters for your system.

Setting the Date and Time

The real-time clock in your computer continuously tracks the
date and time-even when the computer is turned off. Once you set the date and time using SETUP, you should not need to
change them, unless you need to adjust the time for daylight
savings or other seasonal adjustments. (The computer
automatically changes the date for leap years.)
Use the cursor arrow keys to position the cursor over the
portion of the date or time you want to change. Press Page Up
or Page Down to modify the date or time. The time parameter
uses a 24-hour clock. For example, 5 p.m. is shown as 17.
2-4 Running the SETUP Program
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