Epson Apex 110 Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Proper Method for Running Benchmark and Diagnostics Programs
Date: 06/04/93 Page(s): 1 of 1
In most cases, the computer should be started using an MS-DOS boot diskette that’s ‘clean’ ­The appropriate executable can then be run, either from diskette or hard drive.
There will be some exceptions to the above rule. In attempting to benchmark or troubleshoot any add-on that requires a device driver (CD-ROM, local area network,
etc.), obviously the necessary device driver(s) must be loaded. Also, some
programs will require a minimum number of FILES or BUFFERS to be defined in the CONFIG.SYS file. Such programs will usually display this requirement if they are run without the necessary CONFIG.SYS file.
For the most consistent results, use the absolute minimal boot configuration that’s
allowed by the hardware being tested.
in other words, one with no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
PSB No: S-0158 Originator: MWT