Bulletin 62.3:670
February 2015
670 Series Panel-Mounted Loading Regulators
(671 AND 670 SERIES)
Figure 1. Typical Panel Layouts
(670 SERIES)
The Types 670, 671, 674 and 675 panel-mounted
loading regulators (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 6) are compact,
rugged units used primarily for manually loading
pressure-balanced gas regulators and providing
manual control for diaphragm actuator control valves.
Applications include remote control of gas pressure to
burners in reneries, power plants and various process
furnaces. The Types 670 and 675 units use the
Type 67CR or 67CFR pressure regulator, the Type 671
unit uses the Type 912 pressure regulator and the
Type 674 unit uses the Type 1301F pressure regulator.
Three basic panels are available within the product
line as shown in Figures 1 and 6, each having one
pressure regulator connected to one or two gauges
(670 SERIES)
or two gauges and a changeover valve. A single
gauge typically shows loading pressure to the control
valve. With two gauges, one gauge shows the loading
pressure and the other gauge can be connected to
show downstream control pressure or any other
pressure up to 300 psig / 20.7 bar. Manual backup
of pneumatic controllers can be handled with those
670 Series units having a changeover valve. With it
the operator selects either the automatic controller
output (displayed on one gauge) or the manual
loader output (displayed on the other gauge and
adjusted by the handwheel) as the signal to the
control valve actuator.

Bulletin 62.3:670
This section lists the specications for the 670 Series panel-mounted loading regulators. Factory specications
are stamped on the nameplate fastened on the regulator at the factory.
Available Congurations
See Table 1
End Connections
Inlet: 1/4 NPT internal
Outlet: Types 670 and 675—1/4 NPT internal;
Type 671—3/8 NPT internal;
Type 674—1/4 NPT internal
Maximum Allowable Inlet Pressure
Without Changeover Valve: 250 psig / 17.2 bar
With Changeover Valve: 50 psig / 3.4 bar
Maximum Outlet Pressure
See Table 1
Maximum Emergency Outlet Pressure
See Table 1
Outlet Pressure Ranges
Types 670 and 675
: 3 to 18 psig / 0.21 to 1.2 bar
5 to 30 psig / 0.34 to 2.1 bar; 30 to 50 psig / 2.1 to
3.4 bar; and 35 to 80 psig / 2.4 to 5.5 bar except
35 to 50 psig / 2.4 to 3.4 bar with change over valve
Type 671: 0 to 1 psig / 0 to 0.07 bar; 0 to 5 psig /
0 to 0.34 bar
Type 674: 10 to 75 psig / 0.69 to 5.2 bar;
50 to 150 psig / 3.4 to 10.3 bar;
100 to 225 psig / 6.9 to 15.5 bar
Pressure Registration
Construction Materials
Panel Tubing: Copper, PVC-coated copper,
aluminum or 316 (316 Stainless steel)
Regulator Body
Types 670 and 675: Die-cast aluminum
Type 671: Die-cast zinc
Type 674: Brass
Regulator Spring Case
Types 670 and 675: Die-cast zinc/Stainless steel
Type 671: Die-cast zinc
Type 674: Forged brass or steel
Types 670, 670F and 671: Zinc
Types 670FG, 670G, 670FGV and 670GV: Steel
Handwheel: Die-cast aluminum
Construction Materials (continued)
Other Regulator Parts
Diaphragm: Nitrile (NBR)
Valve Disk: Nitrile (NBR)
Diaphragm Plate: Plated steel
Spring: Plated steel
Filter Cartridge (Type 67CFR Regulator Only):
Cellulose (standard) or Stainless steel or Brass
Temperature Capabilities
-20 to 180°F / -29 to 82°C
Pressure Gauges
Connection: 1/8 NPT external tting on back
of case
Ranges: Standard ranges shown in Table 2 with
other ranges available upon request
Face Colors: White with black numerals
Case Color: Black
Gauge Identication: White engraving on black
laminated plastic plate below gauge indicates units
and function. Up to 16 characters per line, 3 lines,
are available.
Regulator Port Diameters
Types 670 and 675: 0.125 in. / 3.2 mm
Type 671: 0.073 in. / 1.9 mm (standard);
0.094 in. / 2.4 mm (optional)
Type 674: 0.078 in. / 2.0 mm
Operating Inuences
670 Series: As shown in Figure 4, output pressure
changes less than 5 psig / 0.34 bar when the input
pressure changes between 20 to 140 psig / 1.4 to
9.7 bar
Type 671: As shown in Figure 5, output pressure
changes less than 1 in. w.c. / 2 mbar when the
input pressure changes between 20 to 140 psig /
1.4 and 9.7 bar
Regulator Flow Capacity
See appropriate pressure regulator bulletin
Internal Relief for Pressure Regulators
Adequate for relieving only minor build-up
situations. Refer to the appropriate pressure
regulator bulletin to determine if external relief
is required.
1. These pressure ranges are recommended, but all springs used in the Type 67CR or 67CFR regulators can be adjusted down to 0 psig / 0 bar.
2. Dened in ISA Standard S51.1-1979.

Bulletin 62.3:670
Figure 2. Type 670 Panel Loader
• Control Flexibility—With a changeover valve, the
operator can deliver pressure to the control valve
from the manual loader, a controller or bypass the
panel completely.
• Gauge Identication—Big, clear, white-on-black
labels (see Figure 1) show gauge function and
units at a glance.
• Convenient Fingertip Control—Turn the panel-
mounted handwheel clockwise to increase or
counterclockwise to decrease pressure to the
control valve while watching the high visibility
black-on-white gauges.
Figure 3. Side View of Type 671 Panel Loader Using
Type 912 Regulator
• Easy Connections—Unit comes with all the
hardware necessary to connect the loading
pressure gauge to the pressure regulator.
• Versatility—Pressure regulators are suitable for
a variety of gaseous uids including natural gas,
propane and air.
• Compact Size—The slim proles of the regulators
are ideal for installations where space behind the
panel is limited.