Dräger Medical, Inc.
Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC
Technical Service Bulletin # 20
Re: Modification of Analog PCB
Date: August 17, 2000
Reference Doc: Following Service Bulletins from Dräger Medizintechnik GmbH:
• 6141.221 Incubator 8000 SC # 24, June 2000
• 6141.222 Incubator 8000 IC # 5, June 2000
• 6141.223 Incubator 8000 NC # 24, June 2000
Reason: Dräger Medizintechnik GmbH has released a modification to the
Analog PCB.
Solution: Update of the Incubator with the following action:
• Installation of a modified service exchange Analog PCB.
In addition the following actions will be performed to b ring field units up
to the latest configuration (not all units affected):
• Installation of a new Software Version.
• Follow up validation of replacement of CPU Incubator PCB
according to TSB Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC # 12.
• Disconnection of the auxiliary fan on the Power Pack PCB according
to TSB Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC # 17.
• Retrofitting of 2 warning labels according to
TSB Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC # 19.
Devices affected: All units Incubator 8000 IC, Incubator 8000 SC, and Incubator 8000 NC
shipped prior to July 2000 not labeled with "New Sensor Technology"
on the keypad.
When: As soon as possible or latest at next Preventive Maintenance. Our
goal is to complete this action by mid of November 2000 latest.
Reporting: To Dräger Medical, Inc. by Fax 1-215-721-5789. A Feedback Form
is included in the Conversion/Installation Instructions.
Additional Info 1: Two different strategies are planned for this action:
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Dräger Medical, Inc.
Please note for the first strategy:
Until the end of September 2000 we recommend to use strategy 1 due
to the limited number of available repair kits for units without
1. Returning of the complete Control Unit for an update to the InHouse Service in Telford.
Removal and installation can be done by TSRs and trained
For removal of the Control Unit use the instructions in the document
"Skin-Temperature Measurement Conversion Instructions
(Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC)", see section 1.2, step 1 to 10 (pages 5
to 7).
If you cannot provide an adequate shipping box please contact
Customer Service at 1 800 4 DRAGER and ask for the shipping box
P/N SD4. We will send you this box free of charge.
Please call Customer Service at 1 800 4 DRAGER and ask for a
RMA number (RMA = Return Material Authorization). Send the
Electronic Unit with RMA # to:
Dräger Service
3124 Commerce Drive
Telford, PA 18969
Please ship with billing to Dräger Service.
The modified Control Unit will be sent back in average within 4
working days with all necessary instructions for the installation.
In addition we will replace the battery P/N 83 01 856 in the Control
Unit free of charge.
Please do not return all Control Units from one hospital at once. We
recommend sending back 1/4 of quantity at one time.
2. Update of the unit with a "Repair kit " in the field.
The update can be done by TSRs and trained Biomeds.
Please return all removed parts as soon as possible with RMA
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