D-link DXS-1100-16TC, DXS-1100-10TS User Manual [ru]

Copyright and Trademarks
Information in this document is subjected to change without notice. © 2015 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of D-Link Corporation is strictly
forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D-LINK log o are trademarks of D-Link Corporation; Microsoft
marks and nam es or their products . D-Link Corporat ion dis claim s any propr ietary i nterest in tradem arks an d trade names other than its own.
FCC Warning
This equipment has been t ested and f ound to com ply with the l imits f or a Clas s A digit al device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equ ipm ent is oper ated in a c omm ercial enviro nm ent. T his equipm ent genera tes, us es, and can radiate radio fr equency energy and, if not ins talled and used in accordance with t his manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause h armful inter ference in which case the us er will be r equired to cor rect the interf erence at his expense.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipment.
CE Mark Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this pr oduct may cause radio interfer ence in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Dies ist ein Produk t der Klasse A. Im W ohnbereich kann dieses Produkt Funk stoerungen verursachen. I n diesem Fall kann vom Benutzer verlangt werden, angemessene Massnahmen zu ergreifen.
Este es un producto de Clas e A. En un entorno doméstico, puede c ausar interferencias de r adio, en cuyo case, puede requerirse al usuario para que adopte las medidas adecuadas.
Ceci est un produit de classe A. Dans un environnement domestique, ce produit pourrait causer des interférences radio, auquel cas l`utilisateur devrait prendre les mesures adéquates.
Il presente prodotto a ppartiene alla classe A. Se utilizzato in ambiente domestico il prodotto può caus are interferenze radio, nel cui caso è possibile che l`utente debba assumere provvedimenti adeguati.
VCCI Warning
この装置は、クラス A 情報技術装置です。この装置を家庭環境で使用すると電波妨害を引き起こすことがあ ります。この場合には使用者が適切な対策を講ずるよう要求されることがあります。 VCCI-A
BSMI Notice
Safety Compliance Warning: Class 1 Laser Product.
EN: W hen using a fiber optic media exp ansion module, never look at the transmit laser while it is powered on. Also, never look directly at the fiber TX port and fiber cable ends when they are powered on.
FR: Ne regardez jam ais le laser tant qu’il est s ous tension. Ne regarde z jamais directem ent le port TX (Tramsmiss ion) à f ibres optiq ues et les em bouts d e câb les à f ibres o ptiques t ant qu ’ils son t so us tension.
SFP (Mini-GBIC), XENPAK, and XFP Regulatory Compliance
Networks pluggable optical modules meet the following regulatory requirements:
Class 1.
IEC/EN60825-1:2007 2nd Edition or later, Europe an Stan dard
FCC 21 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter J in accordance with FDA and CDRH requirements.
Application of CE Mark in accordance with 200 4/108/EEC EMC Directi ve and the 2006/95/EC Lo w
Voltage Directives.
UL and/or CSA registered component for North America.
47 CFR Part 15, Class A when installed into produc ts .
Table of Contents D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

Table of Contents

DXS-1100 Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch ............................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
User Manual ..................................................................................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. i
Intended Readers.............................................................................................................................................. 1
Terms/Usage .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................................................... 1
General Precautions for Rack-Mountable Products ...................................................................................... 2
Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge .................................................................................................... 3
1 Product Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4
DXS-1100-10TS ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Front Panel ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Rear Panel.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Side Panels ................................................................................................................................................ 5
DXS-1100-16TC............................................................................................................................................. 6
Front Panel ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Rear Panel.................................................................................................................................................. 6
Side Panels ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 Hardware Installation ................................................................................................................................ 8
Step 1: Unpacking .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Step 2: Switch Installation .............................................................................................................................. 8
Desktop or Shelf Installation ....................................................................................................................... 8
Rack Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Step 3: Plugging in the AC Power Cord with Power Cord Retainer ............................................................ 10
Power Failure ........................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................13
Management Options ................................................................................................................................... 13
Using Web-based Management .................................................................................................................. 13
Supported Web Browsers ........................................................................................................................ 13
Connecting to the Switch .......................................................................................................................... 13
Login Web-based Management ............................................................................................................... 13
Smart Wizard ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Web-based Management ............................................................................................................................. 14
D-Link Network Assistant (DNA) .................................................................................................................. 14
4 Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................16
Smart Wizard Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 16
System IP Information .............................................................................................................................. 16
User Accounts Settings ............................................................................................................................ 17
SNMP ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Web-based Management ............................................................................................................................. 19
Tool Bar > Save Menu ................................................................................................................................. 20
Save Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 20
Tool Bar > Tools Menu ................................................................................................................................. 20
Firmware Upgrade and Back up................................................................................................................ 20
Configuration Restore and Backup .......................................................................................................... 22
Log Backup............................................................................................................................................... 24
Ping .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Reset ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Table of Contents D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Reboot System ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Tool Bar > Wizard ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Tool Bar > Online Help ................................................................................................................................. 27
Function Tree ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Device Information ................................................................................................................................... 28
System > System Information Settings .................................................................................................... 29
System > Peripheral Settings ................................................................................................................... 29
System > Port Configuration > Port Settings ........................................................................................... 30
System > Port Configuration > Port Status .............................................................................................. 31
System > Port Configuration > Error Disable Settings ............................................................................. 31
System > Port Configuration > Jumbo Frame .......................................................................................... 32
System > System Log > System Log Settings ......................................................................................... 33
System > System Log > System Log Discriminator Settings ................................................................... 34
System > System Log > System Log Server Settings ............................................................................. 34
System > System Log > System Log ....................................................................................................... 35
System > System Log > System Attack Log ............................................................................................ 35
System > Time and SNTP > Clock Settings ............................................................................................ 35
System > Time and SNTP > Time Zone Settings .................................................................................... 36
System > Time and SNTP > SNTP Settings ............................................................................................ 37
System > Time Range .............................................................................................................................. 38
Management > User Accounts Settings ................................................................................................... 38
Management > Password Encr yption ...................................................................................................... 39
Management > SNMP > SNMP Global Setti ngs ...................................................................................... 39
Management > SNMP > SNMP Link change T rap Setti ngs ..................................................................... 40
Management > SNMP > SNMP View Table Sett ings .............................................................................. 41
Management > SNMP > SNMP Community Table Settings .................................................................... 42
Management > SNMP > SNMP Group Table Settings ............................................................................ 42
Management > SNMP > SNMP Engine ID Local Settings ....................................................................... 43
Management > SNMP > SNMP User Table Sett in gs .............................................................................. 44
Management > SNMP > SNMP Host Table Setti ngs ............................................................................... 44
Management > RMON > RMON Global Settings..................................................................................... 45
Management > RMON > RMON Statistics Settings................................................................................. 46
Management > RMON > RMON History Settings .................................................................................... 46
Management > RMON > RMON Alarm Settings ...................................................................................... 47
Management > RMON > RMON Event Settings ...................................................................................... 48
Management > Web ................................................................................................................................. 48
Management > Session Timeout ............................................................................................................. 49
Management > File System ..................................................................................................................... 49
Management > D-Link Discovery Protocol ............................................................................................... 50
L2 Features > FDB > Static FDB > Unicast Static FDB ........................................................................... 51
L2 Features > FDB > Static FDB > Multicast Static FDB ......................................................................... 52
L2 Features > FDB > MAC Address Table Settings ................................................................................ 52
L2 Features > FDB > MAC Address Table .............................................................................................. 53
L2 Features > FDB > MAC Notification .................................................................................................... 54
L2 Features > VLAN > 802.1Q VLAN ...................................................................................................... 54
L2 Features > VLAN > Asymmetric VLAN ............................................................................................... 55
L2 Features > VLAN > VLAN Interface .................................................................................................... 55
L2 Features > VLAN > Auto Surveillance VLAN > Auto Surveillance Properties .................................... 56
L2 Features > VLAN > Auto Surveillance VLAN > MAC Settings and Surveillance Device .................... 57
Table of Contents D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Global ...................................................................... 58
L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Port .......................................................................... 59
L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN OUI .......................................................................... 59
L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Device ..................................................................... 60
L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN LLDP-MED Device .................................................. 60
L2 Features > STP > STP Global Settings .............................................................................................. 60
L2 Features > STP > STP Port Settings .................................................................................................. 61
L2 Features > STP > STP Global Information ......................................................................................... 63
L2 Features > STP > STP Port Information ............................................................................................. 63
L2 Features > Loopback Detection .......................................................................................................... 63
L2 Features > Link Aggregation ............................................................................................................... 64
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping Settings .................................. 66
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping Groups Settings ..................... 68
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping Mrouter Settings .................... 69
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping Statistics Settings .................. 70
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> MLD Snoo pin g > MLD Sno op ing Sett ings ..................................... 70
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> MLD Snoo pin g > MLD Sno op ing Gro ups Settings ........................ 73
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> MLD Snoo pin g > MLD Sno op ing Mrout er Set tings ....................... 74
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> MLD Snoo pin g > MLD Sno op ing Stat ist ic s Setti ngs ..................... 74
L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control> Multicast Filtering ........................................................................... 75
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Global Settings .......................................................................................... 76
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Port Settings .............................................................................................. 76
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Management Address List ......................................................................... 77
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Basic TLVs Settings................................................................................... 78
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings .................................................................................... 78
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings .................................................................................... 79
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP-MED Port Settings ..................................................................................... 80
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Statistics Information ................................................................................. 81
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Local Port Information ............................................................................... 82
L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Neighbor Port Information ......................................................................... 84
L3 Features > IPv4 Interface .................................................................................................................... 84
L3 Features > IPv6 Interface .................................................................................................................... 85
L3 Features > IPv6 Neighbor ................................................................................................................... 86
L3 Features > IPv6 Route Table .............................................................................................................. 87
QoS > Basic Settings > Port Default CoS ................................................................................................ 87
QoS > Basic Settings > Port Scheduler Method ...................................................................................... 87
QoS > Basic Settings > Queue Settings .................................................................................................. 88
QoS > Basic Settings > CoS to Queue Mapping ..................................................................................... 89
QoS > Basic Settings > Port Rate Limiting .............................................................................................. 90
QoS > Advanced Settings > Port Trust State ........................................................................................... 90
QoS > Advanced Settings > DSCP CoS Mapping ................................................................................... 91
Security > Port Security > Port Securit y Global Set tin gs ......................................................................... 92
Security > Port Security > Port Securit y Port Settin gs ............................................................................. 93
Security > Port Security > Port Securit y Addres s Entri es ........................................................................ 94
Security > ARP Spoofing Prevention ....................................................................................................... 94
Security > Safeguard Engine Settings ..................................................................................................... 95
Security > Traffic Segmentation Settings ................................................................................................. 95
Security > Storm Control .......................................................................................................................... 96
Security > DoS Attack Prevention Settin gs .............................................................................................. 97
Table of Contents D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Security > SSL > SSL Global Settings ..................................................................................................... 98
Security > SSL > Crypto PKI Trustpoint ................................................................................................. 100
Security > SSL > SSL Service Policy ..................................................................................................... 100
OAM > Cable Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 101
Monitoring > Utilization > Port Utilization ............................................................................................... 102
Monitoring > Statistics > Port ................................................................................................................. 102
Monitoring > Statistics > Port Counters .................................................................................................. 104
Monitoring > Statistics > Counters ......................................................................................................... 106
Monitoring > Mirror Settings ................................................................................................................... 107
Monitoring > Device Environment .......................................................................................................... 108
Green > Power Saving ........................................................................................................................... 108
Green > EEE .......................................................................................................................................... 110
Appendix A - Technical Specifications ......................................................................................................112
Hardware Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 112
Key Components / Performance ............................................................................................................ 112
Port Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 112
Physical & Environment ......................................................................................................................... 112
Emission (EMI) Certifications ................................................................................................................. 112
Safety Certifications ............................................................................................................................... 112
Features ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
L2 Features ............................................................................................................................................ 112
L3 Features ............................................................................................................................................ 113
VLAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 113
QoS (Quality of Service) ......................................................................................................................... 113
Security ................................................................................................................................................... 113
OAM ....................................................................................................................................................... 113
Management........................................................................................................................................... 113
D-Link Green Technology ...................................................................................................................... 113
錯誤! 使用 [常用] 索引標籤將 Heading 1 套用到您想要在此處顯示的文字。 D-Link 10 Gigabit
The model you have purchased may
appear slightly different from the illustrations
for detailed information about your switch, its
indicates important information that
: Only trained and qualified service
personnel should install, replace or perform
Ethernet Switch User Manual

Intended Readers

This guide provides instruc tions to ins tall the D-Link 10 Gigabit Et hernet Switc h DXS-1100-10TS, and DXS­1100-16TC, how to configure Web-based Management step-by-step.
NOTE: shown in the document. Refer to the Product
Instruction and Technical Specification sections components, network connections, and technica l
This guide is mainly divided into three parts:
1. Hardware Installation: Step-by-step hardware installation procedures.
2. Getting Started: A startup guide for basic switch installation and settings.
3. Configuration: Information about the function descriptions and configuration settings.


In this guide, the term “Switch” (first letter capitalized) refers to the Switch, and “switch” (first letter lower case) refers to other Ethernet s witches. Some technologies refer to terms “switch”, “bridge” an d “switching hubs” interchangeably, and both are commonly accepted for Ethernet switches.
A NOTE helps a better use of the device.
A NOTICE indicates either potent ial damage to hardware or loss of data and tells how to avoid the problem.
A CAUTION indicates pote ntia l propert y damage or personal injury.

Safety Instructions

Use the following safet y guide lines t o ens ure your o wn pers onal s afet y and t o he lp pr otect your s ystem fr om potential damage. Throughout this safety section, the caution icon (
precautions that need to be reviewed and followed.
maintenance on D-Link switches.
To reduce the risk of bodil y injury, electrical shock , fire, or damage to the equip ment, observe the followin g precautions.
Observe and follow service markings.
o Do not service any product except as explained in your system documentation. o Opening or removing covers that are marked with the triangular symbol with a lightning bolt may
expose you to electrical shock.
o Only a trained service technician should service components inside these compartments.
If any of the following conditions occur, unplug the product from the electrical outlet and replace the part or contact your trained service provider:
o The power cable, extension cable, or plug is damaged.
) is used to indic ate cautions and
Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
o An object has fallen into the product. o The product has been exposed to water. o The product has been dropped or damaged. o The product does not operate correctly when you follow the operati ng instr uc ti ons .
Keep your system away from radiators and heat sources. Also, do not block cooling vents.
Do not spill food or liquids on your system components, and never operate the product in a wet
environment. If the system gets wet, see the appropriate section in your troubleshooting guide or contact your trained service provider.
Do not push any objects into the openings of your system. Doing so can cause fire or electric shock by shorting out interior components.
Use the product only with approved equipment.
Allow the product to cool before removing covers or touching internal components.
Operate the product only from the type of external power source indicated on the electrical ratings
label. If you are not sure of the type of power source required, consult your service provider or local power company.
To help avoid damaging your system, be sure the voltage on the power supply is set to match the power available at your location:
o 115 volts (V)/60 hertz (Hz) in most of North and South America and some Far Eastern countries
such as South Korea and Taiwan
o 100 V/50 Hz in eastern Japan and 100 V/60 Hz in western Japan o 230 V/50 Hz in most of Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East
Also, be sure that attached devices are electrically rated to operate with the power available in your location.
Use only approved power cable(s). If you have not been provided with a power cable for your system or for any AC-powered option intended for your system, purchase a power cable that is approved for use in your country. The power cable must be rated for the product and for the voltage and current marked on the product's electrical ratings label. The voltage and current rating of the cable should be greater than the ratings marked on the product.
To help prevent electric shock, plug the system and peripheral power cables into properly grounded electrical outlets. These cables are equipped with three-prong plugs to help ensure proper grounding. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from a cable. If you must use an extension cable, use a 3-wire cab le with properly grounded plugs.
Observe extension cable and power strip ratings. Make sure that the total ampere rating of all products plugged into the extension cable or power strip does not exceed 80 percent of the ampere ratings limit for the extension cable or power strip.
To help protect your system from sudden, transient increases and decreases in electrical power, use a surge suppressor, line conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Position system cables and power cables carefully; route cables so that they cannot be stepped on or tripped over. Be sure that nothing rests on any cables.
Do not modify power cables or plugs. Consult a licensed electrician or your power company for site modifications. Always follow your local/national wiring rules.
When connecting or disconnecting power to hot-pluggable power supplies, if offered with your system, observe the following guidelines:
o Install the power supply before connecting the power cable to the power supply. o Unplug the power cable before removing the power supply.
o If the system has multiple sources of power, disconnect power from the system by unplugging all
power cables from the power supplies.
Move products with care; ensure that all casters and/or stabilizers are firmly connected to the system. Avoid sudden stops and uneven surfaces.

General Precautions for Rack-Mountable Products

Observe the following precautions for rack stability and safety. Also, refer to the rack installation documentation accompanying the system and the rack for specific caution statements and procedures.
Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Never defeat the ground conductor or operate the
equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor.
The system chassis must be positively grounded to the
Systems are considered to be components in a rack. Thus, "component" refers to any system as well as to various peripherals or supporting hardware.
Before working on the rack, make sure that the stabilizers are secured to the rack, extended to the floor, and that the full weight of the rack rests on the floor. Install front and side stabilizers on a single rack or front stabilizers for joined multiple racks before working on the rack.
Always load the rack from the bottom up, and load the heaviest item in the rack first.
Make sure that the rack is level and stable before extending a component from the rack.
Use caution when pressing the component rail release latches and sliding a component into or out of
a rack; the slide rails can pinch your fingers.
After a component is inserted into the rack, carefully extend the rail into a locking position, and then slide the component into the rack.
Do not overload the AC supply branch circuit that provides power to the rack. The total rack load should not exceed 80 percent of the branch circuit rating.
Ensure that proper airflow is provided to components in the rack.
Do not step on or stand on any component when servicing other components in a rack.
CAUTION: Contact the appropriate el e c tric al insp ec tio n au thor ity or an electrician
if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available.
CAUTION: rack cabinet frame. Do not attempt to connect power to the system until grounding cables are connected. A qualified electrical inspector must inspect completed power and safety ground wiring. An energy hazard will exist if the safety ground cable is omitted or disconnected.

Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge

Static electricity can harm delicate components inside your system. To prevent static damage, discharge static electricity from your body before you touch any of the electronic components, such as the microprocessor. You can do so by periodically touching an unpainted metal surface on the chassis.
You can also take the following steps to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD):
1. When unpacking a static-sensitive component from its shipping carton, do not remove the component from the antistatic packing material until you are ready to install the component in your system. Just before unwrapping the antistatic packaging, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body.
2. When transporting a sensitive component, first place it in an antistatic container or packaging.
3. Handle all sensitive components in a static-safe area. If possible, use antistatic floor pads, workbench pads and an antistatic grounding strap.
1 Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

1 Product Introduction

Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of D-Link 10 Gi gab it Ether net S witc h Products. The product blends plug-and-play sim plicit y wit h ex cep tion al value and reliabi lity for small and m edium -sized
business (SMB) network ing. All models ar e housed in a new st yle rack-m ount metal case with eas y-to-view front panel diagnostic L ED s , and provides advance d features including ne twork security, traf f ic s egm entation, QoS and versatile management.
Flexible Port Configurations. The DXS-1100 series is the new generation of Web 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch series. It provides a variety of port counts that can operate at up to 10 Gbps wire speed.
D-Link Green Technology. D-Link Green devices are about providing eco-friendly alternatives without compromising perfor mance. D-Link Green Technology inc ludes a number of innovations to red uce energy consumption on DXS-1100 series such as shutting down a port, or turning off some LED indicators, or adjusting the power usage according to the Ethernet cable connected to it.
Extensive Layer 2 Featu res. Im plemented as com plete L2 devic es, these switc hes include f unctions such as IGMP snooping, port mirroring, Spanning Tree, 802.3ad LACP and Loopback Detection to enhance performance and network resiliency.
Traffic Segmentation, QoS and Auto Surveillance VLAN. T he switches support 802 .1Q VLAN standard tagging to enhance network security and perform ance. The switches also support 802.1p priority queues, enabling users to run bandwidth-sensitive applications such as streaming multimedia by prioritizing that traffic in network . These functions allow switches to work seamlessly with VLA N and 802.1p traffic in the network. Auto Surveillance VLAN will autom atically place the video traffic from pre-defined IP surveillance devices to an assigned VLAN with higher priority, so it can be separated from normal data traffic. Asymmetric VLAN is implemented in these s witches for a more eff icient use of shared resour ces, such as server or gateway devices.
Network Security. D-Link’s innovative Safeguard Engine function protects the switches against traffic flooding caused b y virus attacks. Stor m Control can help to keep the network f rom being overwhelm ed by abnormal traffic. Port Security is another sim ple but useful authentication method to m aintain the network device integrity. ARP Spoofing Prevention protects the Switch from intercepting data frames on the network.
Versatile Management. The new generation of D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switches provides growing businesses with a simple and easy management of their network, using a Web-Based management interface that allows administrators to remotely control their network down to the port level. The D-Link Network Assistant (DN A) is a program that allows administrators to quickly discover all D-Link smart switches and D­Link Discover Protoc ol (D D P) s upp or ted de vices that a r e in the s ame subnet as th e PC , c ol lect traps and log messages, and provide quick access to basic configurations of the switch.
In addition, users can utilize the SNMP MIB (Management Information Base) to poll the switches for information about t he status , or send out traps of a bnorm al events. SNMP support all ows users to integrate the switches with other third-party devices for management in an SNMP-enabled env ironment
Automated Fan Speed. Switches in this series have a built-in temperature sensor that will m easure the switch’s internal temperature and then aut omatically adjust t he spee d of the fans to either h ig h-speed or low­speed.
1 Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual


The DXS-1100-10TS 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch supports the following ports:
Eight 100/1000/1 000 0Mb ps copper Eth er net port s.
Two 1/10Gbps SFP+ module ports.

Front Panel

Figure 1.1 – DXS-1100-10TS Front Panel
Power LED Port Link/Act/Speed LED (1-10): The Link /Act/Speed LED flashes , which indicates a net work link through
the corresponding port. Blinking indicates that the Switch is either sending or receiving data to the port. When a port has an am ber light, this indicates that the port is running on 10 0M or 1000M. When it has a green light it is running on 10G.
Fan Err: The LED illuminates red when the fan has run time failure and is brought offline. Reset: By pressing and holding the Reset button inside the pinhole for 3 to 5 seconds, the Switch will
change back to the default configuration and all changes will be lost.

Rear Panel

: The Power LED lights up when the Switch is connected to a power source.
Figure 1.2 – DXS-1100-10TS Rear Panel
Power: The power port is where to connect the external power adapter. Security Lock: Provide a Kensingt on-compat ible secur ity lock to be ab le to c onnect to a secur e imm ovable
device. Insert the lock into the notch and turn the key to secure the lock. The lock-and-cable apparatus should be purchased separately.
Switch GND: U se an electric al grounding wire and connect o ne end of the wire to the Switch GND and the other end of the wire to an electrical grounding point most commonly found on the switch mounting rack itself.

Side Panels

Figure 1.3 – DXS-1100-10TS Side Panels
Heat Vents: The heat vents are used to dissipate int ernal heat and fac ilitate internal a ir circulation. D o not block these openings. Leave at least 6 inches of space at the rear and sides of the Switch for proper ventilation. Without proper heat dissipation and air circulation, system components might overheat which could lead to system failure or even severely damaged components.
Rack-mounting Screw Holes: T he screw holes are used for attach mounting brackets when installing the Switch to the rack.
1 Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Fans: Switches in this series have a built-in temperature sensor that will measure the switch’s internal
temperature and then automatically adjust the speed of the fans to either high-speed or low-speed.


The DXS-1100-16TC 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch supports the following ports:
Twelve 100/1000/10000Mb ps copper Eth er net por ts .
Two 100/1000/10000Mbps copper, 1/10Gbps SFP+ combo ports
Two 1/10Gbps SFP+ module ports.

Front Panel

Figure 1.4 – DXS-1100-16TC Front Panel
Power LED Port Link/Act/Speed LED (1-16): The Link /Act/Speed LED flashes , which indicates a net work link through
the corresponding port. Blinking indicates that the Switch is either sending or receiving data to the port. When a port has an am ber light, this indicates that the port is running on 10 0M or 1000M. When it has a green light it is running on 10G.
Fan Err: The LED illuminates red when the fan has run time failure and is brought offline. Reset: By pressing and holding the Reset button inside the pinhole for 3 to 5 seconds, the Switch will
change back to the default configuration and all changes will be lost.

Rear Panel

: The Power LED lights up when the Switch is connected to a power source.
Figure 1.5 – DXS-1100-16TC Rear Panel
Power: The power port is where to connect the AC power cord. Security Lock: Provide a Kensingt on-compat ible secur ity lock to be ab le to c onnect to a secure imm ovable
device. Insert the lock into the notch and turn the key to secure the lock. The lock-and-cable apparatus should be purchased separately.
Switch GND: U se an electric al grounding wire and connect o ne end of the wire to the Switch GND and the other end of the wire to an electrical grounding point most commonly found on the switch mounting rack itself.

Side Panels

Figure 1.6 – DXS-1100-16TC Side Panels
Heat Vents: The heat vents are used to dissipate int ernal heat and fac ilitate internal a ir circulation. D o not block these openings. Leave at least 6 inches of space at the rear and sides of the Switch for proper
1 Product Introduction D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
ventilation. Without proper heat dissipation and air circulation, system components might overheat which could lead to system failure or even severely damaged components.
Rack-mounting Screw Holes: The screw holes are us ed for attach mounting brack ets when installing the Switch to the rack.
Fans: Switches in this series have a built-in temperature sensor that will measure the switch’s internal temperature and then automatically adjust the speed of the fans to either high-speed or low-speed.
2 Hardware Installation D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

2 Hardware Installation

This chapter provides unpacking and installation information for the Switch.

Step 1: Unpacking

Open the shipping carton and carefully unpack its contents. Please cons ult the packing list located in the User Manual to make sure all items are present and undamaged.
One D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch One AC power cord One set of Power cord retainer Four rubber feet Screws and two mounting brackets One Multi-lingual Getting Started Guide One CD with W eb UI Ref erenc e Guide, Gett ing St arted G uide, and D-Link Net work As sistant Us er
If any item is found missing or damaged, please contact the local reseller for replacement.

Step 2: Switch Installation

For safe switch installation and operation, it is recommended that you:
Visually inspect the power cord to see that it is secured fully to the AC power connector. Make sure that there is proper heat dissipation and adequate ventilation around the switch. Do not place heavy objects on the switch.

Desktop or Shelf Installation

When installing t he switch on a desktop or shelf, the r ubber feet incl uded with th e device m ust be attached on the bottom at each corner of the device’s base. Allow enough ventilation space bet ween the device and the objects around it.
Figure 2.1 – Attach the adhesive rubber pads to the bottom

Rack Installation

The switch can be mounted in an EIA s tan dar d s i ze 19-inch rack, which c an be p lac ed in a wiring c loset with other equipment. T o install, attac h the m ounting brack ets to the s witch’s side p anels (one on each s ide) and secure them with the screws provided (please note that these brackets are not designed for palm size switches).
2 Hardware Installation D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 2.2 – Attach the mounting brackets to the Switch
Then, use the screws provided with the equipment rack to mount the switch in the rack.
Figure 2.3 – Mount the Switch in the rack or chassis
Please be aware of following safety Instructions when installing:
A) Elevated Operatin g Ambient - If installe d in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating am bient temperature of the r ac k enviro nm ent m a y be greater t han r oom ambient. Therefo re, c onsider atio n sh ould be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) specified by the manufacturer.
B) Reduced Air F low - Installat ion of the equ ipment in a r ack should be such that the am ount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.
C) Mechanical Lo ading - Mounting of th e equipment in the r ac k s hould b e s uc h th at a h a zar dous c ond iti on is not achieved due to uneven mechanical loading.
D) Circuit Overloading - Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit, and the eff ect that overload ing of the cir cuits m ight have on o vercurrent protection an d suppl y wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this concern.
2 Hardware Installation D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
E) Reliable Earthing - Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention should be given t o supply connec tions ot her than direc t connec tions to the branch cir cuit (e.g. use of power strips)."

Step 3: Plugging in the AC Power Cord with Power Cord Retainer

To prevent accidenta l removal of the AC power cor d, it is recommended to inst all the power cord retainer together with the power cord.
A) With the rough side facing down, insert the Tie Wrap into the hole below the power socket.
Figure 2.4 – Insert Tie Wrap to the Switch
B) Plug the AC power cord into the power socket of the Switch.
Figure 2.5 – Connect the power cord to the Switch
C) Slide the Retainer through the Tie Wrap until the end of the cord.
2 Hardware Installation D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 2.6 – Slide the Retainer through the Tie Wrap
D) Circle the tie of the Retainer around the power cord and into the locker of the Retainer.
Figure 2.7 – Circle around the power cord
E) Fasten the tie of the Retainer until the power cord is secured.
2 Hardware Installation D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 2.8 – Secure the power cord
F) Users may now connect the AC po wer cord to an electrical outlet (pref erably one that is grounded and surge protected).
Figure 2.9 – Plugging the switch into an outlet

Power Failure

As a precaution, the s witch s hould be un plugged in c ase of power failur e. W hen power is r esumed, plug the switch back in.
3 Getting Started D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

3 Getting Started

This chapter introduces the management interface of the Switch.

Management Options

The D-Link Switch can be managed through any port on the device by using the Web-based Management.
Each switch must be assigned its own IP Address, whic h is used for communication with the W eb-Based Management or a SN MP network manager. T he PC should have an IP address in the sam e range as the switch. Each switch can allow up to four users to access the Web-Based Management concurrently.
Please refer to the follo win g ins ta llat ion ins tr uctio ns f or the Web-based Management and the D-Link Netw ork Assistant (DNA).

Using Web-based Management

After a successful ph ysical ins ta llat ion, you can c o nf ig ure t he S witch, monitor the network stat us, and display statistics using a web browser.

Supported Web Browsers

The embedded Web-based Management currently supports the following web browsers:
Internet Explorer (version 7 and later) Firefox Google Chrome Safari

Connecting to the Switch

You will need the following equipment to begin the web configuration of your device:
1. A PC with a RJ45 Ethernet connection
2. A standard Ethernet cable
Connect the Ethernet cable to any of the ports on the front panel of the switch and to the Ethernet port on the PC.
Figure 3.1 – Connected Ethernet cable

Login Web-based Management

In order to login a nd c onf ig ure the switch via an Ethernet conn ec tio n, t he P C must have an I P address in the same subnet as the s witch. For ex ample, if the switch has an I P ad dres s of, the PC should ha ve an IP address of 10.x.y.z (where x/ y is a number between 0 and 254 and z is a n umber between 1 and 254), and a subnet mask of Open the web browser and enter (the factory-default IP address) in the address bar. Then press <Enter>.
3 Getting Started D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 3.2 – Enter the IP address in the web browser
NOTE: T he Switch's f actory def ault IP ad dress is with a subne t m ask of 255.0.0 .0 and a default gateway of
When the following logon dialog box appears, enter the User Name and Password in the cor responding fields and click Login.
Figure 3.3 – Logon D i a log Box
NOTE: The S witch's factory def ault username is admin and the default password is admin.

Smart Wizard

After a successful login , the Smart Wizard will guide you through es sential settings of the Switch. Please refer to the Smart Wizard Configuration section for details.

Web-based Management

By clic k ing the Exit button in the Smart W izard, you wil l enter the W eb-based Management interf ac e. Ple as e refer to Chapter 4 Configuration
for detailed instructions.

D-Link Network Assistant (DNA)

The D-Link Network Assistant ( DNA) , included in the installation CD, is a progra m that allows administ rators to quickly discover all D-L ink smart switches and D-Link Discover Pr otocol (DDP) supported devices (f or a list of supported models, refer to the D-Link Network Assistant (DNA) User Guide), that are in the same subnet as the PC, co llect traps and log m essages, and provide q uick access to basic conf igurations of the switch. This tool is only for computers running Windows 7, Vista, XP, or 2000 on both 32/64bit s ys tems. There are two options for the installation of the DNA; one is thr ough the Autorun program on the ins tallation CD and the other is manual installation.
3 Getting Started D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
from your PC before installing the latest
NOTE: Please be sure to uninstall any existing DNA DNA.
For detailed explanations of the DNA functions, please refer to D-Link Network Assistant (DNA) User Guide.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

4 Configuration

The features and functions of the Switch can be configured for optimum use through the Web-based Management Utility.

Smart Wizard Configuration

After a successf ul login, the Smart W izard will guide you throu gh essential settings of the Switch. If you d o not plan to change anything, cl ick Exit to leave th e W izard an d enter th e W eb Int erf ace. You can a lso sk ip it by clicking Ignore the wizard next time for the next time you logon to the Web-based Management.

System IP Information

IP Information will guide you to do basic configurations in 3 steps for the IP Information, access password, and SNMP. Select Static, DHCP or BOOTP, and enter the desired n ew IP Address, se lect the Netmask a nd enter th e Gateway address, then click the Next button to enter the nex t User Accounts Settings windo w. (No need t o enter IP Address, Netm ask and Gateway if DHCP and BOOTP ar e selected.) The Smart W izard is for the quick setting in IPv 4 en vironm ent.
Web-based Management. You can also tick Ignore the wizard next time c heck box to skip wizard setting when the Switch boots up
If you are not changing the settings, click the Exit button to go to the main page of
Figure 4.1 – System IP Information in Smart Wizard
NOTE: The Smart W izard supports quick settings for IPv4 network.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

User Accounts Settings Type the desired new username in the User Name field and select the Privilege between User and

Administrator. Select Password Type among None, Plain Text and Encrypted, and type the desired password in the Password field. Click the Next button to the SNMP window.
Figure 4.2 – User Accounts Settings in Smart Wizard
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Changing the system IP address will
disconnect you from the current connection.


The SNMP Sett ing allows you to quickly enable or disable the SNMP func tion. The def ault SNMP Setti ng is
Disabled. Click Enabled and then click Apply & Save to make it effective.
Please enter the correct IP address in the Web browser again and make sure your PC is in the same subnet with the switch. See Login Web­based Management for a detailed description.
Figure 4.3 – SNMP in Smart Wizard
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
If you close the web browser without
Function Tree
Main Configuration Screen
Tool Bar

Web-based Management

After clicking Exit in Smart Wizard, you will see the screen below:
Figure 4.4 – Web-based Management
The above image is the Web-based Managem ent s cr een. The three main areas ar e the T ool Bar on top, the Function Tree, and the Main Configuration Screen.
The Tool Bar provides a quick and convenient way for essential utility functions like firmware and configuration m anagement on the left, an d the userna me with cur rent IP address and the Logout button on the right. Click Logout to end this session.
NOTE: clicking th e Logout button f irs t , t hen it will b e s e e n as an abnormal ex it and the log in session will s till be occupied.
By choosing different functions in the Function Tree, you can change all the settings in the Main Configuration Screen. The main configuration scr ee n will sho w the current stat us of your S witc h b y clic k in g the model name on top of the function tree.
Finally, b y click ing the D-Link logo at the up per-left cor ner of the scr een you will be re directed to the D-Link website.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual

Tool Bar > Save Menu

The Save Menu provides the Save Configuration function.
Figure 4.5 – Save Menu

Save Configuration

Select to save the entire configuration changes you have made to the device to switch’s non-volatile RAM.
Figure 4.6 – Save Configuration

Tool Bar > Tools Menu

The Tools Menu offers global function controls Firmware Upgrade & Backup, Configuration Restore & Backup, Log Backup, Ping, Reset, and Reboot System.
Figure 4.7 – Tools Menu

Firmware Upgrade and Backup

Allow for the firm ware to b e saved, or for an existing f irmware file to be uploade d to the S witch. The S witch can only allow having maximum 2 firmware files saved in the File System. Go to Management > File System t o delete the old firm ware files in order to upgr ade firm ware succes sfull y. The T wo m ethods can be selected: HTTP or TFTP.
Figure 4.8 – Tools Menu > Firmware Upgrade and Backup
Firmware Upgrade from HTTP
This window is used to upgrade the firmware from HTTP.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 4.9 – Tools Menu > Firmware Upgrade and Backup > Firmwa re U pgrade fro m HTTP
The fields that can be configured are described be lo w:
Source File: Click Browse to browse your inventories for a saved firmware file. Destination File: Enter th e destination filename and path where the new firm ware should be st ored on the
Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click Upgrade after selecting the firmware file you want to restore.
Firmware Upgrade from TFTP
This window is used to upgrade the firmware from TFTP.
Figure 4.10 – Tools Menu > Firmware Upgrade and Backup > Firmware Upgrade from TFTP
The fields that can be configured are described below: TFTP Server IP: Upgrade the f irmware from a remote T FTP server. Specify TFTP server IP address with
IPv4 or IPv6 address. Source File: Enter the sour ce filename and path of th e firmware file located o n the TFTP server here. This
field can be up to 64 characters long. Destination File: Enter th e destination filename and path where the new firm ware should be st ored on the
Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click Upgrade after selecting the firmware file you want to restore.
CAUTION: Do not disconnect the PC or remove the power cord from the S witch until the upgrad e completes. The S witch m ay cras h if the f irmware upgrade is incomplete.
Firmware Backup to HTTP
This window is used to back up the firmware to HTTP.
Figure 4.11 – Tools Menu > Firmware Upgrade and Backup > Firmware Backup to HTTP
The fields that can be configured are described below: Source File: Enter the source filename and path of the firmware f ile located on the Switch here. T his field
can be up to 64 characters long.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Click Backup to save the firmware to your disk.
Firmware Backup to TFTP
This window is used to back up the firmware to TFTP.
Figure 4.12 – Tools Menu > Firmware Upgrade and Backup > Firmware Backup to TFTP
The fields that can be configured are described below: TFTP Serve r IP: Bac kup the firm ware to a remote TFT P server. Specify TFTP server IP address with IPv4
or IPv6 address. Source File: Enter the source filename and path of the firmware file loc ated on the Switch here. T his field
can be up to 64 characters long. Destination File: Enter the destination f ilen am e and path where t he fir m ware should be store d o n the T FTP
server. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click Backup to save the firmware to the TFTP server.

Configuration Restore and Backup

Allow the current configura tion settings to be saved to a file (not including the pass word), and if necessary, you can restore the configuration settings from this file. The Switch can only allow having maximum 2 configuration files saved in the File System. Go to Management > File System to delete the old configuration files in or der to restore configurations suc cessfully. Two methods can be select ed: HTTP or TFTP.
Figure 4.13 – Tools Menu > Configure Restore and Backup
Configuration Restore from HTTP
This window is used to restore the configuration from HTTP.
Figure 4.14 – Tools Menu > Configure Restore and Backup > Configuration Restore from HTTP
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Source File: Click Browse to browse your inventories for a saved firmware file.
4 Configuration D-Link 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Destination File: Enter th e destination filename and path where the configuration file shou ld be stored on
the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the running-config option to restore and overwrite the running configuration file on the Switch. Select the startup-config option to restore and overwrite the start-up configuration file on the Switch.
Replace: Replace the current running configuration.
Click Restore after selecting the backup settings file you want to restore.
Configuration Restore from TFTP
This window is used to restore the configuration from TFTP.
Figure 4.15 – Tools Menu > Configure Restore and Backup > Configuration Restore from TFTP
The fields that can be configured are described below: TFTP Server IP: Restore the configuration from a remote TFTP server. Specify TFTP server IP address with
IPv4 or IPv6 address. Source File: Enter the source filenam e and path of the configuration f ile located on the T FTP server here.
This field can be up to 64 characters long. Destination File: Enter th e destination filename and path where the configuration file shou ld be stored on
the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the running-config option to restore and overwrite the running configuration file on the Switch. Select the startup-config option to restore and overwrite the start-up configuration file on the Switch.
Replace: Replace the current running configuration.
Click Restore after selecting the backup settings file you want to restore.
Configuration Backup to HTTP
This window is used to back up the configuration to HTTP.
Figure 4.16 – Tools Menu > Configure Restore and Backup > Configuration Backup to HTTP
The fields that can be configured are described below: Source File: Enter the sour ce filename and path of the configuration file located on the Switch here. This
field can be up to 64 charac ters long. S elect the running-config option to back up the running c onfiguratio n file from the Switch. Select the startup-config option to back up the start-up configuration file from the Switch.
Click Backup to save the current settings to your disk.
Configuration Backup to TFTP
This window is used to back up the configuration to TFTP.
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