This document provides an understanding of the CLI and Web configuration options for
D-Link DWS-3000 features.
Document Organization
This document shows examples of the use of the Unified Switch in a typical network. It
describes the use and advantages of specific functions provided by the Unified Switch and
includes information about configuring those functions using the command-line interface
(CLI) and Web interface.
The Unified Switch can operate as a Layer 2 switch, a Layer 3 router, or a combination switch/
router. The switch also includes support for network management and Quality of Service
functions such as Access Control Lists and Differentiated Services. The functions you choose
to activate will depend on the size and complexity of your network.
This document illustrates configuration for the following functions:
•L2 Features
-Virtual LANs (VLANs)
-Storm Control
-Trunking (Link Aggregation/Port Channels)
-Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Snooping
-Port Mirroring
-Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
-Denial of Service Attack Protection
•L3 Features
-Port Routing
-VLAN Routing
-Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
-Proxy ARP
-Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
•Security Features
-802.1x Network Access Control
-Captive Portal
-Port Security
•Quality of Service (QoS)
-Access Control Lists (ACLs)
-Class of Service (CoS)
-Differentiated Services
Document Organization15
Configuration Guide
CLI/Web Examples - Slot/Port Designations
To help you understand configuration tasks, this document contains examples from the CLI
and Web Interfaces. The examples are based on the D-Link DWS-3000 switch and use the
slot/port naming convention for interfaces, e.g. 0/2
-DHCP Filtering
-Configuration Scripting
-Outbound Telnet
-Pre-Login Banner
-Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
-Port Description
Use this guide if you are a(n):
•Experienced system administrator who is responsible for configuring and operating a net-
work using the D-Link DWS-3000 switch
•Level 1 and/or Level 2 Support provider
To obtain the greatest benefit from this guide, you should have an understanding of the Unified
Switch. You should also have basic knowledge of Ethernet and networking concepts.
CLI Documentation
The DWS-3000 CLI Command Reference gives information about the CLI commands used to
configure the switch. The document provides CLI descriptions, syntax, and default values.
Refer to the DWS-3000 CLI Command Reference for information on:
Connect a terminal to the switch to begin configuration.
In-Band and Out-of-Band Connectivity
Ask the system administrator to determine whether you will configure the switch for in-band
or out-of-band connectivity. To use the Web Interface, you must set up your system for in-band
Configuring for In-Band Connectivity
In-band connectivity allows you to access the switch from a remote workstation using the
Ethernet network. To use in-band connectivity, you must configure the switch with IP
information (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway).
Configure for In-band connectivity using one of the following methods:
•BootP or DHCP
•EIA-232 port
Using BootP or DHCP
You can assign IP information initially over the network or over the Ethernet service port
through BootP or DHCP. Check with your system administrator to determine whether BootP
or DHCP is enabled.
You need to configure the BootP or DHCP server with information about the switch —obtain
this information through the serial port connection using the
the server with the following values:
IP Address
Unique IP address for the switch. Each IP parameter is made up of four decimal numbers, ranging from 0 to 255. The default for all IP parameters is
Subnet mask for the LAN
show network command. Set up
In-Band and Out-of-Band Connectivity17
Configuration Guide
MAC Address
When you connect the switch to the network for the first time after setting up the BootP or
DHCP server, it is configured with the information supplied above. The switch is ready for inband connectivity over the network.
If you do not use BootP or DHCP, access the switch through the EIA-232 port, and configure
the network information as described below.
Using the EIA-232 Port
You can use a locally or remotely attached terminal to configure in-band management through
the EIA-232 port.
1. To use a locally attached terminal, attach one end of a null-modem serial cable to the
2. Set up the terminal for VT100 terminal emulation.
IP address of the default router, if the switch is a node outside the IP range of
the LAN
MAC address of the switch
EIA-232 port of the switch and the other end to the COM port of the terminal or workstation.
For remote attachment, attach one end of the serial cable to the EIA-232 port of the switch
and the other end to the modem.
A. Set the terminal ON.
B. Launch the VT100 application.
C. Configure the COM port as follows:
I.Set the data rate to 115,200 baud.
II. Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
III. Set the flow control to none.
IV. Select the proper mode under Properties.
V. Select Terminal keys.
3. The Log-in User prompt displays when the terminal interface initializes.
Enter an approved user name and password. The default is
admin for the user name and
the password is blank.
The switch is installed and loaded with the default configuration.
4. Reduce network traffic by turning off the Network Configuration Protocol. Enter the following command:
configure network protocol none
5. Set the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address by issue the following command:
Unique IP address for the switch. Each IP parameter is made up of four decimal numbers, ranging from 0 to 255. The default for all IP parameters is
IP address of the default router, if the switch is a node outside the IP range of the
6. To enable these changes to be retained during a reset of the switch, type
to the main prompt, type
7. To view the changes and verify in-band information, issue the command:
8. The switch is configured for in-band connectivity and ready for Web-based management.
save config at the main menu prompt, and type y to confirm the
Configuring for Out-of-Band Connectivity
To monitor and configure the switch using out-of-band connectivity, use the console port to
connect the switch to a terminal desktop system running terminal emulation software. The
console port connector is a female DB-9 connector, implemented as a data terminal equipment
(DTE) connector.
1 Getting Started
CTRL+Z to return
show network.
The following hardware is required to use the console port:
•VT100-compatible terminal, or a desktop, or a portable system with a serial port running
VT100 terminal emulation software.
•An RS-232 cable with a male DB-9 connector for the console port and the appropriate
connector for the terminal.
Perform the following tasks to connect a terminal to the switch console port using out-of-band
1. Connect the RS-232 cable to the terminal running VT100 terminal emulation software.
2. Configure the terminal emulation software as follows:
A. Select the appropriate serial port (serial port 1 or serial port 2) to connect to the con-
B. Set the data rate to 115,200 baud.
C. Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
D. Set the flow control to none.
E. Select the proper mode under
F. Select Terminal keys.
NOTE: When using HyperTerminal with Microsoft Windows 2000, make sure that
you have Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 or later installed. With Windows
2000 Service Pack 2, the arrow keys function properly in HyperTerminal's
VT100 emulation. Go to
dows 2000 service packs.
for more information on Win-
3. Connect the RS-232 cable directly to the switch console port, and tighten the captive
retaining screws.
In-Band and Out-of-Band Connectivity19
Configuration Guide
Starting the Switch
1. Make sure that the switch console port is connected to a VT100 terminal or a VT100 ter-
2. Locate an AC power receptacle.
3. Deactivate the AC power receptacle.
4. Connect the switch to the AC receptacle.
5. Activate the AC power receptacle.
When the power is turned on with the local terminal already connected, the switch goes
through a power-on self-test (POST). POST runs every time the switch is initialized and
checks hardware components to determine if the switch is fully operational before completely
booting. If POST detects a critical problem, the startup procedure stops. If POST passes
successfully, a valid executable image is loaded into RAM. POST messages are displayed on
the terminal and indicate test success or failure. The boot process runs for approximately 60
minal emulator via the RS-232 crossover cable.
Initial Configuration
NOTE: The initial simple configuration procedure is based on the following assump-
•The switch was not configured before and is in the same state as when you received it.
•The switch booted successfully.
•The console connection was established and the console prompt appears on the screen of a
VT100 terminal or terminal equivalent.
The initial switch configuration is performed through the console port. After the initial
configuration, you can manage the switch either from the already-connected console port or
remotely through an interface defined during the initial configuration.
NOTE: The switch is not configured with a default user name and password.
NOTE: All of the settings below are necessary to allow the remote management of the
switch through Telnet (Telnet client) or HTTP (Web browser).
Before setting up the initial configuration of the switch, obtain the following information from
your network administrator:
•The IP address to be assigned to the management interface through which the switch is
This section contains procedures to help you become acquainted quickly with the switch
Before installing the Unified Switch, you should verify that the switch operates with the most
recent firmware.
Quick Starting the Networking Device
1. Configure the switch for In-band or Out-of-Band connectivity. In-band connectivity
allows access to the Unified Switch locally or from a remote workstation. You must configure the device with IP information (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway).
2. Turn the Power ON.
3. Allow the device to load the software until the login prompt appears. The device initial
state is called the default mode.
4. When the prompt asks for operator login, do the following steps:
-Type admin at the login prompt. Since a number of the Quick Setup commands
require administrator account rights, D-Link suggests logging into an administrator
Do not enter a password because the default mode does not use a password - after typing
admin, press Enter two times.
-The CLI User EXEC prompt is displayed.
-Type enable to switch to the Privileged EXEC mode from User EXEC.
-Type configure to switch to the Global Config mode from Privileged EXEC.
-Type exit to return to the previous mode.
-Enter ? to show a list of commands that are available in the current mode.
1 Getting Started
NOTE: For more information about the configuration modes, see the CLI Command
System Information and System Setup
This section describes the commands you use to view system information and to setup the
network device. The tables below contain the Quick Start commands that allow you to view or
configure the following information:
•Software versions
•Physical port data
•User account management
•IP address configuration
•Uploading from Networking Device to Out-of-Band PC (Only XMODEM)
•Downloading from Out-of-Band PC to Networking Device (Only XMODEM)
•Downloading from TFTP Server
•Restoring factory defaults
For each of these tasks, a table shows the command syntax, the mode you must be in to
execute the command, and the purpose and output of the command. If you configure any
network parameters, you should execute the
write command.
Unified Switch Installation21
Configuration Guide
This command saves the changes to the configuration file. You must be in the correct mode to
execute the command. If you do not save the configuration, all changes are lost when you
power down or reset the networking device.
Quick Start up Software Version Information
Table 1 . Quick Start up Software Version Information
show hardware
(Privileged EXEC
Switch: 1
System Description..................... D-Link DWS-3026
Machine Model.......................... DWS-3026
Serial Number.......................... 123456abcdef
FRU Number..............................
Maintenance Level...................... A
Manufacturer........................... 0xbc00
Burned In MAC Address.................. 00:01:17:86:34:55
Software Version....................... D.4.18.8
Additional Packages.................... QOS
Quick Start up Physical Port Data
Table 2 . Quick Start up Physical Port Data
show port all
(Privileged EXEC
Displays the ports
Interface - slot/port, See the CLI Command Reference for more informa-
tion about naming conventions.
Type - Indicates if the port is a special type of port.
Admin Mode - Selects the Port Control Administration State.
Physical Mode - Selects the desired port speed and duplex mode.
Physical Status - Indicates the port speed and duplex mode.
Link Status - Indicates whether the link is up or down.
Link Trap - Determines whether or not to send a trap when link status
LACP Mode - Displays whether LACP is enabled or disabled on this port.
Displays all of the users who are allowed to access the networking device
Access Mode - Shows whether the user is able to change
parameters on the networking device(Read/Write) or is only
able to view them (Read Only).
As a factory default, the admin user has Read/Write access and
the guest user has Read Only access. There can only be one
Read/Write user and up to five Read Only users.
Displays all of the login session information.
Allows the user to set passwords or change passwords needed
to login
A prompt appears after the command is entered requesting the
user’s old password. In the absence of an old password, leave
the area blank. The user must press Enter to execute the command.
The system then prompts the user for a new password; then a
prompt to confirm the new password. If the new password and
the confirmed password match, a confirmation message is displayed.
A user password should not be more than eight characters in
This command saves passwords and all other changes to the
If you do not save the configuration by entering this command,
all configurations are lost when a power cycle is performed on
the networking device or when the networking device is reset.
Logs the user out of the networking device.
1 Getting Started
Unified Switch Installation23
Configuration Guide
Quick Start up IP Address
To view the network parameters the operator can access the device by the following three
•Simple Network Management Protocol - SNMP
•Te lnet
•We b Br owser
NOTE: Helpful Hint: The user should do a ‘copy system:running-config
Table 4 . Quick Start up IP Address
show network
(User EXEC Mode)
network parms <ipaddr>
<netmask> [gateway]
(Privileged EXEC Mode)
nvram:startup-config’ after configuring the network parameters so that the
configurations are not lost
Displays the Network Configurations
IP Address - IP Address of the interface
Default IP is
Subnet Mask - IP Subnet Mask for the interface
Default is
Default Gateway - The default Gateway for this interface
Default value is
Burned in MAC Address - The Burned in MAC Address used for
in-band connectivity
Locally Administered MAC Address - Can be configured to allow a
locally administered MAC address
MAC Address Type - Specifies which MAC address should be used
for in-band connectivity
Network Configurations Protocol Current - Indicates which network protocol is being used
Default is none
Management VLAN ID - Specifies VLAN ID
Sets the IP Address, subnet mask, and gateway of the router. The IP
Address and the gateway must be on the same subnet.
IP Address range from to
Subnet Mask range from to
Gateway Address range from to
This chapter is a brief introduction to the Web interface — it explains how to access the Webbased management panels to configure and manage the system.
Tip: Use the Web interface for configuration instead of the CLI interface. Web configuration
is quicker and easier than entering multiple required CLI commands.
You can manage your switch through a Web browser and Internet connection. This is referred
to as Web-based management. To use Web-based management, the system must be set up for
in-band connectivity.
To access the switch, the Web browser must support:
•HTML version 4.0, or later
•HTTP version 1.1, or later
version 1.2, or later
Runtime Plug-in 1.50-06 or later
There are equivalent functions in the Web interface and the terminal interface — both
applications usually employ the same menus to accomplish a task. For example, when you log
in, there is a Main Menu with the same functions available, etc.
There are several differences between the Web and terminal interfaces. For example, on the
Web interface the entire forwarding database can be displayed, while the terminal interface
only displays 10 entries starting at specified addresses.
To terminate the Web interface session, click the Logout button.
Configuring for Web Access
To enable Web access to the switch:
1. Configure the switch for in-band connectivity. The Getting Started section of this docu-
ment gives instructions for doing this.
2. Enable Web mode:
A. At the CLI prompt, enter the
B. Set Web Mode to Enabled.
show networkcommand.
Configuring for Web Access27
Configuration Guide
Starting the Web Interface
Follow these steps to start the switch Web interface:
1. Enter the IP address of the switch in the Web browser address field.
2. Enter the appropriate User Name and Password. The User Name and associated Password
Figure 1. Web Interface Panel-Example
are the same as those used for the terminal interface. Click on the Login button.
3. The System Description Menu displays as shown in Figure 2, with the navigation tree
appearing to the left of the screen.
4. Make a selection by clicking on the appropriate item in the navigation tree.
Web Page Layout
A Web interface panel for the switch Web page consists of three areas (Figure 2).
A banner graphic of the switch appears across the top of the panel.
The second area, a hierarchical-tree view appears to the left of the panel. The tree consists of a
combination of folders, subfolders, and configuration and status HTML pages. You can think
of the folders and subfolders as branches and the configuration and status HTML pages as
leaves. Only the selection of a leaf (not a folder or subfolder) will cause the display of a new
HTML page. A folder or subfolder has no corresponding HTML page.
The third area, at the bottom-right of the panel, displays the currently selected device
configuration status and/or the user configurable information that you have selected from the
tree view.
Configuring an SNMP V3 user profile is a part of user configuration. Any user can connect to
the switch using the SNMPv3 protocol, but for authentication and encryption, additional steps
are needed. Use the following steps to configure an SNMP V3 new user profile.
Figure 3. Configuring an SNMP V3 User Profile
1. From the LAN navigation menu, select LAN> Administration> User Accounts (see
Figure 3).
Starting the Web Interface29
Configuration Guide
2. Using the User pull-down menu, select Create to create a new user.
3. Enter a new user name in the User Name field.
4. Enter a new user password in the Password field and then retype it in the Confirm
NOTE: If SNMPv3 Authentication is to be implemented for this user, set a password
5. If you do not need authentication, go to Step 9.
6. To enable authentication, use the Authentication Protocol pull-down menu to select
7. If you do not need encryption, go to Step 9.
8. To enable encryption, use the Encryption Protocol pull-down menu to select DES for the
9. Click Submit.
Command Buttons
Password field.
of eight or more alphanumeric characters.
either MD5 or SHA for the authentication protocol.
encryption scheme. Then, enter an encryption code of eight or more alphanumeric
characters in the Encryption Key field.
The following command buttons are used throughout the Web interface panels for the switch:
Save Pressing the Save button implements and saves the changes you just made.
Some settings may require you to reset the system in order for them to take
Refresh Pressing the Refresh button that appears next to the Apply button in Web
interface panels refreshes the data on the panel.
Submit Pressing the Submit button sends the updated configuration to the switch.
Configuration changes take effect immediately, but these changes are not
retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.