D-Link DGS-3620 Reference Manual

xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Using the Command Line Interface............................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 Basic Management Commands .................................................................................. 9
Chapter 3 802.1X Commands.................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 4 Access Authentication Control (AAC) Commands .................................................... 57
Chapter 5 Access Control List (ACL) Commands.................................................................... 100
Chapter 6 Access Control List (ACL) Egress Commands ....................................................... 128
Chapter 7 ARP Commands...................................................................................................... 147
Chapter 8 ARP Spoofing Prevention Commands .................................................................... 154
Chapter 9 Asymmetric VLAN Commands ................................................................................ 156
Chapter 10 Auto Configuration Commands ............................................................................... 158
Chapter 11 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Commands ........................................... 160
Chapter 12 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Commands ......................................................... 165
Chapter 13 BPDU Attack Protection Commands....................................................................... 224
Chapter 14 Cable Diagnostics Commands ................................................................................ 229
Chapter 15 CFM Commands ..................................................................................................... 232
Chapter 16 Command List History Commands ......................................................................... 268
Chapter 17 Command Logging Commands .............................................................................. 271
Chapter 18 Common Unicast Routing Commands .................................................................... 273
Chapter 19 Compound Authentication Commands ................................................................... 287
Chapter 20 Debug Software Commands ................................................................................... 297
Chapter 21 DHCP Local Relay Commands ............................................................................... 368
Chapter 22 DHCP Relay Commands ........................................................................................ 372
Chapter 23 DHCP Server Commands ....................................................................................... 390
Chapter 24 DHCP Server Screening Com mands ...................................................................... 413
Chapter 25 DHCPv6 Relay Commands ..................................................................................... 425
Chapter 26 DHCPv6 Server Commands ................................................................................... 432
Chapter 27 Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) Commands ................................................... 447
Chapter 28 Distance Vector Multicast Rout ing Prot oc ol (DVMRP) Commands ........................ 454
Chapter 29 D-Link License Management System (DLMS) Commands .................................... 460
Chapter 30 Domain Name System (DNS) Relay Commands ................................................... 462
Chapter 31 Domain Name System (DNS) Resolver Commands .............................................. 467
Chapter 32 DoS Attack Prevention Commands......................................................................... 474
Chapter 33 D-Link Unidirectional Link Detection (DULD) Commands ...................................... 478
Chapter 34 Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) Commands ........................................ 480
Chapter 35 Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Commands .......................................................... 489
Chapter 36 External Alarm Commands ..................................................................................... 491
Chapter 37 FDB Commands ...................................................................................................... 493
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 Filter Commands ..................................................................................................... 512
Chapter 40 FTP Client Commands ............................................................................................ 515
Chapter 41 Gratuitous ARP Commands .................................................................................... 523
Chapter 42 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Commands..................................... 528
Chapter 43 IGMP Proxy Commands ......................................................................................... 536
Chapter 44 IGMP Snooping Commands ................................................................................... 541
Chapter 45 IGMP Snooping Multicast (ISM) VLA N Commands ................................................ 560
Chapter 46 IP Interface Commands .......................................................................................... 571
Chapter 47 IP Multicasting Commands ..................................................................................... 581
Chapter 48 IP Route Filter Commands ...................................................................................... 586
Chapter 49 IP Routing Commands ............................................................................................ 605
Chapter 50 IP Tunnel Commands ............................................................................................. 618
Chapter 51 IPv6 NDP Commands ............................................................................................. 628
Chapter 52 IP-MAC-Port Binding (IMPB) Commands ............................................................... 636
Chapter 53 Japanese Web-based Access Control (JWAC) Commands ................................... 666
Chapter 54 Jumbo Frame Commands ....................................................................................... 690
File System Management Commands .................................................................... 502
Chapter 55 LACP Configuration Commands ............................................................................. 693
Chapter 56 Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling (L2PT) Commands ...................................................... 695
Chapter 57 Limited Multicast IP Address Commands ............................................................... 699
Chapter 58 Link Aggregation Commands .................................................................................. 708
Chapter 59 LLDP Commands .................................................................................................... 713
Chapter 60 LLDP Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol (LLDP-DCBX) Commands .......... 736
Chapter 61 Loopback Detection Commands ............................................................................. 740
Chapter 62 Loopback Interface Commands .............................................................................. 747
Chapter 63 MAC Notification Commands .................................................................................. 750
Chapter 64 MAC-based Access Control Commands ................................................................ 755
Chapter 65 MD5 Configuration Commands ............................................................................... 771
Chapter 66 Mirror Commands.................................................................................................... 774
Chapter 67 MLD Proxy Commands ........................................................................................... 780
Chapter 68 MLD Snooping Commands ..................................................................................... 785
Chapter 69 MLD Snooping Multicast (MSM) VLAN Com mands ............................................... 802
Chapter 70 Modify Login Banner and Prompt Commands ........................................................ 813
Chapter 71 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Commands ..................................................... 817
Chapter 72 Network Load Balancing (NLB) Commands ........................................................... 822
Chapter 73 Network Management Commands .......................................................................... 828
Chapter 74 Network Monitoring Commands .............................................................................. 845
Chapter 75 OAM Commands ..................................................................................................... 866
Chapter 76 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Command List ................................................... 873
Chapter 77 OSPFv3 Commands ............................................................................................... 895
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 Password Recovery Commands ............................................................................. 920
Chapter 80 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Commands ................................................. 923
Chapter 81 PIM6-SM Commands .............................................................................................. 941
Chapter 82 Policy Route Commands ......................................................................................... 965
Chapter 83 Port Security Commands ........................................................................................ 969
Chapter 84 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Commands .................................................................. 977
Chapter 85 Power Saving Commands ....................................................................................... 982
Chapter 86 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Commands ............................................................ 988
Chapter 87 Priority Flow Control (PFC) Commands ................................................................ 1006
Chapter 88 Protocol VLAN Commands ................................................................................... 1010
Chapter 89 Quality of Service (QoS) Commands .................................................................... 1016
Chapter 90 Q-in-Q Commands ................................................................................................ 1034
Chapter 91 Reboot Schedule Commands ............................................................................... 1047
Chapter 92 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Commands .................................................... 1050
Chapter 93 RIPng Commands ................................................................................................. 1055
Chapter 94 RSPAN Commands............................................................................................... 1060
Packet Storm Commands ....................................................................................... 914
Chapter 95 Safeguard Engine Commands .............................................................................. 1066
Chapter 96 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Commands ............................................... 1068
Chapter 97 sFlow Commands.................................................................................................. 1071
Chapter 98 Single IP Management Commands ...................................................................... 1082
Chapter 99 SNMPv1/v2/v3 Commands ................................................................................... 1091
Chapter 100 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) commands ........................................................... 1110
Chapter 101 SSH Commands.................................................................................................... 1123
Chapter 102 SSL Commands .................................................................................................... 1135
Chapter 103 Stacking Commands ............................................................................................. 1142
Chapter 104 Static MAC-based VLAN Commands ................................................................... 1150
Chapter 105 Static Multicast Route Commands ........................................................................ 1153
Chapter 106 Subnet VLAN Commands ..................................................................................... 1156
Chapter 107 Super VLAN and Sub-VLAN Commands .............................................................. 1161
Chapter 108 Surveillance VLAN Commands ............................................................................. 1166
Chapter 109 Switch Port Commands ......................................................................................... 1172
Chapter 110 System Severity Commands ................................................................................. 1176
Chapter 111 Tech Support Commands ..................................................................................... 1178
Chapter 112 Time and SNTP Commands ................................................................................. 1181
Chapter 113 Traffic Segmentation Commands .......................................................................... 1188
Chapter 114 UDP Helper Commands ........................................................................................ 1190
Chapter 115 Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) Commands ........................................ 1196
Chapter 116 Utility Commands .................................................................................................. 1201
Chapter 117 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Commands .................................... 1227
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 118
Chapter 119 VLAN Commands.................................................................................................. 1245
Chapter 120 VLAN Trunking Commands .................................................................................. 1262
Chapter 121 Web-based Access Control (WAC) Commands ................................................... 1266
Chapter 122 Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) Commands ..................................... 1281
Appendix A Password Recovery Procedure ............................................................................. 1288
Appendix B System Log Entries ............................................................................................... 1290
Appendix C Trap Entries ........................................................................................................... 1316
Appendix D RADIUS Attributes Assignment ............................................................................. 1324
Appendix E IETF RADIUS Attributes Support .......................................................................... 1327
Voice VLAN Commands ....................................................................................... 1235
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide

Chapter 1 Using the Command Line Interface

The DGS-3620 Layer 3 stackable Gigabit Ethernet switch series are members of the D-Link xStack® family. Ranging from 10/100/1000Mbps edge switches to core gigabit switches, the xStack tolerance, flexibility, port density, robust security and maximum throughput with a user-friendly management interface for the networking professional.
The Switch can be managed through the Switch’s serial port, Telnet, SNMP or the Web-based management agent. The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to configure and manage the Switch via the serial port or Telnet interfaces.
This manual provides a reference for all of the commands contained in the CLI. Every command will be introduced in terms of purpose, format, description, parameters, and examples. Configuration and management of the Switch via the Web-based management agent are discussed in the Web UI Reference Guide. For detailed information on installing hardware please also refer to the Harware Installation Guide.
switch family has been future-proof designed to provide a stacking architecture with fault

1-1 Accessing the Switch via the Ser ial Port

The Switch’s serial port’s default settings are as follows:
115200 baud
no parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
A computer running a terminal emulation program capable of emulating a VT-100 terminal and a serial port configured as above is then connected to the Switch’s serial port via an RJ-45 to RS­232 DB-9 convertor cable.
With the serial port properly connected to a management computer, the following screen should be visible.
DGS-3620-28PC Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.016
Copyright(C) 2013 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved.
There is no initial username or password. Just press the Enter key twice to display the CLI input cursor DGS-3620-28PC:admin#. This is the command line where all commands are input.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin# config ipif System ipaddress

1-2 Setting the Switch’s IP Address

Each Switch must be assigned its own IP Address, which is used for communication with an SNMP network manager or other TCP/IP application (for example BOOTP, TFTP). The Switch’s default IP address is You can change the default Switch IP address to meet the specification of your networking address scheme.
The Switch is also assigned a unique MAC address by the factory. This MAC address cannot be changed, and can be found on the initial boot console screen – shown below.
Boot Procedure V1.00.016
Power On Self Test ........................................ 100 %
MAC Address : 00-01-02-03-04-00 H/W Version : B1
Please Wait, Loading V2.60.016 Runtime Image .............. 100 %
UART init ................................................. 100 %
Starting runtime image
Device Discovery .......................................... 100 %
Configuration init ........................................ 100 %
Press any key to login...
The Switch’s MAC address can also be found in the Web management program on the Device Information (Basic Settings) window on the Configuration menu.
The IP address for the S wit c h must be set before it can be managed with the Web-based manager. The Switch IP address can be automatically set using BOOTP or DHCP protocols, in which case the actual address assigned to the Switch must be known.
Starting at the command line prompt, enter the commands config ipif System ipaddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy. Where the x’s represent the IP address to be assigned to the IP interface named System and the y’s represent the corresponding subnet mask.
Alternatively, you can enter config ipif System ipaddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/z. Where the x’s represent the IP address to be assigned to the IP interface named System and th e z represents the corresponding number of subnets in CIDR notation.
The IP interface named System on the Switch can be assigned an IP address and subnet mask which can then be used to connect a management station to the Switch’s Telnet or Web-based management agent
Command: config ipif System ipaddress
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config account
In the above example, the Switch was assigned an IP address of with a subnet mask of The system message Success indicates that the command was executed successfully. The Switch can now be configured and managed via Telnet, SNMP MIB browser and the CLI or via the Web-based management agent using the above IP address to connect to the Switch.
There are a number of helpful features included in the CLI. Entering the ? command will display a list of all of the top-level commands.
Command: ?
.. ? cable_diag ports cd cfm dm cfm linktrace cfm lm cfm lock md cfm loopback change drive clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear address_binding nd_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptable clear attack_log clear bgp clear bgp dampening clear bgp flap_statistics clear cfm dm clear cfm lm clear cfm pkt_cnt clear counters
When entering a command without its required parameters, the CLI will prompt you with a Next possible completions: message.
Command: config account Next possible completions: <username 15>
In this case, the command config account was entered with the parameter <username>. The CLI will then prompt to enter the <username> with the message, Next possible completions:. Every
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config account
command in the CLI has this feature, and complex commands have several layers of parameter prompting.
In addition, after typing any given command plus one space, users can see all of the next possible sub-commands, in sequential order, by repeatedly pressing the Tab key.
To re-enter the previous command at the command prompt, press the up arrow cursor key. The previous command will appear at the command prompt.
Command: config account Next possible completions: <username 15>
In the above example, the command config account was entered without the required parameter <username>, the CLI returned the Next possible completions: <username> prompt. The up
arrow cursor control key was pressed to re-enter the previous command (config account) at the command prompt. Now the appropriate username can be entered and the config account command re-executed.
All commands in the CLI function in this way. In addition, the syntax of the help prompts are the same as presented in this manual angle brackets < > indicate a numerical value or character string, braces { } indicate optional parameters or a choice of parameters, and brackets [ ] indicate required parameters.
If a command is entered that is unrecognized by the CLI, the top-level commands will be displayed under the Available commands: prompt.
Available commands: .. ? cable_diag cd cfm change clear config copy create debug del delete dir disable download enable erase format install login logout md move no ping ping6 rd reboot reconfig rename reset save show telnet traceroute traceroute6 upload
The top-level commands consist of commands such as show or config. Most of these commands require one or more param eter s to narr o w the top-level command. This is equivalent to show what? or config what? Where the what? is the next parameter.
For example, entering the show command with no additional parameters, the CLI will then display all of the possible next parameters.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
surveillance_vlan switch syslog system_severity
Command: show Next possible completions:
802.1p 802.1x aaa access_profile account accounting acct_client address_binding arp_spoofing_prevention arpentry asymmetric_vlan attack_log auth_client auth_diagnostics auth_session_statistics auth_statistics authen authen_enable authen_login authen_policy authentication authorization autoconfig bandwidth_control bfd bgp boot_file bpdu_protection broadcast_ping_reply cfm command command_history community_encryption config cpu current_config ddm device_status dhcp dhcp_local_relay dhcp_relay dhcp_server dhcpv6 dhcpv6_relay dhcpv6_server dlms dnsr dos_prevention dot1v_protocol_group dscp duld dvmrp ecmp egress_access_profile egress_flow_meter environment erps error ethernet_oam external_alarm fdb filter flow_meter gratuitous_arp greeting_message gvrp hol_prevention host_name igmp igmp_proxy igmp_snooping ip ip_tunnel ipfdb ipif ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto ipmc ipmroute iproute ipv6 ipv6route jumbo_frame jwac l2protocol_tunnel lacp_port led limited_multicast_addr link_aggregation lldp lldp_dcbx lldp_med log log_save_timing log_software_module loopback loopdetect mac_based_access_control mac_based_access_control_local mac_based_vlan mac_notification max_mcast_group mcast_filter_profile md5 mirror mld mld_proxy mld_snooping multicast multicast_fdb name_server nlb ospf ospfv3 out_band_ipif packet password_recovery per_queue pfc pim pim-ssm pim6 poe policy_route port port_group port_security port_security_entry port_vlan ports power_saving private_vlan ptp pvid qinq radius rcp reboot rip ripng rmon route route_map router_ports rspan safeguard_engine scheduling scheduling_mechanism serial_port session sflow sftp sim snmp sntp ssh ssl stack_device stack_information stacking_mode storage_media_info stp sub_vlan subnet_vlan super_vlan
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
tacacs tech_support telnet terminal
angle brackets < >
Encloses a variable or value. Users must specify the variable or value.
square brackets [ ]
Encloses a required value or list of required arguments. Only on e
vertical bar |
Separates mutually exclusive items in a list. For example, in the syntax
braces { }
Encloses an optional value or a list of optional arguments. One or
tftp time time_range traffic traffic_segmentation trap trusted_host udp_helper utilization vlan vlan_precedence vlan_translation vlan_translation_profile vlan_trunk voice_vlan vrrp wac wred
In the above example, all of the possible next parameters for the show command are displayed. At the next command prompt, the up arrow was used to re-enter the show command, followed by the account parameter. The CLI then displays the user accounts configured on the Switch.

1-3 Command Syntax Symbols

The following symbols are used to describe how command entries are made and values and arguments are specified in this manual. The online help contained in the CLI and available through the console interface uses the same syntax.
Note: All commands are case-sensitive. Be sure to disable Caps Lock or any other unwanted function that changes text case.
For example, in the syntax
create ipif <ipif_name 12> {<network_address>} <vlan_name 32> {secondary | state [enable | disable] | proxy_arp [enable | disable] {local [enable | disable]}}
users must supply an IP interface name for <ipif_name 12> and a VLAN name for <vlan_name 32> when entering the command. DO NOT TYPE THE ANGLE BRACKETS.
value or argument must be specified. For example, in the syntax
create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text | sha_1] <password>}
users must specify either the admin-, operator-, power_user-level or user-level account when entering the command. DO NOT TYPE THE SQUARE BRACKETS.
reset {[config | system]} {force_agree}
users may choose config or system in the command. DO NOT TYPE THE VERTICAL BAR.
more values or arguments can be specified. For example, in the syntax reset {[config | system]} {force_agree} users may choose config or system in the command. DO NOT TYPE
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
parentheses ( )
Indicates at least one or more of the values or arguments in the
ipif <ipif_name 12>
12 means the maximum length of the IP interface name.
Delete character under cursor and shift remainder of line to left.
Delete character to left of cursor and shift remainder of line to left.
Toggle on and off. When toggled on, inserts text and shifts previous
Up Arrow
Repeats the previously entered command. Each time the up arrow is
Down Arrow
The down arrow will display the next command in the command history
Left Arrow
Move cursor to left.
Right Arrow
Move cursor to right
Help user to select appropriate token.
Displays the next page.
Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be
Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be n
Displays the next page.
Displays the previous page.
preceding syntax enclosed by braces must be specified. For example, in the syntax
config dhcp_relay {hops <int 1-16> | time <sec 0-65535>}(1)
users have the option to specify hops or time or both of them. The "(1)" following the set of braces indicates at least one argum ent or value within the braces must be specified. DO NOT TYPE THE PARENTHESES.
metric <value 1-31>
1-31 means the legal range of the metric value.

1-4 Line Editing Keys

text to right.
pressed, the command previous to that displayed appears. This way it is possible to review the command history for the current session. Use the down arrow to progress sequentially forward through the command history list.
entered in the current session. This displays each command sequentially as it was entered. Use the up arrow to review previous commands.
The screen display pauses when the show command output reaches the end of the page.

1-5 Multiple Page Display Control Keys

xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be r
Refreshes the pages currently displayed.
Displays the remaining pages without pausing between pages.
Displays the next line or table entry.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text |
sha_1] <password>}
enable password encryption
disable password encryption
config account <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text | sha_1] <password>}
show account
delete account <username 15>
show session
show switch
show environment
config temperature [trap | log] state [enable | disable]
config temperature threshold {high <temperature -500-500> | low <temperature -500-500>}(1)
show serial_port
config serial_port { bau d_r at e [960 0 | 19200 | 38400 | 1152 00] | auto_l ogo ut [never | 2_minutes |
5_minutes | 10_minutes | 15_m inutes ]}( 1)
enable clipaging
disable clipaging
enable telnet {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}
disable telnet
enable web {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}
disable web
save {[config <pathname> | log | all]}
reboot {force_agree}
reset {[config | system]} {force_agree}
config terminal width [default | <value 80-200>]
show terminal width
show device_status
config out_band_ipif {ipaddress <network_address> | state [enab le | disable] | gate wa y
show out_band_ipif

Chapter 2 Basic Management Commands

2-1 create account


This command creates user accounts. The username is between 1 and 15 characters, the password is between 0 and 15 characters. The number of accounts (including admin, operator, and user) is up to eight.


create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text | sha_1] <password>}
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
admin - Specifies the name of the admin account.
operator - Specifies the name of the operator account.
power_user - Specifies a power user level account. The power user level is lower than the
operator level and higher than the user level.
user - Specifies the name of the user account.
<username 15> - Enter a username of up to 15 characters.
encrypt - Specifies the enc ryption used.
password, the length is fixed to 35 bytes long. The password is case-sensitive.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#create account admin dlink
DGS-3620-28PC:admin##create account operator Sales
DGS-3620-28PC:admin##create account user System


plain_text - Specifies the password in plain text form. sha_1 - Specifies the password in SHA-1 encrypted form. <password> - The password for the user account. The length of a password in plain-text form
and encrypted form are different. For a plain-text form password, the password must be a minimum of 0 characters and a maximum of 15 characters. For an encrypted form


Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To create the Administrator-level user “dlink”:
Command: create account admin dlink
Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.
To create the Operator-level user “Sales”:
Command: create account operator Sales
Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.
To create the User-lev el us er “System”:
Command: create account user System
Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#enable password encryption

2-2 enable password encryption


The user account configuration information will be stored in the configuration file, and can be applied to the system later. If the password encryption is enabled, the password will be in encrypted form when it is stored in the configuration file. When password encryption is disabled, the password will be in plain text form when it is stored in the configuration file. However, if the created user account directly uses the encrypted password, the password will still be in the encrypted form.


enable password encryption




Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To enable password encryption:
Command: enable password encryption

2-3 disable password encryption


The user account configuration information will be stored in the configuration file, and can be applied to the system later. If the password encryption is enabled, the password will be in encrypted form when it is stored in the configuration file. When password encryption is disabled, the password will be in plain text form when it is stored in the configuration file. However, if the created user account directly uses the encrypted password, the password will still be in the encrypted form.


disable password encryption


xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#disable password encryption
<username 15> - Enter the name of the account. The account must already be defined.
encrypt - (Optional) Spec if ies the encryption type, plain_text or sha_1.
password, the length is fixed to 35 bytes long. The password is case-sensitive.
<password> - Enter the password.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config account dlink
Enter the new password again for confirmation:****


Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To disable password encryption:
Command: disable password encryption

2-4 config account


When the password information is not specified in the command, the system will prompt the user to input the password interactively. For this case, the user can only input the plain text password.
If the password is present in the command, the user can select to input the password in the plain text form or in the encrypted form. The encryption algorithm is based on SHA-1.


config account <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text | sha_1] <password>}


plain_text - Specifies the password in plain text form. For the plain text form, passwords must
have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 15 characters. The password is case-sensitive
sha_1 - Specifies the password in the SHA-1 encrypted form. For the encrypted form


Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To configure the user password of the “dlink” account:
Command: config account dlink
Enter a old password:**** Enter a case-sensitive new password:****
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config account administrator encrypt sha_1
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#show account
To configure the user password of the “administrator” account:
*@&NWoZK3kTsExUV00Ywo1G5jlUKKv+toYg Command: config account administrator encrypt sha_1
*@&NWoZK3kTsExUV00Ywo1G5jlUKKv+toYg Success.

2-5 show account


This command is used to display user accounts that have been created.


show account




Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To display accounts that have been created:
Command: show account
Current Accounts: Username Access Level
--------------- -----------­System User Sales Operator dlink Admin

2-6 delete account


This command is used to delete an existing account.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
<username 15> - Enter the name of the user who will be deleted.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#delete account System
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#show session
8 23:37:42.270 Serial Port admin Anonymous


delete account <username 15>



Only Administrator-level users can issue this command. One active admin user must exist.


To delete the user account “System”:
Command: delete account System

2-7 show session


This command is used to display a list of current users which are logged in to CLI sessions.


show session




Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To display accounts a list of currently logged-in users:
Command: show session
ID Live Time From Level User
-- ------------ ------------ ----- --------------------
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#show switch
DVMRP : Disabled
Total Entries: 1

2-8 show switch


This command is used to display the switch inform ation.


show switch






To display the switch information:
Command: show switch
Device Type : DGS-3620-28PC Gigabit Ethernet Switch MAC Address : 00-01-02-03-04-00 IP Address : (Manual) VLAN Name : default Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : Boot PROM Version : Build 1.00.016 Firmware Version : Build 2.60.016 Hardware Version : B1 Firmware Type : EI Serial Number : D1234567890 System Name : System Location : System Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, 13 seconds System Contact : Spanning Tree : Disabled GVRP : Disabled IGMP Snooping : Disabled MLD Snooping : Disabled RIP : Disabled RIPng : Disabled
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
PIM : Disabled
PIM6 : Disabled PIM6 : Disabled OSPFv3 : Disabled BGP : Disabled VLAN Trunk : Disabled Telnet : Enabled (TCP 23) Web : Enabled (TCP 80) SNMP : Disabled SSL Status : Disabled SSH Status : Disabled
802.1X : Disabled Jumbo Frame : Off CLI Paging : Enabled MAC Notification : Disabled Port Mirror : Disabled SNTP : Disabled DHCP Relay : Disabled DNSR Status : Disabled VRRP : Disabled HOL Prevention State : Enabled Syslog Global State : Disabled Single IP Management : Disabled Password Encryption Status : Disabled DNS Resolver : Disabled

2-9 show environment


This command is used to display the device’s internal and external power, internal temperature, and fan status.


show environment






To display the switch hardware and fan status:
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin# show environment
trap - Specifies to configure the warning temperature trap.
log - Specifies to configure t he war ning temperature log.
state - Enable or disable either the trap or log state for a warning temperature event. The default
disable - Disable either the trap or log state for a warning temperature event.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config temperature trap state enable
Command: show environment
High Warning Temperature Threshold(Celsius) : 79 Low Warning Temperature Threshold(Celsius) : 11
Unit 1 Internal Power : Active External Power : Fail Right Fan 1 : Speed Low (3000 RPM) Right Fan 2 : Speed Low (3000 RPM) Right Fan 3 : Speed Low (3000 RPM) Right Fan 4 : Speed Low (3000 RPM) Current Temperature(Celsius) : 28 Fan High Temperature Threshold(Celsius) : 40 Fan Low Temperature Threshold(Celsius) : 35

2-10 config temperature


This command is used to configure the warning trap or log state of the system internal temperature.


config temperature [trap | log] state [enable | disable]


is enable.
enable - Enable either the trap or log state for a warning temperature event.


Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To enable the warning temperature trap state:
Command: config temperature trap state enable
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config temperature log state enable
high - Specifies the high threshold value. The high threshold must bigger than the low threshold.
and 500.
low - Specifies the lo w thres hold va lue .
and 500.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#config temperature threshold high 80
To enable the warning temperature log state:
Command: config temperature log state enable

2-11 config temperature threshold


This command is used to configure the warning temperature high threshold or low threshold. When temperature is above the high threshold or below the low threshold, SW will send alarm traps or keep the logs.


config temperature threshold {high <temperature -500-500 > | low <temp erat ure -500-500>}(1)


<temperature -500-500> - Enter the high thr esho ld va l ue. This value must be between -500
<temperature -500-500> - Enter the low threshold value. This value must be between -500


Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To configure a warming temperature threshold high of 80:
Command: config temperature threshold high 80

2-12 show serial_ port


This command is used to display the current console port setting.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#show serial_port
baud_rate - Specifies the baud rate value. The default baud rate is 115200.
115200 - Specifies a baud rate of 115200.
auto_logout - Specifies the timeout value. The default timeout is 10_minutes.
15_minutes - Specifies when the idle value is over 15 minutes, the device will auto logout.


show serial_port






To display the console port setting:
Command: show serial_port
Baud Rate : 115200 Data Bits : 8 Parity Bits : None Stop Bits : 1 Auto-Logout : 10 mins

2-13 config serial_port


This command is used to configure the serial bit rate that will be used to communicate with the management host and the auto logout time for idle connections.


config serial_port {baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] | auto_logout [never | 2_minutes | 5_minutes | 10_minutes | 15_minutes]}(1)


9600 - Specifies a baud rate of 9600. 19200 - Specifies a baud rate of 19200. 38400 - Specifies a baud rate of 38400.
never - Specifies to never timeout. 2_minutes - Specifies when the idle value is over 2 m inutes , the de vice w ill auto l ogou t . 5_minutes - Specifies when the idle value over 5 minutes, the device will auto logout. 10_minutes - Specifies when the idle value is over 10 minutes, the device will auto logout.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin# config serial_port baud_rate 9600
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#enable clipaging


Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To configure the baud rate:
Command: config serial_port baud_rate 9600

2-14 enable clipaging


This command is used to enable pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page. The default setting is enabled.


enable clipaging




Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To enable pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page:
Command: enable clipaging

2-15 disable clipaging


This command is used to disable pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page. The default setting is enabled.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#disable clipaging
<tcp_port_number 1-65535> - (Optional) Specifies the TCP port number. TCP ports are
numbered between 1 and 65535. The “well-known” TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 23.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#enable telnet 23


disable clipaging




Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To disable pausing of the screen display when show comm and output r eac hes th e end of the page:
Command: disable clipaging

2-16 enable telnet


This command is used to enable Telnet and configure a port num ber . The default setting is enabled and the port number is 23.


enable telnet {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}



Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To enable Telnet and configure a port number:
Command: enable telnet 23
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#disable telnet
<tcp_port_number 1-65535> - (Optional) Specif ies the TCP port number. TCP ports are
numbered between 1 and 65535. The “well-know” TCP port for the Web protocol is 80.

2-17 disable telnet


This command is used to disable Telnet.


disable telnet




Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To disable Telnet:
Command: disable telnet

2-18 enable web


This command is used to enable Web UI and configure the port number. The default setting is enabled and the port number is 80.


enable web {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}



Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#enable web 80
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#disable web


To enable HTTP and configure port number:
Command: enable web 80
Note: SSL will be disabled if web is enabled. Success.

2-19 disable web


This command is used to disable Web UI.


disable web




Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To disable HTTP:
Command: disable web

2-20 save


This command is used to save the current configuration or log in non-volatile RAM.


save {[config <pathname> | log | all]}
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
config - (Optional) Specifies to save configuration.
<pathname> - Enter the path name of the indicated configuration
log - (Optional) Specifies to save log.
all - (Optional) Specifies to save changes to currently active configuration and save logs.
Note: If no keyword is specified, all changes will be saved to bootup configuration file.
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#save config 1
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#save log
DGS-3620-28PC:admin#save all



Only Administrators and Operators can issue this command.


To save the current configuration to the bootup configuration file:
Command: save
Saving all configurations to NV-RAM.......... Done.
To save the current configuration to destination file, named 1:
Command: save config 1
Saving all configurations to NV-RAM.......... Done.
To save a log to NV-RAM:
Command: save log
Saving all system logs to NV-RAM............. Done.
To save all the configurations and logs to NV-RAM:
Command: save all
Saving configuration and logs to NV-RAM...... Done.
xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
force_agree – (Optional) Specify to immediately execute the reboot command without further
Please wait, the switch is rebooting…
config - (Optional) Specifies this keyword and all parameters are reset to default settings.
However, the device will neither save nor reboot.
system - (Optional) Spec if i es this keyword and all parameters are reset to default settings. Then
the switch will do factory reset, save, and reboot.
force_agree - (Optional) Specifies and the reset command will be executed immediately without
further confirmation.
Note: If no keyword is specified, all parameters will be reset to default settings except IP

2-21 reboot


This command is used to restart the switch.


reboot {force_agree}



Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.


To restart the switch:
Command: reboot
Are you sure you want to proceed with the system reboot?(y/n)

2-22 reset


This command is used to reset all switch parameters to the factory defaults.


reset {[config | system]} {force_agree}


address, user account, and history log, but the device will neither save nor reboot.
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