Other trad ema rk s an d trad e na m es m ay be u s ed i n th is d ocu m ent t o ref er t o ei t h er th e en t it i es c lai m in g th e ma rk s and na m es or their products. D-Link Corporation
disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.
October, 2012
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig ab it E t he r ne t Manag ed Switch
FCC Warning
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this manual, may ca use
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which c as e
the user will be required to correct the interference at their expense.
CE Mark Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Dies ist ein Produkt der Klasse A. Im Wohnbereich kann dieses Produkt Funkstoerungen verursachen. In diesem Fall kann vom Benutzer verlangt
werden, angemessene Massnahmen zu ergreifen.
Este es un producto de Clase A. En un entorno doméstico, puede causar interferencias de radio, en cuyo case, puede requerirse al usuario para
que adopte las medidas adecuadas.
Ceci est un produit de classe A. Dans un environnement domestique, ce produit pourrait causer des interférences radio, auquel cas l`utilisateur
devrait prendre les mesures adéquates.
Il presente prodotto appartiene alla classe A. Se utilizzato in ambiente domestico il prodotto può causare interferenze radio, nel cui caso è possibile
che l`utente debba assumere provvedimenti adeguati.
VCCI Warning
この装置は、クラス A 情報技術装置です。この装置を家庭環境で使用すると電波妨害を引き起こすことがあります。
この場合には使用者が適切な対策を講ずるよう要求されることがあります。 VCCI-A
Intended Readers ............................................................................................................................................................................ v
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................................................................................................................ v
Notes, Notices, and Cautions ......................................................................................................................................................... v
Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................................................................................... vi
Safety Cautions .............................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
General Precautions for Rack-Mountable Product s ......................................................................................................................................vii
Lithium Battery Precaution ......................................................................................................................................................................... viii
Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge ................................................................................................................................................. viii
Front-Pane l Components ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Side Panel Description ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Installing the Switch without the Rack............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Installing the Switch in a Rack ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Mounting the Switch in a Standard 19" Rack ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Power On ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Power Failure ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Installing the SFP Ports ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
The Optional Module .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Installing the Module .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
External Redundant Power System ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Connecting the Switch ................................................................................................................................... 16
Switch to End Node ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Switch to Switch .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Connecting To Network Backbone or Server .............................................................................................................................. 17
Introduction to Switch Management ........................................................................................................... 18
Connecting the Console Port (RS-232 DCE) ............................................................................................................................... 19
Managing the Switch for the First Time ...................................................................................................................................... 20
IP Address Assignment ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Logging in to the Web Manager .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Web-based User Interface ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
Areas of the User Interface ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Web Pages .................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Cables and Connectors .................................................................................................................................. 31
Warranties and Tech Support Information ................................................................................................ 35
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
use the copy
Boldface Typewriter
Device > Port > Port
Intended Readers
The xStack® DGS-3400 Series Manual contains infor mation for se tup and ma nagement o f the Switc h. This man ual is inte nded
for network mana ge rs fa mili ar with network ma na ge me n t conc ep t s and terminolog y.
Typographical Con venti ons
Convention Description
[ ]
Bold font
Initial capital letter
Menu Name > Menu
In a command line, square brackets indicate an optional entry. For example: [copy
filename] means that opti onally you can type cop y followed by the name of the file. Do
not type the brackets.
Indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu, or menu item. For example: Open the File
menu and choose Cancel. Used for emphasis. May also indica te system messages or
prompts appearing on s creen. For example: Y ou have mail. Bold font is also used to
represent filenames, program names and commands. For example:
Indicates comm ands and responses to prompts that m ust be typed exac tly as printed in
the manual.
Indicates a window name. Names of keys on the keyboard have initial capitals. For
example: Click Enter.
Indicates a window nam e or a field. Also can indicate a variables or param eter that is
replaced with an appropr iate word or stri ng. For example: t ype filename means that th e
actual filename should be typed instead of the word shown in italic.
Menu Name > Menu Option Indicates the menu structure.
Properties means the Port Prop erties menu option under t he Port menu option that is
located under the Device menu.
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
A NOTE indicates im portant information that helps make better use of th e
A NOTICE indicat es either potential dam age to hardware or loss of data
and tells how to avoid the problem.
A CAUTION indicat es a potential f or property dam age, personal i njury, or
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
Safety Instructions
Use the following safety guidelines to e nsure your own personal safety and to help pr otect your system from potential damage.
Throughout this safety section, the ca ution icon (
) is used to indicate cautions and precautions that need to be reviewed and
Safety Cautions
To reduce the risk of bodily injury, electrical shock, fire, and damage to the equipment observe the following precautions:
• Observe and follow service markings.
• Do not service any product except as explained in the system documentation.
• Opening or r emoving co vers that ar e marked with the tri angular symb ol with a l ightning bolt may exp ose the us er to
electrical shock.
• Only a trained service technician should service components inside these compartments.
• If any of the following conditions occur, unplug the product from the electrical outlet and replace the part or contact your
trained service provider:
• Damage to the power cable, extension cable, or plug.
• An object has fallen into the prod uct.
• The product has been exposed to water.
• The product has been dropped or damaged.
• The product does not operate correctly when the operating instructions are correctly followed.
• Keep your system away from radiators and heat sources. Also, do not block cooling vents.
• Do not spill food or liquids on system components, and never operate the product in a wet environment. If the system gets
wet, see the appropriate section in the troubleshooting guide or contact your trained service provider.
•Do not push a ny objects int o the openin gs of the syste m. Doing so ca n cause fire or electric shock by shor ting out inte rior
• Use the product only with approved equipment.
• Allow the product to cool before removing covers or touching internal components.
• Operate the product only from the type of external power source indicated on the electrical ratings label. If unsure of the type
of power source required, consult your service provider or local power company.
•To help avoid damaging the system, be sure t he voltage s election switch (if p rovided) on the po wer supply is set to match the
power available at the Switch’ s lo c a tion:
• 115 volts (V)/60 hertz (Hz) in most of North and South America and some Far Eastern countries such as South Korea
and Taiwan
• 100 V/50 Hz in eastern Japan and 100 V/60 Hz in western Japan
• 230 V/50 Hz in most of Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East
• Also, be sure that attached devices are electrically rated to operate with the power available in your location.
• Use only approved power cable(s). If you have not been provided with a power cable for your system or for any AC-
powered option intended for your system, purchase a power cable that is approved for use in your country. The power cable
must be rated for the product and for the voltage and current marked on the product's electrical ratings label. The voltage and
current rating of the cable should be greater than the ratings marked on the product.
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
•To help prevent electric shock, plug the system and peripheral power cables into properly grounded electrical outlets. These
cables are equipped with three-prong plugs to help ensure proper grounding. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the
grounding prong from a cable. If using an exte ns ion cable is necessary, use a 3-wire cable with properly grounded plugs.
•Observe extension cable and power strip ratings. Make sure that the total ampere rating of all products plugged into the
extension cable or power strip does not exceed 80 percent of the ampere ratings limit for the extension cable or power strip.
•To help protect the system from sudden, transient increases and decreases in electrical power, use a surge suppressor, line
conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
•Position system cables and power cables carefully; route cables so that they cannot be stepped on or tripped over. Be sure
that nothing rests on any cables.
•Do not modify power cables or plugs. Consult a licensed electrician or your power company for site modifications. Always
follow your local/natio nal wiring rules.
•When connecting or disconnecting power to hot-pluggable power supplies, if offered with your system, observe the
following guidelines:
• Install the power supply before connecting the power cable to the power supply.
• Unplug the power cable before removing the power supply.
• If the system has multiple sources of power, disconnect power from the system by unplugging all power cables from
the power supplies.
•Move products with care; ensure that all casters and/or stabilizers are firmly connected to the system. Avoid sudden stops
and uneven surfaces.
General Precautions for Rack-Mountable Products
Observe the following precautions for rack stability and safety. Also, refer to the rack installation documentation accompanying
the system and the rack for specific caution statements and procedures.
•Systems are considered to be components in a rack. Thus, "component" refers to any system as well as to various peripherals
or supporting hardware.
•Before working on the rack, make sure that the stabilizers are secured to the rack, extended to the floor, and that the full
weight of the rack rests on the floor. Install front and side stabilizers on a single rack or front stabilizers for jo ined multiple
racks befor e working on the rack.
CAUTION: Installing s yste ms in a rack without t he f ront and s ide sta bilizers insta lled c ould
cause the rack to t ip o ver , pote nti al l y resul tin g in bo di l y inj ury under certain c irc u m s tances .
Therefore, always install the stabilizers before installing components in the rack. After
installing s ystem/components in a rack , never pull more than one component out of the
rack on its slide assemblies at one time. The weight of more than one extended
component could cause the rack to tip over and may result in serious injury.
• Always load the rack from the bo ttom up, and load the heaviest item in the rack first.
• Make sure that the rack is level and stable before extending a component from the rack.
• Use caution when pressing the component rail release latches and sliding a co mponent into or out of a rack; the slid e rails
can pinch your finge r s.
•After a component is inserted into the rack, car efully extend the rail into a locking position, and then slid e the component
into the rack.
•Do not overload the AC supply branch circuit that provides power to the rack. The total rack load should not exceed 80
percent of the branch circuit rating.
•Ensure that proper airflow is provided to components in the rack.
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
cable is omitted or
•Do not step on or stand on any component when servicing other components in a rack.
NOTE: A qualified electrician must perform all connections to DC power and to safety
grounds. All electrical wiring must comply with applicable local or national codes and
CAUTION: Never defeat the ground conductor or ope rate the equipm ent in the absence
of a suitably installed ground conductor. Contact the appropriate electrical inspection
authority or an electrician if uncertain that suitable grounding is available.
CAUTION: The s ystem chassis m ust be positively grounded to the rack cabinet f rame.
Do not attempt to connect power to the system until grounding cables are connected.
Completed power and safety ground wiring must be inspected by a qualified electrical
inspector. An energy hazard will exist if the safety ground
Lithium Batter y Precauti on
CAUTION: Incorrectl y repla cing th e lithium batter y of the Sw itch m ay cause the b atter y to
explode. Replace this batter y only with the sam e or equi valent type r ecomm ended by the
manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer instructions.
Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge
Static electricity can harm delicate components inside the system. To prevent static damage, discharge static electricity from your
body before touching any of the electronic components, such as the microprocessor. This can be done by periodically touching an
unpainted metal surface on the chassis.
The following steps can also be taken prevent damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD):
1. When unpack ing a static-sensitive component from its shipping carton, do not remove the component from the antistatic
packing material until read y to install the component in the system. Just before un wrapping the antistatic packa ging, be
sure to discharge static electricity from your bod y.
2. When transporting a sensitive component, first place it in an antistatic container or packaging.
3. Handle all sensitive compone nts in a static-safe area. If possible, use antistatic floor pads, workbench pads and an
antistatic grounding str a p.
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
Section 1
Switch Description
Front-Panel Components
LED Indicators
Rear Panel Description
Side Panel Description
The DGS-3400 Gigabit Ethernet switches are members of the D-Link xStack
to core gigabit switches, the xStack
switch family has been future-proof designed to deliver a system with fault tolerance,
flexibilit y, port dens ity, robus t security a nd maximu m throughp ut with a u ser-friendly management interface for the networking
This manual describes the installation, maintenance and configurations concerning members of the xStack
These switches include: the DGS-3426, DGS-3426P, DGS-3427 and the DGS-3450. The xStack
configurations and basic hardware and consequentially, most of the information in thi s manual will be universal to the whole
DGS-3400 Series. Corresponding screen pictures of the web manager may be taken from any one of these switches but
the configuration will be identical, except for varying port counts.
family. Ranging from 10/100Mbps edge switches
DGS-3400 Series are similar in
DGS-3400 Series.
Switch Descrip tion
D-Link's next -generation xStack® DGS-3400 Series switches are high port-density stackable switches that co mbine the ultimate
performance with fault tolerance, security, management functions with flexibilit y and ease-of-use. All these features, typically
found in the more exp ensive chassi s-based solutions, are available from the xStack
All xStack
DGS-3400 Series switches have some combination of 1000BASE-T ports, SFP ports and 10-Gigabit po rts that may
be used in up lin king var ious netwo rk de vices to the Switc h, inc ludin g PCs, hubs and o ther switche s to p rovid e a giga bit Ether net
uplink in f ull-duplex mode. The SFP (Small Form Factor Portable) combo ports are used with fiber-op tical transceiver cabling in
order to up link various ot her networkin g devices for a gigabit link that may span great distances. T hese SFP por ts support fullduplex trans mi ssi o ns, ha ve au t o-ne go ti at ion and can be used with D EM -310GT (1000BASE-LX), DEM-311GT (1000BASE-SX),
DEM-314GT (1000BASE-LHX), DEM-312GT2 (100BASE-SX) and DEM-315GT (1000BASE-ZX) transceivers. Users may also
use one of the WDM Single Mode Transceivers, such as the DEM-330T/R or the DEM-331T/R. The rear panel of the xStack
DGS-3400 Series includes spaces for optional single-port module inserts for single port 10GE XFP or 10GBASE-CX4 modules
used for backbone uplink or stacking connection to another xStack
DGS-3400 Series.
DGS-3400 Series at the price of a stackable
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
etary SNMP
The xStack® DGS-3400 Series port options, as listed by device.
Gigabit ports
Four Combo SFP PortsTwo slots open for
single port 10GE XFP
or 10GBASE-CX4
One RS-232 DB-9
console port
NOTE: For customers interested in D-View, D-Link Corporation's propri
management software, go to the D-Link Website and download the software and manual.
Twenty-four PoE
Gigabit ports
Four Combo SFP PortsTwo slots open for
single port 10GE XFP
or 10GBASE-CX4
One RS-232 DB-9
console port
Gigabit ports
Four Combo SFP PortsThree slots open for
single port 10GE XFP
or 10GBASE-CX4
One RS-232 DB-9
console port
Gigabit ports
Four Combo SFP PortsTwo slots open for
single port 10GE XFP
or 10GBASE-CX4
One RS-232 DB-9
console port
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
Front-Panel Components
The front panel of the Switch consists of LED indicators for Power, Master, Console, RPS, and for Link/A ct for each p ort on the
Switch including 10GE Ports for optional modules and SFP port LEDs. The front panel includes a seven-segment LED indicating
the Stack ID number. A separate table below describes LED indicators in more detail. DGS-3426P also includes a Mode Select
button for changing the mode Link/Act/State to PoE.
Figure 1 - 1 Front Panel View of the DGS-3426
Figure 1 - 2 Front Panel View of the DGS-3426P
Figure 1 - 3 Front Panel View of the DGS-3427
Figure 1 - 4 Front Panel View of the DGS-3427
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
LED Indicators
The Switch supports LED indicators for Power, Console, RPS and Port LEDs including 10GE port LEDs for optional module
Figure 1 - 5 LED Indicators on DGS-3450
Figure 1 - 6 LED Indicators on DGS-3427
Figure 1 - 7LED Indicators on DGS-3426
Figure 1 - 8 LED Indicators on DGS-3426P
xStack® DGS-3400 Series L a yer 2 Gig abit Ethernet Managed Switch
LED Description
This LED will light green after powering the Switch on to indicate the ready state of the
device. The indicator is dark when the Switch is no longer receiving power (i.e powered
This LED will blink green during the Power-On Self Test (POST). When the POST is
finished, the LED goes dark. The indicator will light steady green when an active console
link is in session via RS-232 console port.
Port LEDs
10GE Ports
Combo SFP Ports
Stack ID
Link/Act/Speed and PoE
(DGS-3426P only)
This LED will light when the internal power has failed and the RPS has taken over the
power supply to the Switch. Otherwise, it will remain dark.
One row of LEDs for each port is located above the ports on the front panel. The indicator
above the left side of a port corresponds to the port below the indicator in the upper row
of ports. The indicator above the right side of a port corresponds to the port below the
indicator in the lower row of ports. A steady green light denotes a valid 1000Mbps link on
the port while a blinking green light indicates activity on the port (at 1000Mbps). A steady
orange light denotes a valid 10 or 100Mbps link on the port while a blinking orange light
indicates activity on the port (at 100Mbps). These LEDs will remain dark if there is no link
on the port.
A steady green light denotes a valid link on the port while a blinking green light indicates
activity on the port. These LEDs will remain dark if there is no link on the port.
LED indicators for the Combo ports are located above the ports and numbered 1 – 4 for
Combo 1, Combo 2, etc. ports. A steady green light denotes a valid link on the port while
a blinking green light indicates activity on the port. These LEDs will remain dark if there is
no link on the port.
These two seven segment LEDs display the current switch stack order of the Switch while
in use.
To change the LED mode from Link/Act/Speed to PoE and vice versa, press the LED
Mode Select Button. T he Li nk/Ac t/Speed L ED will l ight solid gr een when se lected and will
shut off when PoE is selected. Likewise, when Link/Act/Spe ed is s elected, the PoE LED
shuts off and the Link/Act/Speed LED lights solid green.
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